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Parashah 26: Sh'mini (Eighth)

Parashah 26: Sh'mini (Eighth) - Leviticus 9:1 through 11:47.

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): 2 Samuel: 6:1 - 7:17.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Mark 7:1-23; Acts 5:1-11; 10:1-35; 2 Cor.
6:14 - 7:1; Galatians 2:11-16; 1 Peter 1:14-16.

Summary & Overview

o Leviticus 9:1 | Aaron's Priesthood Inaugurated
o Leviticus 10:1 | Nadab and Abihu
o Leviticus 11:1 | Clean and Unclean Foods
o Leviticus 11:24 | Unclean Animals

Last week we looked at the Sacrificial System and why it is so complicated.

Within the detail of the Sacrificial System, we discovered the Restoration Plan
of YHVHs Creation that is conducted by the Work of Messiah during His First
and Second Comings. We also saw that we are in a fallen state and that we are
part of this Restoration Process to remove the curse that came upon man. This
week we will start with the Commandments that form part of the Restoration
Process that needs to happen within each one of us, and every Commandment
plays a part in this process. The first sin that was committed had to do with what
we eat, and this Torah Portion deals with just that. We start with the
Commandments Regarding Clean and Unclean animals that is relevant to the
Sacrifices conducted within the Tabernacle. Remember, only clean animals
were brought into the Tabernacle for the Sacrifices.

Requirements for the Priesthood and the Congregation

This Torah Portion starts with the Inauguration of
the Priesthood that will facilitate and teach the
Commandments to the people. In todays terms, it
would be appointing the Leadership in the Church
who will teach and lead YHVHs people.
This Torah Portion starts with Moses instructing
Aaron to offer up a Sin Offering (calf) and a Burnt
Offering (ram) unto YHVH, to make atonement for
the Priesthood. After that he offered two Sin
Offerings (Calf and Lamb), two Peace Offerings (Bullock and Ram) and a Meal
Offering on behalf of the Children of Israel. Then YHVH will appear to the
Congregation in the form of His Glory in the midst of His people. Let us apply
what we learned last week to see the building blocks required for the
Presence of YHVH to be in our midst.
The Leaders of the Congregation needs an Olah or Burnt offering that
symbolises them to be covered in a Torah Scroll skin (as we learned last
week). This means that they must know the Torah and make the Torah visible
through their actions, living out the principles and Commandments of YHVH.

They also required a Sin Offering that is needed to cover their sin. This
symbolises that the Leaders within the Congregation must live lives of
repentance before YHVH, pursuing Holiness so that they will not be seen as
hypocrites, preaching one thing and doing another, causing people to stumble.
The Members of the Congregation need two Sin
offerings that indicate their willingness to live Holy
lives before YHVH, always repent when they sin.
They also required two Peace offerings and one
Meal offering that symbolises the regular gathering
of the Congregation, eating together and discussing
His Word as well as relying on YHVHs Holy Spirit to
reveal Truth to remove false teachings and doctrines
from their midst (read last weeks study for detail).
The assembly is a discussion and interaction of all
members, not just one person who always teaches and everybody keeping
quiet and listen. The Teacher needs to facilitate, but the Congregation needs to
interact and are part of the conversation and share what they have studied and
share truth they have received. The reason for this is to ensure that the
Congregation can learn and grow together and share the same foundation of
the Truth and all be on the same page regarding the Word. If someone is not
part of a group and study on their own, they can go off in a tangent not having
the balanced truth that is presented and discussed by fellow Believers. The
Sacrifices required for the people emphasises the importance of the regular
gathering of Believers so that they can learn together and be in unity or Echad,
one with YHVH and one with each other and be part of YHVHs Restoration
Process regarding Relationships. Then and only then will YHVHs Glory appear
in their midst and their lives.
Lev 9:23-24 And Moses and Aaron went into the
tabernacle of the congregation, and came out,
and blessed the people: and the glory of YHVH
appeared unto all the people. 24 And there came a
fire out from before YHVH, and consumed upon
the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which
when all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on
their faces.
YHVHs glory appeared in the form of fire that came down from heaven and
consumed the Burnt Offering on the Altar. The people saw this and fell on their
Q - What does this relate to and how will we see His Glory in our time?
The Glory came in the form of fire upon the Olah or Burnt offering. What we
have learned from this Offering, is that is associated with Noahs Ark that
brought salvation in a time of Judgement. It is also associated with the sacrifice
of Isaac that represented the Messiah as the Saviour. Putting all of this together
shows us that the Glory of YHVH will come in the form of Fire, during a time of
Judgement, then we will see the Messiah as the Saviour at His Second Coming.
When we see this, we all will fall on our faces.

These are two examples within this Parashah show you how you can apply the
symbolism regarding the Sacrifices in order to reveal hidden truth to us that is
relevant today. Who would have through that the passage in Lev 9 will reveal
how an Assembly should look and function and reveal the Second Coming of
Messiah and what His Glory will look like.

Strange Fire Offerings

Lev 10:1-2 And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them
his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered
strange fire before YHVH, which he commanded them not. 2 So fire came
out from the presence of YHVH and consumed them, and they died before
The two sons of Aaron died during the task of
conducting an offering unto YHVH. They were both
from the Priesthood, serving in the Tabernacle of
YHVH and is similar to Leaders facilitating YHVHs
Word and Worship to His people.
Q What does this teach us regarding Leadership and
service unto YHVH today?
Nadab means generous; it comes from a root word
that means to incite, to impel, willingly and to
volunteer. This word is first used in Gen 25:2 where
Israel brought gifts willingly to aid with the construction
of the Tabernacle. This is a good thing but if that offering supports a place
where they will bring strange fire, then it is not so good. Nadab is a picture of
Leaders in Congregations who preach messages that will make people give
willingly and volunteering themselves to partake in the construction of the
Church. Does this sound like prosperity teachings today? What makes is wrong
is the strange fire aspect where a Tabernacle or Congregation is built to
facilitate the sacrifices or offerings the Leaders will bring in the form of
strange fire, unto YHVH. Their teachings deceive the people and these
Leaders (Nadib) cause them to partake in these strange offerings that is
abdominal to YHVH.
Abihu means he is my father and is made up of two words av that means
father and huw that is a pronoun that means himself. This reveals to us that
Leaders that appoint themselves and call themselves father are the ones that
are prone to bringing strange offerings or service unto YHVH. Huw from
Abihu is first used in Scripture in Gen 2:11 where it talks about the river Pison
where there is gold. This reveals Leaders like Abihu, why they want to be
leaders. Both these type of leaders have wrong motives why they lead YHVHs
people, and they both ended up being consumed by YHVHs glory
Q Have you seen any Churches like this in our day?
There are many Mega Churches all over the world today that preach a message
of Prosperity, misleading people to give freely so that they can get rich.
Churches like this facilitate meetings where there are strange fire services
offered up to YHVH. They think these practices are the Glory of YHVH but does
YHVH approve and is it really from Him?

The Meal and Peace-Offerings - How to Eat
Last week we saw the importance of the Meal & Peace Offerings and how these
Offerings restores the peace and the Truth in the midst of a Congregation. The
Meal Offering is connected to food and what we eat is linked to the first sin in
the Garden of Eden. This section of the Torah Portion elaborates a bit more on
the requirements of the Meal Offering or what we are supposed to eat so that
you do not bring the same curse upon your life as Adam and Eve did. The
Commandments regarding food is part of the Meal Offering Restoration and
part of reversing the curse brought upon humanity because of what Adam and
Eve ate. There are a lot of confusion regarding eating clean food (food, as
described in the Word of YHVH) and Believers think that Jesus freed us from
the dietary restrictions found in the Torah because they believe the Law is done
away with. The problem with this is that the Law or Torah forms part of the
Restoration Process of YHVHs fallen Creation. If you abolish it, then you will
not be restored. It is often the mistranslation or wrong interpretation that lead
people to believe these things, but we will now look at the popular verses in the
New Testament that proof that you can eat anything to see if this is so.
Scriptures that are used as arguments to justify eating unclean
animals and popular statements made supporting this view.

It is not what goes into your mouth that makes you unclean
Mat 15:11 Not that which goes into the mouth defiles a man; but that
which comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.
People use this verse to proof that you can eat anything you like because it is
only your words that make you unclean, not food. Reading the context tells us
what they did to cause this offence.
Mat 15:2 Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For
they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.
The context of this verse is found where Yshua spoke these words to the
Pharisees after His Disciples have been accused of defiling themselves eating
without washing their hands, breaking the tradition of the Elders (Pharisees).
The Pharisees taught that if you eat without washing your hands first, then the
food (clean as defined in Scripture) is now unclean.
Q - But it is a good thing to wash your hands anyway, what was the real issue
The issue is not what is clean or unclean defined by Scripture; the issue is what
came out of the mouths of the Elders that made them unclean, teaching their
traditions instead of YHVHs Word. These Traditions are also known as the Oral
Torah, or better known today as the Talmud. The Rabbis believe that the
Talmud carry just as much authority as the Torah because it is Oral Laws that
were written down and should be obeyed the same as YHVHs
Commandments. This is not good because they added to the Torah. Within the
Talmud, you will find the Tradition of the Elders called the Takanot.

Takanot The washing of the hands Takanot is the
term describing the Pharisaic Laws created by them, and
handed down as Laws the people had to obey to be righteous.
The Pharisees believe that they have the authority to change
YHVHs Law (just like the Pope) by adding or taking away from
it. They did it back then and they still do it today and is known as
the Tradition of the Elders. YHVH said in His Word that you are
cursed if you add of taking away from His Word.
The Washing of the Hands is a Takanot that the Pharisees
invented and you will not find it in Scripture. To obey the hand washing
ritual you had to have a special jug which you pour over your left hand
while resting a blessing, and then over your right hand, resting the blessing.
You had to do this three times before you could eat otherwise your food will
be unclean. The blessing they had to recite is as follows: Blessed are you
Adonai, King of the Universe, Who gave us the Commandments, and Who
commanded us to wash the hands. Note: YHVH did not command us to do
this, but within this prayer, they say He did.
Yshua did not say that you can eat whatever you want and you have to read it
into this verse as most people do. People are ignorant of what the Pharisees
taught and what the traditions of the elders are and jump to conclusions
regarding Yshuas statements.
Here is another example where Yshua spoke out against the Traditions of the
Elders or Oral Laws of the Pharisees where they added to YHVHs Torah:
Mat 15:3 But He answered and said to them, Why do you also transgress
the Commandment of YHVH by YOUR TRADITION?
By doing manmade commandments, they transgressed and broke YHVHs
Commandments, and He forbids it to add or take away from His Word.
Deu 4:2 You shall not add to the Word which I command you, neither
shall you take away from it, so that you may keep the commands of YHVH
your Elohim which I command you.
Think about it, Yshua never spoke against the Torah or the Commandments of
His Father, He always spoke against the traditions and commandments of man,
the traditions of the elders and the laws they added that caused a burden on
YHVHs people. So, did Yshua abolish the Commandments in Matt 5:11
regarding Clean and Unclean food? No, clearly not!

Eating clean food is a doctrine of demons
1Ti 4:1-5 But the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and
teachings of demons, (2) speaking lies in hypocrisy, being
seared in their own conscience, (3) forbidding to marry,
saying to abstain from foods which Elohim has created to
be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and
know the truth. (4) For every creation of Elohim is
good, and nothing to be refused if it is received with
thanksgiving. (5) For it is sanctified by the Word of Elohim and
This scripture starts by classifying false teachings and lies inspired by
misleading spirits and demons; NOT TO MARRY and TO ABSTAIN FORM
FOOD Elohim created as food. The Torah never teaches not to marry. Marriage
is a covenant relationship between a man and a woman that is commanded in
Scripture and makes this clearly a doctrine that came from demons.
There is another false teaching or doctrine of demons regarding food
mentioned here, and that is teaching people to abstain from certain foods which
YHVH created and declared as food within His Torah. People misuses this
verse to say that if you refrain from pork and shellfish, you are following a
doctrine of demons. This is clearly not what this verse says, and we will look
what Paul actually meant when he said this.
First of all, YHVH specified what food is in His Torah, in this Parashah in Lev
11. He specifically said that pigs are not to be eaten and is not created or
classified as food. They are scavengers that clean the land, the same as
shellfish. You can pray over your vacuum cleaner as much as you like, it will not
be sanctified as food. This is clearly the wrong interpretation of this verse that
actually implies that YHVH changed His mind regarding food and allow people
to call His Torah the doctrine of demons, that is very brave and disgusting.

2 Tim 3:16 Every Scripture [is] divinely inspired, and profitable for
teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
When Paul wrote this, the New Testament did not exist and he was referring to
the TaNaK, the Torah, the Prophets and the Psalms and Mal 3:6-7 states that
YHVH never changes. You must be aware of these concepts not to make
foolish statements defining YHVH Character and His Word.
YHVH defined clean and unclean animals before
Moses time when He told Noah in Gen 7:2 and Gen
7:8 to gather two pairs of unclean animals and seven
pairs of clean animals to take into the Ark.
Q - Why do you think He specified seven pairs of
clean animals?
Because it was to be consumed by man as food and
used for sacrifices. Later in Gen 9:3 YHVH states
that we can eat all animals and every green plant. Reading this in isolation can
be used to prove that we can eat all animals and creeping things. In the context
of Gen 7, where YHVH specified what clean and unclean was, as well as the

fact that every green plant cannot be eaten because some plants are
poisonous, proves that this verse only refers to animals that are defined as
food. Unclean animals were never used as food or for sacrifices because it is
an abomination unto YHVH to eat uncleanly or to bring an unclean animal into
the Temple for a sacrifice. You are the Temple of YHVH with His Spirit
indwelling you and you should not bring unclean animals into His Temple.
What was Paul referred to here as the teaching of demons is the doctrine of
not to marry and the doctrine of not to eat certain foods (clean animals). Rom
14:21 Paul teaches not to eat meat if it causes your brother to stumble. There
is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian but do not make it a Commandment
and said it is from YHVH. He will never contradict His Word, and Pauls
teachings should always be read within context so that you do not stumble and
twist Pauls words.
2 Pet 3:15-16 Bear in mind that our Lords patience means
salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom
that God gave him.16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in
them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to
understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the
other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Lastly, verse 5 confirms that all creatures mentioned as food are set apart by
Elohims Word (Torah Lev 11) and prayer, not OR prayer. It is not the one or
the other but both. We pray and thank YHVH for the food, not praying over food
to make it clean.

Let no one judge you in food or in drink

Col 2:16-17 Therefore let no one judge you in
food or in drink, or in respect of a feast, or of the
new moon, or of the sabbaths. (17) For these are
a shadow of things to come, but the body is of
This verse can be used to prove both views:
The Law is abolished let no one judge me in
food or in drink, I can eat what I like, pig,
prawns calamari etc.or in respect of a feast, or
of the new moon, or the Sabbaths, I do not have
to do them any more so dont judge me, For these are a shadow of things to
come, but the body is of Messiah, they all are shadows and Christ has
replaced them because He is the real thing.
The Torah still stands let no one judge you.but the body of Messiah.
Only the people inside the body of Messiah may judge (direct) me
regarding food or feasts or the Sabbath because the people outside the
body do know the Scripture and do not understand these things.
If I believe the Feasts, the Sabbaths, new moon and the food laws still stand, I
can use this verse to defend my faith. let no one judge me in food, drink,
Feasts, new moons and Sabbaths, or you can use this verse to abolish the
Feasts, the Sabbaths, the new moon observation and the food laws and label
them as shadows that disappeared when Jesus came.

Yes they are a shadow of these things, but you cannot take away the shadow
because they all point to Messiah, all these shadows will become real in the
New Heaven and New Earth where we will observe them with Messiah, just like
they observed the Sabbath in the Garden of Eden.
Lastly, the translators have printed certain words in italics; these are words they
inserted that is not in the original text to make it easier to read in the English
language. In this verse, it is the word is that is inserted by the translators and if
you remove it, changes the interpretation of this verse.
Col 2:16-17 Therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink, or in
respect of a feast, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbaths. (17) For these
are a shadow of things to come, but the body of Messiah.

The term judge is sometimes misunderstood, and people tend to forget that
Solomon was a Judge that judged the people of Israel. To judge means to direct
or teach people in YHVHs ways, not bash them and tell them off like we think
nowadays. This confirms that only the Body of Messiah can judge (teach and
direct) you regarding these things because they do them and understand them.

All food are declared clean where God showed Peter all animals in a
vision and told him to kill and eat
Act_10:19-28 On the next day, as these went on the
road, and drawing near the city, Peter went up on the
housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. 10 And he became
very hungry and desired to eat. But while they made
ready, an ecstasy fell on him. 11 And he saw the heaven
opened and a certain vessel like a sheet coming down to
him, being bound at the four corners and let down to the
earth; 12 in which were all the four-footed animals of the
earth, and the wild beasts, and the reptiles, and the birds of
the heaven. 13 And a voice came to him, saying, Rise,
Peter! Kill and eat! 14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord, for I
have never eaten anything that is common or unclean. 15 And the voice
spoke to him again the second time, What God has made clean, you do not
call common. 16 This happened three times, and the vessel was received up
again into the heaven. 17 And while Peter doubted within himself what the
vision which he had seen might be, even behold, the men who were sent
from Cornelius had asked for Simon's house and stood on the porch. 18
And they called and asked if Simon whose last name is Peter was staying
there. 19 And while Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said to him,
Behold, three men are looking for you. 20 Therefore arise and go down
and go with them without doubting, for I have sent them. 21 And going
down to the men, those sent to him from Cornelius, Peter said, Behold, I am
the one you are seeking. For what reason have you come? 22 And they
said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man and one who fears God, and one of
good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by a
holy angel to send for you to come to his house and to hear words from you.
23 Then he called them in and lodged them. And on the next day Peter went
away with them, and certain brothers from Joppa went with him. 24 And
the next day they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius was waiting for
them, and had called together his kinsmen and near friends.

25 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet
and worshiped. 26 But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up! I also am a
man myself. 27 And as he talked with him, he went in and found many who
had come together. 28 And he said to them, You know that it is an unlawful
thing for a man, a Jew to keep company with or to come near to one of
another nation. But God has shown me not to call any man common or
This chapter in Scripture is the evidence that is mostly used to proof and justify
the eating of unclean animals. This evidence is based on the vision YHWH
gave Peter. In this vision, YHVH showed Peter clean and unclean unclean
animals together and told him; kill and eat.
Guidelines regarding Doctrines: A Doctrine can only be confirmed by
Scripture with two or more witnesses. This means that you have to find more
than one verse that says the same thing to define it as truth. Secondly,
Scripture cannot contradict Scripture, and everything needs to harmonise
throughout Scripture, from the Torah right through to Revelation. This
passage, if misinterpreted wrongly, contradicts Lev 11.
If you find any contradictions, the translation or interpretation is wrong. Any
contradiction will only bring confusion and starts another Denomination. Thirdly,
YHVH does not change, anything that changes throughout Scripture that cannot
be explained or fit His Restoration Plan, cannot be accepted because it
contradicts the passage in Mal 3:6 that says that YHVH does not change.
Lastly, the grey areas; this is where something stands on its own in Scripture or
is a very broad concept that is open to interpretation. These grey areas cannot
become Doctrines just for that fact. If it is not a clear Commandment found in
more that one place in the Scripture, then it is not eligible to become a Doctrine.
What we can and cannot eat is found more than once in Scripture and is
explicitly listed as a Commandment from YHVH. If you bring in another Doctrine
that contradicts a Commandments of YHVH, then you are teaching people to
break YHVHs Commandments and will be called least in the Kingdom. Yshua
explaining this concept in the Book of Matthew:
Matt 5:19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these
commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in
the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be
called great in the kingdom of heaven.
What does it mean? As we read further on from Acts 10:17, you will see that
Peter thought about this vision, what it possibly could mean. This verse is
normally missed and thus causing the confusion. Visions are sometimes
figurative and should not be taken literally. YHVH used the example of
eating unclean to get Peters attention because YHVH told him to
break the Commandments He gave in Torah?. What is YHVH
revealing here because He will never go against His Word? Verse 28
states that it was unlawful or against the law for a Jew to come near
or keep company with Gentiles or people from other nations.
This in itself is not a Commandment, but yet again a Takanot or
teaching from the Elders, who made up laws contrary to
YHVHs Torah and YHVH told Peter to break their commandment, not His.

Peter knew that what he saw in the vision was not to be taken literal and he
wondered what the interpretation of this vision might be. While thinking about
this three men appeared before him, three non-Jews.
Q If Peter had not received the Vision, would he have opened up to them and
lodged them?
No, it was unlawful for a Jew to keep company with Gentiles, let alone invite
them into your home and dine with them. The Hebrew mind probably linked the
number three with the number of times the vision was repeated with the number
of Gentiles at his door. He also would have made the connection of kill and eat
with lodging and eating with the Gentiles (unclean animals).
Peter only understood the Vision after he was confronted with the Gentiles and
acted on the vision by inviting them in. Please note that he lodged them and this
implies that he prepared food and probably at with them (kill and eat) before
meeting Cornelius the following day.
Kill and eat: The word "eat" is used metaphorically in Jer. 15:16; Ezek. 3:1;
Rev. 10:9. In John 6:53-58, "eating and drinking" means believing in Messiah.
This is nothing different for YHVH to use the term eat metaphorically, in this
case, to eat together or fellowship together. The symbolism of the unclean
animals represents Gentiles because Gentiles were seen to be unclean and
were not permitted to mix with Gentiles. YHVH called the Gentiles clean and fit
to also receive salvation, just like the Jews. This Mystery of the Food became
the Mystery of the Gospel that Paul taught in his letters.
The context of this passage has to be bent to confirm the justification to eat
unclean animals as stated in Leviticus. This new Doctrine is not founded on
concrete evidence that you can eat what you want. You do not have to interpret
Peters Vision, YHVH gave him the interpretation, just read up to verse 28, and
everything will be revealed.

The weak brother only eat vegetables

Rom 14:1-2 And receive him who is weak in the
faith, but not to judgments of your thoughts. (2)
For indeed one believes in eating all things; but
being weak, another eats vegetables.
Some interpret this passage that those who eat all
things are secure in their faith and if you follow the
food laws, not eating unclean things, you are weak
in your faith.
Q How do you proof that you are strong in faith?
To prove that you are strong in your faith by eating all things including unclean
food makes people in the world the strongest because they do not care what
they put in their mouths. No, this cannot be the measure of faith, it is ridiculous.
This disproves the logic of interpretation this passage in this way. Faith can only
be measured according to YHVHs Word, and you are strong in faith if you are
faithful in the Truth.
Q - So, who is the weak brother then?

There are three possibilities determining the weak brother:
1. New Believers coming from a Gentile background: The weak brother might
have been new believers in Messiah who did not understand everything yet and
who were still in the process of learning regarding the ways of YHVH. Some of
these Gentile cultures did not eat meat at all and were vegetarian. When they
assembled they share food and eating together caused problems and disputes
because of these different views regarding food. They were weak in their
understanding of the Torah that allowed certain meats. The people who were
strong in faith had a better understanding of the Torah and ate all things
allowed in Lev 11. This caused offence to the new people who believe to be
vegetarian and were classified as weak brothers and sisters in Messiah.
2. New Believers from a Jewish background: These issues happen when
Believers from a Gentile background, bring clean meat (according to Torah) into
the Assembly, but the meat did not meet the Jewish Kosher requirements
according to traditions. This happened in Pauls time as well when clean meat
are not kosher according to Rabbinical customs and declared unclean by
Believers with Jewish heritage. This caused the Jewish Believers in Messiah,
abstained from meat altogether (eat vegetables only) because the meat is
unclean or not Kosher because of its source. When Believers assembled, they
ate together, and this issue caused disputes that Paul had to address, thus
calling the Jewish Brothers in Messiah weak in faith.
3. Believers who did not fast correctly and fasted on certain days Paul
also make mention of certain days as well as to eat or not to eat, if you read
down to verse 6, connecting it to the weak in faith context.
Rom 14:5-6 One indeed esteems a day above another day, and another
esteems every day alike. Let each one be fully assured in his own mind.
(6) He who regards the day regards it to YHVH, and he not regarding
the day, does not regard it to YHVH. He who eats, eats to YHVH, for he
gives Elohim thanks; and he who does not eat, does not eat to YHVH, and
gives Elohim thanks.
To eat unto YHVH we understand, but not to eat unto YHVH is related to
abstaining from food as in a fast. You can fast all food or only fast meat, eating
vegetables during this time of fasting. The weak in faith could have been those
who did not fast correctly or did not fast on certain days as tradition dictated.
We see people regarded one day above another and this could relate to fast
days that was custom within Jewish traditions, for example, to fast twice a
Luk 18:12 I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
Some Believers of Jewish background held to this custom to fast twice a week
on certain days, as stipulated by the Pharisees, others did not regard their
teachings and ate of all things on these days of fasting. Others who kept the
fast might have only abstained from meats, eating vegetables on their fast day.
Those who were weak, ate vegetables and those who are strong in faith (not
the following tradition), ate from all the food that was present.

The comment about weak faith is made by Paul who was trying to
resolve issues and disputes because of cultural differences within
the Congregation. These disputes came about due to lack of
understanding of the Word or grey areas in interpreting the
Word. If we are faced with these issues and cultural differences,
we need to learn to love and tolerate one another for the sake of
unity within the Congregation.
This passage in Romans 14 is a perfect example of how one
Scripture can be interpreted in four different ways and this making
it not feasible in using to define the Doctrine regarding food.
Q What was Pauls views on faith and keeping the Torah?
Rom 3:31 Do we then nullify the Torah through the Faith? Let it not be!
On the contrary, (through faith) we establish the Torah.
Rom 7:12-13 So that the Torah truly is Holy, and the Command Holy,
and righteous, and good. (13) Therefore, has that which is good (Torah
and Commandments) become death to me? Let it not be!
Rom 7:22 For I delight in the Torah of Elohim according to the inward
man, Footnote: 1Ps. 119:16.

Clean and Unclean in the Torah.

This passage in Deut 14 is the second witness to what Lev 11 states and
therefore can be used to define the Doctrine regarding Clean and Unclean

Deu_14:3-21 Do not eat whatever

is abominable. (4) These are the
living creatures which you do eat:
ox, sheep, and goat, (5) deer, and
gazelle, and roebuck, and wild goat,
and mountain goat, and antelope,
and mountain sheep. (6) And every
beast that has a split hoof divided in
two, chewing the cud, among the
beasts, you do eat. (7) But of those
chewing the cud or those having a
split hoof completely divided, you do
not eat, such as these: the camel, and
the hare, and the rabbit, for they
chew the cud but do not have a split
hoof, they are unclean for you. (8)
And the pig is unclean for you,
because it has a split hoof, but does
not chew the cud. You do not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses.
(9) These you do eat of all that are in the waters: all that have fins and
scales you do eat. (10) And whatever does not have fins and scales you
do not eat, it is unclean for you. (11) Any clean bird you do eat,

(12) but these you do not eat: the eagle, and the vulture, and the black
vulture, (13) and the red kite, and the falcon, and the buzzard after their
kinds, (14) and every raven after its kind, (15) and the ostrich, and the
nighthawk, and the seagull, and the hawk after their kinds, (16) the little
owl, and the great owl, and the white owl, (17) and the pelican, and the
carrion vulture, and the fisher owl, (18) and the stork, and the heron
after its kind, and the hoopoe and the bat. (19) And every creeping
insect that flies is unclean for you; they are not eaten. (20) Any clean
bird you do eat. (21) Do not eat whatever dies of itself. Give it to the
stranger who is within your gates, to eat it, or sell it to a foreigner. For
you are a set-apart people to YHVH your Elohim. Do not cook a young
goat in its mothers milk. (do not follow pagan tradition)

In the last verse, we see that YHVH forbids us to eat goat cooked in its mothers
milk. This was a pagan tradition, and YHVH do not want us to follow the
traditions of the Pagan Cultures, and one of them is to eat whatever we want.
YHVH created enough to eat from, and we should not fall into the same trap
Eve did when Satan told her that she could eat from the things YHVH forbid
them to eat from and become like YHVH. Eating what you want makes you in a
sense like YHVH where you have the power over your life and do not need to
submit under anybodys authority. This is true for YHVH but definitely not true
for us.

Clean and Unclean in the Last Days.

Lets now look at what the Scripture says about clean and unclean animals in
context with the end times and the last generation; these passages are for
those awaiting the Second Coming of Messiah.
Isa_66:15-18 15 For, behold, YHWH will come with fire, and with His
chariots like a tempest, to refresh His anger with fury, and His rebuke
with flames of fire. 16 For by fire and by His sword YHWH will execute
judgment with all flesh; and the slain of YHWH will be many.
17 Those who sanctify themselves, and purify themselves to go into the
gardens, behind one tree in the middle, eating swine's (hog or pig) flesh,
and the hateful thing, and the mouse, will be cut off together, says
YHWH. 18 For I know their works and their thoughts; it comes to gather
all the nations and the tongues, and they will come and see My glory.
Isa 65:3-6 the people who provoke Me continually to My face, who
slaughter in gardens, and burn incense on altars of brick; (4) who sit
among the graves, and spend the night in secret places, who eat flesh of
pigs, and the broth of unclean meat is in their pots, (5) who say, Keep to
yourself, do not come near me, for I am holy to you! These are smoke in
My nostrils, a fire that burns all day. (6) See, it is written before Me: I
am not silent, but shall repay, and I shall repay into their bosom,

These two passages talk about Yshuas
Second Coming where He will come to judge
the world and yet again brings up the topic of
a Garden, food and what not to eat. YHVH
identifies these people as His followers and
in Isa 66 see them sanctifying themselves
and in Isa 65 defines them as people who
calls themselves Holy about other people.
The issue YHVH have with these people is
that they follow Him but refuse to submit to
His Word and thus rebel against the truth
especially the Commandments regarding
food. This makes it very difficult for YHVH to Restore these people if they refuse
to follow His Process of Restoration that involves His Commandments,
especially the one regarding food.
The same sin that caused humanity to fall in the Garden will be the sin that will
be judged during the Second Coming of Messiah. This sin is not what you eat,
but rather the rebellion against His Word that stipulates what to eat and what
not to eat. This makes the topic of Clean and Unclean Food a pretty serious
topic and Believers in Messiah should not be ignorant of this or brush it off as
unimportant. If you say you follow YHVH and love Him, you will learn His Ways
and follow it so that you can be removed from the things that are cursed that
will be judged during the End Time Events. This will ensure that you will be
restored back to the Garden of Eden and live with YHVH in His Presence in the
New Jerusalem.


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