Holy Eucharist Service For April 3 2nd Easter 2016

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Anglican Church
Our Mission:
Equipping God's people for leadership, ministry & service,
welcoming and reaching out to all, in Christ's name!

2nd Sunday of Easter

The Reverend Elizabeth Sipos - Rector

32 Idylewylde Street, Fort Erie, Ontario, L2A 2L1

Ph: 905-871-6704
E: stpaul_church@bellnet.ca - | - www.stpaulsfe.com


Revd Elizabeths regular office hours:

9:00 - 4:30 Tuesday:
9:00 - 2:00
9:00 - 4:30
9:00 - 2:00
In case of Pastoral Emergency please call Phone: 289 321-1410


Service begins on p.185 of the B.A.S.

Celebrant & Preacher: The Reverend Elizabeth Sipos
Deacon: The Reverend Roderick McDowell
Music Director & Organist: Kathryn Parr
Guest Organist: Daniel Weatherholt
Intercessor: Amy Roebuck
Chalice Bearer: Charlene Joyce
Reader: Glen Lown & Amy Roebuck
Sidespeople: Glen & Janet Lown

Service begins on p.185 of the B.A.S.

Celebrant & Preacher: The Reverend Elizabeth Sipos
Deacon: The Reverend Roderick McDowell
Music Director & Organist: Kathryn Parr
Guest Organist: Daniel Weatherholt
Senior Server: Jennifer Learn
Server: Matthew Everett & William Everett
Intercessor: Patricia McLennan
Chalice Bearers: Frances Blair & MaryBeth Johnston
Readers: Michael & Shirley Stoppard
Sidespeople: Jan Reber & Vida Pitman

Prelude: The Peace May Be Exchanged by Dan Locklair

Processional Hymn

# 374 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

The Gathering of the Community

Glory to God


pg 185
pg 186

#365 Glory to God on High


The Proclamation of the Word

First Reading

Acts 5:27-32

pg 866

Second Reading

Gradual Hymn

Revelation 1:4-8

# 211 Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing


Gradual Hymn

John 20:19-31

# 211 Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing

Nicene Creed

pg 188

Prayers of the People

Confession and Absolution

pg 191

The Peace

pg 192

Offertory Hymn

# 649 Breathe on Me Breath of God

The Celebration of the Eucharist

Prayer over the Gifts
Eucharistic Prayer


pg 193

The Lords Prayer

pg 211

Breaking of the Bread

pg 212/213


Communion Hymn # 70 Jesus the Joy of Loving Hearts


Love One Another

Prayer after Communion


Recessional Hymn

pg 215

# 207 At the Lambs High Feast We Sing

Postlude: Allegro Maestoso by G. F. Handel

St. Pauls extends a warm welcome to Daniel Weatherholt
Daniel serves as the organist and Choirmaster/Director of
Music at St. Mark's in Lappans, Maryland. He also serves
as the organist at St. Andrews in Clear Spring, Maryland.

St Paul's Finances to
February 2016
Expenditures for the month
Deposits & PAP
Donations for Debt Reduction
- (YTD $4,101.25)
Revenue for the month



Deficit for February ($585.94)

YTD Deficit
Last Week to March 27
Collection & Pre-Authorized Deposits $4118.74
Special Appeals (PWRDF)
Building Restoration
$ 50.00

Cycle of Prayer
In the Niagara Diocese: St. Alban the Martyr, Glen
Williams; The Reverend Aaron Orear, Rector and
the people of that parish.
In the Diocese of Cuba: The mission of San Pablo
in Bolondrn; The Venerable Andreis Diaz Dorta,
rector and the people of that parish.

Loving God, you share with us the care of creation, and

call each of us by name. We remember that those who
encountered Jesus found acceptance, healing and the
possibility of new life; that the disciples, though
imperfect human beings, through prayer and touch
helped others to find healing in the power of your Holy
Spirit. And so in the name of the Triune God, we pray
for . . . .
Dan Byers

Roy Bragg

Jeff Byers

Bryan Berrington

Gladys Beardmore

Jason Bond

Al Carther

Catherine Dennison Jake DeBeau

Scott Lee

Rick Matthews

Daisy Midgely

Scott Miller

Tracey Nie

Mary Perrett

Gwen Patterson

Blaine Scott

Teresa Whitford

Karen Winney













God of compassion and love, we offer you all our

suffering and pain. Give us all strength to bear our
weakness, healing even when there is no cure, peace in
the midst of turmoil and love to fill the spaces of our
lives. Glory to God, from whom all love flows, glory to
Jesus, who showed his love through suffering, and glory
to the Holy Spirit, who brings light to even the darkest
places. Amen.

Events & Happenings in & around the Parish

for week of April 3, 2016
Victorian Tea - Saturday May 7th - 11 am & 1:30 pm tickets are
available, see with Frances Wright . Raffle draw tickets also available, get
yours today! see Eleanor Barnes before or after services. Jewellery
donations for the Victorian Tea would be gratefully appreciated.

St . Pauls Donations for the Local Food Bank (C.O.P.E.) and our Local
S.P.C.A. Your donations of food stuffs are greatly appreciated. A separate
basket is available for donations to the S.P.C.A.
Church Photo Directory: Photographer will be here May 18th, 19th & 20th
from 2:30 pm - 8:30 pm each day.
Book Study: Praying the Bible: The Book of Prayers. Cost of book $ 18.00
Study begins Monday May 2nd @ 7:00 p.m.

Afghan Blanket: Afghan may be seen in the Narthex outside of the Sacristy.
There is an auction sheet for your bids on the Brass lectern. Proceeds to St.

Parish Council meeting dates 7:00 pm

Parish Lounge
April 6 - June 15 - Sept 21 - Nov 23


Revd Elizabeths regular office hours:

9:00 - 4:30
9:00 - 2:00
9:00 - 4:30
9:00 - 2:00

In case of Pastoral Emergency please call -

Phone: 289 321-1410

St Nicks/Vic Ladies 9a - 1p Parkinson Support Group - 10 a.m. Choir Practice 7p
Weight Watchers @ 5:30p Knit &Crochet 7 pm
A.A. Groups - Friday, Saturday & Sunday Wheels to Meals lunch out varied schedule
Food for The Soul - 4th Saturday 11:30 - 1 pm - volunteers always welcome.
Pilates contact Linda Reid 905 871-2364

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