A Classification of Joints

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A Classification of Joints

Where two bones interconnect
Immovable joints
Synarthroses, or bony
Slightly moveable joints
Amphiarthroses, or fibrous / cartilagenous
Freely moveable joints
Diarthroses, or synovial

Synarthroses (immovable joints)

Four major types
Suture = skull bones bound together by dense connective tissue
Gomphosis = teeth bound to bony sockets by periodontal ligaments
Synchondrosis = two bones bound by rigid cartilaginous bridge
Syntosis = two bones completely fused

Amphiarthroses (slightly movable joints)

Two major types
Syndesmosis = bones connected by a ligament
Symphysis = bone separated by fibrocartilage

Diarthroses (freely movable joints)

Bony surfaces enclosed within articular capsule

Bony surfaces covered by articular cartilage
Bony surfaces lubricated by synovial fluid
Structures include
Fat pads
Accessory ligaments

Articular Form and Function

Dynamic motion
Dynamic motion
Linear motion
Angular motion

Joints classified based on type of motion permitted

Types of movement
Gliding motion
Two surfaces slide past one another
Angular motion
Flexion, extension, hyperextension
Abduction, adduction

Rotational movement
Left or right
Medial (internal) or lateral (external)
Pronation or supination in the bones of the forearm only

Special movement
Movements of the foot
Inversion and eversion
Plantar flexion and dorsiflexion
Movements of the thumb

Other movements

Protraction moves a structure anteriorly

Retraction moves a structure posteriorly
Elevation moves a structure superiorly
Depression moves a structure inferiorly
Lateral flexion bends the vertebrae to one side

Structural classification of joints

Gliding joints permit movement in a single plane
Hinge joints are monaxial joints permitting angular motion in one
Pivot joints are monaxial joints that permit rotation
Ellipsoid joints are biaxial joints that pit one bone in an oval
depression of another
Saddle joints are biaxial joints with one concave and one convex bone
Ball-and-socket joints are triaxial joints that permit rotation and other

Representative Articulations
Intervertebral articulations
Gliding joints
Vertebral bodies form symphyseal joints cushioned by intervertebral
Outer anulus fibrosus and inner nucleus pulposus
Stabilized by ligaments

Shoulder joint (glenohumoral joint)

Glenoid cavity and head of humerus

Ball and socket diarthroses
Stabilized by ligaments
Strength and stability sacrificed for range of motion

The elbow joint

Permits only flexion and extension
Hinge diarthroses
Reinforced with strong ligaments

Hip joint
Ball and socket diarthroses
Acetabulum and head of femur
Permits flexion/extension, abduction/ adduction, circumduction,
Stabilized by numerous ligaments

Knee joint
Hinge joint with incomplete articular capsule
Formed by the condyles of the femur and the condylar surfaces of the
Accessory structures help stabilize lateral movements
Permits flexion/extension, limited rotation
Supported by ligaments

Aging and Articulations

Joint problems with aging
Joint problems associated with aging
Relatively common
Rheumatism general term for pain and stiffness in muscular and
skeletal elements
Arthritis all rheumatic diseases affecting synovial joints

Bones and Muscles

Musculoskeletal system
Encompasses the extensive interactions between the muscular and
skeletal systems

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