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Writing in the Major Program Proposal

Department of Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors
April 23rd, 2010
Proposed Start Date: Fall 2010
The Chemistry Department at UW-La Crosse comprises seventeen tenure-track faculty, nine
instructional academic staff and offers majors in both chemistry (subdivided into five tracks) and
biochemistry. This Writing-in-the-Major Program (WIMP) is designed to serve both chemistry
(all tracks) and biochemistry majors.


Written communication is an essential component of scientific investigation and the foundation
of the scientific community. The following formal writing genres are most essential for students
preparing for professions in chemistry or biochemistry and require discipline specific instruction:
Scientific research reports
Research reports are the essential writing genre of chemistry, and most professional
communication in chemistry takes some form similar to the formal research report. The scientific
research report is a rigid document with a discipline defined form that requires a deep
understanding of the scientific method to master. Its core elements include four main sections:
introduction, methods, results, and discussion. They also contain an abstract summarizing the
major information in the paper and a descriptive title. The introduction section serves to orient
the reader to the essential research question through the use of primary literature. The methods
section presents in succinct form the information needed to assess the experimental quality and
reproduce the experiment. The results section summarizes the essential findings, typically in both
graphical and text form. Finally, the discussion section assesses the results of the experiment in
the context of prior knowledge and other experiments and summarizes the final general
conclusions of the report. Within each section there are standard organizational methods for
presenting information that are essential for rapid, efficient communication between
professionals. Certain information must be presented as concisely as possible in the right section
for effective communication. Thus, mastery of this form of writing is the essential element of
chemical writing.
Oral and poster presentations
Oral and poster presentations are more informal versions of the research report and are the most
common method of presentation of information at conferences. They follow a similar form, but
by necessity are more concise, slightly less formal, and follow somewhat different formatting
Research laboratory notebooks
The laboratory notebook is an essential element of chemical research. The notebook serves two
purposes. First, it is the essential repository of research results. All information is stored in the
notebook, in particular, results and methods are accurately recorded in fine detail. Keeping
accurate and detailed records is not only important as part of the research process, it is also an
essential element in the legal process for inventions or other intellectual property. Because of
this, certain conventions must be followed to protect the interests of both researchers and their
employers in industrial and academic settings. The notebook also represents a place to reflect and
comment on conclusions and rationals.
In keeping with its role in the creation of laboratory reports the notebook follows a similar
structure of objective/introduction, procedure/methods, results and conclusions/discussions.
However, the exact organization of the substructures differs in the notebook to reflect the
informal process of data gathering and this exact structure may be relaxed since the notebook
should follow the linear flow of time rather than the more question-oriented organization of the
research report.


Since writing is the embodiment of thought, writing instruction in chemistry should enable
students to think like chemists. We define this as the ability to identify and highlight salient
information in experimental results and concisely frame this information in the context of prior
scientific knowledge. Thus, successful completion of the major coursework in chemistry or
biochemistry means that students should be able to:
• Identify and highlight salient information in experimental data through the use of properly
formatted text, figures and tables.
• Identify the library of primary sources in chemical literature, find and summarize relevant
information and appropriately frame experimental results in the context of the primary
• Apply the most effective broad and fine organizational structures for research reports, grant
proposals, and oral and poster presentations
• Create a credible scientific ethos though the use of appropriate grammar, mechanics, and
conventions for professional scientific writing, especially the use of quantitative, accurate, and
precise descriptions.
• Keep clear and accurate records of experimental data that meet appropriate academic,
industrial, and legal conventions for laboratory notebooks.
• Identify strong and weak examples of these proficiencies in the work of others, especially
peers, and propose ways to improve the effectiveness of these examples.


The chemistry and biochemistry major contain the following core departmental courses. In the
following description of our learning plan we group them into the following structure.
Both Majors:
• CHM 103/104: General Chemistry I and II
• CHM 301: Quatitative Analysis (Analytical Chemistry)
• CHM 303/304/305: Organic Chemistry I, II, and Laboratory
Chemistry Major (except Environmental Track):
• CHM 309/313: Physical Chemistry Theory I and Laboratory
Chemistry Major (Environmental Track):
• CHM 309: Physical Chemistry Theory I
• CHM 412: Environmental Chemistry
Biochemistry Major:
• CHM 417/418: Biochemistry I and II
• CHM 407: Biophysical Chemistry
Both Majors:
• CHM 471: Capstone
In order to more effectively instruct and assess students in the broad departmental learning
objectives outlined above, we have decomposed these objectives into the essential skills required
to meet these objectives and the courses in which these will be primarily taught (see Tables 1 and
2 as well as Appendix I). In keeping with the nature of university instruction, instructors have
autonomy in choosing what instructional methods they will use to teach students these skills. As
such, assessment (described in detail in a later section) is an integral part of our learning plan
because it will inform instructors as they develop their methods and allow the creation of
additional departmental instructional resources. We feel that this method will best support the
interdependence between course instruction required of a programatic approach to writing while
allowing for maximal instructor autonomy and creativity. We outline these essential skills, the
typical methods used currently for their development, and the departmental resources available
to instructors in the sections below.

Discipline Specific Writing Style

First, writing in chemistry involves skills in both the mechanics of writing and the discipline
specific formatting of text. These are necessary to present information in a formal, clear and
coherent manner, but can usually be accomplished through the use of simple, direct instruction
such as guidelines or checklists. We have identified the following style related skills as essential
to accomplishing our WIM learning objectives:
• Formatting figures and tables
• Formatting citations and references
• Formatting text, numbers, and mathematical or chemical expressions
• Correct usage of grammatical rules and the appropriate tense and voice for subsections
• Basic principles of notebook construction
Our approach to instruction in style and formatting is to simplify instruction by adopting
uniform department standards for style and formatting derived from the ACS Style Guide. These
expectations will be explained to students by instructors along with correct examples. To assist in
student instruction and encourage student self-assessment, the department will provide
instructors and students with a set of standard checklists for appropriate formatting, grammar,
and style expectations (see Appendix II). Instructors will refer students to the ACS Style Guide
for information on style issues that are specific to their course that are not included in these
Table 1: Plan for Development of Competence in Discipline Specific Writing Style
General Analytical Organic P/B/E Capstone

How to format figures, tables and schemes in

Formatting appropriate and conventional ways
Figures/Tables How to refer appropriately to a figure or graph
in text
Identifying common writing genres in
Properly using in-text citations/reference
formatting to cite references
Knowing what information and references
should and should not be cited
Appropriate formatting of chemical formulae
and reactions

Appropriate formatting of numbers and units

Text/Math/ Proper use of abbreviations
Proper use of capitalization

Appropriate choices for the visual attributes of

a poster or oral presentation
Using appropriate verb tense and voice in
Tense and
report subsections
How to organize experimental results to
Notebook accurately record research progress
Construction How to use a laboratory notebook to comply
with patent law/industry secret procedures

Formatting figures and tables

Instruction in the creation of figures, tables and other visual presentations of information is a
crucial element of chemistry professional writing because much of the presentation of
experimental results is done in the form of graphics and tables. Beginning in general chemistry,
students make figures based on experimental results in laboratory classes. To assist students in
learning proper formatting, students will be provided with the departmental standards checklist
for formatting figures and tables in their laboratory handbooks, and will be instructed on the
appropriate use of these standards as needed. To increase efficiency in instruction, video
instruction on the use of excel for constructing figures and tables will be available to instructors
and students on a department writing website. Students will receive feedback on formatting from
their instructor as part of the grading process for laboratory exercises requiring graphs. Students
will continue to receive feedback on formatting of their figures and tables as they take upper
division classes, however because of the uniform standards introduced early in the program,
students will be expected to use the checklists without further instruction in upper division
Formatting citations and references
The use of citations in scientific writing is distinct from many other disciplines and requires
discipline specific instruction. Citations and references are first addressed in organic chemistry,
where students are expected to cite references used to compare with their experimental results
and are given the instruction and feedback necessary to do this. Formatting references is further
developed in the physical chemistry, environmental chemistry and biochemistry classes where
students are taught how to integrate the citation of literature into a formal research report as part
of the development of individual research reports. The capstone class also requires students to
properly cite references as part of the visuals and abstract for their final oral presentations. As
with figures and tables, instructors and students will be provided with a standard set of criteria,
and a clearly defined checklist (see Appendix II) will assist instruction and feedback for
formatting references and citations.
Formatting text, numbers, and mathematical or chemical expressions
Instruction in formatting numbers and units follows a similar pattern to formatting figures and
citations and similar checklists will be available (see Appendix II). As shown in the timeline,
specific elements of formatting will be introduced as a natural part of course assignments. For
example, the formatting of numbers and units is an essential part of mathematical problem
solving in chemistry and is taught early in instruction. In contrast, the appropriate use of
abbreviations becomes more significant as students are introduced to a larger amount of chemical
content knowledge and must be taught later in instruction. Appropriate capitalization schemes is
a part of the creation of formal reports and fits most naturally late in instruction.
Correct usage of grammatical rules and the appropriate tense and voice for subsections
While it is not appropriate or an effective use of time for the chemistry department to teach
general grammar rules, there are discipline specific expectations for tense and voice (for
example, the use of past tense and passive voice in the description of experimental methods) that
students need to learn as part of a Writing in the Major Program. This instruction is integrated
into the creation of more formal laboratory notebooks in the upper-division (300 +) laboratory
courses, where students will be instructed on how to use the same tense and voice for the
methods and results section as a formal research report. Instruction in the appropriate tense or
voice for the more sophisticated sections of introduction and discussion will be addressed as part
of the formal reports done in physical chemistry, environmental chemistry and biochemistry. The
resource Write Like a Chemist contains tables summarizing the appropriate use of tense and
voice for each of the subsections, copies of this book will be provided to instructors to assist in
efficient, consistent instruction to students about expectations regarding tense and voice in
research reports.
Notebook Writing
Students are expected to keep a notebook in most upper division laboratory courses. However,
the expectations for laboratory notebooks vary widely depending on the subdiscipline and the
learning objectives of each instructor. Therefore, it is not practical to provide a single set of
expectations for laboratory notebooks. We have, however, set department wide minimum
standards for formatting and organizing laboratory notebooks (see Appendix II). Instructors will
provide course specific instruction to supplement the department-wide standards for notebooks.

Critical Thinking in Writing

In addition to the style and mechanistic writing skills, writing in chemistry also requires the
ability to think critically about how to assemble, organize and present chemistry and
biochemistry specific content knowledge. Learning these skills requires multiple learning
opportunities over an extended period of time and extensive use of examples, feedback and
revision. Therefore, instruction in these skills requires a different approach to instruction than for
instruction in writing style. We have identified the following critical thinking in writing skills as
essential to accomplishing our proposed learning objectives:
• Organizing information into the appropriate structures for chemical writing genres
• Distinguishing between description of experimentally observable evidence and interpretation
of that evidence in terms of scientific models and theories
• Synthesis of multiple elements of content knowledge, including information from the primary
chemical literature
• Stating information in accurate, precise, and concise terms
• Reviewing the work of peers and suggesting improvements
Table 2: Plan for Development of Competence in Critical Thinking in Writing
General Analytical Organic P/B/E Capstone

Broad organizational structure of research reports

and presentations
Fine organizational structure for subsections of
reports and presentations

Distinguishing between, and appropriately using,

description and interpretation of data
vs. Description Using knowledge of primary literature to interpret
experimental results

Identifying and and summarizing the most

significant information in a figure or table
Using a laboratory notebook to capture the
informal thought processes involved in scientific
Synthesis of discovery
Using knowledge of primary literature to identify
and explain the importance of experimental results
Using knowledge of primary literature to establish
expertise as a researcher

Accuracy and precision in written/spoken language

Precision, and Conciseness in written/spoken language
Writing concise summaries of primary literature

Examining the work of others and suggesting

Peer Review
specific improvements

The placement of appropriate elements in the subsections of reports and presentations and the
more sophisticated skill of organizing those elements to provide an accurate and well reasoned
presentation of experimental results is primarily taught by guiding students through the process
of creating a laboratory notebook (which can be organized very similarly to a research report),
research report, or oral presentation. During this process, the instructor provides examples and
initial guidelines for the creation of the report and continues to provide feedback on either drafts
or finished reports. Early in the major (general, analytical and organic chemistry), students
submit multiple different, but structurally similar, notebook entries or reports for different
laboratories with the expectation that they will use comments from previous assignments to
improve subsequent assignments. In the more advanced courses (physical chemistry,
environmental chemistry, biochemistry and capstone), students develop a single report or
presentation throughout the semester and are given instructor guidance and feedback on sections
and drafts of the report over the entire creation process. To assist instructors in giving effective
instruction and feedback on organization, the book Write Like a Chemist, which contains explicit
information on how to develop the broad and fine organizational structures found in professional
research reports will be on reserve at the library for students to review, and a copy will be
available to all instructors in the department.
Accuracy/Precision/Concision and Discussion/Interpretation
Throughout the major, students are asked to accurately, precisely and concisely interpret, explain
or predict experimental results using their understanding of the chemical content knowledge in
the form of short written responses to homework or exam questions. In later classes, students
also do this as part of the creation of laboratory reports and presentations. In almost all cases,
instruction in these skills relies heavily on instructor feedback of responses. Introducing a
standard rubric (see Appendix II) that clearly delineates departmental expectations, as well as a
student handbook that provides examples of what is meant by the terms accurate, precise,
interpret and describe should improve student understanding of instructor expectations, as well
as alleviate the burden of articulating expectations from instructors as a part of feedback. These
topics are also discussed extensively in Write Like a Chemist which can be used as an additional
Even in early instruction, students are expected to compare their results with commonly accepted
values and make sure their results are consistent with theories and models discussed in class. For
example, in general chemistry students compare their data to well known or standard values as
part of completing their laboratory exercises. The first specific reference to primary literature
data is in organic chemistry where, as outlined above, students begin to compare their results
directly with other experimental results from the primary literature.
The extensive use of information from the primary literature information is most substantial later
in instruction, after students have obtained the content knowledge necessary to sufficiently
understand the primary literature. Specifically, students in physical chemistry and biochemistry
use past experimental results to define a research question for an independent research project
and to provide supporting evidence for their final conclusions in a report on this project.
Similarly, students in environmental chemistry write a report that combines experimental results
from multiple sources to write a report summarizing and and drawing conclusions about a
current topic in environmental chemistry. Finally, the capstone course provides mentoring for
students as they assemble an oral presentation on a current research topic using information from
multiple primary sources. Students also receive instruction in these classes on searching and
using chemistry related literature to assist in finding and using appropriate primary literature for
these assignments.
Peer Review
Instruction in peer review first requires instruction in the other standards, since it is not possible
to review without a firm understanding of criteria. Thus, this instruction occurs at the end of the
major in the biochemistry, environmental chemistry, physical chemistry and capstone classes
through assignments to peer review class assignments. The creation of clear criteria for both style
and critical thinking will be used to inform students of the appropriate aspects of peer writing to
comment on and suggest improvements for.
The use of a consistent set of definitions for the essential elements of professional writing in
chemistry is an integral part of our instructional plan. As mentioned above, we have created a
series of checklists that outline the elements of style in chemistry writing for the following
categories (See Appendix II).
• Formatting Figures and Tables
• Formatting References and Citations
• Formatting Text/Mathematical and Chemical Expressions
• Using appropriate grammar, tense and voice
• Basic standards for notebook construction
These criteria have been developed using the ACS Style Guide, which is the professional
standard for all formatting and style in chemistry and provide a brief and powerful summary of
expectations for both students and instructors for both instruction and assessment.
To clarify and unify expectations for the more complex critical thinking skills, we have
developed a set of rubrics defining proficiency in each of the following skills (see Appendix III).
• Organization (Broad, Fine, and Paragraph Level)
• Using Interpretation and Description
• Synthesis of Ideas
• Accuracy, Precision and Concision
We have relied on both sample student work as well as on the extraordinary resource, Write Like
a Chemist, to provide a basis for our criteria in chemical critical thinking. Write Like a Chemist,
in particular, is the result of extensive research into the actual writing behaviors of both
professional chemists and students and represents the most realistic and rigorous criteria for
organization and critical thinking in chemical writing available.
These criteria will be the official description of excellence in writing for the department.
Students will receive copies of these criteria in department prepared lab manuals, as a student
writing handbook, and online. Students will also have available to them through the course
reserves copies of the ACS Style Guide and Write Like a Chemist to provide further support and
insight on the details of these criteria.
Because the best standards are informed by understanding student learning, these criteria will be
revised over time to specifically address student learning pitfalls or other issues brought to light
during routine assessment of the program.

Writing-to-learn will continue to be used as part of the WIM program to help students think
about solving chemical problems and practice their writing skills. All of the assignments
discussed as part of the learning plan are designed to instruct students in the essential skills of
writing in chemistry. However, the degree of informality and risk will vary depending on the
grading criteria of each instructor. Some specific examples of the types of lower-risk writing-to-
learn activities that are currently used in the department are outlined below.
Mathematical Problem Solving Assignments
The most common type of writing-to-learn exercises is the solution of mathematically based
problem sets. Students are expected to organize their answers in a manner that expresses their
understanding of the material, and often are required to write short commentary about their
answer, this sort of exercise also provides practice and feedback in the formatting of numbers
and units.
Short Written Responses
Written responses to homework questions are also found throughout most courses in the
department and provide students opportunities to practice writing accurate, precise and concise
answers, the articulation of thoughts and the discovery of gaps in understanding by students.
Laboratory Notebooks
The creation of a laboratory notebook is also a significant opportunity for writing-to-learn, since
students are asked to assemble information and organize it appropriately. Especially in courses
where laboratory notebooks are not formally graded, this provides a low-risk opportunity to
organize understanding about experiments and procedures.
Written Reflection
Some instructors are also currently using minute papers, or pre-class writing assignments as a
way to help students identify areas of weak understanding and articulate their current
understanding of the content knowledge learned in lecture or lab.
The results of future assessments of the program will guide the further development of writing-
to-learn activities. For example, if students are found to be weak at style issues this may lead to
the development of methods to provide students with opportunities to informally self-test
themselves in mechanics and style. In contrast, to target critical thinking skills, it may be
necessary to develop short, targeted low risk writing assignments. It seems premature at this
point to assume that this list is the final state of writing-to-learn in the department, since we will
continue to develop methods to target specific needs as indicated by assessment.

Assessment is a critical element in the continued development and optimization of this Writing
the Major program. A strong assessment program will assist instructors as they continue to refine
their methods for teaching writing and critical thinking skills to students. Our strategy for
assessment has two essential components.
WIM Student Assessment Instrument
Our first approach is to develop and use an online assessment instrument to test for each of the
skills outlined above in a quantitative fashion. The full version of the instrument will be
administered to students as part of the the capstone class (CHM 471), however, a similar version
with less content-specific questions will also be given to incoming students as part of the CHM
103 course to provide a baseline of student understanding and skills as they enter the program.
Sample assessment questions are included in Appendix V.
Topical Assessment of Student Work
The second component of the assessment plan is intended to complement the quantitative
assessment instrument and identify novel student misconceptions or other unexpected issues
through the selective analysis of individual student writing assignments. Just as it is not practical
to focus on all skills at all times in instruction, we feel it is most effective to target departmental
time and energy on the improvement of individual aspects of writing during a single round of
assessment. Thus, the exact plan for assessment of samples of student work will be informed by
the results of the quantitative assessment instrument and other results from past assessments. At
the start of each year, the WIM assessment committee will use the results of the past online exam
and other assessments to inform what individual aspect of learning will be investigated that year.
Thus, this assessment process is intended to be dynamic and reflect the nature of the topic
investigated. For example, if we are assessing the formatting of figures and tables, we may
collect figures and tables from all classes to watch the evolution over the course of the program.
In contrast, we may be interested in the final ability of students to synthesize information from
the literature and may develop an assessment task, such as writing a short essay about a topic for
use in the capstone class. Therefore, the type of assessment will change to reflect the type of skill
or criteria assessed. However, the committee will always meet twice each year and must always
assess at least one of the set criteria each year.
The results of these assessments and proposed specific actions will be summarized and presented
in paper form as part of a regular department meeting. In addition, instructors who teach classes
that are relevant to particular assessment results will be invited to a summary meeting to discuss
actions to take on specific topical assessment results as needed.

Instructors in the department have currently agreed to continue offering the following courses as
Writing Emphasis courses:
• CHM 313: Physical Chemistry Lab (Required for Chemistry Major)
• CHM 418: Biochemistry II (Required for Biochemistry Major)
• CHM 412: Environmental Chemistry (Chemistry Elective)
• CHM 461: Nuclear Chemistry (Chemistry Elective)
Thus, creation of the Writing in the Major program will have no immediate effect on the
availability of chemistry Writing Emphasis courses to current majors, minors, and physical
science education majors since a variety of Writing Emphasis courses will still be available.
Also, the department will continue to encourage instructors to obtain Writing Emphasis
certification so that writing emphasis courses are available in the department for students who
are not majors who need to take Writing Emphasis courses in chemistry until such time as this is
no longer necessary.
Course-by-course summary of learning objectives
(Objectives carrying over from previous courses are italicized)

General Chemistry
Discipline Specific Style
• Appropriate formatting of chemical formulae and reactions
• Appropriate formatting of numbers and units
• How to format figures, tables and schemes in appropriate and conventional ways
• How to organize experimental results to accurately record experimental progress

Critical Thinking Skills

• Identifying and summarizing the most significant information in a figure or table
• Accuracy and precision in written language
• Distinguishing between, and appropriately using, description and interpretation of data
Analytical Chemistry
Discipline Specific Style
• Appropriate formatting of chemical formulae and reactions
• Appropriate formatting of numbers and units
• How to format figures, tables and schemes in appropriate and conventional ways
• How to organize experimental results to accurately record experimental progress
• How to use a laboratory notebook to comply with patent law/industry secret procedures
• Proper use of abbreviations

Critical Thinking Skills

• Identifying and summarizing the most significant information in a figure or table
• Accuracy and precision in written language
• Distinguishing between, and appropriately using, description and interpretation of data
• Using a laboratory notebook to capture the informal thought processes involved scientific
• Broad organizational structure of research reports and presentations
Organic Chemistry
Discipline Specific Style
• Appropriate formatting of chemical formulae and reactions
• Appropriate formatting of numbers and units
• How to format figures, tables and schemes in appropriate and conventional ways
• How to organize experimental results to accurately record experimental progress
• How to use a laboratory notebook to comply with patent law/industry secret procedures
• Proper use of abbreviations
• Proper use of capitalization
• Using appropriate verb tense and voice in methods/results subsections of reports
• Identifying common writing genres in chemistry
• Properly using in-text citations/reference formatting to cite references

Critical Thinking Skills

• Identifying and summarizing the most significant information in a figure or table
• Accuracy and precision in written language
• Distinguishing between, and appropriately using, description and interpretation of data
• Broad organizational structure of research reports and presentations
• Using a laboratory notebook to capture the informal thought processes involved scientific
• Conciseness in written language
• Fine organizational structure for methods/results subsections
• Using knowledge of primary literature to identify and explain the greater importance of
experimental results
• Using knowledge of primary literature to interpret experimental results
Physical Chemistry /Environmental Chemistry/Biochemistry
Discipline Specific Style
• Appropriate formatting of chemical formulae and reactions
• Appropriate formatting of numbers and units
• How to format figures, tables and schemes in appropriate and conventional ways
• How to organize experimental results to accurately record experimental progress
• How to use a laboratory notebook to comply with patent law/industry secret procedures
• Proper use of abbreviations
• Proper use of capitalization
• Using appropriate verb tense and voice in Methods/Results subsections of reports
• Identifying common writing genres in chemistry
• Properly using in-text citations/reference formatting to cite references
• Using appropriate verb tense and voice in introduction/discussion subsections
• Knowing what information and references should and should not be cited
• How to refer appropriately to a figure or graph in text

Critical Thinking Skills

• Identifying and summarizing the most significant information in a figure or table
• Accuracy and precision in written language
• Distinguishing between, and appropriately using, description and interpretation of data
• Using a laboratory notebook to capture the informal thought processes involved scientific
• Broad organizational structure of research reports and presentations
• Conciseness in written language
• Fine organizational structure for methods/results subsections
• Using knowledge of primary literature to identify and explain the greater importance of
experimental results
• Using knowledge of primary literature to interpret experimental results
• Fine organizational structure for introduction/discussion subsections
• Using knowledge of primary literature to establish expertise as a researcher
• Writing concise summaries of primary literature results
• Examining the work of others and suggesting improvements
Capstone in Chemistry or Biochemistry
Discipline Specific Style
• Appropriate formatting of chemical formulae and reactions
• Appropriate formatting of numbers and units
• How to format figures, tables and schemes in appropriate and conventional ways
• Proper use of abbreviations
• Proper use of capitalization
• Appropriate choices for the visual attributes of an oral presentation
• Using appropriate verb tense and voice in an abstract
• Identifying common writing genres in chemistry
• Properly using in-text citations/reference formatting to cite references
• Knowing what information and references should and should not be cited
• Appropriate choices for the visual attributes of a poster or oral presentation

Critical Thinking Skills

• Identifying and summarizing the most significant information in a figure or table
• Accuracy and precision in written/spoken language
• Distinguishing between, and appropriately using, description and interpretation of data
• Broad organizational structure of research reports and presentations
• Conciseness in written language
• Using knowledge of primary literature to identify and explain the greater importance of
experimental results
• Using knowledge of primary literature to interpret experimental results
• Using knowledge of primary literature to establish expertise as a researcher
• Writing concise summaries of primary literature results
• Examining the work of others and suggesting improvements
Writing Style Checklists

Formal Figure Formatting Checklist (see Write Like a Chemist for more specifics)
Axes unbolded, first letter capitalized, units in parentheses with standard abbreviations
outside and parallel to axis

Scaling is not deceptive, minimizes white space

Background is white, no grid lines on background (unless scientifically necessary)

No title in figure

Captions are below figures, aligned to the left, with identifier in bold (in fragment form),
contains additional information identifying figure independently from rest of text, same text
size as rest of text.

Each figure is numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals

Figure is in black and white (unless color enhances presentation of the science)

In general, no more than five curves to a figure (may be more or less if scientifically
necessary), identity of each curve is clear, curves are spaced to maximize their visibility

Fonts are same size as text (axis labels can be one font size larger)

Legends are integrated into the caption or put on the figure with no surrounding box in a
place that does not obscure the data

Black/white contrast between symbols is maximized and choice of symbols reflects

organization of data (example: filled symbols with inhibitor, open symbols without). Close
shades of gray are avoided.

Independent values are plotted on the x-axis, dependent values on the y-axis
Formal Table Formatting Checklist (see Write Like a Chemist for more specifics)
Numbers aligned around decimal place

Text left-justified

Table is in black and white

Lowercase (unless normally capitalized) letters used in column entries

Column headings unbolded, all columns have headings, units after heading in parenthesis or
directly below heading

Title is above body of table, contains an identifier (usually not a complete sentence)

Each table is numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals

Columns order with independent variables on left, dependent variables on right reads from
left to right in progress of values

Entries for individual samples in table only used if values are specified in text

Font same size and type as rest of text, all fonts the same in table

Footnotes used to indicate specific information, all footnotes reference in table using
superscripted lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.) placed beneath table in same font

Tables contains only horizontal lines (generally one at top and bottom of table and one
below column headings)

Frequently repeated values are placed in footnotes or the table title instead of in table

Table conforms to page and column size limitations, is single spaced and contains the
minimum white space possible
Citation Formatting Checklist (see ACS Style Guide for more specifics)
Citations are done in the correct discipline specific format (either superscript numbers, italic
numbers in parenthesis, or author-date depending on discipline)

Multiple numbers are separated by commas and sequential numbers are hyphenated

Author date citations contain only the year if author name is given in text

et al. is formatted correctly (no italics, no period after et)

Multiple authors are referred to as colleagues or co-workers in text

Multiple author-date citations are separated by semicolons

Letters added to distinguish multiple papers by same author in a year

Citations are located in a logical place in sentence

Periodical entries contain author names, abbreviated journal title, year of publication, volume
number, and page span

Book entries contain author or editor names, title, publisher, city of publication and year

Other entries contain sufficient information that they can be identified and located

Periodical Reference formatting is done as follows:

Author Name: Multiple names in inverted form (last name first initial middle initial
and qualifiers) separated by semicolons, ended with a period (except Biochemistry)

Article Title: Roman type without quotations and end in period capitalization is that
of original publication (ACS only)

Journal Abbreviation: Journal title is abbreviated using the CASSI name and italicized,
no period

Year of Publication: bold, followed by a comma

italic type and separated from pagination by a comma issue information in roman
type, enclosed in parentheses and spaced from the volume number which it directly

Pagination: Contains page span use all digits, closed up with not commas or spaces
followed immediately by a period (Biochemistry?)

All other types of citations (books, electronic, etc.) are formatted in agreement with ACS
style guidelines
Grammar, Tense, and Voice Checklist (see ACS Style Guide for more specifics)
Subjects and verbs all agree in number

No necessary verbs are omitted from the text

Restrictive and nonrestrictive expressions are used correctly

No dangling modifiers (a word or phrase that does not clearly and logically modify another
word in a sentence) are present

Commas, periods, colons, quotation marks, parentheses, dashes, brackets and semicolons are
used appropriately

All words are spelled correctly

Appropriate tenses and voice are used for each statement in each section (see Write Like a
Chemist Tables 3.4, 4.1, 5.1, and 6.5)

Formatting Text Checklist (see ACS Style Guide for more specifics)
Hyphens used appropriately

Capitalizations used appropriately

Abbreviations are appropriately written (in standard form, if it exists) and defined unless
definition deemed unnecessary

Numbers formatted correctly

Mathematical expressions are formatted correctly

Units are used appropriately

Particles, quanta, electronic configuration, elements and formulas are formatted correctly

Chemical reactions are formatted correctly

Notebook Checklist
All procedures followed are outlined in sufficient detail (instrument settings, concentrations,
volumes, masses, etc.)

All data is represented in its original form

Each page is dated

Purpose of session is indicated at start of recording session

Conclusions are summarized

Permanent materials (ink, hard bound, etc.) are used

Critical Thinking Rubrics


Broad Fine Paragraph

Proficient Report is divided into Each section is Each paragraph has a

appropriate organized around the clearly stated central
subsections, each appropriate move idea. Each sentence
subsection contains structure (see Write in the paragraph
all of the essential Like a Chemist, connects to previous
information and does Appendix B). Each sentence and is
not contain paragraph follows explicitly linked to the
information that does naturally from and central idea of the
not belong in that where appropriate, is paragraph.
subsection explicitly linked to the
previous paragraph.
Novice No subsections are Appropriate move Central idea of
present, information is structures are not paragraph ambiguous
presented in a linear used. Information is or missing.
“time-based” structure organized around Paragraphs are
or other irregular sequences of events organized as a
fashion or a literary “random “random-walk” or
walk” sequence of events
with no connection to
central ideas.


Proficient Uses the “eternally true” information found in data- correlations,

comparisons, max/min, etc. to describe experimental results. Uses
appropriate caution when wording interpretations about data
(“hedging”). Interpretations are solidly coupled to experimental

Novice Description of data is composed entirely on statements based on

expected behavior, no connection to experimental evidence is given for
interpretations. No observable features of experimental results are
Accuracy, Precision, and Concision

Proficient Key actions or items are identified. The correct nouns, verbs and
adjectives are used to describe the required information. The identity of
all nouns and pronouns is unambiguous. No superfluous information
(correct or incorrect) is given. Not excessively wordy.

Novice Key/all nouns and pronouns are ambiguous. The essential information
is incorrect. Superfluous information (correct or incorrect) is given.
Excessively wordy or excessively brief.

Synthesis of Information

Proficient Multiple disparate observations are combined in an innovative fashion to

support a single (novel) conclusion.

Novice Information is listed without connection to final conclusion. Evidence is

given but not linked to what it is intended to support. Impossible or
illogical explanations are suggested.
Sample Writing-to-Learn Assignments
CHM 103- Carmosini

• Explain in one or two brief sentences why:

• A solid has a fixed volume and a rigid shape.
• Liquids assume the shape of their container and are not very compressible
• Gases are highly compressible. 
• Explain in a sentence or two how physical and chemical properties differ and give one example
of each.
• Explain in a few brief sentences what is wrong with the expression, “That is just a theory”, if
by theory you are referring to a scientific theory.
• Explain why is the following statement false? “The greater the electronegativity difference
between the atoms in a molecule, the greater the dipole moment of the molecule”

CHM 103- Anderson

Blog Entries
Each week, you will need to post an entry via e-mail ( to the class
blog ( describing the part of the upcoming lab you feel the most
comfortable with and the part you feel the least comfortable with. The blog is password
protected so it cannot be read by the general public. Blog entries are due at noon the day
before each lab session. Entries are graded on “good faith effort” and will be worth 2 points
CHM 313- Beyer
CHM 417- Grunwald
In Class Problem Name:

1 point   
[Na+ in] = 10 mM [Na+ out] = 143 mM
[Ca2+ in] = 100 mM [Ca2+ out] = 1.5 mM
Membrane Potential = -60 mV inside
R = 8.3145 J/K mol
F = 96.485 J/mV mol
T = 298 K   
Under the following conditions, does the flow of 3 moles of Na+ ions into the cell through the Na
+/Ca2+ exchanger protein provide enough energy for the pumping of 1 mole of Ca2+ out of the cell? 

Mathematically prove your answer.

CHM 418- Grunwald

Biochemistry Literature Exercise 

(15 points total) 

You will find posted on the course D2L website several one page articles that highlight a
recent biochemical discovery. Throughout the semester you are required to read three
of these articles that are of interest to you and hand in the following items to be graded.  

• Write a summary of the article which highlights the main experimental finding and
the biochemical significance of this finding. This summary should be
approximately 100 words in length.
• Each of these summary articles contains a reference to one main research
publication. Using the database PubMed, find and hand in the abstract for this
main publication article.
• Each of these significant findings was discovered by one main research
laboratory. Please provide the following information concerning this research
laboratory: major research advisor, institute where this research took place and
two interesting points about the major research advisor (highlights of career,
awards, interests, etc…).
Titles of Summary Articles thus far posted on D2L

• Leeches Provide Source for Cardiovascular Drugs

• Scientists Find “Missing Enzyme” Used by Bacteria to Scavenge Iron
• Study Links Brain Fatty Acid Levels to Depression
• Energy Management in Cells May Hold Key to Cancer Defense
• Compound in Wine Reduces Levels of Alzheimer’s Disease-Causing Peptides
• Common Genetic Damages in Non-Dividing Cells Lead to Creation of Mutant
• Researchers Discover How Worms Sense Oxygen
• Discovery of Key Protein’s Shape Could Lead to Improved Bacterial Pneumonia
• Eating Curry to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease
• 3-D Structure of Anthrax Toxin Complex Solved
Sample Questions from WIM Student Assessment Instrument

Formatting figures and tables

Formatting citations and references

Formatting text, numbers, and mathematical or chemical expressions

Which of the following is appropriately formatted:
A) Hg++
B) Mg+2
C) Na chloride
D) Na1+
Correct usage of grammatical rules and the appropriate tense and voice for

Synthesis of multiple elements of content knowledge, including information from

the primary chemical literature
Organizing information into the appropriate structures for chemical writing

Reviewing the work of peers and suggesting improvements

Distinguishing between description of experimentally observable evidence and
interpretation of that evidence in terms of scientific models and theories

Stating information in accurate, precise, and concise terms

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