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Life Ta ke s. . .

Newsletter for
the wise and the gullible

this issue:

Don’t Forget Your Ginkgo
Is ginkgo biloba good for your adults received 120 mg of ginkgo twice a an appropriate way to develop mental
day while the other half received a placebo cognition. Ginkgo biloba may still be a
twice a day. A modified Mini Mental Status useful antioxidant, but it is not likely to
For thousands of years people exam along with an Alzheimer Disease prevent memory deterioration.
have believed that ginkgo biloba was Assessment Scale were used to evaluate -Victoria Spencer
useful in helping to improve memory. participants every six months for the first 1. Ginkgo Biloba. In: Natural Standard [AU Libraries Internet].
Ginkgo biloba was thought to be a natural four years and once a year during the last Natural Standard [updated Apr 24, 2010, cited Apr 24 2010].
[ a b o u t 3 0 p . ] . Av a i l a b l e f r o m h t t p : / /
way to stimulate mental awareness and four years. The GEM study proved ginkgo
improve oxygen circulation to the brain. It biloba did not help decrease mental herbssupplements/ginkgo.asp&patientVersion=/monographs/
contains antioxidant flavonoids that decline. The results showed t hat
2. Snitz BE, O’Meara ES, Carlson MC, Arnold AM, Ives DG, Rapp
scavenge free radicals which would help to participants receiving ginkgo scored 4.7 on SR, Saxton J, Lopez OL, Dunn LO, Sink KM, DeKosky ST.
Ginkgo biloba for prevention of cognitive decline in older
make it effective in decreasing memory the modified mini status exam and 2.8 on adults. JAMA 2009 Dec 23;302(24):2663-70.
loss.1 Recently new studies on ginkgo the Alzheimer Disease assessment whereas 3. Dodge HH, Zitzelberger T, Oken BS, Howieson D, Kaye J. A
randomized placebo-controlled trial of ginkgo biloba for the
biloba have shown that it may not be as the participants taking placebo scored 4.7 prevention of cognitive decline. Neurology 2008 Feb 27;
effective as previously believed in the and 2.7, respectively. 2 Another trial 70:1809-1817.

improvement of memory.2,3 conducted by Hodge et al showed similar

A recent trial, the Ginkgo mini mental status results with a score 1.40 Contents:
Evaluation of Memory study (GEM), for people taking 240 mg per day of
conducted by Snitz et al tested if ginkgo ginkgo biloba and a score of 1.42 for Drugs Good Fat !?! 2
biloba slowed the rate of cognitive people taking the placebo. Stimulus Package in a Pill 2
degeneration in older adults. This clinical
trial was randomized, double blinded, and
These trials show that people have
been taking ginkgo biloba but have not
Mesmerized by Myths 3
placebo controlled. It included 3069 adults gained any value as far a memory is Sprint to a Better Memory 3
age 72-96. Approximately half of these concerned. They proved that ginkgo is not Living with Memory Issues 4

I Need a Latte
At some point, almost everyone has reached for a cup of hot coffee, tea, or a soft drink to get an extra boost of caffeine when
feeling tired or run down. Many people do not know that in addition to combating tiredness, caffeine can help improve mental
functioning. Following periods of decreased sleep, caffeine has been shown to improve mental performance and alertness.1 A study by
Smith concluded that persons chewing gum with caffeine in it demonstrated enhanced performance efficiency and mood when
compared with non-caffeinated gum.2 While caffeine has its advantages, persons must be sure to not exceed its recommended daily
dosage of 100-200 mg every 3-4 hours as needed, which is approximately the amount of caffeine found in two 8 oz. cups of coffee.3,4 It
is also important to remember that in addition to being found in coffee and soft drinks, caffeine can be obtained through a variety of
sources including chocolate, foods, and even in certain medications, such as Excedrin.4 Excessive caffeine consumption can cause
agitation, insomnia, headache, and nervousness, which can ultimately hinder mental functioning.3 With these limitations in mind, caffeine
can be utilized as a helpful tool in boosting mental performance.
-Sarah Vest
1. Caffeine. In: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database [AUHSOP Intranet]. Stockton, CA: Therapeutic Research Faculty [updated 2010 Apr 23, cited 2010 Apr 25]. [about 1 p.]. Available from: http://
2. Smith A. Effects of caffeine in chewing gum on mood and attention. Hum Psychopharmacol [Internet]. 2009 Mar 27 [cited 2010 Apr 25];24(3):239-47. Available from: http://
3. Caffeine, Oral. In: Drug Facts and Comparisons (Facts and Comparisons eAnswers) [AUHSOP Intranet]. St. Louis: Wolters Kluwer Health [updated 2008 Apr, cited 2010 Apr 25]. [about 2 p.]. Available from: http://|21&search=239576|21&isstemmed=true
4. Mayo Clinic: medical information and tools for healthy living [Internet]. Rochester: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research c1998-2010. Caffeine content for coffee, tea, soda and more; 2009 Oct 3
[cited 2010 Apr 25]; [about 1 screen]. Available from
Good Fat !?!
Viagra & Memory
Did you know that fat in your
diet can be good for your brain? There is promising research that
Viagra does not only help
Dietar y f ats, whic h have been patients suffering from ED, but
demonstrated to improve cardiovascular may be helpful in memory
health, are gaining attention for their retention and attention. Viagra
role in memory and cognitive function. currently helps treat sexual
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an dysfunction by inhibiting
phosphodiesterase enzymes.
omega-3 fatty acid, is an important Prickaerts et al study on mice
component of plasma membranes in the and viagra showed an
brain and is vital to normal brain improvement in object
function. Studies have shown dietary recognition memory. It is
suggested that viagra increases
deficiency of omega fatty acids is the levels of cyclic GMP
associated with an increased risk for centrally. Cyclic GMP is thought
mental disorders including: attention- to play a significant role in
deficit disorder (ADD), dyslexia, dementia, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia1. memory and attention.1
DHA is proposed to affect cognitive function by a variety of mechanisms including enhancing Schulteiss et al have
conducted a study
synaptic membrane fluidity, stimulating glucose utilization, and reducing oxidative stress. These assessing the effects
mechanisms improve communication between brain cells, promote brain cell development, and of Viagra on the
prevent brain cell death; improving overall cognitive ability. Additionally, DHA supplementation human brain.
has been shown to elevate levels of hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Though their
results did not
BDNF, prominent in areas of the brain that function in cognitive and metabolic regulation, prove positive for
mediates synaptic plasticity which plays a role in learning and memory1. memory, they did see an
Although omega-3 fatty acids are a component of neuronal membranes, the synthesis enhancement in patients’
process is inefficient in the body. Alpha linolenic acid (ALA), the precursor of DHA, is not auditory ability to focus.2 As
synthesized in the body; therefore, these essential fatty acids must be obtained from dietary future research continues, Viagra
may be essential in developing
sources and/or supplements. Food sources of the essential omega-3 fatty acids include cold- memory enhancement drugs.
water, high fat fish (salmon, herring, tuna, trout), flax seeds (flax seed oil), soybeans (soybean -Carol Casey
oil), walnuts, kidney beans, broccoli, raspberries, and strawberries. Just to name a few!
1. Prickaerts J, van Staveren WCG, Sik A,
A comprehensive program including diet and other lifestyle modifications plays a vital Markerink-van Ittersum M, Niewohner U,
role in brain function and memory. Studies have shown diet, in combination with other lifestyle van der Staay FJ, Blokland A, de Vente J.
Effects of two selective phosphodiesterase
modifications (exercise and sleep), has beneficial effects on the molecular systems involved in type 5 inhibitors, sildenafil and vardenafil,
on object recognition memory and
improved cognitive function and demonstrates promising therapeutic options in the treatment of hippocampal cyclic GMP levels in the rat.
Neuroscience. 2002; 113: 351–361.
mental disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease. So, next time you eat a meal or snack, don’t 2. Schultheiss D, Muller SV, Nager W, Stief
forget the omega-3 fatty acids!! CG, Schlote N, Jonas U, et al. Central
effects of sildenafil (Viagra) on auditory
-Bernadette Early selective attention and verbal recognition
memory in humans: a study with event-
1. Pinilla-Gomez F. Brain foods: the effects of nutrients on brain function. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2008 July; 9(7):568-577. related brain potentials. World J Urol.
2001; 19: 46–50.

Stimulus Package in a Pill: Mind is Money

Most of us are familiar with the phrase “time is money.” The pressure to maintain good grades is a burden carried by all
professional students. Students must deal with learning and retaining what seems to be infinite loads of information in a limited amount of
time. With the cost of student loans looming over their shoulders, the need to succeed can at times outweigh the need to be “safe” by not
engaging in illegal acts. Such is the case for students who choose to obtain and use ADHD stimulant medication without a prescription.
Stimulants, such as amphetamines, have been used throughout history to keep soldiers awake and focused during military
operations. Methamphetamine, currently a prescription only stimulant, was legally available over the counter for college students to use
during the 1950s and 1960s in the US.1 Today amphetamines are classified as Schedule II substances that can only be prescribed.
Therefore, it is illegal to use these drugs without a prescription.2 Studies have shown that primary reasons students choose to use ADHD
medications illegally is because they want to be able to concentrate and focus more on their studies. 2,3There has been a large amount of
stimulant medications being misused among young adults, particularly college students.2,3,4 At the University of Kentucky, a survey about
amphetamine/dextroamphetamine was conducted. Out of 307 men, 55% of the students admitted to illegally taking stimulants.2
As the semester comes to a close and students prepare for finals, the likelihood of ADHD medication abuse rises. Most students
with ADHD are prescribed stimulants because they are considered first line therapy for the disorder.4 It is possible for these students to
share or even sell their medication to fellow classmates. As stated earlier, concerns about grade point averages overshadow the dangers of
using stimulants without being under the advice of a medical doctor. Taking any prescription medication without consulting a doctor can
potentially be fatal. Death can result from amphetamine intoxication.4 Students need to place a greater value on their life. A failed class can
be repeated, a lost life cannot.
-Crystal N. Kidd
1. Doering PL, Boothby LA. Substance-related disorders: Overview and depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posey LM. Pharmacotherapy: A
pathophysiologic approach. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; c2008. p. 1073-1074.[Chapter 68]
2. DeSantis AD, Noar SM, Webb EM. Nonmedical adhd stimulant use in fraternities. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2009;70:952-954
3. Teter CJ, McCabe SE, LaGrange K, Cranford JA, Boyd CJ. Illicit use of specific prescription stimulants amoung college students: Prevelance, motives and routes of administration. Pharmacotherapy. 2006;26(10):
4. Dopheide JA, Tesoro JT, Malkin M. Childhood disorders In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posey LM. Pharmacotherapy: A pathophysiologic approach. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; c2008.
p. 1030-1032.[Chapter 65]
Mesmerized by Myths, Oblivious to Facts
Amongst students and young professionals there are numerous urban myths concerning the use of various supplements and foods
that have the capability of enhancing one’s memory and cognition. With everyone in the run for success and heightened memory, we need
to decipher some facts from fiction.
Myth: Products containing spearmint as a primary ingredient, such as, gum and breath mints, stimulate memory recall, enhance
thinking abilities, as well as, strengthen an individual’s overall learning experience.
Fact: Spearmint is considered to be an antioxidant that has the capability of quenching free radicals.1 Therefore spearmint will
prevent free radicals from causing neuronal cell death in the CNS. Spearmint has been proven to stimulate the Cortical Limbic System of the
brain.2 Various research studies investigating the effects on enhancing one’s memory lack the use of significant controls and placebos.
Because of this, these studies are considered to have small magnitude of benefit. The Natural Standard gives spearmint a letter grade “C”
for its indicated use for memory on the account of conflicting and unreliable scientific evidence.3 Thus, the above myth is Fiction!
Myth: Sage usage in food will lead to an improvement in an individual’s cognitive functions and abilities.
Fact: Salvia officinalis better known as Sage is a naturally grown perennial evergreen shrub.4 Sage has anticholinergic activity that
leads to the inhibition of the parasympathetic neurons.5 The consistent use of sage and sage drug products over a length of time will
eventually lead to an increase in cognition and memory.6 The Natural Standard gives sage a letter grade “A” for its indicated use for
cognitive improvement due to the fact that a large amount of scientific evidence available has strong evidence supporting the use of Sage
for this particular indication.4 Thus, this myth is Fact!
-Cortney Jones
1. Kennedy DO, Pace S, Haskell C, Okello EJ, Milne A, Scholey AB. Effects of cholinesterase inhibiting sage (Salvia officinalis) on mood, anxiety, and performance on a psychological stressor battery.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2006 Apr;31(4):845-52.
2. Miles C, Johnson AJ. Chewing gum and context-dependent memory effects: a re-examination. Appetite. 2007 Mar;48(2):154-58.
3. Spearmint. In: Natural Standard [AUHSOP Intranet]. Cambridge, MA: Therapeutic Research Faculty [updated June 27, 2009, cited 2010 Apr 25]. [about 5p.]. Available
4. Sage. In: Natural Standard [AUHSOP Intranet]. Cambridge, MA: Therapeutic Research Faculty [updated May 15, 2009, cited 2010 Apr 25]. [about 3p.]. Available from
5. Tildesley NT, Kennedy DO, Perry EK, Ballard C, Savelev S, Wesnes KA, Schiley AB. Salvia lavandulaefolia (Spanish Sage) enhances memory in healthy young
volunteers. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2003 Jun;75(3):669–74.
6. Choudhury RP, Kumar A, Garg AN. Analysis of Indian mint (Mentha spicata) for essential, trace and toxic elements and its antioxidant behaviour. J Pharm
Biomed.Anal. 2006 Jun;41(3):825-32.

Sprint Your Way to a Better Memory

Enhance Your
Learning According to a 2007 study, you can memorize
information twenty times faster if you do several quick sprints before you start studying.1 Exercise
Study Tips is often associated with a healthier life style; regular exercise has a positive effect on
cardiovascular health, diabetes mellitus, and several other medical conditions2, but can it improve
1. Keep up with your class your memory? Current research suggests that there is a link between cognitive functions and
Organize your notebook and go exercise.
to class!! Study a little a day. Several studies have shown an increase in response times after exercise.3 Phillip
2. Talk to your professor Tomporowski reviewed published literature between 1978 and 2001 and concluded that,
If you have questions see your “...exercise can, under certain conditions, enhance response speed and response accuracy, and it
professor(s). Go to their office can facilitate cognitive processes that are central to problem-solving and goal oriented action.”
hours He found nine studies that showed faster response times during and after exercise without an
3. Get plenty of rest increase in mistakes. 3 A more recent study showed faster reaction times on a Sternberg task
Sleep is imperative! after thirty minutes of exercise as compared to weight lifting or reading magazines for thirty
4. Study groups minutes in undergraduate students. 1 Three studies in Tomporowski’s review and a current study in
Teaching each other is the best Germany did not show support for the connection between long-term memory and exercise2,3
way. Your peers can help to put However, the study in Germany did show a significant increase in memory after exercise in ninth
material in terms that you can grade students that were considered low performers at the beginning of the study.4
understand Changes in neurochemistry, may be the cause of memory improvement after exercise.
5. Eat healthy Following exercise there are increases in dopamine, epinephrine, and brain-derived neurotrophic
Maintain a good diet. Do not factor; these increases may be significant in the enhancement of memory. 5, 6 Exercise has also
live on pizza and fast food. shown to increase parvalbumin levels which is suggested to increase the speed of developing
6. Exercise neurons in the brain and strengthen memory.7
Exercise to prevent health Although the exact mechanism is unclear, there is substantial evidence validating that
conditions now and later. exercise has positive effects on memory. Many people speak of runners’ high and having a
clearer mind after running; this may be a result of increased brain function. Nonetheless, running
has not shown any negative effects on brain function, so lace up your shoes and go for a run.
-Kelli Reardon
1. Pontifex MB, Hillman CH, Fernhall B, Thompson KM, Valentini TA (2009). The Effect of acute aerobic and resistance exercise on working
How to subscribe: memory. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise; 41(4); 927-934.
2. Williamson J, Pahor M. Evidence regarding the benefits of physical exercise. Internal Medicine. 2010 January;170(2):124-125.3.
3. Tomporowski PD. Effects of acute bouts of exercise on cognition. Acta Psychologica. 2003 March;112(3):297-324.
4. Budde H, Voelcker-Rehage C, Pietrassyk-Kendziorra S, Machado S, Ribeiro P, Arafat A. Steroid hormones in the saliva of adolescents after different exercise intensities and their influence on working memory in a school setting. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2010;35:382-391.
5. Berchtold NC, Chinn G, Chou M, Kesslak JP, Cotman CW. Exercise primes a molecular memory for brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein
induction in the rat hipposcampus. Neuroscience. 2005;133(3):853-861.
Become a fan: Life Takes 6. Winter B, Breitenstein C, Mooren F, Voelker D, Fobker M, Lechtermann A, et al. High impact running improves learning. Neurobiology of
Learning and Memory. 2007;87:597-609.
Issues published quarterly 7. Silva SG, Dona F, Fernandes MJ, Scorza FA, Cavalheiro EA, Arida RM. Physical exercise during the adolescent period of life increases
hippocampal parvalbum in expression. Brain and Development. 2010 Feb;32(2):137-142.

Living with Memory Issues
An Interview with ADHD questions. My parents had to fill out some
worksheets about my behavior at home and at
What’s Going on?
Many hear ADHD and immediately picture school. This weekend will
an out-of-control, hyperactive kid. This is not mark the First Annual Health
always the case. To help dispel this negative LW: Then what happened? Watch, the highlight of which
connotation, “Life Takes...” interviewed a CHELSEA: I got the diagnosis. will be a community movie
current student who has been diagnosed with night. The event is being
ADHD. LW: How did you handle this at such a young organized by Dr. Shirley
age? Peabody, a Behavioral Health
LW: How long have you CHELSEA: It was a little difficult at first, but instructor at Auburn University.
known about your attention things started to change for the better. My
deficit hyperactivity The feature film is
parents and I attended several classes together “The Notebook”, starring Ryan
disorder? to help us learn to cope. A big part of it was
CHELSEA: I was first Gosling and Rachel McAdams.
helping me with my organizational skills and It is a tale of love sprinkled with
diagnosed when I was in the time management.
third grade, so it’s been the turmoil of dealing with
about 11 years. dementia. When asked about
LW: Do you mind if I ask whether or not you her motivation, for sponsoring
take any medication? such an event, Dr. Peabody
LW: What exactly were you told by your CHELSEA: Sure. I began taking
parents? commented, “I
Methylphenidate which increased my focus, but recently taught
CHELSEA: I was told that I was just as normal slowed my appetite. The appetite thing soon
as any other kid, but that I might need a little a segment on
wore off. I still take it today. It’s no big deal. dementia and
more help concentrating when it comes to
school. My parents always told me that I felt the need to
LW: Let’s switch gears and talk about your life further help my
should not look at it as an excuse for currently as a college student.
mediocrity. students
CHELSEA: Well, I am in my sophomore year understand the devastation that
on a journalism scholarship. I will be going to sometimes accompanies such
LW: How was your life before the diagnosis? China this summer as a junior correspondent
CHELSEA: I was your typical kid, but I was illnesses. Most young people
for a national newspaper. When I return, I will are only concerned about the
having extreme difficulty in school. Most days, assume my position as editor of our school’s
I was, as my teachers could say, “acting like I here and the now. If they truly
paper. Life is good. understand, then hopefully they
had ants in my pants.” I just could not keep
still. The class work did not hold my attention. will take preventive measures
LW: Wow!!! What words of encouragement where possible, as well as show
Though I was among the smartest, my grades do you have for other young people with
began to drop drastically. One of my teachers compassion to those who suffer
finally suggested that I be evaluated. from these diseases. Truthfully, I
CHELSEA: Accept it. Address it. Move on.
think the whole community can
There is hope, and you can make it. I did.
LW: Do you remember what this entailed? benefit from this drive for
CHELSEA: Well, we first went to my awareness.”
Interviewee: Chelsea Nichols
pediatrician who later sent me to a mental -Latoshia S. Wells, field reporter -Latoshia S. Wells
health specialist. I was given several tasks to
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD). U.S. Department of
do and was asked many different types of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health. 2008.

T 3 Ginkgo Biloba can improve your
e memory
s 6 A “pleasure” drug that may decrease
t your chances for dementia
7 Legal OTC stimulant during 1950’s 7. Metamphetamine

Y and 60’s 6. Viagra

o Down
5. The _ Notebook

u 1 An omega-3 fatty acid vital to normal

4. Caffeine

r brain function
3. No

2 A drug that can enhance the attention

2. Methylphenidate

M of someone with ADHD 1. Docosahexaenoic

e 4 A stimulant that can strengthen Cross word answers:

m mental function
o 5 Film about love sprinkled with the
r turmoil of dementia
Carol Casey Kelli Reardon Contact Us
Editors Auburn University
Bernadette Early Victoria Spencer Harrison School of Pharmacy 
2316 Walker Building
Authors Courtney Jones Sarah Vest Auburn, Alabama 36849

Crystal N Kidd Latoshia Wells TEL: 433.238.2805

FAX: 433.238.6213

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