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The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2
Drawing Supply from the Spiritual-Material Universe

There is a cosmic law that draws supply from the Spiritual Material Universe. It is
the Law of the Tithe
As you tithe so you prosper. It is as simple as that.

Tithing is a key to the precipitation of supply.

The law of the tithe governs the regulation of supply and demand in the
spiritual/material universe.

It sustains the flow of light from spirit to matter.

Tithe means one tenth. Tie-thee to God and his abundant consciousness.

The law of the tithe fulfills an ancient covenant between God and man.

Abraham tithed one tenth of the spoils of battle to Melchizedek, King of Salem

The Law of Moses--The Lord required a tenth of all that the people had (Leviticus

If you give God ten percent of your wealth, God will multiply what you give and
return it to you 100% in tangible supply or in intangible blessings.

Tithing is a working partnershipGod's ownership and man's stewardship.

The main reward is increased spirituality. Improvement in financial affairs is


Tithing is a test of faith and love. When we tithe we acknowledge God as the source
of our supply then previously unknown channels open to us through which
abundance comes.

The paradox in the law of the tithe is that you receive by giving. "Prime the pump."

The act of tithing is to set in motion a cause and effect sequence. Giving creates a
vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum so the universe rushes to fill in.

The tithe is not really ours to give. All that we have already belongs to God.

Give the tithe to Him first before you pay your other bills. Do not give in a grudging or
fearful manner.

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2

Be consistent. Regularity is important. Systematic giving opens the way for

systematic receiving. The greater your present necessity, the greater the need to
tithe. By tithing you help God to help you.

God examines our motives. The more pure and unselfish the motive the more the
results. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.

Tithe also on your energy, possessions and abilities in service to life, in decrees and

El Morya says if you cannot afford to tithe you are living beyond your means.

Don't say "I can't afford to tithe." Rather say "I cannot afford not to tithe!"

Tithing works. Many have proved it. Sometimes it can be the single key to turn
around financial problems.

Malachi 3:10 says Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open
you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be
room enough to receive it.

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2

Saint Germain's Keys for Healing the Economy

Saint Germain told us in 1980 If you ask me why the economy of America is in
such a disastrous state, I will tell you that it is because not enough people care
for God or for one another.

They see solutions only in terms of more money and more government control
and the regulation of life.

But without heart or attunement with the threefold flame of Life that is the spark
of each one's divinity, the light of God does not flow to meet the needs of the

Saint Germain has a mantra for the healing of the economies of the nations. It is
called "I AM the Light of the Heart."

It takes many hearts to make one great heart of light that becomes the heart of a
nation--just as it takes many drops of rain to form the mighty river of life and
many souls serving as one to manifest the body of God on earth.

Saint Germain would enlist the sweet and simple souls who have adored my
purple fiery heart. Let these children of my heart now rallyand take my
mantra of the heart as a perpetual mantra that flows through the mind even as it
flows through the arteries of commerce, business, banking, and that Federal
Reserve system which is the "non-reserve" of the nation's money system.

You have heard of the perpetual prayer of the pilgrim of God.

You have heard of the Indian gurus who recommend to their chelas the recitation
of a single mantra hundreds of times a day as they go about their normal

"Pray without ceasing" is the answer that I give to those who cry out for
deliverance from the oppressive weight of the top-heavy economy.

Take this mantra then, my noble of heart, and alternate it with [the mantra to]
Helios and Vesta, to the sun center of the flow of the abundant life, and let us see
what we can still do to stave off impending destruction.

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2

There are some economists in America who have seen the dangers for years.
They wonder why the collapse has not already occurred.

Saint Germain says I will tell you, my beloved. A little violet flame goes a long,
long way.

Legions of light multiply your calls to the violet flame hour by hour and apply the
sacred alchemy of the law of transmutation to the problems of the economy.

Angels of the seventh ray and "experts" in the application of the law of
Christhood to the day-to-day problems of economics are working diligently at
inner levels to heal the wounds in the body politic of the nations.

Thus we repeat that it is in the influx of the sacred fire in an accelerated and
rolling momentum of the violet flame invoked by Keepers of the Flame, as well as
in specific calls for the economy, that the answer is given.

Contrary to all of the powerful opinions of the worldly, it is in fact the light of the
devotees of the ascended master teachings as well as the light of the pure
prayers of all children of God that today holds together the international

We seek to translate this light into a practical and effective plan for a new
economic foundation to be implemented in the United States and in the nations
of the earth.

This calls for a massive education of the people, the overturning of the most
cherished systems because they are not of God, and a banding together of those
who see through the seed of the serpents who have gone forth to destroy the
souls of the people through the destruction of their economic base.

From 1980 Pearl of Wisdom by Saint Germain The Economy of the Survival of the

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2
Saint Germains Mantras for the Healing of the Economy
I AM the Light of the Heart
I AM the light of the heart
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury
Of the mind of Christ.
I AM projecting my love
Out into the world
To erase all errors
And to break down all barriers.
I AM the power of Infinite Love,
Amplifying Itself
Until It is victorious,
World without end!
The New Day by Vesta
Helios and Vesta! Helios and Vesta! Helios and Vesta!
Let the Light flow into my being!
Let the Light expand in the center of my heart!
Let the Light expand in the center of the earth
And let the earth be transformed into the New Day!

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2

Past Golden Ages and The Divine Destiny of America

Somewhere within the soul of the American people is a deep desire for freedom,
peace and enlightenment.

But what most Americans do not realize is how the quality of gold is a key to
fulfilling the desire for freedom and that the absence of the gold standard in our
economy is depriving us all of the freedom that we seek.

The ancients knew that gold had unique spiritual qualities. Then as now, gold
represents the precipitated light of the sunthe ultimate source of warmth and
growth for our solar system.

Periodically in past ages on the earth, gold was the medium of exchange and
with it came periods of great enlightenment and spiritual as well as material

These ages were called Golden Ages with good reasonthe metal gold was in
common use by the masses, and during these periods the development of
mankind reached high points of attainment.

A golden age is an age based on the standard of gold and its innate spiritual
qualities and the golden rule of enlightened behaviordo unto others as you
would have done unto you.

Our founding fathers knew of the importance of gold in the destiny of America.
This is why they insisted on the gold standard in our currency.

Pure gold is the coin of heavens realm. Like a touchstone or talisman, gold
contains within it the inherent ability to repulse the impure emotions of greed,
immorality and selfishness.

Sadly in this day and age, there are many children and even adults who have
never touched a piece of real gold. If we return to a time when gold is held in our
hands, worn on our bodies and used as the medium of exchange, we will see a
greater emotional and mental stability in the people of our nation as well as
stability in our economy.

Gold does not decay or corrode. Gold is easy to refine. Gold cannot be

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2
counterfeited. Gold is accepted worldwide, and nobody, not even a government,
can print more gold when it would like to spend more money than it has on hand.

There is a natural increase over time as gold is mined, hence there is an

automatic mechanism to accommodate economic growth and an increase in
population without causing inflation or deflation.

All of life absorbs the radiation from gold in the earth and gold in circulation, and
it is used by the creator for many purposes. Gold has the powerful ability to purify
and energize the human body as well as the plants and animals in nature.

One reason for the confusion and chaos of the present time is because gold is
not flowing freely among mankind and thus its balancing and purifying action is
being denied in the marketplaces, the centers of trade and the commercial life of
our cities.

Gold is a stepping stone to a golden age of personal and economic freedom.

Gold, the liquid light from the heart of the Sun, is a source of spiritual power and
the presence of the creator in our lives.

If we would only return to the gold standard and gradually exchange our paper
money for gold, there would come about a rebalancing of our personal and
national economies. This in turn would usher in an age of peace and prosperity,
unequalled in these troubled times.

It is said that the streets of heaven are paved with gold. How the soul of America
longs to walk with the angels upon those golden pathways and to see them
reflected here on earth. Yet how little we seem to realize what our angels are
trying to tell usthat gold is necessary for the stability of the consciousness of
mankind as well as the stability of the economies of the nations.

Returning to the gold standard is a necessary step to right the injustices of our
times. The remedy may not be simple and it will not be without some sacrifice of
behalf of us all but it can start today with the individual.

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2

If each of us will begin to reestablish our personal economy on the gold standard,
by taking from one half to one percent of our monthly earnings and transferring
this into gold, the process will begin, one by one by one.

One day the American people will wake up and understand the great disservice
that has been placed upon them by the printing of paper money without the
backing of gold.

One day mankind will realize that when gold passes from hand to hand as part of
the movement of commerce in the nation, it will also regulate the supply and
demand of that commerce.

In that day it may truly be said that the government shall be upon His
shouldersthe broad and faithful shoulders of the Living Christ. In that glad and
glorious day, the free flow of gold itself will gradually and peacefully bring about
the changes in the economies of the nations that each man, woman and child
desires to see.

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2

I AM Affirmations for Precipitating the Supply You Need

Use daily for precipitation
For financial Freedom:
I AM the riches of God flowing into my hands and use that nothing can stop.
I AM the ceaseless stream of the living water of abundance
I AM the Mighty Power of Precipitation.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life.
I AM the Energy I use in every action.
I AM the Light, illuminating every cell of my Being.
I AM the Intelligence, the Wisdom, directing my every effort.
I AM the Substance, omnipresent, without limit, which I may use and bring into form without any
I AM the Completeness of all Perfection I ever wish to manifest.
I AM the visual opulence I desire.
I AM the "Presence" producing abundance wherever I choose to use it.
I AM the Governing Presence, governing in Perfect Divine Order, commanding harmony,
happiness, and the Presence of God's Opulence in my mind, my home, and my world.
I AM, I AM, I know I AM the use of God's Limitless Opulence.

The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2

Nine Steps of Precipitation

1. Light is the alchemical key.
The first fiat of creation is: "Let there be Light!"


0.07A "I AM the Light of the Heart"

7.10A "I AM Light" by Kuthumi

"Supply" from the Heart, Head and Hand Decrees

2. Create a mind blueprint of the object you wish to produce. This should
include definite size, proportion, substance, density, color and quality in detailed
picture form.
Decrees:"Perfection" from the Heart, Head and Hand Decrees
10.03, "I AM God's Will"
10.08, "The Great Divine Director"
3. Determine where you wish the desired object to manifest.
4. If you know the material substance of which it is composed, memorize its
atomic pattern. If not, call to the Divine Intelligence within your Higher Mind to
register the pattern for you from the Universal Intelligence and impress it upon
your memory body and your mind.
Decree: "Transfiguration" from the Heart, Head and Hand Decrees
5. Call for light to take on the atomic pattern you are holding, to coalesce
around that pattern, and then to "densify" into form.

"I AM the resurrection and the life"

Decrees:"Resurrection" from the Heart, Head and Hand Decrees

60.00, "Beloved Flame of Resurrection"


The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2
6. Call for the multiplication of this atomic structure until molecules of
substance begin to fill the void occupying the space in which you desire
the object to appear.
Invoke the Holy Spirit
Song 174, "The Holy Spirit Streameth"
7. When the total outline is filled with the vibratory action of the fourthdimensional substance representing the desired manifestation, ask for the
full lowering of the atomic density into three-dimensional form and
substance within the pattern established by the matrix of your mind; and
then await results.
Do not be tense if your manifestation is not immediate or if after a reasonable
length of time it appears that results are not forthcoming.
Despair destroys the very faith upon which your experiment is built.
If you have spent years in the grip of human emotions, these records must first
be consumed.
Decrees: Violet flame decrees (70.11, 70.12, etc.)
8. When the visualization of the blueprint within your mind is complete, it
ought to be immediately sealed with the words, "It is finished."
Improvements can be made in subsequent models; but unless you release the
blueprint to the elementals and builders of form as a finished work, they cannot
properly bring it into manifestation.
The words, "It is finished" are therefore the second fiat of creation,
following "Let there be Light."

Thus you seal your thought matrix against the intrusion of impinging mind
radiation from others.
Decrees: 6.05, "Traveling Protection"
Decree 10.11, "I AM Presence, Thou Art Master"
Calls to Archangel Michael (10.00, etc.)


The Divine EconomyTips for Troubled Times

Part 2
9. "Tell no man." This is the third fiat of creation. This law of precipitation
allows you to circumvent concentrated beams of human thought and feeling
patterns which can be most disturbing to a successful alchemical experiment.
Avoid the dissipation of energy by the intrusion of a multiplicity of minds, except
where two or more individuals are specifically cooperating in joint precipitation.
"Tube of Light" from the Heart, Head and Hand Decrees
0.01, "Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree"


Secrets of Prosperity by Annice Booth

Creative Abundance by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Saint Germain on Alchemy by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Riches within Your Reach, The Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

"The Precipitation of Supply," 9-5-90, Elizabeth Clare Prophet

"On God Gratitude" Elizabeth Clare Prophet


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