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How does this affect social,

environmental, and economic

Engineering on
Global Issues:

Medical Usage
Genetic engineering coinciding
with the medical field is the break
through too many successful cures for
illnesses. Genetic engineering is the
next step in our evolution. This is such a
great impact on social issues because
with genetic engineering diseases can be
cured and our lives would improve in a
higher increase in jobs. Many medical
businesses would rise and much more
medicines would be available for any
illness all around the world. The
environment would become much
healthier and the death rate will
decrease in all parts of the world
because of genetic engineering in the
medical field. Genetic engineering is not
just useful in the medical field but in
farming as well. With the recombinant
DNA process farmers now have crops
that are not being eaten by insects, and
are increasing in growth all because of
genetic engineering. The economy will
be very much affected by this, and will
rise in selling the crops that are not
being destroyed by natural causes. As
we all learn more, we can all see just
how much we can accomplish with
genetic engineering.


Harvest of Fear,
NOVA/Frontline, 2001,
DNA, Medical Uses of Genetic
Engineering. Explore More:
Genetic Engineering. Roy J.
Carver Charitable Trust,
2004. Web. 12 May 2014.
GEN | Magazine Articles:
Designing Improved
Humans." Genetic
Engineering & Biotechnology
News. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May

Ricardo Aguilera
Per. 5
Mr. Thomas


Medical Uses of
Imagine a world in which
cancer does not exist, a pill in which
can make you physically and
mentally stronger. A world in which
we can cure illnesses by just taking a
bite out of a banana. Modifications
in our DNA or in a living organism
can make all those things happen.
This is called genetic engineering.
Genetic engineering is the direct
manipulation of an organisms
genome using biotechnology
meaning the process of changing an
organisms DNA to give the organism
new traits.
An example of genetic
engineering is using it in the medical
field. There are many ways genetic
engineering can aid as a medical use.
Genetic engineering in the medical
field is such a powerful help because
it allows scientists and doctors to
become closer into finding many
cures; cancer for example. Scientists
can now genetically modifying
patients, with cancer, defense cells to
step it up a notch and fight cancerous


Use of Recombinant

The best benefit from this is that

using genetic engineering for this
process is more effective and less
sumptuous than radiation,
chemotherapy, and surgery that
patients depend on.
One important technique in
genetic engineering is the
recombinant DNA process. This
process is when scientists remove
DNA from any living organism
and inserting it into another living
organisms DNA causing it to
achieve new traits. In the medical
field this process is used by
producing new drugs, and
vaccines to reproduce human
hormones and proteins as well.
A global problem we have
is finding cures for many diseases,
and illnesses. With genetic
engineering we can achieve the
find of cures. For example many
locations around the world do not
have the items to make medicines
and vaccines but with genetic


Medicinal eggs

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