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(Engro Foods)

Submitted by:
Nida Ashraf

Course instructor:
Miss Shumaila






Situation Analysis
a. Companys brief history
Companys current marketing situation
(Business or industry information)
Description of companys product or service
b. Target Market description
Relevant Market Segments identified
Primary market, secondary market, market characteristics
Marketing Objectives
a. Need satisfying
b. Sales target objectives
Marketing Strategy
a. Marketing Mix elements
b. Intended role of advertising/IMC
Advertising Objectives
a. Objectives stated in terms of Advertising pyramid or purchase behavior
b. Quantified objectives (Specific percentage, length of time of
Advertising (Creative) Strategy
a. Product Concept (How advertising will present the product in terms of
Product or market positioning
Product Differentiation
Classification, Packaging, Branding
b. Target audience the specific people the advertising will address
(relationship of target audience to target market, prospective buying
influences, Advertising appeal)
Prioritization of target audience (Primary, secondary, supplementary)
Advertising Media Strategy
a. Define media objectives in terms of reach, frequency, Gross rating
b. Determination of which media reach the target audience best
(Traditional mass media, other media or supplement media)
c. Availability of media relative to purchase patterns
d. Potential for communication effectiveness
e. Cost consideration
The Advertising budget
(Method of allocation)


Engro Foods had only recently been established by Engro a traditional giant in Pakistans chemical and
fertilizer industry. Engro Foods launched Olpers Milk after long tenure of consumer research and time

and money consumption. During this time they are continuing observing the issues with the packed milk.
After three years of their launch Olpers Milk gain reputation among consumers and now currently
holding 30 percent of market share. Within the dairy market, company now has a diverse portfolio of
products ranging from different types of cream to premium low fat milk.
The packaged milk category was originated in 1981 by Milk Pak, which pioneered tetra pack milk in
Pakistan. The supply chain involved collecting milk from rural areas across Punjab, processing the milk
through UHT (Ultra-High Temperature Processing) treatment, and selling it to consumers in uniquely
colored triangular and rectangular packs designed. By 2006, the dairy milk category was growing at 20
percent annually. Brands like Milk Pak (owned by Nestle) and Haleeb Milk (from Haleeb Foods) had led
the dairy market in the worlds fourth largest milk producing country for nearly two decades without any
real sustained competition. Milk Pak was identified by its green and white packaging the colors of the
country and offered a brand backed with the strong equity of Nestle. Haleeb was recognized as the blue
brand, and professed to have the naturally thickest milk.
Olpers has woken up the competition. Milk Pak responded with campaigns of its own to reaffirm the
positive equity of its brand. Haleeb implemented a response as well. And Olpers stars cutting its market
share after competition become fierce.
Olpers, however, stepped into the foray by launching a massive campaign that started off with an
introductory slice-of-life. Olpers as a contemporary and modern brand as the name itself made sound like
a foreign brand, giving the perception of quality. To a large extent, they were successful. Secondly they
did some product changes picking red as the brand color in spite of greens and blues color also helped to
enhance the in-store visibility and presence for Olpers packaged milk, and disassociation from its
competition. Thirdly they highlighted and expanded upon the various occasions in which milk could and
should use and making it All Purpose Milk.
Engro Foods has recently expanded its brands portfolio by launching a premium quality ice cream with
the name of Omore. Omore started its sales from the city of Lahore because of the culturally inheritor of
celebrator of festival of colors i.e. The Spring Festival. They have started off with 24 different packs and
flavors that attract kids and adults from all walks of life.

I-(b) Target Market & market segments

It is difficult for any one company to engage in mass production, mass distribution
and mass promotion for its product. The complexities arise from the proliferation of
advertising and distribution channels and the high costs associated with reaching a
mass audience. Therefore, companies segment the market so that they can target
the group of customers who share similar needs and wants. The milk sector shows a
market that has homogeneous preferences that is the consumers have similar
preferences. They want milk to be white, carefully processed, and good for health
and bones. Keeping these things in mind Olpers market has been segmented. The
marketers at Olpers have had a number of options available to them when
segmenting the market for their products. So far company has introduced three new
products: Olpers milk, Olwell diet milk and Olpers cream.
Demographic Segmentation:
Olpers products are not bounded to any particular age, gender or lifecycle stage.
The brand is meant for all the users in higher upper or middle class families. Even
though the brand calls for a small percentage of an individuals income but lower
class wouldnt want to buy the brand maybe because they are price sensitive or
because they believe lose milk is better than processed milk and has all the
nutrients that the processed milk lacks. However all the companies in the milk
sector are trying to change the image of processed milk as non-nutritionist milk.
Therefore it can be said that Olpers has been positioned as a brand for high income
earners. Due to the income factor involved it can be said that Olpers milk target a
specific social class who are health conscious and concerned about their weight.
Psychographic Segmentation:
On the basis of psychographics, factors such as personality traits, lifestyles and
values, the marketers at Olpers have segmented the market more towards
achievers who are goal-oriented and focused on their careers, and experiencers
those who are seeking variety in the milk sector. For example the ads for Olwell
mostly show achievers who want to be successful, have high aims and are already
doing quite well in their concerned fields. The Olpers products have targeted
experiencers because the company has given them a new set of brand and so many
will make their first purchase because they want to try something new. Olpers ads
also target believers, traditional conservative people with concrete beliefs. The ads
for Olpers show the beliefs of healthy life with processed milk and plays on the
emotional aspect more.
Behavioral Segmentation:
Olpers products have been segmented on the basis of benefits that consumers
seek in the milk. In this case, people look for a brand that can be used for all

purposes from drinking to tea whiteners as well to feed the animals. The ads also
show that consumers should increase their milk consumption for example with
every tea they should use Olpers, every morning they should drink Olpers and
everyday they should feed their pets with Olpers milk. There may be some hard
core loyal in the milk sector. Loyalty maybe towards such established brands as
Nestle and Haleeb. There might even be switchers and shifting loyal in the milk
sectors that are either price sensitive or want variety. As a result, the marketers
need to find ways to make the hard core loyal attracted to the Olpers brand and
shifting loyal and switchers to convert into hard core loyal as well.
Positioning the Brand:
Positioning involves designing the product and image that will occupy a distinctive
place in the minds of the target market. As can be seen, nestle milkpak and Haleeb
have the largest profit margins and market share in the milk industry. Thus the
marketers at Olpers have decided to create its own unique image and then
strengthen the position in the customers minds. They have done this by taking a
number of following steps:
(1) Packaging of Olpers milk and Olwell in red color and Olpers cream packed in
purple color are quite different and distinctive from the typical green and blue
packing used by other competitors.
(2) The brand has been positioned as an all purpose milk that is meant for
everyone, especially for those who live life to the fullest, hence its tag line, jo dil
khol kay jeetay hain unheen kay liyay hai Olpers. Olpers always tries to create
customer intimacy that is it focuses on satisfying the customers unmet needs.
Processed milk is seen as less lacking all the nutritions that are part of milk due to
passing through so many processes. But Olpers positions itself as milk that has not
lost its nutrients.
The unique selling proposition for Olpers is: Subah Bakhair Zindagi, but recently the
company changed the USP to: Jo dil khol kay jeetay hain unheen kay liyay hai
Olpers. Both the tag lines have a very positive impact on Olpers image because of
the emotions involved in both the lines.
The marketers have used different positioning for Olpers products:
a) They have used the attribute positioning for Olpers milk. The main theme of the
product is that it is meant for all purposes without any user imagery. Olpers ads
also show attributes of milk such as good for health.
b) They used the benefit positioning for Olwell. The product is positioned as
delivering the benefit of helping to reduce weight and for healthy bones.
c) Olpers cream is positioned as good for a specific use or application. In this case
the cream can be used to make cake icings and desserts look great.

II. Marketing objectives

"Our vision is to become a fast expanding mega foods company. To achieve our
vision, the company will initially focus on dairy by investing a substantial amount in
plant, milk collection capability and marketing. We are making concrete efforts to
expand in and beyond Pakistan; through strategic international alliances, to
eventually become global."

Core Values
(1) Leadership.
(2) Innovation.
(3) Diversity and International focus.
(4) Quality and continuous Improvement.
(5) Candid and open communications.
(6) Individual growth and development.
(7) Enthusiastic pursuit of profit.
(8) Ethics and integrity.
(9) Safety, Health and Environment

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