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Burger-e-karachi uses only the best ingredients for its burgers, fries and its special nutella and mars
burger. Burgers are made from all-natural, hormone and antibiotic-free beef and chicken, while fries
are made from premium golden potatoes and are prepared 100% free of artificial trans-fat. The biggest
strength of our company is that we make our burgers within 5 minutes and we also provide quick
delivery services. The major difference between our burgers n other big fast food franchise is that we
also provide healthy, whole grain, special burgers for allergic people and cholesterol patients. we
provide a full family entertaining atmosphere. Children will be attracted to this place because of
games, music and magic shows.
Burger-e-karachi will be new in the market so it will take some time to study the market as it is a very
competitive market in Karachi. It might be difficult to find new investors. Suppliers will charge us
more than the usual cost as they might be loyal to big franchises. They can provide us cheap materials
on the request of our competitors so that our business fails.
Burger-e-karachi has many future expansionary plans. We have planned to expand our business in
every city of Pakistan but the name of the restaurant will be same. If this plan works successfully then
we will move to international market. Muslim living in Europe and USA face many problems to find
halal meat, we will provide them halal foods. Burger-e-karachi also plans to expand its product range.
We might introduce different products such as coffee to bring diversity in our business. We are
planning to introduce customized shakes, curly fries, healthy fruit smoothies for health conscious
Burger-e-karachi will face huge competition from the existing businesses. The big fat multinational
companies will try to use different strategies to bring our company down. Our big competitors are
McDonalds, kfc, burger king. But all of them are providing totally unhealthy food whereas burger-ekarachi is also providing healthy food too.

Microenvironment factors

An important aspect of any business is its external environment. When we talk about external
environment it means Micro environment. Micro environment are those factors that can indirectly
influence an organization has no power. Such as factors can be political, social, economical,
environmental, legal and technological. One single or wrong step of the organization has highly paid
by other countries of the same organization.
Political/cutrual Factor : our company has been control by individual policies and regulation.
Related to health, worker protection,and environment are the such things with particular market areas.
Social Factor: This factor is related to the consumers social behavior and purchasing power of the
market. Major thing to understand is the performance of any organization on market. Every nation or
country has their own social laws, so as per social demands are related to different factors in their
attitudes, ages, wages, working hours, men and women and job securities will main thing to face the
challenges for an organization.
Technological Factor: Burger e- karachi slogan would be Aaokhaoo! Burger e- karachi,
specially for karachitilites. New technology has been to introduce with Connect with global to their
franchise food restaurants for getting and giving information fast services and communicates to
themfor better output and improvements. Technology helps us to marketing deals with connecting
people, suppliers, dealers, and the stores as well as customers very easier way.
Legal Factor : Concer with legal and socio-culutral environment of the muslim countries requirement
with law in Halal restaurants, in other hand in some European countries conform to existing this laws
are modified to banning the use of meat on their food products. There are legal taxes obligatons,
employment rules, quality concept are also important for smooth operationsto achieve.


Burger-e-karachi aims to offer a friendly, fun environment for everyone to enjoy. They seek to appeal
to a wide range of people, from families who love Happy Meals, to workers grabbing breakfast onthe-go or eating in to enjoy our freshly ground coffee and free Wi-Fi.
The majority will be throughcampaigns communicated to everyone, often through TV advertising to
ensure they as to have a broad reach.
Our restaurant will offer meals for children and will keep children highly satisfied through providing
them with Candy burger of different chocolate flavors starting from Nutella burgers to bounty ,mars
,eclairs, twix flavored burgers. The USP will be toy shaped breads. Cars,Barbie,cartoons and smiley
burgers will be available. None of any other hamburgers offers this variety and excitement to chidren.
Games,happy meals, buddy meals and different exciting deals will be available for children. Another
market segmentation will be of Adults. It will provide a quick service 5 minutes on clock keeping the
burger ready on the table of the customer. There will be a place to relax with free Wi-Fi for adults, and
a quick breakfast for those in a hurry in the morning.
Burger-e-karachi will be especially for karachihites and thats exactly what makes it unique. There are
many competitors in this fast food industry and major distinct factor will be that we only cater to
karachites. The high quality and the fun atmosphere from seniors of the city to party rock younsters to
2 year old kids. It will be marked as a one the have-to-go places in Karachi.
We ware targeting local people of Karachi from upper and middle class. Our hamburger will be
hygenice taking care of the health of seniors for example those with cholesterol or cardiac diseases
offering low oil and for allergic people to have olive or mushroom free hamburgers. We will offer all
kinds of hamburgers starting from chicken, mutton, vegetable,grain hamburger to the fusion of all
three together. We Ill work on the high quality service, convenience and fast service too. We ill
campaign through talent hunts amongst children and youth.
The atmosphere will be informal and casual. A separate portion for seniors, business meetings and
smoking zone .Latest television with newspapers as seniors in Karachi love to discuss about the lastest
breaking news and politics.. It made market segmentation accurately we ill consider psychological
elements and carried out corresponding strategies so as to reach the marketing aim of the
corporation.Our culture will be promoted. People dont necessarily have to be dressed in a pair of
jeans or a top instead they can come in with their shalwarkameez , hats, abayas on. A little funny

element will be comedy shows on all the televisions in the branch. Promoting happiness and
cheerfulness and brotherhood. We Ill offer pan and tea as a free treat plus accustomed burgers,
smoothies and milkshakes for health conscious people. It isnt just hamburger but its one roof a 100


. The competitive analysis lies within the strategic analysis which helps business
evaluate its position within competitive environment. Competitive analysis plays
an important role for analysing our Burger-E-Karachi (BK)business situation will
acknowledge the competitors strengths and weaknesses.
We will use the Porters five forces analysis to determine our business situation in the
food industry.This theory is based on the concept that there are five forces that
determine the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a market. Porters five forces
help to identify where power lies in a business situation. This is useful both in
understanding the strength of an organisations current competitive position, and the
strength of a position that an organisation may look to move into.

When we take BARRIERS TO

account the strength of our
Burger-E-Karachi would be that
legal restrictions to enter the
However this is a threat as this
other sole traders to enter in the
which means the competition

there are low
would give
Food industry

On the other hand as Burger-EKarachi would

use Just-In-Time (JIT) for our inventory then the business would have advantage over
competitors as the inventory orders will be according to the requirements.
The Second factor would be BUYERS POWER the Burger-E-Karachi would provide the
better quality and low priced meals. Also the business would provide Nutella burgers for
those who love chocolate and custom made burgers and milk shakes with all the possible
ingredients available, this would give our business a USP which might help Burger-EKarachi to enjoy the profits.
The Third Factor is THE POWER OF SUPPLIERS to Burger-E-Karachi is minor because we
are introducing our burgers using latest JIT technology also by using high quality meat
and ingredients due to which the risk of changes in customers taste is less. However it is
a challenge for Burger-E-Karachi to compete with International chains like Mc Donalds
Pizza Hut KFC and many more and Local Food Chains because they use already have
established their brand name.
The COMPETITVE RIVALRY is based on the other factors which are discussed
above.Burger-E-Karachi would establish its brand image in through providing high quality
burgers and a friendly environment to the customers. Our business Burger-E-Karachi
would use the social networking sites to capture our target market in order to create
awareness among the people.


Hareem Mukaty: Target Market

Nida Ashraf: SWOT analysis and Compilation of proposal
Noreen Ali: Competitive Analysis
Mehak Fizza Shahani: Microenvironment factors

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