McCain Institute 2014 990

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SCANNED AUG i9 2015 EXBENDED 8, ree a 2015 feturn of Private Foundation On Ne 3585-0052 ieicett pre cae ease area eats 20714 SeeearRcean >> information about Form 090-PF and ts separate Instructions is stwww js. aoviform920ot, Tame of foundation ‘THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 Ik Ermployeraeniieation number Tae sng ever G70 Box runter fab rat Gere ore as) 4702 N DROMEDARY RD Troms Telephone number (202) 362- 1949 ty or tow, seo provnce county, and 2 or forean postal cade PHOENIX, AZ 85018 ‘T Cheakalrnat opp L_] naalrotans LI ratte ofa former pubhe cary Co Frat rer 1 assess change WGhea ype ororganaaton — LK] Sete section 494719) nonexemp chant 2) amended return TJ tame change, 501(¢,) expt pate foundaton trwst_] other taxable prvate foundation [ove won apaeaton pending. ecko eL—] Jo 1.Foreqn organiatons, check here PL] 2 cowpepemnme reset wy] J tpnateouneaton status was terminated ‘under section 507(0}(1)(A), check here B+] T far mare vate oases tend yea | Alzoming mabe. [XI xn [—THoc0a |r we ounaton sna 60-ronth raat, (trom Part ol), ine 16) Cooter pees under seton SO7R))(8} check Ree el bs 8.770 , 436 .\Per cok (mt TTT BET Partl aa TRE and penis (a) Revenue and (0) Net invesiment (e)Adsiod net Weare msl etamansinenemecisstermerne | etgences per banks income ‘aeome ener 1 grants, ete, recewed 1,305, 000,| N/K ee 3. Scvienmongt ere 4 Dividends and interest from securibes 1,573. 221,573.| STATEMENT 1 $1 Goss ens 9] 62 net guns om sl oases not rte 1 _176,163.| ee enceneme tess ee erences 31 capt gua rt vse er Pot. ne 2) 176, 163.| 2) netsnri © come mod eatonsFxECEIWED « Gossproit fabs) AUET 8-201 11 oterncon 42_Toul. ade es 1HOBDEN, UT. T,702,736.| 397,136. er 0: os 0: 1 fer emesis anwane _ | 18 Penson prs, oles berets 8) tea Lepatrees: STMT 2 105,355. 0. 8] » accountng xs STMT 3 41,906. 0.) AB] © Other professional fees. STMT 4 54,075. 29,354. 3] 17 inert Bite Taxes smut 5 (19,367, 3,655.1 oT | 18 cuprecaton and epon Elen ccisacy 21 Trove, conterences, and meetings: 1,056] 0. 0. ‘Zl 22 Prmng and pubieatons 29 ouer expenses STMT 6 65,576] 31,202, z 3) 24 ttl eprang ane agniscatne B} expenses. Add lines 13 through 23 291,379. 64,451. oO. 9125 Contributons, gis, grants pard 1,500, 000.| 1,500,000. 2 Tot expense and dabusemen Add nes 24 and 25, PLL ERE ER 64,451. 1,500,000. FA Sibactine 26 ton te TE 8 Excess otravsoun ove <88, 643. 'b Net investment income ornogatme, ents -0+) 333,285, E Adjsiad ance aga 2) NTR FFTs ris For Paperwork Recuction Act oto, se nau, Form 980-PF (2015) Pp forgo. go) ‘THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 page? Tideeoainnaanaintecace Balance Sheets ‘iietmurseorntsyarnacte Began oye Endot year Taboo Vas Tsar vane eran vane 7 Gash nonsnlerest bean 2 Swungs and temporary cash investments ‘3 Accounsrecanadle Less alowance for cogulaccouns 139,893, 26, 426. 526,446. 4 Pages recenable Lest alowangs or CodBHaTaecoun 5 Grants recenabie 6 Recerabls cue rom ofcers, vectors, wastes, and ater ‘esquaited persons 7 cnerosnennaniene > Less atowanes for doubt accounts 1 overtones forsale or use 8 Prepaid expenses and cetered charges 10a lovestments US, a state government obligations 0 Investment corporat stock STMT 7 «Investments - corporate bonds 17 voesmnsdauigs mene ie > Ascete 7275, 219. 2713, 30 12 bvesiments “morgage bars 13. Investments aber STNT 8 14 Land, budngs, and equpment bass a erm een ¥ 3,737, 035. F823, 002. T7986, 283. 48 omer assets cesenbe 16-Tota asses (tobe completed by alles -se0 he instructons so, seepage, em) 8,152,207. 8,062,878. 8,770,436. ‘Accounts payable and aceued expenses 18. Grant payable 19 Detered revenue 20 ews tom cca secon rao we 21 Mortgages and otter noes payable 2 Ofer tables (aeserde Lisbil 23_Total abilives (24s wns 1 though 22) nd complete ines 24 trough 26 i 24 unesvies 25, Temporary rested 25 Permanently restneted #30 an4 3. and complete ines 27 through 3, 27 Capa stoc, rust rnc or current funds 28 Padan or capa! urls, or bn, bg, and equ ment end 29. Retanedearmgs, ccumused ncome, endowment or abe funds [30 Tota net asses or fund balances Not Assets or Fund Balances Tota abies and net aseteane balances Foundations tha follow SFAS 117, check here >I Foundations that do nottollow SFAS 117, check here b> CX) 07] , 152,207. 8,152,207. 8,152,207. am ‘Analysis of Changes i Net Assets or Fund Balances ‘Ta netaszes or fund balances a Bepnnng ot year Par coum a tne 90 (nustagree with end-o yar gue reports on pie year’ retun) [1|__8,152,207. ‘2 Emer amount tom Part ne278 2 1643.> 2: er ncreasts ot lied he 2 (ems) [3] Oe 4 Ag ines 1,290 3 [4 8,063,564. § Decreases not mcluded in ine 2 (temee) PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT. [st 686 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (ine 4 minus tne 5) - Part, column (), ne 30 [s{ 8,062,878. en Form 990-PF (204) Form 990-PF (2014) THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 Pages Part IV] Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e.g. realestate, Toye acaureT T(e)Date acquired (6) Date sold (hoy bak wrchausesor Common see 200 oe LC Co} Feuer | Gama | Geass We PUBLICLY TRADED_SECURTTIES F-VARTOUS—| VARTOUS » CAPITAL GAINS DIVIDENDS ‘ yamaepe agcatan sawed | Tatra aba bse Tamers) Chieti (oraovabie) Dus expense ol sale (e} plus ch anus (0) 2 6,350, 491.| 6,180, 702.| 169, 789~ > 6,374. ¢ a a OT To wR OT TT Tea eee Sane ae coracarcraaves | OepRatos wees (areas a 169,789. > 6,374. ‘ Taio 2 cantlcannatnconsereetepttees) {iether --nPat hie? 176,163 2 ett capa ir os) a tnd scons 225) (5 Maom tooenrinpat ine cen) We Ieee Pat ine N/A [Patt V"[ Gcantication Under Section ABAU(S Tor REdUCEd Tax oF NET Investment RCORE (aoa by ome rae Tousen spe secon 40a) on nln neOTE) sein 440012) psa pa ase onto abort ston 42x on edt amount oan year mbes pea? Ove En Wes: fanon dors ot uh unde ecto 50), Dnt cone is Bot 1 Err rp STO EC Vt co OT Base pusyens 2% © vada ato cain RPE aamenm | Aiietcaiiva debtor | nevauectoneerabouceasas | oa BABIN oy 2013 500,000. 8,283, 364,| 060362 2012 500,000. 7,237, 627,| 069083 Sort 2010 2008 2 Totti, co) 2 129445 2 Aree dso aofr the ea bs pra = ie tan ne 25, orb umber ots theft fs bea nue san ys 3 2064723 4 Enter the net value of nonchantable-use assets for 2014 from Part X, line 5 4 8,760,585. 5 Mulbply line 4 by tne 3 5 567,011. & Ear otamesinan nce (1% of Pa ne 270 ‘ 3,333. T Add lines 5 and 6 7 570,344. & Enter qualtying distributions from Part Xi, ne 4 8 1,500,000. tna 8 equator ares than ine 7, check he Box mPa. ne Tb, ane eompate tha part ung a 1 taxa, Ser he Pan Vi nstuetons Tar race Form 980-PF (2014) Forn9s0-% 2014) __ ‘THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 paged [Part Vi] Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Sect fon 4940{a), 4040(b), 4040(e), oF 4948 - see instructions) "Exempt operating foundations deserbed section 4540(0)2), check rere De LI and enter WAT one 1 Date ot uing or determination ete: (uae copy of eter if necessay-see Instruction) 'b Domestic foundations that meet the sachon 4S40(e) requirements in Part, check here Be CX] and enter 1% 4 3,333. Pat be 274 € Alter ameste ounatons ener 2% ofine 270, Exempt oogneganzatons ene 4% of Part, Ane 12,0) ‘2 Taxunder section 511 {domestic section 4847(a)( 1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Otners enter -0-) 2 oO. 3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 3,333. 4 Sill (come) x (domes secon 4047()) but anal aunts ony. Obese) [al o '5-Tuxbasedon investent come, Svein 4 om ie 3.2 oF ws et Cs [ 33. 8 Credts-Payments 14.2014 estmated tax payments and 2019 overpayment redid to 2018 be 5,766.) Exempt foreign eganatins tax winhe st source ® ¢ Tax ai wth appleaton for estersion ot tne to te (Form 8868) be 1,000. 4 Backup winholding evoneousy withheld 8a 7 Total res an payments, Ad ines 6a through 66 8 Enter any penaty for underpayment of estimated tax. Cheek here [] orm 2220 1s ataches © Tax due th tla of nes 8 andes more tan ine 7, ener amount owed [ 10 Overpayment ne 7s more tan the ttl of nes Sac 8, entre amount overpaid > [ae EPLEE] 14_Enter the smountof in 10to be: Credited to 2015 estimated tax D> 3,433 s|netundea [14 [Part VI-A] Statements Regarding Activities “x Duing the x year, did he foundation amp to fluence any ratonal sae, or cl epsavon ord partapate or mlervene in Yes[No any poles! eampaign? ie x bid spend mare than $100 dunn the year (ether dec or ndecty for polteal purposes ste nstructons forthe deteation}? te x the answer's "Yes" to 19. yp 2ttach a detafed desenpton of the actutes and copies of any matenals published or ‘stnbuted by the foundation in connection wih the actos «Did the foundation he Form 1120-POL or ths ear? cs x <4 Emer the amount (any) o x on plica expendtures(secton 4955) imposed cunng the year (1) Oate foundation. Be $ O.. (2) Ontouncaton manages. «Ener me empursement it any) pad by the Tounaaton dng the year for poll expen tax mpoRed on fundaon manages. § Oe any Sces ta have no previous been reported othe IRS? 2 x 2. Has the toundabonengag Yes," attach a detaled descrotion ofthe actwtes ‘Haste foundaton mage any changes ot previous repre to the IRS, ns governing mstrument, arb of incorporation or bylaws, oc her sma nstuments? If Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes 4.0 te foundavon have ureltedbusness gross ncome of $1,000 or mae ung the yer? "Yossi ed 2 tax etm on Form 680-1 fr this year? N/A 15 Was tereaiqudaton, rmination, dissolution, er eutstantal convection dunng the year? 11 *¥es, attach the statement requred by Genera instruction T 6 Arete requrements of secton508() rg to sertons 494% trough 445) sas ether ‘By lanquagein he govering ntrument or © by state essaton hat etectvely amends the governing instrument so thal no Mandalary drecbns that comic wi the stat aw ‘aman te goverang nstument? iste foundabon havea as $5,000 m assets at any te during the yea? I “Ves, complete Part cl. (9), and Part XV Enter the statis o whieh ne foundation reports or win which epstered ste instructions) AZ 1 ite answer Ves to eT asthe foundabon lunsneda copy of Far 680-F toe Aor General or Gesgnal) ofeach stat as cequred by General Instruction G? if Ne," attach explanation 8 Is th foundatan clang status 2 pra operating fundston thn the meaning of secton 4942()() or 4942(N8) fr calendar yar 2014 ote taxable year Beginning in 2014 (se stuetons for Part XW)? If "Yes," camplate Part XIV 40_Did any persons become substan contours dung the x21? Wve" atch ssondse ining borne eedsnnes STMT 9 fale w|x wl Form 990-PF (2014) Form $90-PF (2014) THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 Page § [Part VIFA | Statonrents Regarding Activiies conind) i" Nanya ex, eon Gee nec own and wy wae pT tectonic eta (ne ston) ul |x 12 babe tometer nates dateten a covr abveed now wheh enon re duit peso had avy pees? Wane set (tors) wl |x 18 Dale anton con win he pte nspeinreureen os aon ens and exept apts? a1 ‘Website agdeess Be N/A. Ween stn cou CBRER BODY ron a 202 ST Located at » 4200 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW, #312, WASHINGTON, DC ZPe4 20016 15 Section 4947(a)(1} nanexempt chantable trusts lng Form 990-PF in beu of Form 1041 -Check here. >I ander be ont often letter oy er hLap_wya 18 Alay be ng oar e216 anon hen est ra sar heaton bt, Wves] No treba oo iaea ent ns ey cst? wf LX Sev tn nace enon bt ang earner a om 14 (omy TDF 90.221 eer eran fovos comes B [Pa VIC [Statements Regarding Activities Tor WHIch Fann 4720 May Be Required ile Form 47201 an er checkedn te *es" colunn unless an exception pps es[ Ne tute a be rar (nb wee) (1 Erne mo se ean oases popty wha cud peor? va Bw (2) Boron mony ton, none rae eed cet (re tea) deauulaepenor? ver OI wo (Fane ots or eta (rai eto ae pon? Sve Gow (i Payconpsor or gor tense Be noes: Senne eon? ve we (8) Tantran econ osname puro ay al tv fortr ue fataad psn? ve Oo (0 Aytetopayony ore ape oa? (xe, che the enctn aed oe gar nemo cel peed ae termeaon gone see ¢ wn wane 9c) ve 00 no bananas Ye a) 09 tye el tun ner cess deere evans secon s848¢)2ermacoen eee eudog das asc (ae atts? wa [w Orinsins hog care he parng str atsbce re Oo ¢ Dain tuo entry many acs esd or Han cep ab, al wee rl coed bere ett oy begengn 047 el |x 2 Tres on ard come econ <4) (os lap tye ton sas rte pang ncn teed secon) 8) «iin ed ox e204 enon hat nd lncame ns ed Par trang faeaat? Co ves C0 Me ite yeas » dete ay ese a OR oT WTB anton TTT Vn valor tt) oe years undoes cane gpg eine) yee eer anh Sumer tacos) wa [a «hme drenon tein <420)2) a beg agenda angles ae 2 tn yu > : $4 ttn nen ee ey es aT engthyar vw Hw o Yer ave xs bess ons n204 5st phase ye unson aguledperaer a2, eps tn Sex pdr ne pros poy Conon nto 947) pase cing acaedy tr bec (wed be 1020 eps lag pee? be Souci, Form 4720, to determne the foundston had excess business hokings m 2014) n/a | ‘ae uta vet sn yay aunt ar lw apres carob uote? eT Dx Oe lanson rte ny mesos rer eats Deco 3,19) alc pope te ar pupeePa tude nnd ton po) beara ee ye eng OE? ol lx Form 990-PF (014) Formoeorr wow) __'THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 paseo [Part VII-b [Statements Regarding Activitios for Which Form 4720 May Be Required (caninved) 5 During the yard te foundabon payor mcr any amount (1) Garry on propaganda, or otherwse attempt to inuence lepslaton (secton 4945(e))? ves CX) wo (2) ntuene the outeome of any spect pubic elecon (ex secton 4958) oro cay on det or inet, ‘any voter epstration ive? Ci ves CX) no {8) Provide a grantto an indevidual for travel, study, or oer similar purposes? Co ves CX) wo (6) Prondea ganic an oranzaton ahr tana chartable, et, organzaton destrbedm section 4945(6)(4)(A1? (soe instructons) ves CX] no (8) Prone tor any purpose ote tan religous, charfabe, seni, Mara or efurabonal urpses or for the prevention of crusty to children or animals? ves CX] no ‘any angers eto (318), any theransactons a to quay unr th excptons sere m Regustons steton 53.4945 orm curent nae regarding Gsasterasstance (se nsbucton)? w/a | s COrganizatons relying ona current notice regarding disaster assistance check here > « Ite answer "est queston S(t), does the oundaton cam exerpbon rom th tax beease Xt mainte ‘expenditure responsibilty forthe grant? N/A (hve Oto 11 Yes, attach the statement required by Reguitons sechon 53 4945-5( 6 Due loundaton cur re yet, econ any uns, recy or ney, pay remus on ‘a personal benetit contact? Cl ves G0) to » Dane oundaton urna tne yer, pay remus, oct o aves, on a personal tenet contac? o| |x Ut ¥es* to 6b, le Form 870 ‘Ta Atany tne during the tx year, was the foundation a party to a prohibte tax shelter transachon? ves CX) to esc ne foundaton cee ay processor fave any net ncomeatribtble othe barsactor? w/a_[7e Part Vill | Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, High Paid Employees, and Contractors, gers Fishy ‘Boa Se, TEN aS TTS ORO SESE [tear | See | Se interests ee [gone ae | ee FEE ERO RUSTE {770g N-DROMEDRRY =| PHOENIX, AZ 65016 1.00 0. oe RICEIAR-G=-FOST RUSTE roan pROwsoARY ==] PHOENIX, AZ 85018 1.00 o 0. Oe Dave BERRY RUSTE $2702-W-DROMEDRRY =>] PHOENIX, AZ 85018 1.00 o 0. Oo. STO ST SG A SAE RU TE OE wena TEE | EERE eee wiemeenonmsetsne | eGi abn _[C0emennie |e | AEE HORE ‘Total umber of other employees pad over 850000 eI v Ferm 900-PF (2014) Fomsso-rrzo1s) ‘THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 _pae7 art VIll_] Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (contnvec) 3 Five ughest paid independent contractors for professional servos, Wane, enter NONE Toya ed srs of eth person pa rea S000 team ‘eycaensaion GAPEIN-& DRYSDALE — ONE THOMAS CIRCLE, NW, SUITE 1100, WASHINGTON, DC 2005-5802 LEGAL 105,399. JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NA. 270 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK,NY 10017-201¢_—nvestwenr 60,586. “otal uma hr eng ove $5,000 x preesal eress e o [Part T. Form 990-PF De) Formgsovr (201) THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 rae [Part T minimum tavestment Return ix domeate undstons mist compete the pat. Foragn foundatens see nattons) Far Rae ae aR Fa ad OT) wa OTN, IE 4 Average monthly far market value of secunties: we 8,287,048. ‘b Average of monthly cash balances: Ty 606,947. € Farmaco ses ie @ Total (add ines ta, b, andic) 46 8,895,995. ¢ fs sed tae rahe rptd on insta ‘s(n ate est) mn 2 Acqussiton indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets: 2 O. 3 Subtract ine 2 trom ine td 3 8,893,995. 4 Cash renee orchestra 3 (gee amount se ston) 4 133,410. 5 Netvaiue of noncharitable-use assets. Subtract line 4 from ine 3. Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 8,760,585. imum nesinet eS oat 736-0752 Part Xt | Distributable Amount ce nsoieva Seton OU ad ae peng RTO GO foreign organzanons check here p> [__] and da nat complete this part.) Minimum vovestment return from Part X, ine 6 7 438, 025~ 2a Tarcnmesinent neame or 2% ts Pat Vn a 3,333. © Ince fr 20 Th etn erm Pat) 2 © Add Imes 2a and 2b 2 3,333. 3 Distributable amount before adjustments, Subtract ine 2c from hne 1 3 437, 696~ 4 exoees of anon aed se ay estos 4 U: 5 Add lines 3 and 4 5 _ 434,696. & beitcton am état amoun (seston) . 7 7D anorts ue Station un 5, Ene hr adn Pat ne f TIE 656. [Fart XT] qualifying Distributions oe nsructon) 1 a ng a pT RONG aD a Expenses, contnbutons, gts, etc - total from Part l, column (d), Ime 26. ta 1,500,000. 1 Program-related investments - total from Part (X-B Ty o- 2 knots paca sei se (rors cag ou hr ee, pupses 2 3. know seeder stot arate opt ss be soy er FS apr eared) os 2 cash dion tt teh enn eed) 5 4 uathng esters. esa toup 3b heard oP ne and Pa ne 4 T5000 5 aunts at uy uc sectlon 0 te ced atone etn income, Enter 1% of Part |, ine 270 5 3,333. 6 Adjusted qualitying distributions. Subtract lin § tram hne 4 6 1,456,667. Note. The amount on ne 6 wll be used Par, coli (tn subsequent years whan cleulng wheter th oundsbon qual or he section 4940(0) redvton a tax make year, Fon 900-PF (0TH forngsortg0) THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION Undistributed Income emstrctons) 45-4556648 paseo w corpus @ Years prior to 2013 a 2013 @ 204 1 Detibuabe amount for 2014 fom Part x, tne? 434,696. 2 Unasrtues ana. an a8 cf enact ‘Enter avout fr 2013 oniy Total for pie yeas: 18 Exess disttons cary, any, to 2014; From 2009 From 2010 From 2011 ‘From 2012 [Taz 2667] From 2013 91,204.) 1 Total ot ines a through 233,470. 4 Oualiyng distrbutons fr 2018 om Pari, ined: §__1, 500,000. aAppled to 2013, bul mot more than ie 23 bAgped to undistributed ncome of prot years (Zectonrequred se iastuctons) Treated as dstnbutons out of corpus (Ghctonrequted-seenstuctons) «hoped t 2014 dsrouabe amount ‘eFemaning amount dstnbutedoutotcopus | 1,065, 304.1 G54, 656. O. a imatbochownetsauentd) 6 Enter the net total Indleated below: cau 1,298,774.) Por yes’ undstraued income. Subtract ne 4 rom ine 2 € Emer the aunt of pot years’ Uundsiibclesneame for whic a note of iency has Deen sue, oF on wtih ‘he seetan4942(0)taxchas Been prevoushy assessed Surat ine 6e tom ine 6, Taxable amounts structions Undstrbuted income for 207, Subtract ne strom ine 2a Taxable amount - 2 Inst 1 Undsinbvted income or 2014, Subtact nes &d and rom be 1. Ths amount must bedstrbutedn 2015 17 Amounts tested as dtrdubons out ot ‘corpus to sats requeements imposed by section T7O(OK 1} 0 4942(9N3) (Econ ‘maybe requiced see mstuctone) 0. 8 Excess astrbtons carver rom 2008 rot applied on ine Sa ine 7” 0. Subtactnes 7 and 8 rm ine 6a 1,298,774, 10 Ans aine 8 sce rom 2010, betess tom 2011 cess fom 2012 142, 266, dscess om 2013 91,204, stweston2014 | T, 065,304. Form 990-PF (2014) Fomss0-PF go) ___'THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 Pane 10 [Part XIV [Private Operating Foundations (see nstruchons and Par Vira, question WE a Whe foundation fas reened a ring ox deteminhon ear tat ts a pate operating ‘ouncan, nde rung ws tect for 207, ena dato te ung » b Greek boxioinsetewhatbar he founcaton pat eperatgfounestondscrbed secon _Tasayay ee Lea) 2 a Ee the lesser ofthe ated et Tax yest Prorsyeas income for Pat or he minum Treats uk Ta ora (eyTout rvestment ret frm Pat for cach yearisted 85% of ine «© Ouaiyng dtnoutons tom Part, neo each year istee 4 Amouns intded mine 2¢ not used ciety for arte conduct of xemptacttes halving dstrautons made duecty foc actueeonduet of expt acts, Suatectline 28 rom ine 2¢ 3 Compet 3,2, or forthe erate test ees upon a Tasets aerate test enter, (1) Vaveotatassets (2) Valu of asses uaityng nde secon 4942 19KX) done ataratve ae antr 2.3 ofmnimum invesimen tun ‘Shown Par ne for each year isto “Suppor aternatve test enter, (1) Total support ote than gross investment income ints), aadends, rents, payments Gn Seeurtes loans (seston 512(ay5), 0 eyes) (2) Supprt trom general pub ingdormoreenph Srgancitons as praged a Shan 4882()¢S18)0), (3) Largest amount support trom ancrempt ocgaruaton (4) Grose mvestrent income Part XV | Supplementary information (Complete this part only if the foundation had $5,000 or moro In assols at any time during the year-see instructions.) 1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers: 4 Lstany manapar fhe foundation who have contuted mere than 2 of ett contrbutons eclved bythe foundation befor the seo nyt year (bony they hav contnbuted mor than $5,000. (See secbon S072). NONE List any maapers fhe foundation who own 10% or more a the stock afacorparaon (ora equal ge parton othe onnerahip fa pareshp or ‘ter ent) of wien fe oundabon nas a 1% or retreat NONE 2 Information Regarding Contribution, Grant, Git, Loan, Scholarship, ete, Programe! ‘eck ere PLAC] ite foundaton only makes contrast preselected charableorganlatons and doesnot accep unsotie request or funds. the foundation makes ts, grants, et. (ste nstuctons) to nda or organaahons under aber condone, cpl hms 23, Rd d 1 Te name, addres, and leone number or e-aladoress athe porson to whom appatons shouldbe adaresed The orm m whch appations should be siatled and wVormaton and ales oy shoud eh: Ay subassion Oran ‘Any resicons or wnahons on avars, such as by geographical areas, chartable els, nds of msttons, One TROT Tera Form 990-PF (014) Fumowoetgow) THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION [Part XV] Supplementary information (connues) 45-4556648 _Pagett Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future P a Ten Tanantaires Gonwwrones) | gaipamenmens, | sats! Sere eoerrea i aan pee Tadic lame pared oo 7 eo Toul ra 500,000, Farm 980-PF (2014) Form 900-96 2014) THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION ‘Analysis of Income-Producing Activities 45-4556648 pop 1 Enter goss arvounts uss ohare nda 1 Program serve revenue TRIE BSE HET oie @ ameunt eke o runt @ Aetated or exempt function eam (9. Fees and contac fom government apenoes 2 Membership des and assessments 3 Interest on savings and tmporry cash vestments 4 Dardends and terest rom secures §5 Not ental mome or (ass) om rea estat 4 abenanced property Not ebt-snanced propery 6 Nat rental come or (oss tom personal ropery 17 Otter iavesment ncome 8 Gano os) trom sls ot assets omer tan ventory {9 Not come or (oss) kom specal evens 10 Gross prota (ss) rom sales otmvetary 11 Otter revenue: Tal 221, 573, 1s) 176,163 | 12 Suit Aba colmmns Oh (a), ane) 18 Tota. Ai ine 12 columns (0), (4), and (e) (Seo worghost in ne 13 nsucons to erty esevatone) 357, 736 Te Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes Tine Wa ¥ 397, 736 plan below now each acbly for winch come reported col (9) af Par VTA cntbued wipornly Toa accomplshen ot tne foundation's exarpt purpose (ota han by proving nds fr such purposes). Form 990-PF (oie) fomsiore Go) _ THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 pages [Park XVII Information Rogarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Nancharltable Exempt Organizations “Tit crpantzaton creer rey engage any fe awn wi any eb orancatondearbedw srion SOVC) oT [Yes] No ‘he Cote oer tan steson 5(¢9) rpanzatons) orn secon 827, resting to pola erankzatans? 1 Tenses rom te report oundaton toa noneartable exert eganiaton ot, (DOI aes wee oe oe cn] | x (2) ore ases fetes wen ne ue ven ml acl) » ner ransactone: (1) Sales oases oa nonchartablexemptrgaNZADON . [men] | x (2) Purctases oases tom anoschartabe exempt euanaton fe X. (3) Ronalot eles, equipment, or ober aces 9] 1X (4) Rerousenert arrangers eit |X (6) Loans or kan quaratoes o)f 1 (6) Pertormance of saves or membership or talingsolertatons . roel Shang of acne, equpmen, mang ks ote ases opal enpoyes cot ee 4 ite arsver oan ofthe shove wYos coTpt be fodowng Scheu, Clu (baud ays Show te fae markt va of Be goods, oer asses, cr serves ghen bythe reporing funds, Ie foun receved es than a ravkt van ary bansaion or shang arangeer showla olan (Ba of goods, oer assets, sevice reeved. cs] Oyu i arab ETON NK "Bs Be anda ety onde aad wi of ed, oe wore x ren Organatons sabe ‘in secton 501(c) ofthe Code (other han secbon 501{¢),3) or in secbon 5277, Doves (lm > es" comple he foowin hele (yiane of organo Tipe oormnaror Tego oT eT WTR, Rel pO lg TITS ace pasar oT oR 5 Ti 7 Fine peers Fp oi wT TP _ | JENNIFER SARAJIAN : set enpyed Pea | STONE 8/10/15] 200833856 Preparer |Frnsnane P ANDERSEN TAK WLC Femeen 33-1 Use Only eaawaeGT TECT INTERNATIONAL DRIVE MCLEAN, VA 22102 Proneno. (571) 382-0020 Fain 990-PF (01) Schedule B Schedule of Contributors oust wetcne? (Form 980, 090-E2, > Attach to Form 990, Form 990-EZ, or Form 990-PF. Sen ee > inrmaton out Sees B Ferm 200, 00-E,o 000 PF and 2014 Irremat evarue berce its Instructions is at www.ts,gov/torm990 + Tame a te ergerzavon pir entiation name? HE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 Treaneaton peek ee) Form 990 or 990-62 3) sor(ex (enter number) organization 1. 4947(a(1} nonexempt chartable trust not treated as a private foundation © 827 pottical organzstion Form 90°F [1 501(c)) exempt prvate foundation F) 4847(0y1) nonexempt charitable trust treated es a prvate foundation, [1 501(cxa) taxable private foundation ‘Ghack your erganaban s covered by the General Rule oa Special Rule, Note. Only a section 501(¢(7). (8. (10) erganzation can check boxes for both the Ganeral Rule and a Special Rule. Soa instruction. General Rule C1 For an organization ting Form 990, 980-62, or 990-PF that recawed, dunng the year, contributions totaing $5,000 or more (m money oF property) from any ene contributor. Complete Pats | and I Seesstructions fr determiring a contributor’ total contributions, Special Rules [1 Foran organization descnbed i section 501) ing Form 990 or 99082 that met the 33 1/39% support test of the regulabons under sections 509{a(t) and 17000), that ehacked Schedule A (Form 960 or 900-E2), Pat I, ne 13, 16a, oF 168, anc that raced from ‘any one contributor, dusing the year, total contnbutions of the greater af (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% ofthe amount on () Form 990, Pat Vl ine th or (i) Farm B90EZ, tne 1 Complete Pats and I 1 For an organzation described in secton 801{¢N7) (8), oF (10) fing Form 990 or 9902 that racewed from any one contnbutor, dunng the year, total contrbutons of more than $1,000 exclusiva fr religous, chanable, cient, Merry, or educational purposes, o for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. Complete Parts Il, nd 1 Foran organization desenbed in section 501(c)(7), (8), oF (10) fing Form 990 or 990.EZ that receaved from any one contnbutor, dung the year, contnbutions exclswely for agious, chartable, ec, purposes, but no such contributions totaled mare than $1,000. Ithis box Is checked, enter here the total contributions that were recewved dung the year for an exclswely eligious, chartable, ec, purpose. Do not complete any ofthe parts unles the General Rul apples to ths organzation because received nonexcluswely religous, chantablo,et.,contnbutions toting $5,000 or more curing the year ms Caution. An erganeation thats not covered by the General Rule andr the Special Rules does not fie Schedule 8 (Form 990, 990.2, or 990PF), butt must answer “No” on Part, ine 2 of Form 990, or cheek the box on ine H of ts Foren 990£2 or on ts Form 99OPF, Part ine 2,10 cer that does not meet the fing requrements of Schedule B (Form 960, 990EZ, oF 290?) AA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 000, 990-62, or 6O0-PF, SeheduleB (Fm 880, 80-2, oF 990PF) (2014) ‘Schedule B (Form 990, 9902, or 990-F (2014) Page2 Name of organization Enployeriderieaton number THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 Partl Contributors (see mstructons) Use duplcate copies of Part if adeitonal space is needed. @ o @ @ No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 ‘Total contributions “Type of contribution ROYAL EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA Person CX) Payot! =] 601 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVUENUE, NW 1,000,000. | Noncash [=] (Compete Part for WASHINGTON, DC_20037 ‘noncash contnbutions ) (@) ©) @ (a Now Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Total contributions ‘Type of contribution, JOHN C. WHITEHEAD Person CX] Payot! ) 666 FIFTH AVENUE NEWYORK, NY 10103 5,000. | Noncash [=] (Compete Part for reneash cantnbutions ) @ @ @ No. Name, ad ‘Total conuibutions __| Type of contribution ERANDA FOUNDATION Person CX) Payot §= ) PO BOX 6226 LEIGHTON BUZZARD, LUT OXF, UNITED KINGDOM 300,000. | Noncash [7] (Compete Part itor eneah cantnbutions) @ Name, address, and ZIP + 4 o 1 Total contributions _| type of contribution Person [1] Payrott = () Noneash [=] (Compete Part for oncash contabutons} @) No. @ @ Total contributions _| Type of contribution Person [_] Payot! = [—) Noneash [—] (Compete Part for reneash centnbutions @ No. C Name, address, and ZIP + 4 @ @ ‘otal contributions “ype of contribution Person =] Payot] Noneash [—] (Compote Parti tor rencash contnbutions) SEvaGaTe Bo G90, HOTEL, wr BOOP TOTAL ‘Scheculo B (Form 990, 9902. 6 990PF) 2014) ine THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 Part ll Noneash Property (ne nstucors) Use pone copes Par al pace eed a 0 te 5 eww @ from sscription of noncast jiven for estimate) ate receive om Deserpon ot nates propery Fo ertiat) Dateretehed a we ® tom Description ot nanesh reper sven Fe or xia) Dotracohed 7 © No. b) (a) from Description of noncash prog jiven uly ix cetera) receives Port! i eae {ee instructions) Date received a No. ©) ty (a) from Description of noncash property given rome te course) Date received fom (eeeletucton) a No. oe) oy (a from Jescription of noncash pre iven rane te cee oy No. ® ene oy from Description of noncash property given (or estimate) Date received fom (setnowucons} ‘SebeduTeb Far 89, BOL, oF COOP) (ZOTA) ‘Schedule B (orm 980, 990£2, or 9907) (2014) ame oforganzaion ontibutar. Complete coh Use duplicate copies of Pan iit adator mes ( ough (2) ande folowing ine ney. Fr eaieers vim rari vi, canons 81000 yeu fr oe] PPS space 6 needed, Page glover TAACaTON war 45-4556648 TRS. By (©) Purpose o itt (e1Use of git (6) Description of how gifts held (e) Wanster of git “Teansteree’s name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of wansferor to transferee Tayne. fen, (b)Purpose of att (Use of git (4) Description of how gifts held (0) Transfer of git Transtoree's name, address, and ZIP + 6 lationship of tonsteror to transferee “aN fer, (0) Purpose of git (Use of ot (2) Description of how gifts het (el Transfer of gift Transtoree's name, adéress, and ZIP +4 lationship of transferor to transferee TRE 7, (©) Purpose of git (c)Use of ott (4) Description of how gifts hold (e) Transter of gift “Transfereo’s name, addvess, and ZIP + Relationship of transferor to transferee. wean ase ‘Sevedae B Farm $00, SOOT, or SBD PF) (ROTA) THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 FORM 990-PF DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST FROM SECURITIES STATEMENT = 1 CAPITAL (a) (B) (ce) GROSS GAINS REVENUE NET INVEST- ADJUSTED SOURCE AMOUNT DIVIDENDS PER BOOKS MENT INCOME NET INCOME VARIOUS PUBLIC SECURITIES 221,573. 0. «© 221,573, 221,573. TO PART I, LINE 4 221,573. Oe aetroise = aaleois. FORM 990-PF LEGAL FEES STATEMENT 2 (a) (B) (ce) () EXPENSES NET INVEST- ADJUSTED CHARITABLE. DESCRIPTION PER BOOKS MENT INCOME NET INCOME PURPOSES PROFESSIONAL FEES - LEGAL 105,399. oO. TO FM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 16a 105,399. 0. 0. FORM 990-PF ACCOUNTING FEES STATEMENT 3 (a) (B) (ce) (D) EXPENSES NET INVEST- ADJUSTED CHARITABLE DESCRIPTION PER BOOKS MENT INCOME NET INCOME PURPOSES PROFESSIONAL FEES - ACCOUNTING 41,906. 0. 0. TO FORM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 16B 41,906. 0. 0 FORM 990-PF OTHER PROFESSIONAL FEES STATEMENT 4 (a) (B) (ec) (v) EXPENSES NET INVEST- ADJUSTED CHART TABLE DESCRIPTION PER BOOKS MENT INCOME NET INCOME PURPOSES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FEE 29,354. 29,354. 0. PROFESSIONAL FEES - CONSULTING 24,721. o. oO. TO FORM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 16C 54,075. 29,354. STATEMENT(S) 1, 2, 3, 4 THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 FORM 990-PF TAXES: STATEMENT 5 (ay (B) «c) ) EXPENSES NET INVEST- ADJUSTED CHARITABLE DESCRIPTION PER BOOKS MENT INCOME NET INCOME PURPOSES FOREIGN TAXES PAID 3,855. 3,855. 0. FEDERAL EXCISE TAX 15,512. 0. 0. TO FORM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 18 19,367. 3,855. O. FORM 990-PF OTHER EXPENSES STATEMENT 6 (a) (By (ce) (pb) EXPENSES NET INVEST- ADJUSTED CHART TABLE, DESCRIPTION PER BOOKS MENT INCOME NET INCOME PURPOSES OTHER INVESTMENT FEES 31,232, 31,232. oO. BANK CHARGES 10. 10. oO. OTHER EXPENSES 1,418. 0. 0. OFFICE EXPENSES 36,916. 0. oO. TO FORM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 23 69,576. 31,242. 0 FORM 990-PF CORPORATE STOCK STATEMENT 7 FAIR MARKET DESCRIPTION BOOK VALUE VALUE, SECURITIES 2,713,430. 3,445,707. TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART II, LINE 10B 2,713,430 3,445,707 FORM 990-PF OTHER INVESTMENTS STATEMENT 8 VALUATION FAIR MARKET DESCRIPTION METHOD BOOK VALUE VALUE MUTUAL FUNDS cost 4,823,002. 4,798,283. TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART II, LINE 13 4,823,002. 4,798,283. STATEMENT(S) 5, THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 FORM 990-PF LIST OF SUBSTANTIAL CONTRIBUTORS STATEMENT 9 PART VII-A, LINE 10 NAME OF CONTRIBUTOR ADDRESS ROYAL EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA 601 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON , DC 20037 ERANDA FOUNDATION PO BOX 6226 LEIGHTON BUZZARD, LU7 OXF, UNITED KINGDOM STATEMENT(S) 9 £740 | aBed OS-08ILLS wzse 200 co ove voee'se 1s i602 esas azar ‘snrawzainig Aynbg uedep-x0 wisy xigsr oeroveier ‘oct ann wece 9b tes ev 995 ec ver'st zazorst veL989 cove TUSNI- a4 Nvadouna GldRALNI Har Aynbg deg afaey ueadosng, eos soer'ss osisr'sis evvavees eszzs'e8s Aanba deo 0037 gn 1HOL Xonas Foraoeece sort L389 ease soseese weses'nn somse eat XAOS rOs-HEDVES TROON é¥O woot ese sosezt seausve 50 102'¥» ewesorz 6902 rad oni Aunoa 39aneuva79 Anbg dey a81e7 5 FRA Agpenmoy sso eS 7209 U0 aren rr) woud Sulfemuiy TF pazieomn 1800 301 pastiny Heyog Anby, NOILVGNNOS SLVAId JO NYNLSY *4d-066 WHOS 710z 30 LuVd BOVW GNV OL G3HOVLLW 31NGSHOS SINSWLSSANI 8y99SSr-Sp :NI uoyepuno aynnsuy UEQOW ay, 7 Jo Z aBeg wala Leoeesuz IBovINvAGy 608 6905 exo BIV-ONULVOTS 3ONVA NOLWS XVION ZZLHSOLGE 2-04 sauttinoas 3TEILNIANOD oegrs've sscr0%e zoreie. raat ‘wiawm09~ 131 ¥aS as viaNMI09 spung apy sosc'to wo) on “ance ua pores 18} Spassy saHeuUse3,y NOILVONNOS SLVAId 40 NYNLIY “4d-0668 WHOS b10Z 4O LUVd SGV GNV OL GSHOVLLV SINGSHOS SLNSWLSSANI 8h99SSP-SP :NIS uowepuncy aynysul UEQOW ay, £730 ¢ eBed X ROL FOF 499188 6660 ocorz anwiz sovee'st oseic's ‘SNFSNMIadid ¥ dN BSIOLUOL aanponayseaguy 7p ape ysg [ey Ban 7h pana BAA ‘andsou sous vonds0u1 sous Taouay wauRNOD sey A pees, SomnaUISC PN POFEDFeWED TENTED —_jeubuOHANUEND | arsstees aeus'eeis ‘spung abou e101 XiaLN OST-xezVOP TNs TOL 2190098 oc cee'oe 99s oss'e szov ‘sa 98sH spung aSpayy 100) ‘one wud arenes NOILVGNNOS ALVAId 40 NYNLSY *dd-066 WHOS 710z AO LYvd SQVW ONY OL GSHOWLLY 3ING3HOS SLNSWLSSANI 8r99SSP-SP :NIF uonepuno, ainjsuy WIeDOW ays, £710 p abeg ~ oseviziar ‘ociz ann wey tues oves orew'sy v0 98's zoses'y e001 419373504 1930 OaNIVULSNOONN Wr reczisir wsiz exes ere wuss srews'ee weze sso ASNI-938 3TGUYBANOD BORUYH ‘eas-tistiy woes e6onr's (osecen) eroieez s9ous'tz esecrz zzon ASNFONOG G13IA HOIH NODE -05-506265 N90 438 WLOL waz eee saeco. zceso'es ve co0'6s aroz's oso sa4.1saM NYAFIOdOMLAN ‘ON GNA 3NOON! ONY oss cz sone tb t0s'» sesieer aroiv'or orapre aver Saunmoas aauad3ud SUIS B N3HOD or-aeses0 ASHI YRiLS GED wey onze (eaeuo) zosuie se 0s'62 secre 2408 uu sas LNW anNaAy amoouy paxty sn. FA Wamu panmey __ esovURD oem Tan wa . “seu enuy TF pazieaNN, Roo eL pay [rey auTOdUT paxty w= YseD NOILVGNNOS SLVAIYd 3O NYNLAY “4d-066 WHOS F102 4O LuVd SQW GNV OL GSHOVLLY 3ING3HOS SIN3WLSIANI sy99Ssr-Sp ‘NIB uonepuno sinysu] WIDOW aut £7 40.g eBeq snevy _ovsorees susoves aozzs'66s se zz9's058 ‘9uosuy pox Sn eIOL ‘eeezei6 wees oresz cc use't oveigzr shure seers eee aNo8 G1314 HOIN NOOWIONA SOr-a9S6L. cozy 6zu5t's Gasen soscoe o6v'9e oo ere'z zoo. 43171 ONLVOTS LSM att eio Lazo Ory 8869's Goer) zs0s're searicr oc sees sue Fonivors xs HANOMOORS $80-01605 Adsnosn ng. wesc reams (ov ves) coorsor 9 so0'0r zoosee oe 2LAANILLBB8V CuO eov-o29ese uy zL06L's Ge 1690) vo osozs se oss'ait correo. sso Faa.13u qy1o1 annananoa auosuy paxty Sa. 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Electronic fling (i) YOU can eloctronaly to Frm 8888 f you need a Smonth avtomatic extension oftme toile (6 mnths fora corporation requves ote Ferm 980-7, or an adeional oot automatic) month extension of me You can elctroncaly fle Form 8868 to request an extension ote fo fe any ofthe forms tsted in Part or Part i wath he exception of Form 6870, information Return for Transfers Associated With Corian Personal Banat Contracts, which must be sent tothe IRS m paper format (08 nstuctons).For more detas onthe electron ing of ths form, 1s win rs govletie and cick on e-le for Chantes & Nongrots. [Part [Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time. Only submit orginal (no Copies needed). ‘Acorporation required to fe Form 900° and requesting an automate 6rmenth extension cheek ths box and complete Part only >~O ‘Allother corporations (ncucing 1120-C fiers), parnershos, REMICS, and trusts must use Form 7004 to request an extension of tne tote income tax tums, Enter filers identiying number Type or | Namo of xampl orancation or other fir, coe nevuctons. Employer dentiicaton number (EN) or print ‘THE MCCAIN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 45-4556648 ‘Sedurtx | Number, seet, and room or sue no If aP.0. Box, see netructons ‘Sonal secunty rumor SSM) 4702 N DROMBDARY RD ‘iy, town oF post otiee, state, and ZIP code Far foreagh adarese, oe minuchons PHOENIX, AZ 85018 Enter he Retum cove for he retun that this aplcation i for (le a separate application foreach retumn) Apication Return [Application ator IsFor Code [ts For Code Ferm 090 or For 98082 (ot _ | Form 9907 (corporation o7 Ferm 9008 (02 | Form 1083-8 08 Form 4720 (nda (03 | Foim-4720 loher han naive 08 Fom 200PF (04 [Form 5227 10 Form $90" foe aDi(a|or 200 ed 05 [Form 6069 Hn Form 890° (rust eter than above (05 —[ Fma870 12 CARLA EUDY ‘+ Teboois stem thecaeot > 4200 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW, #312 - WASHINGTON, DC 20016 Telephone No. (202) 362 Fax No. + ste exganzation doesnot have an offes or lace ef business the Unted States, chook ha box oO * 0s ora Group Ratu, enter the arganzaton's fur dt Group Exemption Number (EN) {tt forthe whale group check ths box pF). ttatis for part of the group, check this box p> [__] and attach 2 ist with the names and EINS ofall members the extension is for “1 eguost an automatic Sent 6 months for a corpration equted to fe Farm 9X07} extension of me unt AUGUST 15, 2015 to ete exempt organization retum for the organization named above. The extension ‘forthe orgenaation’s return for > [Xl caiendar year 2014 or > tax year boannng and ending 2 tthe tax year entered m line 1s for less than 12 months, check reason: — [J intiatretun — ] Finat return TF change accounting ponod ‘Batis applications for Forms 830-BL, 680PF, B80, A720, or 6069, enter he Tentalie tax lees any onretungabie credits See msteuctons sal s 6,766. bts application « fr Forms 690-PF, 000°, 4720, or 6089, enter any refundable credits and esterated tax payments made. Include any pnor year averpayinent alowed az acrect als 5,766. © Balance due. Subtract ine 3b fom ine 3a. lnelude your payment vith ths frm, Krequred, bby using EFTPS (Elections Fedral Tax Payment Syslen) See instructions, sels 1,000. Caution f you sre gong to make an electron funds withdrawal (rect debs} wth this Form GB66, 200 Form 6453 EO and Form 68790 for payment instructions, Tug, For Privacy Act ang Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Instructions. Form 6866 (Rev. 72078)

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