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Spring 2010

"He is no fool who

gives what he cannot
keep to gain what he
cannot lose!"
Jim Elliot

If not now, then when?

If not you, then who?
By Mike Hahn

Recently, I heard the saying, “If not every life journey has a name, but ours nothing in comparison to God’s love
now, then when. If not you, then who.” does – we call it His Little Feet. This and concern for them. Yet, he calls all of
journey is fueled by our desire to love His children to extend His love by
It’s the sort of quote that can really others, the very same way that our Lord rescuing the poor that cry for help, the
invade your day, mess up your workflow, and Savior Jesus Christ, first loved us. fatherless who have none to assist them,
and cause you to reevaluate your life, if Chasing after the lost, the orphaned, the by being eyes to the blind, feet to the
you truly decide to think about those needy, the oppressed – is an intense line lame, a father to the needy, to take up
words. of work. In human standards, this the case of a stranger. In essence we
journey carries with it no sense of have the privilege to be Jesus Christ to a
My sincere, yet swift reply was, “Lord, I completion, yet at the same time daily lost world.
don’t know when...I need you to tell offers the most exquisite opportunities
me.” He gently, yet quickly replied, of giving God the glory that is due His Those same cries that keep me up at
through His Word, “Yet a time is Name; helping, loving and training night, also wake me up in the morning.
coming and has now come when the orphaned and vulnerable children I am eager to jump out of bed and do
true worshipers will worship the Father worldwide; and, making an eternal something. As Christa and I venture
in spirit and truth, for they are the kind difference in people’s lives. into this new territory, we know that we
of worshipers the Father seeks.” (John cannot do this alone. Our complete
4:23) Every one of us has the privilege to be trust and utter obedience goes first to
the answer to the “When?” and the God. Second, we trust, encourage, and
God was saying, “Mike, the time is “Who?” of bringing glory to our Father invite people like you to join us in this
now.” in Heaven. This happens when we deny journey and stand alongside of those
ourselves and take up our cross and who need Jesus Christ’s love and
My pitiful response started with, “Lord, follow him. It happens when we choose strength.
1555 Main St I can’t do this on my own,” and he to offer our lives as living sacrifices, and
Suite A3-290 concluded, “Now you are the body of it happens when we demonstrate Christ “If not now, then when. If not you, then
Christ, and each one of you is a part of to others not only in our faith, but in who.”
Windsor, CO
it.” (2 Corinthians 12:27) our deeds.
80550 We all need God to invade our day,
1-866-252-3988 God clearly showed me: When? Now. To be honest with you, at times, I don’t mess up our workflow, and cause us to
Who? You. sleep well at night because I hear the reevaluate our life. We all need to find
To contact us via cries of the orphaned, the oppressed, out that the time is Now and that the
It has been an absolute privilege, over and the needy. I see their faces and I ones God has hand-selected and
the past nine months, for my wife, sense the urgency of stepping in and empowered to perform the daring Christa and I, as we have begun a life interceding on their behalf. My love and rescue of the lost, the dying, the weak,
journey through new territory. Not concern for these precious ones is and the orphaned is . . . Us.

phase one and two
the journey
Every organization has the privilege of walking through a start-up 7. We are visiting countries to carry out the purpose of the
phase. At His Little Feet, we prefer the name “Phase One” over “Start- organization (help, love and train orphaned and vulnerable
Up.” After all, we like to think that “Start-up” sounds a bit too smallish children worldwide).
for what God is doing in our midst.
8. We are selecting children for our first few choirs.
For those of you that have gone through this process of starting an
organization, you know how easy it is to look ahead to Phase Two 9. We are filling out mandatory paperwork for the non-
instead of really making sure Phase One is done right. immigration process for all choir participants (Birth Certificate
Authenticating; Passports; Letter of Recommendations from
So, in an effort to make sure Phase One is done right, we are giving it Government Officials; and choir training).
our very best, and not getting much sleep as a result.
10. We are preparing to submit legally bound, extensive
Here’s a quick overview of Phase One: applications to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
to request clearance for international children and chaperones
1. We are raising funds to undergird the start-up expenses and to come the U.S. to be a part of His Little Feet’s International
overall ministry of His Little Feet. We are looking for Children’s Choir and Life Training Academy.
individuals to sign up to give a monthly recurring gift. If you
would like to join us in this way, please click here to be link to 11. We are recording music for the choir.
our online recurring donor page or use the donor response
form on the last page of this magazine. 12. We are scheduling out the tour.

2. Recently His Little Feet had two generous business men offer a 13. We are building and cultivating “Friends of His Little
matching gift of $60,000. This gift was given to help equip Feet,” consisting of three teams: Board of Directors, an
His Little Feet to take one big step forward to bring the Advisory/Development Team (national) and a Volunteer
children to the U.S. Therefore, we are looking for one or more Committee (local).
individuals who are willing to give a financial gift to His Little
Feet, in order for the $60,000 matching gift to be brought to We are exhausted just listing out what has been involved in Phase One.
fruition. Once the gift is matched His Little Feet will move It has been a joy, but a very busy joy.
forward with formal and final arrangements to bring the choir
children to the U.S. If you or someone you know is interested Here’s a quick overview of what Phase Two will entail:
in this exciting challenge, please contact Mike Hahn at or call 1-866-252-3899. 1. We will be managing the arrival of international child
participants and chaperones into the United States.
3. We are mapping out and strategizing various potential
countries to be involved with His Little Feet. 2. We will be officially launching our pilot choir tour.

4. We are establishing staff for the ministry. 3. We will be launching our very first semester of the Life
Training Academy.
5. We a r e r e s e a r c h i n g & d e v e l o p i n g s p e c i fi c
“Organization Partnerships” to refer individuals to once 4. We will be offering opportunities for people to: Sponsor a
response opportunities are given (Sponsor, Go, and Adopt). child overseas and in need of care; Go on mission trips locally
and globally; and, Adopt a child who needs a family.
6. We are building marketing strategies & creative
promotional concepts – website development, promotional
materials (print and video), and communication networking for
the upcoming choir tour.

Every one of us has the

privilege to be the answer
to the “When?” and the
Mike Hahn

Be joyful in hope, patient in
affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

prayer needs
standing alongside of His Little Feet in prayer
Prayer for Phase 1 - raising funds; choosing countries; Prayer for Mike and Christa Hahn - Wisdom,
selecting staff; finalizing organization partnerships; establishing discernment, strength, patience, protection from spiritual
communication tools; international trips; selecting children; opposition, and safe travels to and from countries abroad.
gaining non-immigration clearance for all participants;
production of music album for choir; tour arrangements; and Prayer for the missionaries and children in Haiti.
Friends of His Little Feet teams.
Prayer for all of the churches that will host the children’s
Prayer for Phase 2 - The arrival of international child choir.
participants and chaperones; The pilot choir tour; The launch
of the Life Training Academy; Opportunities for people to: Prayer, in advance, for thousands of lives to be impacted
Sponsor a child overseas and in need of care; Go on mission through His Little Feet.
trips locally and globally; and, Adopt a child who needs a

Facebook - Join us on Facebook. Search “His LIttle Feet” and become a

walk with us fan today.
follow His Little Feet’s journey Email List - Encourage your family and friends to join His Little Feet’s
Email List. They can simply go to and click on “Join

From the Founders
Mike and Christa Hahn
We are so excited to be a part of what God is doing in these
beginning days of His Little Feet, and couldn’t imagine doing
anything else. The past nine months have been intensely
unforgettable. We have spent time in Haiti, California, Nebraska,
Colorado and Nashville. Just a few weeks ago moved all of our
“stuff ” from our small storage unit in Stockton, CA, all the way to
Windsor, CO, where we are now in our first home...preciously
gifted to us, rent free, by our dear friends and partners in ministry.
As we rejoice in God’s provision, we also rejoice in our
sufferings. We have experienced by far, some of strongest spiritual
opposition of our lives, yet over and over again have felt God’s
presence and strength. There are a number of uncertainties that
come with starting a new organization from the ground up, which
have caused us to rely more and more on the Lord. We continue to
stand in faith, praying and asking God for direction. Faithfully He
responds through His Word and through our prayers, encouraging
us to stand firm in what we know He has called us to do. Daily, we
joyfully proceed with Biblical affirmation that “whatever we do
unto the least of these, we do to him.”
God’s hand has been moving in powerful ways and we are
absolutely encouraged by His faithfulness and provision. At the
same time, we continue to be more and more burdened for the lost
and the least of these. As we continue to love Him first, love our
neighbors, and strive to make disciples of all nations, we pray that
God will be glorified and that others will join us in seeking Him
first, and then seeking and saving the lost.

Stepping Forward
Upcoming Events
April 12-16th - Hahn’s moved to Windsor, CO

April 18th - His Little Feet received their official tax exempt status via a
Letter of Determination from the IRS.

April 29 & 30th - Orphan Summit IV in Minneapolis, MN

May 16th - HLF Volunteer Meeting in Windsor, CO

May 19th - HLF Board Meeting

May 28-30th - Set Apart Girl’s Conference - “A Poured Out Life”

Mike and Christa will be speaking at the conference

June 2nd - Ellerslie first 10-Week Training begins in Windsor, CO

October 11 - Ellerslie second 10-Week Training begins in Windsor, CO

November 11th - HLF Board Meeting in Windsor, CO

November 12th & 13th - Friends of His Little Feet First Annual Celebration

His Little Feet Visit His Little Feet Headquarters

1555 Main Street
Suite A3-290 Email us at if you are
interested in visiting His Little Feet’s headquarters
Windsor, CO 80550 in Windsor, CO.
1-866-252-3988 toll free
Donor Response Form Date: _______________________
Primary Contact Person
Last Name: _______________________________________________ First Name: ______________________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________ State: __________ ZIP/Postal Code: ________________________

Home Phone: _____________________________________________ ‰Preferred Phone

Business Phone: ___________________________________________ ‰Preferred Phone
Mobile Phone: ____________________________________________ ‰Preferred Phone

Preferred Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Email Type: ‰ Personal ‰ Business

Please select your method of payment:

‰ Credit/Debit Card
For monthly recurring gifts with a credit/debit card:
‰ I authorize His Little Feet to bill my credit/debit card on the 5th of each month with the recurring gift amount of:
‰ $25 ‰ $50 ‰ $75 ‰ $100 ‰ $200 ‰ Other: $_______________
Card Type: ‰Visa ‰MasterCard ‰Discover ‰American Express
Card Number: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: _____________________________ CCV# ____________
Name on Card: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature authorizing recurring monthly giving: ______________________________________________________________

For a one-time gift with a credit/debit card:

‰ I authorize His Little Feet to bill my credit/debit card for my one-time gift amount of:
‰ $50 ‰ $75 ‰ $100 ‰ $200 ‰ $500 ‰ $1,000 ‰ $10,000 ‰ Other: $_______________
Card Type: ‰Visa ‰MasterCard ‰Discover ‰American Express
Card Number: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: _____________________________ CCV# ____________
Name on Card: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
‰ Check - Please makes checks payable to His Little Feet
For monthly recurring gifts by check:
‰Please have His Little Feet send me a 12 month supply of monthly recurring donation envelopes for me to mail a check
with my monthly pledge amount of:
‰ $25 ‰ $50 ‰ $75 ‰ $100 ‰ $200 ‰ Other: $_______________
Note: Along with your completed Donor Response Form, please include your first month’s gift by check, made out to His Little Feet.
For a one-time gift by check:
‰Enclosed is my one-time gift by check, made out to His Little Feet, in the amount of:
‰ $50 ‰ $75 ‰ $100 ‰ $200 ‰ $500 ‰ $1,000 ‰ $10,000 ‰ Other: $ ________________

‰ Cash
For gifts by cash:
‰Enclosed is my cash gift in the amount of:
‰ $50 ‰ $75 ‰ $100 ‰ $200 ‰ $500 ‰ Other: $_______________

Once form is complete, please send with your method of payment to: His Little Feet, 1555 Main St., Suite A3-290, Windsor, CO 80550.

If you have any questions about your donation,

please email OR call toll free to 1-866-252-3988, ext. #2 to speak with a His Little Feet representative

All gifts, less the value of any product received, are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations and will be used in the collective ministry of His Little Feet.
His Little Feet is a 501(c)(3) organization #27-1258258, gifts to which are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. HLF-FOOTSTEPS/ID01

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