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The New World

Initially the film presents nature and pastoral views. But it also gives some
curiosity with the voice of Pocahontas. And movie continues with nice views of
nature world. We see indigenous peoples and a group whose symbolizes the
civilization. Like Canada, like Califiornia city people. These two different societies
are important but most often nature was on the top of the plot. I mean I got the
taste of nature world from this movie. Plot was begin to be secondary source. As
an audience I witnessed that civilization dis attach the nature life.
If I go on my critic beyond the social problem and if I go through deeper, I would
like to say that Pocahontas has countless social changing in her inner life. She
has no any inner control because she had never lived like civilized people. What
is the filmin hayata uygulana bilirligi nedir. . The answer can give with an
example; what Americans or Frances says when they want to have more land ?
They say we will bring the more relaxed life and money to Africa or somewhere
has not civilized yet. But we know actually what they do; they send the people to
find any precious materials from their ground. It can be not eating for few days
maybe it can be jail or death but they go their aims only to make money. They
push the indigenous people they change their languages their behaviors even
their resorts which are totally given by Nature to them.
What about characters? Pocahontas easily leaved her life for her passion to
Captain John Smith. Then Captain rejected by Pocahontas through the
end.Pocahontas see the world just as it is. Her reality is absolutely nature , for
that reason the adaptation of the civilization happened with difficulty in the
world. She became live her dream like mad.
By the way I m impressed with the same subject but this time camera shot's
angles.. For example under water shot was amazing. Life is not only on land,
living are everywhere around us.

Scarlett Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlett Letter includes insight of humanbeing, and

realities of life. It was about the breakings of society at that time. Actually many
teenagers has related with this subject of the film. I don't want to give the plot or
theme of film. I want to answer the question, what is the idealogy in the film and
what institutions does the film value (e.g., secular, religious, cooperation,
competition outsiders, insiders etc.)

Although film leaves a scare about religious it also shows different concepts in
some way. You get senses sometimes wrong and true. But I can not reach one
way. I asked myself what we are, does God help to direct our actions? Therefore I
dissoppointed by the realities of life while I was watching Scarlett Letter movie.
Characters ara unstopable. They can not control themselves. They act through to
true to life. Because they seem like they are willing to die for they love. The
possibility of the danger about their act , they would punish very badly. Because
they seperate them to other with their behaviors. They ashame their Church and
society. Nobody does not take their love or passion. They live just their inner
emotion. And if you have inner emotion we can not control ourselves. The norms
of culture hits hard. That how people judged. Eventually something else
continues changing maybe it will be late. There are every protection of differents
norms in the environment. But people can make wrong desicion. Both side is right
for me. They want each other as much as their passion. No matter what they
thought. It is about complexity plot.
No one can climb that norm obstacle. Your judge would built by other's utterance.
But every moment is a new moment. We are the people have power to make this
life free and beatiful. Limits are just live now. Not future.

Color purple

I want to write 1000-page research paper on Color Purple. I was not interested
it at first. I see that some families can live active life in their passive life. Reasons,
actions even characters, rapidly changed through the film. Movie explore in much
depth of life by itself. We become one of sisters or villiagers. Movie rapidly
develop itself. Life is pessimistic initially. Sisters suffer all the time. They love
each other I must say this not love beyond the love. Not love which suits
according to standarts. Optimistic Views are supported that we can develop our
destiny into our own life. She can not waste her time by living someone else's life
Nettie became her life. Remembering the scene of her cruel husband beating her
or pushing her for cleaning, to have more certain knowledge we go in the quest
of revenge at the beginning but the film unexpectedly concludes that people can
choose their path and this path become their own path. Nobody is responsible. I
really curious about is there any God help directly to these sisters? Is it
something fate or between fate and chance? I got the sense of living in the past,
difficulties of communication exactly draw the people life and ways to go. Every

character has good humor I realized this is also actually gives the messages that
everything will go to good beauties. But mostly some beauties are permenantly.

Nettie has (the ugly one) simple simple question? If she will be with her sister,
both of them not perfect personally but they believed to get what they want. And
they wait for the perfect time at the end. Because they don't satified. Misery can
visit everyone.

The Piano

The widow main character begin to a new life with her daughter, her name is
Ada, and married with Stewart. And gives a lesson to her neighbourhood this
instrument lesson turn into erotic dimension. And after her husband learned that
situation with another guy, he became mad about it.
Firstly sensuality is the first window of this film then adultery, but I want to
comment the reason why Ada behaving recklessly. She maybe found a bound
between piano and man. Dramatically she punishes by her husband. I go in a
search in my mind by observing the film ; there should be a plausible reason of
that adultery; Maybe she spends much more time with that man. According to
standarts we know that lonliness can change the situations in somewhat. We may
change ethically emotionally and psychologically. Especially women can change
easily in this position. Naturally they ve created like this. They must do what is
require for them. In my opinion t supposed to be difficult thats why I say it is not
a weakness. Because it is hard. Many people can change very quickly in fact.
But Ada shows the resistance, she surrendered initially. We have our passion for
reason somehow we have inner voice to do. Even everything has been given to
us we may not be confident about it. That is the step for Ada switch herself easily.
The voice actually says that you have to do that; because she desire for Piano,
and he has it. And he devotedly interesten in one particular subject who is Ada.
Ada tries to holding herself back, may be fear. Judgement came with the results
of other people.

I saw black feminism as well in this movie, men rights, nationalism, social
relationships. But Camera focus on 'sensuality' clearly. She damaged by her
husband, the movie greatly objective I think. This movie is a message for many
dominated women.

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