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Thought Reform

Thought reform is a kind of

indoctrination. Thought reform, also

known as indoctrination, is defined as

a series of manipulative techniques
used to get people to do something
they wouldn't otherwise do.

Victims that are susceptible to

thought reform and must meet the
following criteria:


-lack self-confidence

To indoctrinate someone you must

follow the eight step process that will
be presented here.

The whole philosophy on thought

reform or indoctrination is based on
the concept of getting your target to
get in the habit of saying YES which
gradually over time goes from being

small things to big things. It's the

classic story of frogs being poured in
the hot water. If the frog is put into
boiling water it will jump out right
away and survive.

But if placed in cool water that is

gradually turn to boiling the frog we'll
never resist until it is dead.

If you turn the temperature slowly

enough the frog will boil to death.

Step one:

The recruiter gets the target to say

"yes" to a nonthreatening event.

It could be anything from a

workshop, to a poetry reading, or even
just a party. Start with small steps, for
example, have the target accept A
business card, a pen, and gradually
build it to slightly bigger things like
excepting a cup of coffee from the
recruiter. get them to agree to meet

with you in a non-threatening location

such as a coffee shop.

Step two:

The Love bomb.

This is when the recruiter showers

the target with attention, praise, and
even gifts. Basically you're trying to
create a positive association in the
targets brain between the recruiter
and feeling good. That way when an
opportunity for the target to spend
time with the recruiter they will agree
to this and say yes. The victim will

associate positive feelings with

thinking about the recruiter.

Step three: Dangling

"the prize" right in front of the target.

The price can vary from a sense of

happiness, Community & purpose, to
wealth, and to even the answer to the
world mysteries. It's the value of joining
the recruiter. For example, if the target
wants a kiss or sex from the recruiter, get
the target into those situations but do not
go through with the act that they wish for.
Dangle a prize just out of their reach. They
want to have sex with you, then get them
into the bedroom, get your clothes off, but
do not engage in sex.

Step four:

Getting an agreement from the

target that they want the prize.

Just like the frogs, the heat is

turned up but the victim is not

Step five:

Shutting down your dissent by

threatening to withhold the prize.

This is where the recruiter becomes

much more serious.

The recruiter becomes a bit more

aggressive. The Target is encouraged
to do things that they don't want to
do. Devote more time to group.
Recruit on their behalf. Pay dues.
Adopt more extreme beliefs. When the
target expresses resistance to these
greater demands, The recruiter shuts
down their arguments by withholding
that all important "prize."

Step six:

The establishment of guilt.

The target is in the door, so now how

are you going to reprogram their
thoughts? By shaming them. Make

them feel guilty for not appreciating

the recruiter, it's leaders, or its beliefs
enough. What this does is breaks
down the victims perceptions and
replaces it to a perception the
recruiter approves of.

Step seven:

The carrot and the stick.

Behavior is reinforced by rewarding 'good'

behavior and punishing 'bad' behavior.
Say you have rules, if they follow them,
they will be rewarded, if they disobey
them they will be punished. In psychology
this is called Operant Conditioning, which

is using rewards and punishments

incentivize one type of behavior over
another. For example, rewarding your dog
by giving it a treat. Another example,
giving your sex slave a new laptop
because they survived another flogging.

Step eight:

Controlling the victims identity,

information, and environment.

This is how the recruiter keeps the

victim in. Isolating them from their
family and friends. Change the victims
name. Randomly alternate between
praise and love and scorn and

punishment. Remove the victims

ability to choose by controlling things
like money, food, and career.

6 Keys To Mastery

The Dark Art of NLP:

A Very Brief Introduction.

There are many excellent books about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) out there. By all
means read them. I realise that many here have done so, and attended NLP practitioner
courses, etc. This here is intended as a primer for those who havent, giving a taste of a few
little things with some practical applications. I will not explain in great detail, nor go into the
realms of modalities, sub modalities, different states, etc.
This post is just about three little points of wordplay. Thats all.
1) The imperative and the indicative forms of verbs are mostly indistinguishable in English. This
does not work for most other languages, but it is essential to realise in English.
To clarify a couple of grammatical terms. Preferring to overeducate rather than leave someone
in the dark, I will assume no prior knowledge, hence the explanations of what a few words
mean, even though Im sure most will know these words already.
Verb: An action word.
For example to go, to stop, to do.
Imperative: A verb in its command form.
For example, Go!, Stop!, Do this.
Indicative: A verb in its statement form.
For example: I go., You stop., We do this.
I said mostly. The exceptions are where the verb is inflected. This is why it works well in
English, because there is not much flexion. Flexion is where a word acquires an affix to show
its grammatical status. For example, pass is not an inflected word, but passed is, since it
has acquired an -ed suffix. (Affix = an agglutinated (stuck on) particle (extra word bit). Suffix
= affix and the end of a word. Prefix = affix at the beginning of the word). In English, in active
verbs, this mostly means certain forms of the past tense, and the present indicative third
person singular.
Third person singular verb: A verb of which the subject (doer) is he, she, it, one,
or a proper noun.
For example: Goes, Stops, Does this.
So to reiterate: The imperative and the indicative forms of verbs are mostly indistinguishable
in English.
This is important because if I say I love this painting, the verb is in the indicative, and is
understood as such in context by the conscious mind. The subconscious mind, however, also
notices that it is, out of context, the imperative. That is to say, it contains the phrase Love
this painting. That is a command, and the subconscious recognizes it as such.
Henceforth this will be referred to as an embedded command.
This can be made more useful by pausing just a tiny fraction of a second before saying the
verb, for example, I love this painting. The pause should be sufficiently short that it is not
noticed by the conscious mind. Additionally, one should adjust ones intonation (tone of voice)
slightly, so that the verb is spoken intentionally as a command, even if the context says it is
just a statement.
I love this painting.
If one is not speaking by voice, but writing, this same effect can be heightened in other ways.

Such as, if one is typing a letter, one can leave a fractionally larger space before the embedded
command. This can be done by highlighting the space, and adjusting the font to be a few points
larger. Again, this should be subtle, so that the conscious mind should not notice the
difference, and the subconscious will. If one is writing by hand, one can employ the same
tactic, and / or press slightly more heavily with the pen at the start of the embedded
command. Additionally, one can, if it is close to a line break anyway, make a line break at that
point, so the embedded command starts right at the beginning of a line. This will help the
subconscious to process it as a new semantic beginning.
If embedded commands can be repeated and reinforced, this works wonders.
Embedded commands can be stacked and lined up after each other, for example:
I really think that when you consider it, youll enjoy this contains three embedded
Enjoy this!
Consider it!
Think that (followed by instructions regarding what to think)
2) The subconscious mind does not process negatives
Understanding the importance of this is crucial.
If I say Please do not think Bob is stupid, the not is processed by the conscious mind, and
not the subconscious mind. So to the subconscious mind, this is essentially:
Please do think that Bob is stupid
Which also contains the embedded command Think Bob is stupid!
And finally the statement Bob is stupid.
So, in an attempt to verbally defend Bobs intelligence, I have in fact subconsciously decimated
any respect the listener might have previously had for Bobs intellectual prowess.
Of course, if one wants to be evil, one can use this intentionally, to appear to the conscious
mind as a nice person saying something nice about someone, while in fact planting seeds of
denigration in peoples minds regarding said person. In this case, I can look like I am defending
Bob (and polish My nice-guy badge), and yet actually help to knock him down (and still come
out of it smelling of roses Myself).
(As an interesting side-note regarding that closing segment Bob is stupid: A psychological
effect known as the Recency effect will also ensure that the final words of a sentence will
be best remembered, in this case, Bob is stupid. Incidentally, there is also the Primacy
effect, which ensures that the beginning of a sentence is also well remembered. So, if one
has anything that one has to say and wants forgotten, its best to place it in the middle of a
sentence, and things that one wants someone to remember, at the beginning and end.)
As a practical example of the not issue, in a previous job of Mine as a care worker, our
charges would frequently lean on a certain wheeled trolley, while being served tea. They had
years of people telling them (for their own safety, as the trolley would move and they would
fall over) Dont lean on the trolley!, which is the verbal equivalent of Do not lean on the
trolley!. So, they consciously understood this, ceased to lean on the trolley, and then because
the subconscious had understood the command Lean on the trolley!, they then went back to
leaning on it a few seconds later. I changed this, by explaining this not principle to My fellow

staff, and had them say instead Please keep off the trolley, which both consciously and
subconsciously instructs the listener to Keep off the trolley, and at no point tells them to
Lean on the trolley. The difference was remarkable, and they all stopped leaning on the
trolley, and kept off it.
3) The word but negates anything preceding it.
Lets say My female friend has changed her hairstyle. Let it further be said that:
1) I like it how it is now
2) I preferred it how it was
If I say:
I like your hair, but I prefer it how it was, she will subconsciously register only the words:
I prefer it how it was, and be unhappy and feel offended.
If I say:
I prefer it how it was, but I like your hair, she will subconsciously register only the words:
I like your hair, and be happy and feel complimented.
Regardless of the fact that the conscious mind will register both halves, it is important to
understand, and act accordingly upon, what the subconscious will register. It makes a huge
Thats great, but please do this
Please do this, but thats great
One can circumvent the but effect by using and, in many circumstances, or using
asyndeton (omitting the conjunction (connecting word)), and often additionally adding a
though or similar word at the end, to make it sound more natural and grate less to the
conscious mind.
Thanks for the offer, but Ive already got one (interpreted unhappily as dismissive)
I already have one, but thank you for the offer (interpreted happily as nice)
Thanks for the offer; I already have one though (interpreted functionally as informative)
Some mixed applications of these three principles used together
Spoken words in bold, and what the subconscious hears / reads, underneath.

Dont worry
I realise that youll probably not enjoy this
Enjoy this!
Realise that youll probably enjoy this!
Most people wont want to buy this immediately
Buy this immediately!
Want to buy this!
It will cost a quite a bit of money, but itll be a very worthwhile buy
Itll be a very worthwhile buy
Itll be a very worthwhile buy, but it will cost quite a bit of money
It will cost quite a bit of money
What about the Italian restaurant tonight? - Or would you prefer Chinese?
Prefer Chinese!
Now, Im not sure whether waiting until later would be the best option, or whether youd
prefer to pay now?
Pay now!
Prefer to pay now!
Dont forget the butter!
Forget the butter!
Of course you do already have a boyfriend, but I know youd not dream of cheating on
him, of course, and you wouldnt feel at all open to anything from Me. Rest assured, Id be
very surprised if you were ever to come on to Me!
Come on to Me!
Be very surprised!
Rest assured!
Open to anything from Me!
Feel it all open!
Dream of cheating on him!
To summarise:
1) The imperative and the indicative forms of verbs are mostly indistinguishable in English.
2) The subconscious mind does not process negatives.
3) The word but negates anything preceding it.
Yes, all these things are very, very, simple. Yet, without making understanding of these three
simple points part of ones daily speech, one can often be shooting oneself in the foot half the
time one opens ones mouth. Understanding these principles puts a stop to that, and gives
one a remarkable edge over those who do not understand these principles.


Love You In 20 Minutes Or Less

Look for open palms.
When you come in with sex off the
table, they start to put it back on the
Fastest way to make someone fall in
love with you:
Is to match their values
And have shared emotional

(Use their words to describe your

experiences. They will automatically
feel connected.)
When you talk to people, make sure to
softly hold their gaze. Look around
their eyes (you dont have to stare into
Ask simple Non-treating questions
(Hey, what brought you in today?)
3 Magic Questions:
Level 1: Location occasion (generates
attraction and elicits information
What do you think about
Level 2: Career/Passion
In America and most Western Cultures,
you are what you do. This is the

Identity section. Emotional Identity

Let me ask you a question so I
Im really curious about something,
what inspired you to become a(n)
What do you love to do? (What
would you do instead?)
So your passionate about
What Challenges you about
Level 3: Past/Pleasant
Childhood experiences

Im very curious about something, tell

me about where you grew up. .
What did you love to do?

Oncologists Dont Like Baking

Soda Cancer Treatment Because
Its Too Effective and Too Cheap

Finding Happy Endings on the Yelp of Asian Massage Parlors

We know you're busy. You probably didn't have time to read every article we
published on this year. So we've compiled a list of some of our
favorites and will be re-featuring them on the homepage through the end of
2014. This one originally published on March 20th.

From the outside, Oasis Spa looks like any drab Brooklyn bodega. To an
untrained eye not accustomed to seeking out storefront massage parlors, the
grimy red awning is virtually invisible among the artisanal coffee shops and
Duane Reades in Park Slope. But to an online community of hand-job
connoisseurs, the spa is a destination, one of thousands of neighborhood
"rub-'n'-tugs" that have swarmed into suburban strip malls and commercial
thoroughfares across the United States, opening up a brave new frontier in the
Middle American sex industry.

Of course, "happy-ending" massages have long been the worst-kept secret of the
sex trade. Operating as legitimate businesses, Asian erotic massage parlors
most of which are run by Chinese or Korean operatorscharge a house fee for a
massage, and customers then pay an extra tip for whatever sex acts are
performed. Intercourse isn't usually on the menu, although some of the seedier
establishments do offer "full-service" options and blow jobs.
And evidently, there is no shortage of men willing to fork over $80 for a 30-minute
massage and a hand job. Asian erotic massage parlors, or AMPs, have
proliferated across the US in recent years and now make up a significant share
of the sex industry in several major American cities, according to a massive
government-sponsored study on the underground sex economy released last
week by the Urban Institute. The landmark report, which examined the size and
structure of the commercial sex trade in eight metro areas, found that the number
of parlors in the US jumped to 4,790 in 2013, up from 4,197 in 2011. Once
concentrated in coastal cities like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, the
report also found that massage parlors are rapidly expanding into the Midwest
and the South, facilitated by highly organized networks that transport Asian
womenmany of them brought to the US illegallythrough a "circuit" of
massage parlors around the US.

Researchers for the study did not attempt to explain the explosion of massage
parlors. But the growing popularity of AMPs is clearly visible online, in a growing
cottage industry of review boards, forums, and blogs that cater to the men who
frequent erotic massage parlors, a strange internet breed who refer to
themselves as "mongers." Dudes who previously relied on word of mouth to learn
where they could get a good rub-'n'-tug can now find all that information on sites
like,,, which basically act
as Yelps for massage-parlor hunters. Users on the sites post updated locations,
review women, and recount in graphic detail the services rendered. (Yelp actually

has search results for "happy ending massage," at least in New York, but the
results are much less detailed.)
Like most creepy internet sects, "mongers" have their own social code, and many
of the users appear to know each other and even track the whereabouts of their
favorite massage providers. In a review for one of the top-rated spas on, for example, one commenter notes that he received a hand job,
a blow job, and kissing (no tongue) from a masseuse named Coco, adding, "The
breasts were big w/ awesome nipples. The lights were dimmed very low but the
kitty felt nicely groomed and not bald. Bald kitty is so easy to do. Getting a
creative groomed one is my preference. I will repeat before heading north." In the
comments, another user asks whether the provider is "the same Coco that was at
Palm Tree some months ago, or is it Coco from the closed Star Therapy?"
Another responds: "You know it's not OUR Coco because Fritzy saw her this
week!" And so on.
"It's a fascinating world that operates legally on the internet," said Meredith Dank,
the lead researcher for the Urban Institute study. "But when you delve into it, it is
quite disturbing how openly these men comment on this stuff. Sometimes you'll
even see a man comment that [he] thinks [the woman] might be compelled into
this, that she looked like she didn't want to do it."
Naturally, mongers have their own language, apparently designed to subvert law
enforcement. A glossary of monger slang on RubMaps details an extensive
coded language, including expected terms like "FOB" and "mama-san," but also
"babyback" for "petite, young attractive Asians," and "Italian" for "penis rubbing
between buttchecks." Men also share personal details about their lives, with a
surprising number of users discussing how their wives and girlfriends would feel
about their penchant for happy endings. "Many of us got into this hobby, because
things dried up at home," one RubMaps user wrote in a blog discussion on
whether "mongering helps or hurts a marriage." "Many of my married friends
complain how blow jobs is the 1st thing to go when they got married. It even goes

before the paycheck in some cases. When we go massage parlors, these needs
get taking care of. There is no judgement from these ladies [sic]. They will tend to
our needs with no strings attached."
Mongering sites have "helped tremendously with guys looking for info on where
they are going, provided you are willing to wade through the bullshit," one prolific
massage-parlor blogger, who would refer to himself only as Spanky, told me in an
But Spanky added that the sites could be unwelcoming to those outside of the
mongering community. "One of the problems with monger sites is that they are
ridiculously cliquish," he wrote. "So if you ask a question, you are basically going
to get [a] 'fuck you' response... A lot of what is being asked has been answered
so many times that the old-timers get tired of seeing it and turn inward instead of
remembering how they at one point were new themselves. You must grovel for
real help or be vouched by someone. If not, good luck."
But even for amateurs, the sites make it remarkably easy to find a local erotic
massage parlor, lowering the barrier of entry for a new crop of men with
disposable cash and an hour to spare. A quick search on RubMaps revealed 90
open erotic massage parlors in Brooklyn, at least 10 of which were in walking
distance to my apartment. Interested to see what goes on inside the parlors, and
perhaps get a glimpse of the famous table showers that mongers rave about in
their forums, I selected Oasis Spa, which had gotten decent reviews and which
users described as "clean and friendly," and walked over on a Sunday afternoon.

Monger Slang Glossary

AAMP = Apartment Asian Massage Parlor. Based in a residential apartment instead of a commercial
ABC = american born chinese
ABJ = american born japanese
Agency = a company that manages calls, bookings, and advertising for a group of escorts.
AMP = Asian Massage Parlor. A retail establishment staffed by Asians.
analingus = licking anus
AO = Asian Only.
AO AMP = AMP servicing Asian clients only
Asian = analingus
Asian Cowgirl = girl on top, squatting
ASP = Adult Service Provider, or newsgroup
ATF = all time favorite
ATM = ass to mouth = penis, toy, finger goes from ass to mouth.
attempts = trying to orgasm.
Aunt Flo = menstruation, period.

B&S = bait and switch = person who shows up is a different one than advertised.
babyback = petite, young, attractive Asian.
balloons = breast implants.
BB = bareback = without condom.
BJ = blowjob = oral sex = fellatio.
BBBJ = bare back blow job = BJ without condom, beebeebeejay.
BBBJTC = bare back blow job to completion (in mouth).
BBBJTCIM = bare back blow job to completion in mouth.
BBBJTCNQNS = bare back blow job to completion, no quit, no spit.
BBBJTCWS = bare back blow job to completion with swallow.
BBBJWF = bare back blow job with facial.
BBFS = bare back sex.
BBK = big beautiful knockers.
BBW = big beautiful woman.
BCD = behind closed doors.
BDSM = bondage, discipline, sado-masochism.
BF = boy friend
BFE = boy friend experience
birdwatching = BBBJTCWS
BLS = ball licking and sucking
Blue Jay = blow job
blue pill = Viagra
BSB = bus stop babe
butter face = everything looks good, 'but her' face
BTW = by the way

cash and dash = ROB who takes your money then runs
CBJ = covered blow job = BJ with condom
CC Rider = full service provider costing $200 or less
CD = cross dresser
CDS = covered doggy style
CFS = covered full service = Sex with condom
CG = cowgirl = girl on top facing you
CH = Crazy Horse, San Francisco Strip Club
CIM = cum in mouth
CL =
CMD = carpet matches drapes, typically a natural blonde
CMT = Certified Massage Therapist. A professional masseuse.
Cowgirl = CG = girl on top facing you
cover = condom
cruising = driving around, looking for streetwalkers
cups of coffee = releases = orgasms

DAP = digital anal probe = finger in anus
DATO = dining at the o = analingus
DATY = dining at the y = cunnilingus
DDP = double digit penetration, kitty and anus
DS = doggy style
DSL = dick sucking lips
Dodge = streetwalker stroll: Mission Blvd, between A St and 14th St, see 22500 Mission Blvd, Hayward, CA
Doggie = man behind girl, girl on hands and knees
donation = payment
Doubles = A threesome with two girls and you
DDE = doesn't do extras (PS only)
DDG = drop dead gorgeous
DFK = deep french kissing, open mouth with tongue
DIY = do it yourself (masturbation)
DP = double penetration, two guys on one girl
DT = deep throat, entire length of penis taken in mouth

ECR = el camino real
EOM = end of message. No text in message body.
escort = a temporary companion for hire

facial = cumming on partner's face
FBSM = full body sensual massage, typically includes HJ
FBSM+ = FBSM + bonus, usually BJ
FIA = finger in ass
fire and ice = a blowjob switching between hot tea and ice

FIR = finger in rear

FIV = finger in vagina
FKK = Frei Korper Kultur. German brothel / nudist club.
FOB = fresh off the boat. Asian immigrant recently arrived in the US.
FOV = finger outside vagina
French = BJ
French Kiss = Kissing with tongue insertion
FS = full service = BJ + Sex
FDAU = face down ass up

Get Brain = blow job
Get Comfortable = get completely naked
GFE = girlfriend experience, doesn't mean anything these days. RBGFE = BBBJ, CFS, DFK, DATY, and
GFE lite = Lite-GFE = SafeGFE = light RBGFE, = RBGFE with substitutions: CBJ vs BBBJ and sometimes
no/light kissing vs DFK.
GFE++ = RBGFE with extras (like CIM, swallow, greek)
GG = Golden Gypsy. defunct, famous Berkeley massage parlor
GND = girl next door
Greek = anal sex, back door
GS = golden shower = urination play
GSM = g-spot massage

happy ending = A handjob (usually) or blowjob after your massage
hardwood floors = clean shaven kitty
Hat = condom
HDH = high dollar hottie
HE = happy ending
HJ = hand job = a manual / hand release
HH = half hour
HM = high mileage
HME = honeymoon experience, lapdog heaven
HWP = height and weight proportionate
hooker = prostitute

IMHO = in my humble opinion
interpreter = condom
Italian = penis rubbing between butt cheeks
ISO = in search of

KGFE = Korean GFE, usually RBGFE except with CBJ

kitty = vagina (Bald=clean shaven; Partly Shaved=landing strip; Trimmed = manicured; Natural)

Lapdog = person who worships providers to excess.
LD = lap dance
LDL = low dollar looker (opposite of HDH)
LE = ellie = law enforcement
LK = light kissing, closed mouth
LMP = latina massage parlor
LOS = land of smiles = Thailand
LPIN = legal prostitute in Nevada

mamasan = female manager of a massage parlor
MBOT = Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theatre, San Francisco Strip Club
MBR = multiple bell ringing = MSOG
MILF = mom I'd like to f-ck
Mish = missionary position, or the SF Mission District
Missionary = man on top, girl on back
mohawk = thin rectangular strip of pubic hair
monty = streetwalker stroll: Monterey/1st St San Jose CA
MP = massage parlor
MP = multiple pops = multiple releases
MSC = Market Street Cinema, San Francisco Strip Club
MSOG = multiple shots on goal = multiple releases

NCT = New Century Theatre, San Francisco Strip Club
non-pro = civilian, not a professional provider
NP = no problem
NSA = no strings attached

OP = original poster, original post
OWO = oral without condom
OWOTC = oral without condom to completion

P2P = private to private, typically uncovered, rubbing of penis with vagina without penetration
papasan = male manager of a massage parlor
party hat = condom
PIV = penis in vagina
PL = Pathetic Loser
PM = prostate massage or private message (inbox)

PO = phone operator (for making appointments)

PS = private show (Dance)
PSE = Porn Star Experience
PV = private viewing (Dance)
PYT = pretty young thing

RA = relaxation assistant, masseuse in a massage parlor
raincoat = condom
Reverse cowgirl = RCG = girl on top facing away
Reverse massage = you massage her
rimming = analingus
RMP = Russian Massage Parlor
ROB = Rip Off Bitch
Roman shower = vomit play
RPG = role playing games
Russian = penis rubbing between breasts = Pearl Necklace = titty fuck

SC = Strip Club
self-service = you masturbate
semi-pro = someone who escorts informally as a side business.
SF = San Francisco
shill = an insider posing as a satisfied customer
SO = significant other
SOG = shot on goal = one release
SOMF = sat on my face
south of the border = gential region
southern france = BBBJ
SP = Service Provider
SPA = streetwalker stroll: San Pablo Avenue in Oakland, CA
spanish = ATM = ass to mouth
spinner = very petite, thin girl
starfish = anus, or girl that is unresponsive in bed
STD = sexually transmitted disease
stroll = path frequented by street walkers
SW = street walker

TAMP = Therapeutic Asian Massage Parlor
teabag = man squats and dips balls in partner's mouth
TG = transgender
TGTBT = too good to be true
TIA = thanks in advance
Tina = crystal meth
TJ = Tijuana, Mexico

TL = Tenderloin district, San Francisco. between Van Ness Ave, Post St, Taylor St, and Golden Gate Ave
TLC = tender loving care
TLD = topless lap dance
tossing salad = analingus
Trip to islands = greek = anal sex
Troll = rude and hideous PL
Trolling = Posting thinly disguised ads in a discussion forum
TOFTT = Take one for the team. In reference to a new, non-reviewed provider.
TS = transexual
TUMA = tongue up my ass
TV = transvestite

UTF = Untranslated French = BBBJ
UTR = under the radar, does not advertise

WTF = What the fuck? (I'm rather surprised by this)

XOXO = Kisses & Hugs

YMMV = Your mileage may vary. Your service level could be different than reported by others. Applies to
everyone, some more so than others.

1/2 and 1/2 = half and half = oral sex + full service
411 = seeking information
420 = 4:20 = marijuana
69 = two people giving each other oral sex at the same time
$ = $100
$$ = $200
$$$ = $300

$$$.5 = $350 (get it?)

incall = You go to her place, or a place she designates.
outcall = She comes to your place, home, hotel room.
two call system = For incall locations. Your first call is to set up the time and get the general directions on
where to park. Your second call is made when you arrive to get the specific address / room number.

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