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Asian/Asian American Rhetoric and Composition

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Adsanatham, Chanon. Civilized Manners and Bloody Splashing: Recovering
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Agnew, Lois, Laurie Gries, Zosha Stuckey, Vicki Tolar Burton, Jay Dolmage, Jessica
Enoch, Ronald L. Jackson II, LuMing Mao, Malea Powell, Arthur E. Walzer,
Ralph Cintron and Victor Vitanza. Octalog III: The Politics of Historiography
in 2010. Rhetoric Review 30.2 (2011): 109-134.
Ashby, Dominic J. Enacting a Rhetoric of Inside-Outside Positionalities: From the
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Diss. Miami University. 2013
Canagarajah, A. Suresh. Critical Academic Writing and Multilingual Students. Ann
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Carpenter, Cari M. and K. Hyoejin Yoon, eds. Native Asian Encounters, Special Issue of
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Cushman, Ellen, and Shreelina Ghosh. The Mediator of Cultural Memory: Digital
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Dich, Linh L. Technologies of Racial Formation: Asian-American Online Identities. Diss.
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Dietz, Gretchen and Devon Kehler, K. Hyoejin Yoon. Graduate Writing as An Act of
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Ding, Huiling. Confucius Virtue-Centered Rhetoric: A Case Study of the Analects with
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Duffy, John. Writing from These Roots: Literacy in a Hmong-American Community.
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Garrett, Mary. Pathos Reconsidered from the Perspective of Classical Chinese
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Ghosh, Shreelina. Dancing Without Bodies: Pedagogy and Performance in Digital
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Media and Globalization. Ed. Marohang Limbu & Binod Gurung. Hershey, PA:
IGI Global, 2013.
Hesford, Wendy S., and Theresa A. Kulbaga. Labored Realisms: Geopolitical Rhetoric
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Hirata-Knight, Penny. Building a Mystery, Moving Beyond Masks: Gender, Race, and
Teacher Authority in the Composition Classroom. Diss. University of Hawaii,
Hoang, Haivan V. Asian American Rhetorical Memory, A Memory that is Only
Sometimes Our Own. Representations: Doing Asian American Rhetoric. Eds.
LuMing Mao and Morris Young. Logan: Utah State UP, 2008. 62-82.
. Campus Racial Politics and a Rhetoric of Injury. College Composition and
Communication 61.1 (2009): W385-W408.
. To Come Together and Create a Movement: Solidarity Rhetoric in the Vietnamese
American Coalition (VAC). Diss. Ohio State University, 2004.
. Writing against Racial Injury: The Politics of Asian American Student Rhetoric.
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2015.
Hoang, Haivan V. , and LuMing Mao. Conversation with Haivan V. Hoang and LuMing
Mao. Interview with Keith Gilyard and Victor E. Taylor. Conversations in
Cultural Rhetoric and Composition Studies. Aurora, CO: The Davies Group,
2009. 105-124.
Horner, Bruce, Min-Zhan Lu, and Paul Kei Matsuda, eds. Cross-Language Relations in
Composition. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2010.
Hum, Sue. Articulating Authentic Chineseness: The Politics of Reading Race and
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. Zen and Writing: Anglo-American Interpretations, Revolutionary Possibilities: A
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Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie
Goldberg, and Zen in the Art of Rhetoric: An Inquiry Into Coherence by Mark
Lawrence McPhail. Journal of Teaching Writing 15:2 (1996): 295-310.
Hum, Sue, and Arabella Lyon. Recent Advances in Comparative Rhetoric. The Sage
Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson, and
Rosa A. Eberly. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc, 2009. 153-165.
Inoue, Asao. Articulating Sophistic Rhetoric as a Validity Heuristic for Writing
Assessment. Journal of Writing Assessment 3.1 (2007): 31-54.
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Inoue, Asao B., and Mya Poe. Race and Writing Assessment. New York: Peter Lang,
Jarratt, Susan, and Rory Ong. Aspasia: Rhetoric, Gender, and Colonial Ideology.
Reclaiming Rhetorica: Women in the Rhetorical Tradition. Ed. Andrea A.
Lunsford. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1995. 9-24. Print.
Jon, Sun-Gi. Towards a Rhetoric of Communication, with Special Reference to the
History of Korean Rhetoric. Rhetorica 28.3 (2010): 313-329.
Lee, Jerry Won. Legacies of Japanese Colonialism in the Rhetorical Constitution of
South Korean National Identity. National Identities 16.1 (2014): 1-13.
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Re/Framing Identifications. Ed. Michelle Ballif. Long Grove: Waveland, 2013.
Lee, Jerry Won and Christopher J. Jenks. Doing Translingual Dispositions:
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Liu, Yameng. To Capture the Essence of Chinese Rhetoric: An Anatomy of a Paradigm
in Comparative Rhetoric. Rhetoric Review 14 (1996): 318-335.
Lu, Min-Zhan. From Silence to Words: Writing as Struggle. College English 49 (April
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Lu, Min-Zhan, Bruce Horner, and Paul Kei Matsuda, eds. Composing Across Language
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Lu, Shujiang. Let Wen Shine Forth: The Chinese Poetic Tradition and the English
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Lu, Xing. Rhetoric in Ancient China, Fifth to Third Century B.C.E.: A Comparison with
Greek Rhetoric. Columbia: U of South Carolina P.
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and Communication. Columbia: U of South Carolina P.
Lyon, Arabella. Confucian Silence and Remonstration: A Basis for Deliberation?
Rhetoric Before and Beyond the Greeks. Ed. Carol S. Lipson and Roberta A.
Binkley. Albany: SUNY P, 2012.
. Deliberative Acts: Democracy, Rhetoric, and Rights. University Park: Pennsylvania
State UP, 2013.
. Misrepresentations of Missing Women in the U.S. Press: The Rhetorical Uses of
Disgust, Pity, and Compassion. Just Advocacy?: Womens Human Rights,
Transnational Feminisms, and the Politics of Representation. Ed. Wendy S.
Hesford and Wendy Kozol. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2005. 173-192.
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Philosophy and Rhetoric 41.1 (2008): 51-71
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Southern Illinois UP, 2013. 41-57.
Mao, LuMing, and Morris Young, eds. Representations: Doing Asian American Rhetoric.
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Matsuda, Paul Kei. Composition Studies and ESL Writing: A Disciplinary Division of
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Mecenas, Jolivette. A Career of Acting Ill-Mannered: Jeffery Paul Chan on
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Good For People). Listening to Our Elders: Writing and Working For Change.
Ed. Samantha Blackmon, Cristina Kirklighter, and Steve Parks. Utah State UP,
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Monberg, Terese Guinsatao. Listening for Legacies, or How I Began to Hear Dorothy
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Young. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 2008. 83-105.
. Reclaiming Hybridity: How One Filipino American Counterpublic Hybridizes
Academic Discourse. Rhetorical Agendas: Political, Ethical, Spiritual. Ed.
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Sano-Franchini, Jennifer. The Rhetorical Making of the Asian/Asian American Face:
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