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Book of Creative Snapshots

All written by Adellandra Dratianos

* -- Magickal Poems

Wherever possible, dates written have been given. Compiled from all poetry written by
Lady Adellandra Dranna Dratianos at various phases of her life. From her heart to
assignments from Creative Writing, these are her Snapshots. From Bonnie Louise to
Elizabeth Slater, to Adella DragonStar to Adella Moon DragonWolf to Adellandra

Back in the Darkness
*Ballad of Spirit and Shadows
Behind Closed Doors
Caged Tiger
*A Call to Power
*Candle Prayer
Confessions to a Mirror
Deep Thoughts and Darkened Loves
*The Dragon
Faery's Anthem
Family Connections
*Fire Is...
Forgive Me
From the Inside
Give Me a Dream
Glimpses of Myself
*Goddess of the Night
I am One
I Don't Believe
In the Distance
*In the Distance – Magikally Revised
In the Morning
Life...Not Life
The Man or the Memory
The Mirror
The Mirror's Image
*Prayer For the Lord and Lady
Raindrops Fall
Remember Me
*Remember Magick?
Tears to Come
Tests of Strength
Tired of It All
*The Unicorn
The Unicorn Muse
United We Stand
*We Are Witches
*The Witches Winds
You Are Like Raindrops

Help Me Now
Hot-Roddin' Teen Machines!
I Don't Believe – Song
In the Mirror
In the Rough
Outside, Lookin' In
Precious Stones
Roses in Winter
Say Goodbye
Think of Me -- Song
You Gotta Believe

Bonnie Louise, sometime in 1998

21 is a joke
21 is a hype
Get drunk Not for me
I have a need to be free
I don’t have a death wish
I don’t need to have that kind of fun
What a joke.
I want to live a full life
I know of a better use of time
There is no need to feel stupid
There’s just a sense of happiness
I wish to keep with me.
That’s all.
They say 21 is when you can party
Well, I have better uses for my time.
My money,
My life.
21's a hype.

Is there anything I can do
Is there anything that I can say
About all of the things we went through
What can I say? What can I do
To get through to you?
Everything will be okay.

Back In The Darkness

– Adella DragonStar, February 27, 2003

Back to the darkness, where I can hide

back to the shadows, lying deep inside
back to the sadness that swallows my pride
back to the nothing, the loneliness ride
left in shadows, the dark engulfs me
left in darkness, the light pierces me
left in my thoughts, insanity becomes me
left in my dreams, reality lies to me

time is darkness, the shadows of death

time is the enemy, reminding what’s left
time is the foe, the guide beyond rest
time is forever, eternity at its best

forgive my inner soul, for being the weak

forgive my inner self, for not being meek
forgive my inner thoughts, for being bleak
forgive my inner sanity, for being a shriek

back to the darkness, where I can hide

my feelings of loneliness inside
my dreams of happiness abide
my sadness forgotten, on the morning ride.

Bless me, for what I have to do is hard

teach me, for the road I travel is barred
help me, for the life I lead is scarred
pray for and love me, my heart is jarred

these are the prayers

showing the stairs
these are the words
showing the doors
choosing a path
where things go right
will never happen,
although it just might.
Ballad of Spirit and Shadows:
The Ancient Mystics have two gods that fell deeply in love with each other, Spirit and
Shadows. This Poem states their story. (For those who have been paying attention, I,
Adellandra Dranna Dratianos, am The Ancient Mystic's Goddess of Spirit, and Draconis is

The Ballad of Spirit and Shadows

-- Adellandra Dratianos 30Sept2006

From the Ancient Mystic Gods so Fair

Came a balanced love so pure of a pair
One from the Light, Silver and Bright
One from the Darkness, Chaos and Night
Theirs was the Love of Purest Desires
Theirs was the Balance of Life and Fires

She was Spirit, a Being of the Light

He was Shadows, a Being of the Night
Each yearned for something different and then
Within her the Darkness, within him a Friend
They came together, a Love so Pure
Within the Light and the Night they Endure

Passion's Fires from Dragon's Flame

Each calling the other's names
"Spirit, my Love," He exclaimed unto she,
The Bright and Silver one so Free, "I love you
With thine own heart, my soul, my love, we will never part"
"Shadows, dearest," She purred to her Night, "I love you
As well, for you are my all, for throws of love with you did I Fall"
"A love like ours will never be forsaken," She said,
"Nor from each other our souls will be taken"

And so they were for centuries above

With the Ancient Mystics Gods did they love
But with each passing gone their brethren were covetous
And green-eyed with jealousy of something they couldn't muss
One day the Mighty Origin of Fates did appear
And tore their Souls from each other dear
"Shadows my dearest heart so true, fear not" Spirit supplied.
"For I am always with you. Think of me in darkest hours,
Think of me in your darkest of powers, and I
Will be there instantly, for they will soon see,
The Gods themselves will never separate you from me!"
They were Realmborn then, in two separate worlds
He a Draconian and she a dragonwolf girl
They eventually found each other again,
Realmbound for Darkness needed his Friend
Realmbound for Spirit needed her Mate
For completion and Balance they did partake
Once the Gods above they did see,
They were not happy they were not free

Once more did The Origin of Fates step in

Brought Visions to the girl, took away her friend
Separated and made to suffer in remorse
She thought the hell of it was her fault, of course
As for Shadows, he was strong, but the Chaos was stronger
And War of the Dragon Nations did rage on longer
Without the Love that had been his heart and soul
There was no more peace, there was no more control

The Ancient Mystic Brethren Gods, they felt compunction

What had they done, with their jealous action?
How could they have been so wrong, in being green-eyed all along?
They should have been happy for Shadows and Spirit
For they had found love where no one else would hear it.
In order to rectify their jealous misdeed, they told all to take heed
For one day, the two would find each other again
and the Chaos of Shadows will be with the Light of his Loverfriend

It did not take long for the Ancient Mystics Gods plan
To come to fruition, for Fates to take hand.
To bring back the Silver Light of Spirit to He
Who once let the Destruction and Chaos Run Free
To bring back the Darkness of Night to She
Who was swept away by the Fates for her to see
Once a Dragonwolf now a Mystic girl
Stuck now in three different worlds

The Once-Djinn High Lord O'Dell intervened

The Mystic girl was more than what she seemed.
He made her his successor as Young Guardian
And Trained her with magics so she could return once again
She was soon given Goddess Status again
She was the Goddess of Spirit, a helping hand of a friend
Taught of the Special Magics within her soul
Taught to tame the Wildness and within it, Control

On a chance meeting with the Dragon's Emperor

She happened to Feel something in her heart and soul stir
A whisper of a beat so wild and untamed, who was this
Male to make her feel this way, what was his name?
A Simple kiss opened up her eyes, for something
Wonderful, it became quite a surprise
She was his Spirit, and the Dragon's Fire awoke
He was the Shadows, wrapped in a Darkness cloak

The two were one once more, as their souls were balance
Hers was the Love unlike any other, and he was in a trance
She could no longer be with anyone but Him, her heart desired
The Chaos, the Darkness, of His Dragon's Fire within
He could no longer love anyone but her, his soul reawakened
To the Love, the Light, the Spirit she'd partaken

A Final decree to their Bretheren they cried

No one would come between them would live if they tried
No one will live to see the light of day
That sought to take their mate away
From that day forward, the Gods and the Fates would Feel
How true of a love Spirit and Shadows had, for it was real
The Truest of Loves, of heart, Soul and Desire,
Of Honor and Spirit and Balance in the Dragon's Fire

Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors

I am perfect
I have no flaws
I am free

Behind Closed Doors

I have nothing to fear
Not even fear itself can get to me
I am invincible
I am whoever I wish to be
I imagine myself in the perfect place,
And I am instantly there.

Behind Closed Doors

Without a worry
Without a care
I am the best.
I am me.

Bonnie L Slater
Copyright ©2005 Bonnie L Slater
Caged Tiger
By: Adella DragonStar

There's a caged tiger inside of me

Whose heart is waiting to be freed
Whose tail swishes side to side
Anxious and twitching to abide
Whose eyes are glassy,
Whose teeth were sharp,
warned down from miscare,
Whose tongue is dry and growl is low
Because no one is there.
She lurks inside, pacing and staring
glaring and twitching to those uncaring.
Behind the bars, beyond the face
Inside the mind, freedom in another place.
Coat tangled from nary a mind
Paying for those who are very unkind.
There's a caged tiger inside of me
Who just wants to be home,
Where she belongs,
Where she's loved,
Where she's happy,
Where she's free.
A Call to Power
By: Adella DragonStar

I raise my hands, my heart, my voice

To call upon the forces of life.
Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit
The five elements combine to become one
Triple Goddess, hear the calls
I call the Maiden for a new beginning
Mother for life
Crone for experience
Goddess bless, Blessed be
Triple Goddess, I call for thee.
Mystic power, so mote it be.

Candle Prayer
Lord and Lady, from above,
Give me strength, peace and love.
Give me hope I desire,
From the candle's burning fire.
My mind to peace, from war within,
Help me find the peace, my friend.
The blue of flame, my desire,
This spell is done by the burning fire.

Confessions to a Mirror
By Adella DragonStar, October 28th, 2002

Confessions to a Mirror
But no one hears a word
Outside is getting clearer
I just don’t want to be hurt
The truth shall set you free, they say
I don’t believe the truth
Confessions to a mirror this day
My heart still lost in youth
The dreams we had as one are through
The troubles are the now
I want so badly to tell you,
But I sincerely don’t know how

Deep Thoughts of Darkened Loves

By: Adella DragonStar

Tear from your eyes of pain

What's truly mine to see
Don't listen to the voices
Telling you to care for me.
Forget about my silver eyes
And my luscious hair of gold
Just listen to your mind that tells you
All you need to be told.

Fly away from hope and above

Don't dare to tread on thee
For I wish not to be loved
Why should you care for me?
Forget about my laughs and smiles
There will be none no more
Be careful where true beauty lies
Beneath, I'm rotten to the core.

There is nothing you can say

To set my heart at ease
Don't care about my restless self
Don't make me beg you, please.
It's hard enough to care for myself
When other's are in pain.
When not every one is happy
Don't you feel the same?

Or are you in that stubborn stage

Where dreams can come true.
I could say they can and would
But I would be lying to you.
Think of me when you sleep at night
If that will dull the pain.
When it pours of loneliness,
I hope you feel the rain.

The Dragon
-- Adella DragonStar

I am the protector of the weak

With magick in my eyes
A simple breath of fire from me
Would be a big surprise
I will guide your given path
When you need a hand
Just call upon your inner self
To help you understand
When times of life are sad for you
And nothing at all goes right
Call upon me to get you through
I'll help you in the night
My job is to protect and guide
Teaching rights from wrongs
Helping you to harness powers
Steering you all along
I am the mighty dragon
So magickal and true
Whenever you need a dragon
I'll always be there for you.

By: Adella DragonStar

I feel empty without you

You are the one I love more than myself.
I can't believe you're gone
When will I see you again?
It's been weeks, feels like years
What do you look like now?
I know you're still pretty
I know you still have bright, blue eyes.

Do you still laugh the way you did?

Do you play the way that makes me smile?
Do you even remember me? Remember my name?
My face, my love and warm embrace?
So many questions fill my head...
No answers, though.

I am empty and won't be full until I have you

Beside me
By me
Laughing with me.
Crying for me,
Longing for my embrace...

I long for your touch, and the smile

On your face

What are you doing now, I wonder, as I

Lay awake at night.
A dark depression has come over me.
Since you've been gone.
I miss you.

never-ending battles of every-day life
never seem to glisten.
Everything I do or try to do,
or write, or think about,
I drift off into an other-wise forbidden world.
perfection is the key to opening the doors.
But how can we open the door without a key?
Seems that all of us need to be somewhere else,
sometime else,something goes. Everybody escapes.
But how do they do it?
Most of what I write goes in the laundry, or garbage.
Worthless, hopeless, wistless,listless is I
Where, how, what, when, and who am I exactly?
Just a tiny part of the human society?
Just a speck of dust in an otherwise empty universe?
Questions need answers, and there aren't any that suffice.
I guess escaping to the perfect world in my mind
even has its price.
But I must pay my dues, my dear,
or very much sadly fear
the worst.
My own death.
Now do we Escape?
--- Bonnie L. Slater
February 7, 1994

Faerie’s Anthem
by Adella DragonStar

We Come Upon The Midnight Hour

Finding We Have A Dream World Power
What Was Once Sweet Will Turn Sour
Be Aware, or Your Magic Will Be Devoured
Listen Closely To My Plight
This Spell Will Be Your Fright
Be Careful, Not To Crave Vile Witches’ Delight
Or You Will Never Wake to See First Light

Family Connections
November 28, 1999

I have so many things in me

From every member of my family
Spunk, music, wit, creativity
All from my elaborate family

The perfection I got from my mother’s father

Whom dated everything he ever bought or owned.
Every pencil, pen, and pad had a date.
He used to be in the service, until he met his wife.

The music from the other father’s father

Whom loved singing to the classical orchestra bands.
He worked two jobs to support three kids –
One of which was my dad.

The creativity in writing from my mother’s mother

Who once worked as a secretary to the highest court of men.
During a time when money was short
And humor was high.

The wit and humor from my father’s mother,

Who worked in a plant for the longest time.
She came all the way from England when she was young.
English humor is always best served fresh. (Again and again . . . )

The electronically-inclined I got from my father

Who works hard for his money.
Supporting two kids and a home with a view.
Tried his best to be around when I needed him.

The petite-side of me, came from my mother,

Who, on her own, supported me and my sister
Didn’t know then how much I cared about her.
I was a rebel, in a crazy-I-hate-my-life stage.

The dancing from my cousin

Who showed me that I could do it if I tried.
We used to be the best of friends,
Then we grew up.

There are so many sides of me,

No need to wonder why
From all of them, there came a me.
I’ll live with ‘til the day I die.
Though harsh at times, they’re my family
Who taught me all I know
To live in the world with harmony
To learn, and love, and grow.

Fire is.

Fire is power, fire is grace

Fire is destruction, fire is race
Race against time, race against reason
Fire is the blaze of all four seasons
Warmth and comfort, light and life
Fire is energy bright
Where there's fire, there's flame
The burning bright reasons
For life and fame.
The candle burns, the memory turns
Fire within every life learns.
Fire the element is awash with delight
Fire Burns, Fire's Flame, Fire's bright the night
when one's lost in dark's name.
Fire to the earth is rebirth and flight
Moves quick to destroy, warms quick when lit right.
When man wrongs man, there's fire to fight
Destruction of old and dead leaves stench of the Fire's Flight.

“Forgive Me”
-- Adella Moon DragonStar, March 15, 2005

How could I have done it?

How could I have taken it so far?
When the weathered storm was over,
I mislead and broke their hearts.

The Dreams may come and go,

The hurt and pain is there.
For I led them astray,
And too far to care.

It has always been a part of me

The loss the faith the mystery
The havens above and hells below
Dare I try to even know?

I know what I did was wrong

Despite the pain
When the storm was over,
There was I with the rain.

I washed their hearts of hurts,

But covered them you see
For what I did is unforgiving,
And I hope you could forgive me.

Dreams and Tales,

Truth and reals,
I shouldn’t have done it
I shouldn’t have to Feel.

Now take me to the mighty oak,

And hang me until dead
I swing in the winter winds
For what I did to dear friends.

I would hate to lose them,

But it was a part of me.
There was something I know I did wrong,
But why did I have to let it be?

I could have done so many things,

I could have said this and that,
So the charade had not gotten too far,
I should have told them who we are.

Magickal, Beliefs, Trust and Faith

I have lost all of those in your eyes.
I confess it is all too late.
You caught on to the charade.

Shall I go on with apologies,

When all I ask is for a second chance,
I never meant to hurt my Family
It was just something I had to make dance.

But since it didn’t work,

I should have stopped it there,
I should have listened to my heart
I shouldn’t have pretended not to care.


They're the one's who

stand beside you,
And guide your every move.
They're the one's who
are always there
To lend a helping hand.
Friends care,
Always where you are.
But what are they to me?

Friends are people you can trust with your life

With your love,
with yourself...secrets shared by all
Laughter and tears
Spent through the years...
Still I ask...
What are they to me?

I've learned a lot in my life, and still I struggle

Holding on to my pride takes my soul a while to grasp
Life is just a game to some, all alone I struggle
Maybe it would be better if Friends were all I could ask.

From the Inside

Locked up in a hidden world
Away from the pain from the outside
All alone with no one to turn to
There is no hope of survival.

Depression hits like a rock to the head

Sometimes we wish we’d be better off dead
There is a place I know about
Where there is no pain
Where there is shelter from the rain
Away from the outside

Penned up .... No escape

From the Inside.

by Adella DragonStar
What's with you?
Nothing, why?
I've been waiting on these
cold steps for half an hour!
You knew you had to pick me up!
Sorry. I forgot. Please, calm down.
I won't!
I'm here now, aren't I?
Yeah, so? You could have told
me you were running late!
What if --?
What excuse have you for me now?
Traffic. Look, I told you I forgot.
Let's leave it at that.
Why should I?
Why? Because I love you, stupid.
I love you, too. I'm sorry.
For what?
For being mean. You know how I am.
You know what I love about you?
What's that?
You're direct and honest.
Thanks, I guess.

Give Me a Dream
Give me a dream
Give me a sign
Give me something
Please let me know
What's on your mind
I'll hold you now
Here in my arms
Safe from the fears
Known to the world
Given your charms
Is there something
So little it seems
Give me a sign
Give me a dream

Glimpses of Myself
by Adella DragonStar

I shall return to darkness.

I shall return to pain
That is which comforts me.
Why do I always do this to myself
Why am I always the one to feel the hurt
of yesterdays gone.

Darkness is my only friend

Hatred is my ally
The Magic that grows inside me is dark
Which makes me as such.
This is the only plea for help.

Can I have love to dull the pain

and take away empty sorrow?
My body like a corpse,
unfeeling, empty, hollow.
My soul confused of all life hands out to me.
My wishes never heard.

I wish for sanity, yet I become insane

I wish for health, yet I become desperately ill.
I wish for love
yet, only hate becomes me.
Hatred over nothingness,
love only for the dark.
Wash my hands of grime
turn the waters into wine
That will be my only crime.

Harm against others, and harm against myself

I wish no
harm against others, nor harm against myself.
Such confused thoughts boggle the mind
I am only this brilliant when severely blind.
Unable to truly see which road takes me to life
Unable to see which path to take in my world
So empty. Void of feeling.
Blackout my only vice.
Wake up shake up, confusion rises inside me.
How did I get this way? Why do I suddenly feel so naked to the world?

Why is love so confusing and hating at times?

Which way do I turn?
Why do I turn away from love when it reaches out for me?
So many hopeless questions, left unsaid, no answers but in my head.
I need help, I need truth
I need love

Goddess of the Night

-- Adellandra Dranna Dratianos
Mirror image stares back at me....this is what I think when I see the silver
in my own eyes.

I am the Goddess of the Night

I am the Goddess of the Light
I am the Moon and the Magic
And all that it encompasses
I am the Life that breathes
I am the Love that bleeds
I am the Goddess of the Night

Golden River
Wider than a mile
I love your style
every single seam

Golden River
Gorgeous are You
I love you
When you make my wildest
dream come true.

Goodbye lovers
Goodbye liars
Goodbye haters
Goodbye fighters
Goodbye dreamers
Goodbye laughter
Goodbye schemers
Goodbye to the night
Goodbye to the day
Goodbye to the life
Goodbye to the right way
Goodbye to the strife
Goodbye mothers
Goodbye fathers
Goodbye all around
Goodbye innocence
Goodbye pain
Goodbye loneliness
Goodbye to the sane

– Adella DragonStar
September 1, 2003

I Am One
By: Adella DragonStar

Invisible am I
To the world alone
Nothing to be
No one to be
No expectations of
Reality, sanity
Don't have to conform
To suit anyone
No one sees me
I make no sound
No one hears me
I am forever silent
No one bothers me
With life games
Calling names
Trifling me
I disappear without a trace
No one cares
I am lost
I am not there
I am but one

I Don’t Believe
I don’t believe in loneliness, when you are around
I don’t believe in happiness, when my world is upside down.
I don’t believe in faithfulness when the Earth is touching ground
I don’t believe in anything when you are not around

Don’t think of me as dashing, when I’m ugly deep inside

Don’t think of me as loving when I have to hide
Don’t think of me as wonderful when I am all half-pissed
Don’t think of me as anything if you do not exist

What I believe in’s my own thing, and it makes me feel good

Why should I believe in anything if you don’t know me as you should?

I’m hateful, I’m spiteful – don’t think of me as delightful

I’m cunning, I’m desperate – don’t think of me as right
I’m lustful, mistrustful – did you still think of me as beautiful?
I’m a will-er, I’m a killer – be careful when we fight

What I believe in’s my own thing and it makes me feel good

Why should you believe in me, or love me as you would?

I’m hateful, I’m spiteful – do you think of me as delightful?

I’m cunning, I’m scheming – if you still want me, you’re still dreaming
I’m pushy, I’m mushy – I can’t be trusted to be the obeying
I’m a will-er, I’m a killer – My soul is an empty, bleeding, decaying
I’m sexy and uncontrollable – Be careful not to be so gullible
I’m kinky, I’m stinky – I’ll take you unaware, and not even care!

I don’t believe in miracles

I don’t believe in faith
I don’t believe in love my dear,
Or hearts put in their place
What I believe in’s my own thing
And it makes me feel good.
Why care about my petty feelings?
Why love me as you would?

In the Distance

Distant drummers play their song, in hopes someone will listen

It is the beat that guides our path, and the bells of truth that ring it.
In the distance lies a goal. It’s up to us to reach it.
That someday we may take control, and have the strength to teach it.
In the distance, mistakes are made, and hearts are hurt in spite
It takes a man to admit he’s wrong, and someone else is right.

A distant melody plays in the air, in hopes someone will listen

It is the song that leads us all, in life where nothing glistens.
In the distance are the words in which a heart is sold.
Not everything is perfect, they say, nor people made of gold.
In the distance there is a path, two different beats of drums.
The beaten path is rough to ride, but the smooth one is what comes.

Distant drummers move to music, that only they can hear.

If you take the time to listen, their tune is truly clear.
Each of us is different, each of us is one.
But in the natural order of things, we are all of the same sun.
Is there a way to distinguish, or stop what’s wrong in light.
The answer, no, there is no one that can say what’s wrong or right.

Distant drummers play their song, in hopes someone will sing it.
There is a beat that guides our path, we only have to seek it.
In the distance lays a common dream, where everyone is nice.
There is no prejudice or hate, and are no deaths each night.
A place where dreamers go, there is not an evil thought.
No one is blind to what’s inside, nor is the darkness sought.

Distant singers sing a song, in hopes for a perfect day.

It is the song of life, to teach our children, so they can learn and play.
In the distance, someone’s crying.
She is the Mother of the Earth, and is slowly, painfully dying.
We must take care of our world, she warns, or lose it to the skies.
For us there is no other place, so we only have to try.

In the distance, there are dreams and goals, to be found, tried, and true.
For life is a lesson we must live, and cannot ever be through.
Until our judgement day arrives, we continue to reach for the stars.
The best way to get through life is to be exactly who you are.
No one can seek your inner Self, but you and you alone.
Let the elements be your guide, and may they become your own.

In the distance, chanting is heard, from a Solitary soul

Another lifestyle to unearth, another way to reach a goal.
Magic is all around us, inside our mind and spirit.
May the truth be spoken only in tongue, and the Deities come when they
hear it.
A Wiccan ritual begun, the Moon in her glorious power.
It is the mid, it is the night, therefore the Witching Hour.

In the distance, power abides to every Wiccan rule.

The Magic of the elements, felt through a single jewel.
The Circle cast for protection last, a long and fruitful sight.
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, seen by candlelight.
In the distance is the Solitary soul, another mode is heeded.
As the Spell and Oath are cast, The Circle is now completed.

In the distance, is the night, drawing to an end.

Young Dreamers of the world unite, and find the comfort of friends.
Dare to leave this time and space, from here on in eternity.
Be taken to another place, the Dream World is for the mind to see.
In the distance, the Dream Chant is called, another Companion greeted.
Until the day begins again, and the Circle is Completed.

— December 16, 2000

Bonnie Slater as Adella DragonStar
& Young Guardian of the Dream World

In the Distance – Revised 3-25-05, night of the Storm Moon

Distant drummers play their song, in hopes someone will listen

It is the beat that guides our path, and the bells of truth that ring it.
In the distance lies a goal. It's up to us to reach it.
That someday we may take control, and have the strength to teach it.
In the distance there is a path, two different beats of drums.
The beaten path is rough to ride, but the smooth one is what comes.

Distant drummers move to music, that only they can hear.

If you take the time to listen, their tune is truly clear.
Each of us is different, each of us is one.
But in the natural order of things, we are all of the same sun.
Is there a way to distinguish, or stop what's wrong in light.
The answer, no, there is no one that can say what's wrong or right.

Distant drummers play their song, in hopes someone will sing it.
There is a beat that guides our path, we only have to seek it.
In the distance lays a common dream, where everyone is nice.
There is no prejudice or hate, and are no deaths each night.
Distant singers sing a song, in hopes for a better day.
It is the song of life, to teach our children, so they can learn and play.

In the distance, there are dreams and goals, to be found, tried, and true.
For life is a lesson we must live, and cannot ever be through.
Until our Summerland day arrives, we continue to reach for the stars.
The best way to get through life is to be exactly who you are.
No one can seek your inner Self, but you and you alone.
Let the elements be your guide, and may they become your own.

In the distance, chanting is heard, from a Solitary soul

Another lifestyle to unearth, another way to reach a goal.
Magick is all around us, inside our mind and spirit.
May the truth be spoken only in tongue, and the Deities come when they
hear it.
A Witches ritual begun, the Moon in her glorious power.
It is the mid, it is the night, therefore the Witching Hour.

In the distance, power abides every one of Nature’s rules.

The Magick of the elements, felt through a single jewel.
The Circle cast for protection last, a long and fruitful sight.
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, seen by candlelight.
In the distance is the Solitary soul, another mode is heeded.
As the Spells and Oaths are cast, The Circle is now completed.

In the Morning
There’s a tear in my eye
as we wave last good-bye’s in the morning
at the end of the day as I wipe tears away
there’s another day dawning.

By: Adella DragonStar

Stuck inside
Inside where it hurts
Inside where I hide
Inside where I belong
To the darkness
The weakness
The horror of within
The brains and the beauty
Withered the skin
Beneath all the sanity lies
What is this life
Where do I go to hide
Back in the shadows
Like a hidden child
One who was beaten
And left in the wild
Where do I stand
When I'm all alone
Do I stand withered
Like a flower dead on stone
I hate what I am inside
As much as I try to hide
Inside is where the heart is torn
Inside is where hate is born
Bred from the heathen hells of the deep
Inside in the darkness
Deep inside my sleep
The nightmares abound me
No one makes a sound around me
Afraid of what I'll do to bind them
Afraid of what I'll do to remind them
Remind them of what I am
Who I am or will become
Deep beneath, inside
Confusion, questions
No answers will suffice
Deep inside is where
I will always pay the price.
Bringing the feelings out from within
Will destroy me
Will haunt me
Will remind me
Of what I have become within
A terror, a horror, a hellion, a scout
Scouting the night for freedom,
Will no one let me out
Give me rhyme, if no reason
Give me help, if no season
Give me faith, if no time
Give me asylum, if no crime
No reason for the inside
No rhyme for my time
Inside the bottle where nothing is there
Deep, down, empty bare.
I am void of feeling
I am strong to hold
Onto my inner emotions,
Until I near explode.
When the inside wants outside
There is no where to hide
Everywhere I am, there I shall hide
Facing my own inner reality
Inside my own insanity
Is there any reason for me
To be the one I want to be
Inside I'm different
Confused abused and used
Outside I am tough,
Easily amused
Sarcasm is my sanity
Laughter are my pills
Anger taken out on others
Hurts the inner wills

Life...Not Life
By: Adella DragonStar

Compare me to your fantasy

Help me with reality
Please me with your breath
Impress me with life.

Compare me to your darkened fears

Help me with my growing years
Hurt me, I can take it
Hate me with your death

Tell me I'm yours

Willing to be true
Inside me lies confusion
Deep beneath the view
Life....not life
What a choice?
Hear the bells ring,
angels harmony?
See your soul deteriorate?
Love not love
Hate...not hate
Death not death
Life...not life.

The time is drawing to a close

Its time to choose
Your soul confused
Make a choice
Decisions lie within you
Death, not death
Life...not life

The Man or the Memory

By: Adella DragonStar

How I dream late at night, of arms holding me tight

How a love so sweet could have me off my feet
How a simple glance of Magic would be all it took
Wait, am I dreaming, a man from a book?
I met such a perfect man in real life
Who cared for me and asked me to be his wife
He's been away for so long now,
I miss him dearly, anyhow
But what do I miss,
His touch, his kiss?
The smile that set me free?
Am I missing the man or the memory?

A Memory is all I have to hold on to.

It takes me there, when I was unaware,
Of a love so true
The Man I love is far and beyond
The strangest thing to me
But am I missing the Man or the Memory?

Pages of a novel, opened up and said

The Romantic scenes I read are there inside my head
It reminds me of better times, when all I had was him
Pretending was one thing I swore I'd never do again
I still dream late at night, of his arms holding me tight
Of his kisses so strong and felt passionately
Will I see him again? When I wonder when? Will he ever be
More than a Man in my Memory?

A Memory is all I have to hold on to.

It takes me there, when I was unaware,
Of a love so true
The Man I love is far and beyond
The strangest thing to me
But am I missing the Man or the Memory?

We'll be together someday I know

But until then, I'll learn and grow
Be better then than I am now
Does it really matter, anyhow?
It matters to me, but what about
The Man in my Memory?

The Mirror
By: Adella DragonStar

In the mirror, there's a girl

Who doesn't know who she wants to be
In the mirror, there's a face
Who doesn't really want to be seen
The reflection of realism
Is it real or am I seeking fate
Is it something I depend on
Now or then, or am I too late

Can you see the tears in my eyes

Can you sense sadness that I portray
Can you feel your heart wrench when I come near you
Do you like the way
Do you like the way
Do you like the way I am

I hope you see me for who I am inside

And not for me without
Hope you believe in miracles with no
Shadows of doubt
I ask myself, do I belong
Am I right, or am I wrong
Am I dreaming or awake
Can I take it, I can't take it

In the mirror there's a girl

Who doesn't know who she wants to be
In the mirror, I see the girl
So different from I want to see
It's not me
I'm not me
In my mind, I'm someone else
In my mind, I am perfectly free
In the mirror, reflection crashes
All the thoughts of who I see
And what I see
In the mirror there's a girl
who doesn't really want to be seen
In my mind, another face
Another place
The beauty and the serene

Alas at the end, a boring life

A normal world, a normal girl
Alas, my love, to see no more,
But the light of the greatest door
This is the end
There is no more
No more mirrors, no more screaming
No more pretending, no more grieving
I am free
I am free
I am me.

The Mirror's Image

By: Adella DragonStar

The mirror's view is tainted

Distorted and confused
The mirror's image is depressing
When the other self is abused

The tears of other's pain

Run down the mirror's face
The reflection is of sorrow
And happiness lost to the face

Deep within the mirror

Perfection is shattered
Feelings deep within the eyes
Disappear as if they hadn't mattered

Close the eyes of hatred

A tear drop runs down the face
The mind blanks for a moment
Escaping to another place

A place filled with laughter

A place filled with fun
Smiles abound, a music sounds
Freedom has begun with one

To opened saddened eyes

Would be harmful
A painful reminder of the hell
Open the eyes and the reflection
Of pain is easy to tell
Death is the reflection
An option not meant to be
Deep inside the image
A painful reminder of
Who and what is me.

By: Adella DragonStar

Music soothes the troubled soul,

No matter how hurt
No matter how much pain it endures.
Music is an inspirational tool,
Healing the heart, as well as the mind.
No matter how deep the wound,
No matter how long
Music calms the savage beast within
The mood of the melody,
The very thought of its rhythm warms the body.
Open heart and open mind,
Open soul and spirit.
Music can turn the most terrifying of people,
Transforming their entire being inside out.
Closed eyes, opened minds united to witness
The very essence of its power.
Music works miracles.
It changes unfaithful and helps them believe.
Its very words, melodies, calming
Its very notes of tunes brings images to the mind
Leading the listener to a message
True to the spirit, the mind, heart, and soul.
Music takes control of life itself.
What else can put beasts into a trance in seconds?
What else can heal the wounded mind of a troubled soul?
What else can bring us to tears than a song,
Reminding us of a once cherished, momentous memory?
There is nothing more powerful in its very mention,
Nothing more determined and demanding,
Nothing like it in the world.
Melodious, Undying, Sensuous, Inspirational, and Calming.

I am Nothing, for you do not see me
I am Nothing, if not me
Havens and Hell, and the heart as well
But Nothing am I without friends by me

I am Nothing now, they're gone from me

Better to push them away than for them to see
They may think they know, but fail to though
They can't see through the hurt in me

I am Nothing, no one is there,

I am Nothing, for nobody cares
They think they do what's best for me
by leaving my side and ceasing to be
But they hurt me more than ever can be

Sure I've done stupid things,

Sure I've said things dumber
But to take yourself from me is to harm
For Friendships belong safe and warm
Through thick and the thin.

I am Nothing, if not Free

I am Nothing, if not ME
That's all I ever can HOPE to be
Try to take THAT away from me!

Sure, I've hurt you, but you must understand the reasons
Sure, I Feel your pain, though the changing of seasons
I have loved and lost, and paid the costs
But to not see through my eyes, you are Nothing to me.

I do not Hate
I do not Loathe
I save those things for the trove
I Love, I lose and Love again,
You're not the only ones in my life again

You come and go, but I always know better

I Always just Know.
You say you're my friends, but you don't truely SEE
My heart is wide open for thee

But I digress with my pained thoughts

With or Without, I am or I'm naught.
Shall I go on, or do you truly SEE?
Better to loved and lost than to never have loved at all -- not me.

I am still Nothing

By: Adella DragonStar

Dreams –– awaken me
When they become NIGHTMARES
Hopes —— falter
When times get tough
Feelings –– hurt
When tears begin to Fall

Hearts —— Broken
When we hate most of all
At Nightfall –– everything changes

While we stay the same

Night after Nightfall,
Our daily troubles fade away

Prayer for the Lord and Lady

By: Adella DragonStar

To my Lord and to my Lady

Of the Lunar star above
Send me hope and send me strength
Knowledge and Perfect love
Send me truth and send me peace
And gentle signs from above
That you are listening to my words
To fill my heart with your love
Send me guides to light the way
When I forget who I am,
Send me truth when I am among lies,
And sweet memories when I’’m in a jam.
Send to me the sweetest dreams
In the nights that are most bleak
And send to me your words of hope
That strengthen me when I'm weak
Help me see what I'm meant to be
Teach me and guide the way
Show me the path that's rightfully mine
Take my hand and heart each day
I pray to thee and ask of thee
To send me my desires
Connect the circle of Air
To Winds to Earth, Spirit and Fires
Mother Goddess and Horned God
Who watch over me from above
Grant of all to me my wishes
And don't forget the love.

By: Adella DragonStar

You are like Raindrops,

Refreshing to the garden flowers
And quenching my thirst and desires.

You wet my creativity,

Refresh my mind,
Extend my curiosities
To the extreme,
Quenching my thirst for
Love and attention.

You make my ultimate fantasies

Seem real
Enough to be written,
Yet fantastic
Enough to be kept secret.

I wish you would fulfill my desire,

Make me rush to you
Like a river from a recent shower,
Flowing from one end to the next!

I remember it was raining

When we first met at the
Special Olympics.
The drizzle made me s-h-i-v-e-r . . .
. . . wishing for a WARM embrace.

I could sense your trepidation of me.

You were nervous
Like a training runner
Anticipating his competition by a glance.

You didn't want to speak

When you saw me at the concession stand.
I did it for you, my cheeks
Reddening from the chill
In the air.

As the day wore on, the football field

Emptied of its tired spectators.
For the high-school students,
The excitement was over and
Life goes on.

For us, we continued our conversation in the

Parking lot. I looked up to you as
A child looks up to an older brother,
Or a daughter looks up to her father.

Half-expecting you to sweep me off my feet in a

Romantic haze, you instead
Pointed me to the realities of love and life.

My head was in the clouds,

But you showed me the light.
I wish we were as innocent as we were
Back then, so we could
Start over like the fresh scent of a rain
Brings hope of tomorrow
To a thirsty rose.

Raindrops Fall
By: Adella DragonStar

Raindrops fall through hidden sorrows

Looking out for new tomorrows
Like the river rushing traces
As drops glisten toward new faces
A new thought is drawing nearer
The scent of dew is always clearer
Clean and fresh forbidden dreamers
Wetness hazes fellow screamers
The new day's dawning, maybe dying
Children laughing, playing, crying
Through happiness and the pain
There will always be the rain

Close my eyes and drift away

Listen to the raindrops play
A soothing tune, sweet melody
As life flies by gracefully
Quicken my thoughts to something new
Hoping to have a much better view
Of the love that I once knew
Gentle as the christening dew

Raindrops fall through hidden sorrows

Tell me –– is there no more tomorrows?
Live for the day I once was told
Before too soon, you'll be too old
As drops glisten toward new faces
We wonder where we're going places
Is there life before the rain?
We need the shelter from the pain.

Once in my life, I had known few

That knew exactly what to do
When sun is out from a morning shower
I begin to feel the power
Of words and wisdom's to name the few
I rush to the garden, to
Take a look at the dew
And see the true identity
Of how my life was meant to be.

Remember Me?
By: Adella DragonStar

I remember you; Do you remember me?

Back then we were so wild and free,
Years ago when it was just you and me.
I remember you; Do you remember me?

I remember when we were kids.

Back then, we did things you never did;
Saying the things you never said;
Yes, I remember when we were kids.

I remember a time when we were spiteful.

When the rebel in us was so delightful;
We'd bend the rules and play the fools,
But all in all, I remember.
I remember when college was more than a dream;
You and I were the perfect team;
Either studying or partying, we made the scene;
I remember you then, so long ago it seems.

I remember when we first parted, its sad;

Went our own separate ways, though it felt so bad;
I thought a lot of the friendship and laughter we had;
I remember how you never wrote, and that made me mad.

I look at you now, and remember your face;

The happiness you bring is all over the place;
Lost are your memories of me? Gone without a trace?
Dressed in satin, covered in lace.

I remember you. Now do you remember me?

Remember and think of the days we were free?
Can you picture my face? My warm embrace?
I ask of you today, Do you remember me?

A pause silences, the air is still.

Your voice rings out to me, sending a thrill,
Sending me hope in a world so sad and still.
I smile as I listen, and as you say the word I digress
-- "Yes."

Remember Magick?
By: Adella DragonStar

I remember you; Do you remember me?

Back then you were so wild and free,
Years ago when it was just you and me?
I remember you; Do you remember me?

I remember when you were a kid.

Back then, doing things you never did;
Saying the things you never said since;
Yes, I remember when you were kid.
I remember a time when you were spiteful.
When the Magick flowing in you was so delightful;
You'd bend the rules and play the fool,
But all in all, I remember.

I remember when college was more than a dream;

You and I were the perfect team;
Either casting or invoking, we made the scene;
I remember you then, so long ago it seems.

I remember when we first parted, its sad;

Went our own separate ways, though it felt so bad;
I thought a lot of the Magick and Love we had;
I remember how you never Spoke to me again, and that made me mad.

I look at you now, and remember your face;

The happiness you bring is all over the place;
Lost are your memories of Magick?
Do you not remember my warm embrace?

I remember you. Now do you remember me?

Remember and think of the days we were free?
Can you picture my face? My warm embrace?
I ask of you today, Do you remember me?

A pause silences, the air is still.

Your voice rings out to me, sending a thrill,
Sending me hope in a world so sad and still.
I smile as I listen, and as you say the word I digress
-- "Yes."

Tears to Come
Adella DragonStar, August 8th, 2003

I want the tears to come

I want it all said and done
I want everything I’ve never had
And nothing I’ve ever wanted
I want attention, not detainment
I want affection, not estrangement
I want the tears to come.

I don’t want to live on the run

I don’t want to fight to have fun
I don’t want anything but love
and I don’t want nothing I hate
I don’t care how it’s done
As long as it is done
I want to care how I’ve won
when it’s all said and done
I want to be someone
I want the tears to come.

Tests of Strength
Bonnie Slater, 10-28-98
Direct Address Poem

This is my Monday Ritual.

It may not sound like much, but it’s a
Chapter of my life.
Every morning, I work three miles away,
Riding a bike up a hill.
Monday is the beginning of another long,
Hard week.
Two miles behind me, I approach the
Hellish hill, groaning under my breath.
Thanks a lot, Dave. I silently curse him.
He wrecked my car, forcing me bike-bound.
It’s all because of you I’m here,
Freezing ears, running nose, wind in my hair
Making my eyes water. Then again, as I
Approach the hill’s incline in front of me,
It often tests my determination and
Personal strength. It was good for me,
I thought. I’m doing it for a very special person.
My baby daughter.
Signs of buildings make me focus.
If I can make it to that sign, I’ll be fine.
The next one, even better.
Last sign is atop the incline – the best.
Yes! I made it over the hill, and
I enjoy the speedy decline.
It’ll be more fun going back.

Tired of It All
by Adella DragonStar

Tired of being wrong,

when I know I’m right,
Tired of fighting
Tired of strife
Tired of living
Tired of life
Never knowing where to go
Never knowing what’s right.
Tired of being awake,
tired at morning light
Never enough rest
body’s put to the test
Emotions on a roller coaster
out of control
Tired of going out of my soul
Fleeing and dreaming
Fazing my mind
Out of this strange life
blind leading the blind
tired of it all
tired of taking the fall
back against nothing
locked against the wall
I’m just tired of it all.

The Unicorn
By: Adella DragonStar

I am the watcher of the night

Protector of your dream
I am the one to comfort you
Silencing your screams
I am Magick, I am love
I am a wish come true
I’’m anything you want me to be
I live inside of you
I am playful, I am bright,
I’’m magickal and fair
I am like a ray of sunshine
Blinding rain’’s discouraging glare
I am the watcher of the night
Soother of your screams
I am the mighty unicorn
Guardian of your dreams

The Unicorn Muse

By: Adella DragonStar

When I sit at my computer, my eyes wander,

Falling upon the unicorn statuette.
David gave that to me years ago, and since,
I've thought of it as my writer's muse.
Smiling, I recall that day. Dave surprised me
With a package that teased my curiosity.
I nearly knocked him over when I opened it
To find a ceramic unicorn with
Purple eyes and an opalescent jewel on its
Head beneath the horn.
The emotion burst from the pit of my stomach
To my mouth, making him take a step back as I
Hug him excitedly.
Now, I stare at the statuette.
I have always loved the fantastic ––
especially the mighty unicorns, and think
Of myself as one –– mysterious and mystical.
The unicorn sits on the desk, gazing
At me with it's violet eyes.
I take a deep breath and return to my work,
Newly relaxed an inspired as the delighted unicorn
Prances happily in the wood,
Elated to be alive in many children's dreams.

United We Stand
united we stand,
to the stars, hand in hand,
in our deaths to our new lives we will go.
for my heart would not
be able to go on without yours

We are Witches
By: Adella DragonStar

We are the ones that haunt your thoughts,

Your very dreams at night.
We are the ones society hates with passion,
When something is wrong in life.
According to you, we rape your children,
And sacrifice your wife.
We curse those who hurt us, albeit with delight.
We worship the epitome of evils,
Satan, I believe is his name.
We lie, we cheat, we steal, you say,
We're clever in the devilish way.
I could go on, but rather not, for
None of the rumors and stories are true.
I intend to tell you what we are.
Witches are me, and could be you.
There is a bright side to every sad day,
Just as there is good to bad.
We are not evil, cass or strange,
Only misunderstood.
Inside, we're pure of heart and mind,
and like all humans, bad and good.
Balance is the key to a Witch,
To stay so is hard to do.
All in all, we are human, through and through.
We are loving and gentle, yet harsh at times,
We are the ones who dwell with Earth,
Dabbling in mental powers,
Giving the Gods all we're worth.
We worship many, you know, to our choosing
With many names.
When it all boils down to it all, they are the One
and the Same.
We are the watchers of the night, the lovers of the day,
For one is nothing without the other,
That's what we believe, anyway.
Witches are scheming when provoked, always planning
In the mind.
We follow our Wiccan Rule, which says, in short,
Be kind.
No, we don't hurt on purpose, for it comes back to us.
We do not curse on a whim, or dabble in the darker arts.
Instead, we're careful of committing our kind of "sin",
Keeping our mind from the evil parts.

The Witches Winds

by Adella DragonStar

Softly the cool wind blows

from the east, no one knows
Harsh the wind blows from the west
pushing one to do their best
Gentle does the north wind bring
scents of summer from the spring
Last the wind from the south
to bring love’s kiss upon the mouth

You Are Like Raindrops

By: Adella Dratianos

You are like Raindrops,

Refreshing to the garden flowers
And quenching my thirst and desires.

You wet my creativity,

Refresh my mind,
Extend my curiosities
To the extreme,
Quenching my thirst for
Love and attention.

You make my ultimate fantasies

Seem real
Enough to be written,
Yet fantastic
Enough to be kept secret.

I wish you would fulfill my desire,

Make me rush to you
Like a river from a recent shower,
Flowing from one end to the next!

I Half-expected you to sweep me off my feet in a

Romantic haze, you instead
Pointed me to the realities of love and life.

My head was in the clouds,

But you showed me the light.
I wish we were as innocent as we were
Back then, so we could
Start over like the fresh scent of a rain
Brings hope of tomorrow
To a thirsty rose.

Look around and you will see
What is here’s reality
Everywhere you will turn
There are life’s lessons to learn

Welcome to your Destiny

Welcome to the Dream World
Young Dreamers of the world are free
Welcome to the Dream World
There are ups and there are downs
Mystics and Companions all around
Friends and foes, Dominionites
For centuries will always fight
in the Dream World


A Mystic’s own
Mystic Reality
In their Dreams and in their lives
Will be a big surprise

Dominionites are evil things

Doing as Sabrina tells them
In the Dominion where Orthos is King
He threatens to Destroy their

Usually a Mystic’s Vision
A Wizards’ way of life as well
This is their own Creation
Till the end, it’s hard to tell.
Mystics Rule the Provinces
Kingdoms and Castles
Companions try to live in society
Without Dominionite hassles
Fighters of the Mystic Force
Brought together in Mystic Unity
Fighting for the Freedom and
Justice for Dream World Community

There are highs

There are lows
With evil lurking
Their Mystic blows
It’s a way of life
in the Dream World
No puss or strife

Welcome to Your Destiny

in the Dream World
Make the right choices,
Raise your voices to be heard
Take control of your
You’ll go far
Think it out
To be a Star
Mystic’s Shout


Help Me Now
By: Bonnie Slater,

Help me now, I'm lost in your eyes

Help me now, to find the truth that lyes
Help me to be, What the Gods have meant me to be
Help me now, for I'm lost within your eyes

Help me now, for I'm blinded by the darkness

Help me to see what lyes beyond the meaning of Your Love
Help me now, to understand that which is confusing
Help me to see what lyes beyond the lines of the truth

Can't you open your heart to me?

Can you not see what I see?
Do you really wish to be?
Something you weren't meant to be?

Help me now, I'm lost in your eyes

Help me now, for my mind is in a haze
Help me now, I'm lost in your eyes
Help me now, Mother Goddess, Help me now

Hot-Rodding Teen Machines!

By Adella DragonStar

They call us hot-rodding teenagers

Well, they ain't seen nothin' yet.
The adults and grown-ups should pay attention
But they shouldn't put down
young people they haven't met!

Teen Machines!
We're hot-rodding
Teen Machines!
Our lives are full of it,
You should stop to think a bit
About us Hot-rodding teen machines!

You people tell us that we're going way too fast

Well, that's okay, I guess
But we'll tell you somethin' that's sure to last
Our lives are such a mess!


Rap 1:
Teen Machine
Yeah, you know what I mean
Livin like a rebel,
Feelin' like a king and queen.
Jealousy, Irony, and Hate
Prejudice and violence,
How much do we have to take?
Everybody tellin' us what's right and wrong-
They'd better listen to our Teen Machine song!

You can read about us in the papers,
You've read our stories in many books
You've seen the headlines
Maybe you should take a closer look
At the realism of it all,
when you start to take the fall,
then you begin to think at all,
about us hot-rodding teenagers!


When you start to

The world is so
to us all;
Then you'll see
with your eyes
how hard it is
to live beyond
the lies of society,
takin' out
the best in me
and you
then you'll begin to see
what are we supposed to do?

Tell me, help me,

really, please.
Rave me, save me,
from this incurible disease!

I'll tell you again, we're


Can you feel the pressure?

Do you feel the heat?
Do you know how to listen and learn?
Can you understand the word on the street?

Is it saying we're all bad?

Is it saying we're all evil?
Tell me what you hear and understand,
Is it all somethin' you repremand?
Tell me, tell me, now!
After all that you've seen and heard and understand,
do you still view us as,
Hot-rodding teenagers?

(Chorus 2x)


I Don't Believe – Song:

Adella DragonStar

I don’t believe in miracles

I don’t believe in faith
I don’t believe in love, my dear
Or hearts put in their place

Chorus: (above, 1x, plus)

What I believe is my own thing
and what makes me feel good
I never believed in nothing
and I never knew I would.

I don’t believe in wishing on

a falling star at night
I don’t believe in oracles
or hopes that shine so bright
there’s only few things I believe in
least of all is this
I don’t believe in love at first sight
or a warm and tender kiss

I don’t believe in much, my friend

I don’t believe at all
Don’t believe in good times never-ending
and standing tall
What I believe is my own thing,
and that makes me feel good
why care about my petty feelings
why love me as you would
why do all these things for me and say
the end is drawing near
If I don’t believe in anything
Will you always stay here?

In the Mirror
Adella DragonStar, February 21, 2001

In the mirror, there’s a girl

who doesn’t know who she wants to be
in the mirror, there’s a face
who doesn’t really want to be seen
the reflection of realism
is it real or am I seeking fate
is it something I depend on
now or then, or am I too late

can you see the tears in my eyes

can you sense sadness that I portray
can you feel your heart wrench when I come near you
Do you like the way
Do you like the way
Do you like the way I am

I hope you see me for who I am inside

and not for me without
Hope you believe in miracles with no
shadows of doubt
I ask myself, do I belong
Am I right, or am I wrong
Am I dreaming or awake
Can I take it, I can’t take it

In the mirror there’s a girl

who doesn’t know who she wants to be
in the mirror, I see the girl
so different from I want to see
It’s not me
I’m not me
In my mind, I’m someone else
In my mind, I am perfectly free
In the mirror, reflection crashes
all the thoughts of who I see
And what I see
In the mirror there’s a girl
who doesn’t really want to be seen
In my mind, another face
another place
the beauty and the serene

Alas at the end, a boring life

a normal world, a normal girl
Alas, my love, to see no more,
but the light of the greatest door
This is the end
There is no more
No more mirrors, no more screaming
no more pretending, no more grieving
I am free
I am free
I am me.

In the Rough:
by Adella DragonStar

Chorus: One time, Too Many

Two Times, not enough
Three times, should be plenty
I’m tired of lookin’ for the diamond in the rough

You and I, we met each other on the corner

The old coffee shop, right across town
We had fun til early, in the morning
Then why am I the one, wearing the frown?


Just an ordinary, night of passion

One night stands were your specialty
I could tell the moment I saw you
Good times don’t ever come for free
One time, was all it took
Two times, of sexuality
Three times, of feeling like a rook
When will the real you come lookin’ for me?


I ran into you again at the station

Seemed you were the best looker of them all
My heart was full of anticipation
Then I saw her kissin’ you at the mall.


Too many times of having my heart broken

Thought you were different, but now, I see
The real you was just what I was hope-in
Too bad you didn’t belong to me...
Did you tell her about me
That night, right across town
Should I tell her about us together
So you can finally be the one wearin’ the frown?


I don’t feel like fightin’

For something that’ll never belong to me
Maybe my girlfriends were right
I ought to be free....
No more one time of intimate passion
No more two times of agony
No more waiting for three times to come around
This time I’m finally free!

Outside, Lookin In
by Adella DragonStar

Lookin through a cold, dark winter

Never know exactly where to turn
When life puts you down,
Better stick around
There are still some lessons to learn.

Never know where or why
Don't know the color of the sky
Or where exactly to begin
When You're on the outside lookin in
You may be the greatest, but no ever knows
When you're on the outside, outside lookin in.

See somethin in your mind

A load of friends of your kind
See a lot of changes, but stagger to hold on
Keep aware or you'll soon be blind


When you're on the outside,

ooh, Lookin in
Seems that the darkness is your only friend
Beeter wake up and realize your situation
You gotta start it to begin


Nevermind that no one is around you

nevermind the fact no one can see
Until you open your eyes
and finally realize
What you're really meant to be
Does anybody care?


You don't have to be

What you don't want to be
The only thing you should see
Doesn't matter if it's your lost youth
All you should really see is the truth

Precious Stones
by Adella DragonStar

Precious Stones are washed out by the ocean
Precious Stones are washed up by the sea
One of these days I will find
The Special Precious Stone in me.

Walk along the waters

The beach is cool tonight
I close my eyes and realize
There’s a song in my soul
I sing the words, they ring so loud
I sing the words, they sound so clear
I see the stone across the ocean
I know how to fill the hole


There’s an empty void in the air

There is no one there
Maybe I’m just seeing things
But I see a face
Can it be my imagination
Can it be my heart to mend
I feel the stone in my hand
I’m taken to another place

Tell me, now

Where am I?
Somewhere my heart does not belong
Show me, why
Am I here, can you tell me, tell me...

Why (Chorus)


Roses In Winter
By: Adella DragonStar

I can't promise flowers

Or roses in the winter
I can't promise daisies
In the dawn
I can't fight a destiny
Or heaven's ever-after
I can't promise anything be gone
I can't promise lilacs
When winter's chill arises
I can't promise daffodils
In the rain
What I can promise is the love
I have for you ever-lasting
And hope for new tomorrows
In the Spring.

Say Good-bye
by Elizabeth Slater

Boy: When you look deep into my eyes

What do you see?
Is it sadness or regret,
Thoughts of the day we met,
Are you trying not to cry
As I turn to leave?

Girl: Yes, my love, I see sadness

and even some regret of leaving me
Why does it have to me?
Still I see laughter and love
and all that is good from above
That is still there somewhere, I believe.
As you turn to leave, I sing

Chorus: Say good-bye

One last time
Won't forget
Love that was ours to keep
Say good-bye
Once again
keep in our hearts as we sleep
Saying good-bye to you
Is the hardest thing I do
My lover, my partner, my friend
Say good-bye

Boy/Girl Alternating:
Boy: I never meant to hurt you at all
I have always cared about you
Girl: What about when you are gone?
What will I do without you?
Boy: I will be there in your heart
Don't ever forget about me
Girl: I'll still be lost without you
Boy: Remember I'll love you as I do now
Both together: B: For that is my vow
G: I will always love you
Both: The hardest thing I do
Is say good-bye to you...

Boy: Don't you cry,

Don’t shed a tear for me.
Forever I will be
A special part of you

Girl: I will try

But it will be hard to see.
Yes, forever you will be
Because I love you.

by Bonnie Slater, 9-15-94

There aren't many stars out, my dear

Not a cloud in the sky, and the sky is all so clear
Not many wishes to be wished tonight
Not many dreams to be unleashed
as the night draws near

Yet there are stars

up there up above
cause tonight, the word is love

That special feeling that I feel tonight

Makes the darkened Heavens above look ever so bright
Bright as the future looks for us to me
Am I dreaming my life away
Should I concentrate on the night

Yet there are stars

up there, up above
Because, everynight, it is you I love

There are more stars in the empty sky

That twinkle in your eyes
Is there some way to show you that I'm true
All I can say, Is that I love you

That once twinkled in the skys
are the stars I see
when you're with me
Those stars that twinkle in your eyes

Yet I am afraid
Of the Love that we made
When our love starts a war
I still see the Stars

I’ve got this secret that I just can’t ignore
I love you now more than ever before
I’ve got this secret that I just can’t keep
I think about you even in my sleep

I love you, boy, more than you can see

I love you, boy, I just can’t sleep
There’s nothin’ I want more than you in my life
You gotta help me keep this secret tight
Think Of Me
by Adella DragonStar

Think of me
When I old and grey will you
Think of Me
When I am far away
Will you
Remember the good times when we're
Far apart
Will You Remember to think of me
Think of me

Remember the good times

Remember how we stayed together
Remember when
We learned to stay in love forever
Never forget me when love is gone
Because in both our hearts, we
Shall love on
When you think of me
Think of me

We could deal with almost anything

Through thick and thin
We could deal just about everything
And we always know where to begin
So let the love begin.

You Gotta Believe

by Adella DragonStar

Verse 1:
Never underestimate the power of the mind
If you stay aware, you shall never be blind.
Maybe someday, the light will shine through
Maybe then, someday, you'll know what to do
(What to do)

Be true to yourself
(you've gotta believe gotta believe in yourself)
You will achieve
(Gotta believe gotta believe to achieve)
Because nobody else
(No one else)
Can believe for you
(Believe Believe for you)

Rap 1:
Listen to the facts and forget the rumers
Only you know what to do -- to change you're future
Gotta listen to your conscience
You'll go far in life
If you take the time to realize
There's nothing else to recognize
Except the fact that only you
(In song: all) Can make your wildest dreams come true

Verse 2:
Open up your eyes and see
That its up to you to set your life free
If you have the power of the mind on your side
You can do anything. Let your conscience be your guide
(Let it be your guide)

Solo w/echo:
Tell me when, tell me where, tell me how (Tell you how)
Can you help me find myself, (Tell you what, what to do)
Is there any, one out there, (be somewhere, be somehow)
Can you tell me, what am I supposed to do (No, I can't tell you anyhow)
Is there any one out there (Oh, no)
Help me, show me, what'm I supposed to do? (Don't ask anymore)
Tell me what am I to do? (No one really knows but you)

Repeat Chorus: (x2)

Be true to yourself (you've gotta believe gotta believe in yourself)
You will achieve (Gotta believe gotta believe to achieve)
Because nobody else (No one else)
Can believe for you (Believe for you)
Be true to yourself (you've gotta believe gotta believe in yourself)
You will achieve (Gotta believe gotta believe to achieve)
Because nobody else (No one else)
Can believe for you (Believe for you)

Rap 2:
(All:) Recognize the power of the truth
and see that,
while you're still in you're youth
Maybe then you can see
It's up to you to live you're destiny
(Solo Echo: (Huh?!))
What I'm a tryin' to say is this
There's something that cannot be missed
One thing that's always true
Is the fact that only you
(All: In Song) Can make your wildest dreams come true.
(All: Shout: Jam-mit!)

(Rockin' Jam Session)

Repeat Chorus:
(each time, going higher on the octave)
Be true to yourself (you've gotta believe gotta believe in yourself)
You will achieve (Gotta believe gotta believe to achieve)
Because nobody else (No one else)
Can believe for you (Believe for you)
Be true to yourself (you've gotta believe gotta believe in yourself)
You will achieve (Gotta believe gotta believe to achieve)
Because nobody else (No one else)
Can believe for you (Believe for you)
Be true to yourself (you've gotta believe gotta believe in yourself)
You will achieve (Gotta believe gotta believe to achieve)
Because nobody else (No one else)
Can believe for you (Believe for you)

Final Verse:
(with echos of the song each line)
Gotta Believe in yourself
You will achieve
Be True to yourself
You gotta believe
Cause Nobody Else
No, no one else
Can Believe for you
Ya just gotta Believe!

Rapped and sung:

(no instruments, "cool down"):
Ya Gotta Believe, uh huh!
Ya Gotta Believe, oh yeah!
Ya Gotta Believe, all right!
1, 2, 3, 4 You Gotta Believe!

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