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1. Lear is king of what country?

2. Which one of Lears daughters is sent into exile?

(A) France

(A) Goneril

(B) Britain

(B) Regan

(C) East Anglia

(C) Cordelia

(D) Scotland

(D) Juliet

3. Which one of Lears counselors reprimands the king

for exiling his daughter?

4. Who is Gloucesters bastard son?

(A) Kent

(A) Albany
(B) Edgar
(B) Kent
(C) Albany
(C) Cornwall

(D) Edmund

5. When Lear visits Goneril, what does she demand of

(A) That he acknowledge her as the sole queen of

the realm

(D) Edmund

6. When they hear that Lear is coming to visit them,

where do Regan and Cornwall go?
(A) To Gloucesters castle

(B) To France

(B) That he send away some of his knights

(C) To Gonerils home

(C) That he execute Cordelia

(D) To London

(D) That he send away the Fool

7. Why is Kent thrown into the stocks?

8. When he flees from his father, how does Edgar

disguise himself?

(A) For trying to kill Goneril

(A) As a common beggar
(B) For beating Oswald with the flat of his sword
(B) As a soldier
(C) For threatening Lears life
(C) As Edmund
(D) For praising Cordelia in public
(D) As Shakespeare

9. When Lear tells Regan that Goneril has wronged him,

what does Regan advise him to do?
(A) Kill himself

(B) Banish Goneril

(C) Make Regan the sole queen

10. After he curses both Goneril and Regan, what does

Lear do?
(A) He storms out of Gloucesters castle,

accompanied by the Fool

(B) He disinherits both daughters

(C) He sets out in search of Cordelia

(D) Go to Goneril and ask her forgiveness

(D) He dies

11. Whom does Lear meet living in a little hovel on the


12. Why is Gloucester accused of treason?

(A) Because he attempts to assassinate Goneril and

(A) Albany

(B) Edgar, in disguise

(B) Because he throws Lear in prison

(C) Cordelia

(C) Because he exiles Edgar

(D) Edmund

(D) Because Edmund reveals letters showing that

he knows of a French invasion

13. Where does Gloucester send Lear and his


14. How is Gloucester punished for his treason?

(A) He is burned

(A) To Dover
(B) He is blinded
(B) To London
(C) He is branded with a scarlet letter
(C) To Gloucesters castle

(D) To Gonerils castle

15. Who encounters Gloucester on the heath and offers

to lead him to Dover?

(D) He is exiled

16. Who is leading the army that lands at Dover?

(A) The Fool

(A) Albany

(B) Edmund

(B) Kent

(C) Edgar

(C) Cordelia

(D) Lear

(D) Lear

17. Why does Gloucester want to reach the cliffs of


18. To whom are both Goneril and Regan attracted?

(A) Edmund

(A) He wants to see the invasion fleet

(B) Edgar
(B) He thinks Edgar is waiting for him there
(C) Albany
(C) He wants to throw himself over the cliffs
(D) Cornwall
(D) He wants to see the famed white cliffs before

he dies

19. Before the battle between the French and English

armies, to whose camp is Lear brought?

20. What happens to Lear and Cordelia during the


(A) Cordelias

(A) They are separated from one another

(B) Edmunds

(B) Edmund takes them captive

(C) Gloucesters

(C) They are both killed

(D) Albanys

21. How does Regan die?

(D) Cordelia is killed and Lear is taken captive

22. Who fights a duel with Edmund?

(A) Edgar kills her

(A) Albany

(B) Edmund poisons her

(B) Gloucester

(C) She kills herself

(C) Edgar

(D) Goneril poisons her

(D) Lear

23. What does Edmund reveal as he lies dying?

24. What happens to Cordelia?

(A) That he ordered Cordelia killed

(A) She kills herself

(B) That he is really Lears son

(B) She is hanged in prison

(C) That he was in love with Cordelia

(C) She marries Edgar

(D) That he killed Gloucester during the battle

(D) She kills Goneril

25. What happens to Lear at the end of the play?

(A) His kingdom is restored

(B) He kills himself

(C) He orders Regan and Goneril executed

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