Lesson Plan Adjectives

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At the end of the discussion, pupils will be able to:
Build vocabulary through pictures presented.
Practice proper way of reciting a poem.
Interpret meaning of a poem through pictures.
Identify adjectives used in the poem.
Use adjectives in describing their hometown.
Pointing out adjectives in the poem, The Town Where I Lived by A. J. Gil
PELC (Philippine Elementary Learning Competency)
English For You and Me, Language Textbook for Grade Four, pages 147 158
Pictures of different places
Paper Strips
Post Cards
Mock-up/model of parts of a letter
Pupils will develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
D. CONCEPTS (Grammar Integration)
Adjectives are words that describe nouns and pronouns.
Adjectives tell about the number, kind, and color of a person, animal, or thing.
Appreciation of Gods creatures.
Appreciation of home.
Teachers Activity

Pupils Activity

1. Building Rapport
Good morning children!

Good morning teacher!

How are you today?

We are fine today!

Oh! Im glad you are fine today!

2. Review

Okay. Before we start our new

Lesson, let us have a short review
first. Okay class? Who can recall
about our lesson yesterday? Karl?

Our lesson yesterday was about nouns.

Thank you, Karl! Now who can

give me a sentence?

Anne eats the apple.

Very good Marie! Now, go to the

board and underline the verb in
the sentence.


Thank you, Marie! Now please tell us

whats the reason why you
underlined the word eats
it is a

I underlined the word eats because it

tells what Anne does, therefore,

Very good, my dear!

Since you already mastered verbs,
let us have our new lesson for today.
3. Motivation
Class, have you been to other places?

No maam.
Yes maam.

What places have you been to?

various answers

How about you, Kaye? Have you been

to other places? What places have you been

I went
Wow! Can you share your experience to us?
happy and
Wow! Thank you very much for your
Sharing of experience, darling!

Yes maam! Ive been to other places,

just last summer, my family and
to Boracay!
Yes maam! My Family and I had a 3
day vacation there. We were
we enjoyed it very

Okay children, do you want to go to

other places like Kaye?

Yes maam!

Do you want also to travel abroad?

Yes maam!

Okay, very good!

Now, sit back, and relax, for today, I

will bring you to other places! We will
travel around the Philippines and we will go

Yes maam!

(picture parade)
Class, in which of these places would
you prefer to have a house?
Do you think you will be happy
living in this place?

4. Vocabulary Building
Torrents, Puddles Shimmers
(picture analysis)
Teacher presents pictures of the
words to unlock the difficulty, to give
meaning. The teacher will ask what the
pupils see in the picture, let them describe
them. And through those pictures, gradually,
the teacher lets the pupils form their own
understanding of the picture. And then,
the teacher gives concrete definition of the
difficult words. For comprehension check,
the teacher lets the pupils use the difficult
words in a sentence.
5. Lesson Proper
Okay class, since we have already
gone to other places, now let us come to
our own, let us go home.
I have here a poem, Ill read the
poem first, and then, I want
you all to read it after me.
Okay let us start.
The Town Where I Lived
By A. J. Gil
Oh, the town where I lived Now that is a town.
A river runs through it, now sparkling, now brown.
There the rain falls in torrents and low bend the trees.
And puddles delight us, the ducks, and the geese.
And the summer sun blazes, hot and around,
till the haze shimmers above the ground,
Then night her portals fast unbars,

Yes maam.

Releasing a zillion starting stars.

Now my heart aches all day for my town far away
Where life is sweet
and tidy
and neat.
(After the teacher reads the poem,
the whole class reads it, then reading
by pair, then individual.)
6. Comprehension Questions for Discussion
What is the poem about?
What are the things you can
see in the town where
the speaker lives?
To what does the speaker
refer to when he/she says,
blazes, hot and around,
till the haze shimmers
above the ground?
What are the words that
the speaker describe
about life he/she has
in the town where he/she lives?

How does
the speaker describe his/her
What do you think is the
kind of place where the
speaker lives?

The poem is about a town.

Trees, ducks, geese, and stars are seen

in the speakers hometown.

The speaker refers to the summer sun

when he/she says,blazes, hot and
around, till the haze shimmers
the ground.

The speaker said that his/her life in

the town where she lives is sweet, tidy,
and neat.

There could be rainy and sunny days.

The speaker lives in a clean, peaceful


How does the speaker feel

or thinks in the poem?

The speaker misses his/her place.

Where do you think is the

speaker now?

The speaker is away from his/her place.

What made you think that way?

My heart

The speaker said that hes away from

his/her hometown in the line,
aches all day, for my

town far away.

Who do you think is the
Persona or the speaker
in the poem?
What are his/her qualities
as a person? Why?

The speaker in the poem can either be a

boy or a girl who misses his/her home
because he is away from it.
He/she is home-loving, kind, and
appreciative person.

How will you describe

your hometown, your place?
Who are you living with?
Are you happy living in that
kind of place?
7. Enrichment Activity
Class, on a piece of bond paper,
illustrate, or draw the town where
the speaker lives.
8. Language Focus: Adjectives
Focus on some sentences on the poem:
A river runs through it, now sparkling,
now brown.
Where life is sweet, and tidy, and neat.
Class, what is being described by the words:
sparkling, brown, sweet, tidy, and neat?

The word being described by

sparkling and brown is river, and town
for the words; sweet, tidy, and

What other lines in the poem
Include words describing a person,
place, or thing?

For lines:
3 low, describing the bending of the
5 hot and around describing the
summer sun
7 fast, describes the unbarring of
8 zillion and staring, describes stars
9 far (away), describes the town.

9. Generalization
What is an adjective?

An adjective is a describing word. It

helps describe people, places,

describes a
sentences, it goes before
describes - a noun, or after a verb.

things. In other words, it

noun. In most

10. Application
Class, I have here words/adjectives
posted on the board. I will give you
these pictures and I will call you one
by one to come in front and paste them
to the corresponding word on the board.
I. Use the following words in the sentence, and then underline the word or group of words being
II. Read each sentences carefully. Select the word that describes the person, place or thing referred to in
these sentences. Copy the sentences first, and then write your answer on the sheet of paper.
1. I received a beautiful gift from my mother.
My Mother is _____________ (selfish, thoughtful, forgetful).
2. My brother lost my favorite bag.
My brother is ________ (thoughtless, unthinking, careless).
3. Mario found a peso bill I the room. He picked it up and gave it to the teacher.
Mario is ________ (honest, touching, sweet).
4. I recited a poem in the class, but I forget the second stanza. My classmates laughed at me.
My classmates are __________ (insensitive, thoughtless, unkind).
5. My mother praised me for helping do the house chores.
My mother is _________ (appreciative, proud, beautiful).
V. ASSIGNMENT (Skills Development)
On your assignment notebook, write a paragraph describing your hometown. And then, read in advance
the story of the Philippine Tarsier, on page 153 to 154 of your book.
Prepared by:
FS Student



After the 45-minute discussion, 100% of the pupils will be able to appreciate and
respect Gods creatures; both living and nonliving, and to develop the attitude of thanking
anybody for giving something, and that they may be able to use adjective to describe persons, places,
animals, ideas, and events.
Using adjectives to describe persons, places, animals, ideas, and events.
English For All Times III, Language, pages 230-235
Compilation of Different Types of Childrens Literature
- Pictures of persons, places, events, animals
- Paper Strips
- Flashcards
- Flip Chart
Children will develop correct pronunciation, read difficult words, writing,
speaking, and listening skills, and
Adjectives are words that describe persons, places, animals, ideas, and events.
Appreciation and respect of Gods creatures; both living and non-living, and
thanking if somebody gives something.
Teachers Activity
A. Unlocking of Difficulties/ Schema Activation/

Pupils Activity

Pre-Reading Activity
Teacher asks:
Do you eat fish?

Yes maam.

Do you know how to catch fish in the sea?

No maam.

Have you seen a talking fish?

No maam.

If ever youll see a talking fish,

what would you do? Would you kill it?

No maam/yes maam.

Why would not you kill it?

I would not kill the fish

because God would be mad
at me. I would just put it
back to sea and set it free.

Why would you kill it?

I would kill it because it might

harm me or other people
because a talking fish is very

Okay children, your answers are both good.

Whether you answer no because God would
be mad at you, or yes because you are afraid
that it would harm you, I leave it now to you.
That is your opinion. Everybodys opinion is
correct. The thing is, whatever we do in our
life, it now depends on how we handle and
with it.
Do you understand, children?

Yes maam!

Children, do you want to hear a story?

Okay, this morning, I will tell you a very
good story about a poor fisherman
who found and talked with a talking fish.
The title of this story is The White Fish and
the Good Fisherman. This is cut from the
original story by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.
Its theme was used in
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, a 1835
poem by Aleksandr Pushkin.

Yes Maam.

Okay, are you now ready to hear the story?

B. Lesson Proper/During reading Activities:

. . . story telling. . .
(After the story telling of the teacher,
she asks questions for discussions.)
What is the story about?
fish and a good fisherman.

The story is about a talking

Who are the characters in the story?

The characters in the story

are Pedro, Juana, and the fish.

Where did they live?

They lived in the barrio of

Kambag, near the seashore.

What does Pedro do?

Pedro catches fish.

Why did Juana, the wife, get angry

with Pedro?

So, when Juana got angry, what did

Pedro do?

The wife got angry with her

husband because of their
insufficient life.

When Juana got angry, Pedro

immediately went to the sea to catch

for their food.
When at sea, what did Pedro see?

Was was Pedro afraid when he

saw the fish? Why?

What did the fish say to Pedro?

What did Pedro do next? Did he

grant the plea of the fish?

When Pedro went home, he went home with

nothing. So, his wife again got angry again.
What did he do then? Why?

When Pedro was in the sea,

he saw a very big white fish.

Pedro was afraid when he

saw the fish because the fish
can talk and it talked to him.
The fish was pleading Pedro
to set him free, to put him back to the sea.
It promised Pedro that he would give a
magic spear as a reward.

Yes he did. He put back the

fish in the sea, and went home.

And so he went back to sea, hoping that he

would see again the talking fish, because he

would ask for the spear as a reward for not
killing the fish.
Did they meet again? What happened after?
Pedro and
How would you react if youll see
a talking fish? Would you be happy?
Sad? Or would you be afraid like Pedro?

If you were Pedro, what would you do? Why?

sea is the
respect it. And
has the right to

Yes, Pedro and the fish met again. The fish

gave Pedro the magic spear. And
Juana became rich.

I would be afraid if Ill see a talking fish,

but of course Ill also be amazed.
If I were Pedro, I will grant the plea of the fish.
I will put it back to sea. Because the
place where it belongs. And Ill
because like me, the fish also

Very good. Thats a very good idea my child!

Do you like our story children?

Yes maam!

If you were the author, how do you like

the story to end? Do you like Pedro
and Juana to become rich? Why? Why not?
Do you like the title of our story? If not, what
title do you like?

Based from the story, what do you think

are the characters of the author?
Have you learned something from the story class?
by God.

Very good. We should respect and love other

creatures created by God. And in life, if we give
something, we should not expect something in
return. Its better to give than to receive, as they say.
And because, if youll give something to your
fellowmen, especially to the needy ones, God will
repay you for your generosity a thousand folds.

Yes maam. We learned to respect

everything, even if its living or not.
like us, they are also created

In terms of respect, we should also respect everything,

everyone as we respect our selves. If you wanted to
be respected by others, the you must first learn
to respect yourself and the others.
Now let us come to our new lesson for today.
Our lesson for today is about adjectives.
Do you know what an adjective is?

No maam.

Okay let us examine.
Notice the following sentences.
Read them in front of the class,
and then, tell me if there is a word described.
What is it? What is the word that describes it?
1. They live in a little hut. Hut - Little
2. He caught a big fish. Fish - Big
3. Juana considers him a good fisherman. Fisherman - Good
4. Pedro hates his ambitious wife. Juana - Ambitious
5. The fish rewarded the sad Pedro. Pedro - Sad
Ill dictate some words, and you write them
in your notebook then use them in a sentence.
1. Rich
2. Far
3. Loud
4. Angry
5. Happy

When can you say that the word is an
idea, and
Class, I have here pictures pasted on
the board. Describe the picture in two to

We can say that a word is an adjective when

it describes a person, place, animal,

three words.
I will give you these flashcards, and
I will call anybody to read it aloud in front and
paste them to the corresponding picture on the board.

Read the sentences carefully. Select the word that would best describe the person
referred to in a sentence. Write your answers on a piece of paper. Write the whole sentences and the next
ones too with their answers.
1. I received a beautiful gift from my mom.
My mom is _______________ (selfish, thoughtful).
2. My brother lost my favorite bag.
My brother is ________________ (careful, careless).
3. John found one hundred pesos in the room. He gave it to the teacher.
John is ____________ (honest, bad).
4. My mother praised me for helping do the house chores.
My mother was ____________ (appreciative, unkind).

In a piece of yellow paper, list as many adjective as you can using the letters of
the word adjective. And in a sheet of bond paper, describe your mother using adjectives
in a paragraph form, and then on a separate sheet, draw and describe your favorite pet.
A-dorable, amiable . . .

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