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how do you really



Why and how your business will benefit with a

Unifying Philosophy Statement (UPh®)

Copyright Harish Chauhan 2008

hard questions the uph® addresses
Dear Business Owner/Leader

In these following pages you will discover a special tool, called the
Unifying Philosophy Statement, and how it becomes the DNA of
your company – your Brand, Strategy, Culture, Operations,
Customer Experience and Business model all in 6 words or less.

What you will learn is that the Unifying Philosophy (UPh) will
become one of your most critical assets of your business. With a
one-time investment in a developing the UPh for your company you
will simultaneously achieve immediate and long-term results:

• Increase business performance and profitability

• Improve management and staff engagement
• Enhance customer and brand loyalty and experience
• Maximize shareholder value performance
We guarantee these results

So if you are wondering:

• How come all of the departments and management are NOT on the
same page
• How will I grow my company more profitably
• How can we sell more effectively to the right customer(s)
• How can I ensure I create maximum value in my business (value I
can cash in on when I grow, sell or retire from the business)

Then the UPh is your solution. The following pages will help show
you why and how the UPh helps you grow your business in the best
way possible.
I hope you will see for yourself and for your business why the UPh is
a unifying strategy for your prosperity.

With excitement and thanks,

Harish Chauhan, B.I.D., B.Eng.


what is a uph® Page. 09

(unifying philosophy statement)

the 9 uph benefits - why owners and their businesses

need a uph?
1. Your UPh Aligns all Key Stakeholders ON THE SAME PAGE Page. 10
2. Your UPh Empowers Management and Staff Page. 11
3. Your UPh Drives Business Growth and Increases Business Page. 12
4. Enhances Leadership Succession Page. 13
(autonomy and continuity)
5. Disconnects owner Reliance Page. 14
6. Defines and Reinforces Your Growth Strategy – go to market, Page. 15
product/service development, operation and Business
7. Establishes and Operationalizes Your Brand Page. 16
8. Measurably and Justifiably Increases Shareholder Value Page. 17
9. Attracts #1 Customers with laser focused Sales and Marketing Page. 18
messaging and strategy

next steps: Page. 19


A business
grows linearly
in value.

owners risk
their goodwill.

 WITH a UPh®

A business
in value.

owners can
earn premiums
on their

Problems grow
as the business
grows… until

owners lead,
manage and
operate by

 WITH a UPh®

grows as the

owners lead,
manage and
operate by

undermines its

struggle to do
everything it

 WITH a UPh®

creates and

owners have
focus and
direction to do
what it takes.

has 11 – 54
value drivers.

value in EACH

 WITH a UPh®

Business value
drivers are

value across
ALL drivers.
what is a UPh®
(unifying philosophy statement)
 A UPh is an ‘all-in-one’ strategic, operating,
and marketing statement constructed in
6 words or less.

 A UPh is the ‘DNA’ of a business – defining

who you are, how you compete, how you
differentiate, what you do best, how you
grow and innovate, and why customers buy
from you in 6 words or less.

 A UPh is more practical, powerful and

profitable than a logo, marketing tagline, or
mission/vision statement because it is a
formal asset, appropriately structured, that
drives everything, everyone does in your
business everyday in 6 words or less.

 A UPh is a company’s unifying strategy for

prosperity that enhances your company’s
performance, growth, value, succession, exit
and wealth an owner can extract out of the
business in 6 words or less.

“Harish offers a no-nonsense, logical and systematic strategy for shareholder wealth
and value creation via brand development, stakeholder alignment and overall corporate
performance enhancement.”
Past President, Paul Frederick
INNOVATORS ALLIANCE – Ontario’s Leading Growth Firms
why owners and their businesses
need a uph?
1. Your UPh Aligns all Key Stakeholders
- The biggest challenge companies face is to get everyone working in
synchronicity for the common good of the company

- The UPh and the UPh process works with all the key stakeholders
and commands their buy-in from inception (construction of the
UPh) to day-to-day implementation (with the use of the UPh and
its management drivers)

San Francisco State University’s preliminary research on Business by

Philosophy’s Unifying Philosophy strategy process conducted in the
summer of 2006 with past UPh clients showed:
“After having built their UPh, these companies have management
and staff that all operate from the same page”
2. Your UPh Empowers Management
and Staff
- Everything the Leaders do from hiring, training, managing,
promoting and firing staff is derived by the UPh

- How everyone delivers, improves, innovates and operationalizes the

UPh’s promise is all that is necessary in creating a High Performance
Organization that believes in the overall purpose of the company

Imagine if your company came up with ‘Just Do It’ first. And you had the
money and resources to put it around the world just like they did. How
would it empower your management and staff to perform better
everyday? Would they come into the office and ‘just do it’? Do they do it
better, different, poorly, hastily? What would they be doing that they
didn’t do before?
3. Your UPh Drives Business Growth and
Increases Business Profitability
- Many business leaders and their management teams are unclear
about how their company makes money, how they can make more
money in their current industry, or how they will grow their
company doing what they do best?

- How does a company grow efficiently and effectively without losing

its focus? The UPh and the UPh process helps address and guide the
business leaders and key stakeholders through all these critical
components that help companies grow more profitably and sustain
it – this is prosperity.

Within 3 years, Breadsource implemented its UPh, “Freshness On Time®”


 reduced wastage from 4-6% to less than 1%

 price margins were justifiably increased further increasing profits
 70% of their new customers were acquired as a result
4. Enhances Leadership Succession
(autonomy and continuity)
- Passing the reins from one leader to another or from one generation
to another is not only daunting it is riddled with failure (over 60%
fail from 1stto 2ndand 90% fail from 1stto 3rd)

- How does a business and its owners/leaders prepare and succeed

during this inevitable and critical transition and growth step? During
several client successes when building and implementing the UPh we
have evidence of success during a delicate transition because we
involve all the key stakeholders across and within the generations or
transitioning parties (whether it was a pre-merger, post- merger or
family business transition)

- The final company UPh is designed to withstand time, change and

leadership. For example, Freshness on Time has been a UPh for a
private, family owned business for nearly a decade. Both 1stand
2ndgeneration leadership (father and two sons) were involved in the
construction of their UPh. This provided both autonomy and
continuity. Autonomy in leadership is important because every
leader and owner wants to make their own distinctive mark and
legacy in the business and the marketplace. However, autonomy
traditionally has destroyed or diminished the efforts of the previous
leader. How does one build on the equity, goodwill and legacy of the
past yet allow for new change? UPh Continuity. Freshness on Time,
regardless of leadership will remain an ongoing asset, legacy and
operational standard regardless of leader, time or change. How the
father drives Freshness on Time throughout the organization will be
different than his children or grandchildren. Regardless, their UPh
will continue to be their unifying philosophy for years to come –
consistently compounding their commercial goodwill.
5. Disconnects owner Reliance
- Owner reliance on the success of the company is another pivotal
issue in building a great company that is also equally valuable. How
does a charismatic or visionary leader pass on their message,
conviction and passion throughout the entire organization – so
that everyone executes on it? Build and implement a UPh. A UPh is
the core of what an organization is – it embodies the vision of its
leaders AND its people.

- The dependency of a company and its people reduces greatly as the

UPh becomes more and more instilled into how the business works,
what people do everyday, and how it is used in everyday Leadership
and Management decision making. One such client has established
an employee handbook titled by their UPh, “Building Reliability”.
They use it as a guide to ensure that all staff, new and old work
from the same page and build reliability in everything they do.

- Overall, operationalizing of the UPh throughout the entire

organization (people, process, and product offerings) improves
business “Transitionability” (how the business transitions from
leader to leader, through time and through market changes) and
“Scalability” (how the business grows in size and geography while
staying focused).
6. Defines and Reinforces Your Growth
Strategy – go to market,
product/service development,
operation and Business development
- Why do Strategic Plans fail? They fail because they are not
implemented or poorly executed – this is often due to a lack of buy-
in into the plan, understanding and commitment to the strategic
planning process and/or unrealistic implementation initiatives that
realize the overall Strategy.

- The UPh process helps owners and their management team establish
the strategies necessary to drive business growth via their company
UPh. With all the stakeholders (owners, management and/or staff)
actively involved in the process buy-in is assured and
implementation becomes more realistic and practical.

- For example, UPh clients in the past have established their global
growth strategy (UPh client: Surati – Canada/India), solidified
their go to market strategy (UPh client: LOGIC – Bermuda),
focused their product lines and operations (UPh client:
BREADSOURCE – Canada), and established an implementation team
and process for their UPh roll out worldwide (UPh client: Bellville
Rodair – Canada/England).
7. Establishes and Operationalizes Your
- What is a Brand? Essentially, it is your company’s reputation as
defined by Customers, Employees, Management, Investors,
Suppliers, Competitors etc. How do you make the Brand work inside
and outside the company – so that everyone lives and breathes it?
That is the more important question. A Brand is abstract and
therefore difficult to define for any company – unless the company
defines it, by themselves, and uses their Brand to influence the
market (external) and management/ staff (internal). Secondly, the
Brand must be defined in a way so that it can be made operational,
otherwise it is useless.

- An honorable UPh mention is “The Ultimate Driving Experience” by

BMW. Coined over 40 years ago, BMW has operationalized their
“Ultimate Driving” philosophy from how they design, build and
service their cars as well as how they market, retain and reinforce
their customer relationships. Their Brand has been established,
operationalized and can be effectively monetized – largely due to
the incredible goodwill created by that one statement for the last 4
decades as well as evidence by the fact that BMW has the strongest
sustained shareholder value stock in the automotive industry (rated
by the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index).

- By building a UPh, you establish the key Brand promise, and more
importantly the asset, by which leaders and staff can build, grow
and live the brand in a way that makes everyone believe in it
genuinely and become Brand champions. One UPh client, Bellville
Rodair, has created an employee handbook that teaches all staff
what the Brand means and how to live in their day to day work.
8. Measurably and Justifiably Increases
Shareholder Value
- Dr. Ruth Corbin’s article on Brands in the Boardroom says it best,
“On November 6, 2006, the value of shares in Four Seasons Hotels
Ltd. Jumped by almost 30% following an offer by Bill Gates and a
Saudi prince to buy the company. What could account for an offer
of $93 per share when the company was losing money” It was
clearly the brand).

- Intangible Assets, like Brands, are one of the most valuable assets
of a company. Owners/leaders are encouraged to find out how
these assets are valued to prevent significant loss of wealth
during their ultimate exit or retirement – at which point these
assets will become valued.

- The UPh is a distinct Intellectual Property (IP) asset in and of

itself. Because of the way a UPh is built and implemented, the
overall value of a company, its Brand with associated IP assets,
and most other financial performance metrics are measurably and
justifiably enhanced as a result of building, implementing and
marketing a company’s UPh. Overtime, as in the case of BMW,
the UPh statement becomes the Brand message at the top of
everyone’s mind.

- UPh clients to date have created significant value in their

company’s overall share value and some have also gone to the
extent of restructuring their IP assets for optimal security, tax
benefit and monetization of the Brand.
9. Attracts #1 Customers with laser
focused Sales and Marketing
messaging and strategy
- Harish Chauhan’s book, UNCONVENTIONAL BUSINESS, presents
11 arguments “Why the Customer is NOT #1”
( Therefore, a Brand that
caters to every customer is not only inefficient it can be risky.
Focusing the sales marketing strategy to capture your prized
customers that will become loyal and passionate about your
company and its offerings. Because the UPh is your company’s
Unifying Philosophy statement, it captures the very essence of
your Sales and Marketing message and strategy – in fact it helps
direct it.

Examples of this focus include:

- BMW’s “The Ultimate Driving Experience” (which only caters to
the luxury car buyer)

- BREADSOURCE’s “Freshness on Time” (which charges a premium

for 100% fresh bread everyday)

- BELLVILLE RODAIR’s “Building Reliability” (which only caters to

very sophisticated or sensitive Freight Management customers)

- Your Company’s UPh defines precisely what kind of customers

you want/ need, why you want them and how you will get and
keep them happy – all the time. This is what these three
companies have been able to successfully do year after year as
they continue to market and implement their UPh.
next steps:
To learn how the UPh can specifically benefit you and your
company, contact Harish Chauhan to arrange an interactive
presentation at your earliest convenience. / 416 919 1830

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