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Print At Home Ticket

Ticket Type: ZL WEB VALUE

Price: $10.00
Order Number: 238287





Nov. 27-28, Dec 4-6, 11-13, 18-28, Jan 1-2, Jan 8-9
UPGRADE to an ANY NIGHT ticket at any ticket window or the Guest Services Lobby.

Open to the public Nov. 23 - January 15, 2016

(including December 24 & 25)
5:30 - 10:30 p.m.
Not valid for daytime use.
Tickets are non-refundable.
Weekday tickets valid through January 10, 2016

WARNING: The Phoenix Zoo is part of a natural landscape and habitat, which contain unev en surf aces. The holder of this ticket ("Holder") assumes all risk, danger and injury incident to
attendance at the ev ent, and agrees that no persons or entities (including, but not limited to, the Phoenix Zoo, its af f iliates, and its respectiv e agents and/or representativ es) are liable f or
any injury to the Holder resulting f rom such causes, and releases and holds harmless such persons and entities. Holder must stay on designated pathway s at all times. Watch y our step
at all times, especially af ter sunset. Please immediately report any potential saf ety hazards to a Park Ranger. The license granted by this ticket is rev ocable and may be terminated by
the Phoenix Zoo at any time. During y our v isit today , y ou may be f ilmed, v ideotaped or photographed by the Phoenix Zoo. Y our admission to the Zoo serv es as permission f or use of
y our image f or promotional purposes by the Phoenix Zoo, Arizona Zoological Society and its constituents. Each guest indiv idually and on behalf of his/her minor children f urther waiv es
any right to pre-approv al, roy alties or other compensation arising f rom or related to the use of imagery . The commercial use of photographs, v ideos and f ilm y ou take during y our v isit is
strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the Phoenix Zoo.

Phoenix Zoo
455 North Galvin Parkway
Phoenix, AZ 85008

Print At Home Ticket

Ticket Type: ZL WEB VALUE
Price: $10.00
Order Number: 238287





Nov. 27-28, Dec 4-6, 11-13, 18-28, Jan 1-2, Jan 8-9
UPGRADE to an ANY NIGHT ticket at any ticket window or the Guest Services Lobby.

Open to the public Nov. 23 - January 15, 2016

(including December 24 & 25)
5:30 - 10:30 p.m.
Not valid for daytime use.
Tickets are non-refundable.
Weekday tickets valid through January 10, 2016

WARNING: The Phoenix Zoo is part of a natural landscape and habitat, which contain unev en surf aces. The holder of this ticket ("Holder") assumes all risk, danger and injury incident to
attendance at the ev ent, and agrees that no persons or entities (including, but not limited to, the Phoenix Zoo, its af f iliates, and its respectiv e agents and/or representativ es) are liable f or
any injury to the Holder resulting f rom such causes, and releases and holds harmless such persons and entities. Holder must stay on designated pathway s at all times. Watch y our step
at all times, especially af ter sunset. Please immediately report any potential saf ety hazards to a Park Ranger. The license granted by this ticket is rev ocable and may be terminated by
the Phoenix Zoo at any time. During y our v isit today , y ou may be f ilmed, v ideotaped or photographed by the Phoenix Zoo. Y our admission to the Zoo serv es as permission f or use of
y our image f or promotional purposes by the Phoenix Zoo, Arizona Zoological Society and its constituents. Each guest indiv idually and on behalf of his/her minor children f urther waiv es
any right to pre-approv al, roy alties or other compensation arising f rom or related to the use of imagery . The commercial use of photographs, v ideos and f ilm y ou take during y our v isit is
strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the Phoenix Zoo.

Phoenix Zoo
455 North Galvin Parkway
Phoenix, AZ 85008

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