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Chino & Nacho – Mi Jon Secada –Clásicos Tracey Thorn – Love Macy Gray – The Sell- Christina Aguilera –
Niña Bonita Big 3 Records And Its Opposite out Bionic
Machete Music Clásicos es una recopi- Merge Records Concord Records RCA Records
Con una compilación de lación de canciones Partnering again with The Sellout is the Bionic is Aguilera’s first
12 de los éxitos del dúo románticas y eternas, Berlin-based producer Grammy Award winning new album in four
en Sur América e in- que fueron hechas Ewan Pearson, Tracey singer’s first album in years. Not Myself
cluye colaboraciones famosas en ambos id- has created an album more than 3 years and Tonight, the first single
con Don Omar y RKM & iomas por algunos de that is striking in its sim- will be in stores on June of her upcoming album
Ken-Y. El primer sencillo los artistas de más plicity. Recorded in 22nd. The first single has annihilated the
de esta producción es renombre mundial, tal Berlin and London, and Beauty in the World is competition coming in at
Niña Bonita, la cual es como Elvis, Perry featuring guest contribu- available digitally. The the most added song at
un fenómeno digital. La Como, Doris Day, Richie tions as Al Doyle, Leo Sellout features 12 new both Top 40 and
canción illustra la versa- Valens y Frank Sinatra, Taylor, Jens Lekman, songs, was co-written Rhythm Radio on its
tilidad del dúo en una entre otros. El CD está a Cortney Tidwell and and executive produced first week, and its avail-
fusión de música ur- la venta en ediciones en Jono Ma, Love and Op- by Gray in Los Angeles able on iTunes and
bana con elementos español e inglés. posite is steeped in a throughout 2009. The AmazonMP3. Bionic will
claros de la música trop- compassionate direct- album also features be released on June 8th,
ical contemporánea. ness. Lately. 2010.

Edge of Darkness And Then Came Lola The Girl On The Train Colección Pedro In- Thirty Something:
Warner Home Video Wolfe Video Strand Releasing fante The Complete Third
The bullet that killed his Lola, on the verge of Jeanne lives in a house Warner Home Video Season
daughter was meant for success in both love in the suburbs with her En celebración del bi- Shout! Factory
Boston cop Thomas and work, could lose it mother Louise. Louise centenario de la inde- Thirtysomething chan-
Craven. That’s what po- all if she doesn’t make it harbors the hope of get- pendencia de México, neled the conscious-
lice brass and Craven to a crucial meeting on ting her daughter a job Warner lanza tres colec- ness of baby boomers
himself think, but that’s time. But, as usual, Lola with Samuel Bleistein, a ciones especiales de 4 into a running commen-
not what the investiga- is late. With her job and famous lawyer whom películas cada una del tary on what it really
tion finds. Clue after clue girlfriend Casey on the she knew in her youth. ícono mexicano Pedro meant to be on the cusp
and witness after wit- line, she has three Jeanne and Samuel will Infante. Los primeros of success and failure,
ness, the search leads chances to make it right. be set on a collision tres lanzamientos son: El marriage and divorse,
him into a shadowy In a desperate race, course because of an in- Comediante, El Amante, adulthood and parent-
realm where money and time grows short – will credible lie that Jeanne El Cantante. Disponibles hood. Each episode of
political intrigue inter- Lola make it? On DVD invents. On DVD May en DVD el 4 de mayo. this truly groundbreak-
sect. On DVD May 11. May 18. 18. ing series was its own
unit yet somehow fed a
larger, growing experi-
ence from week to
week. On DVD May 11.

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