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As Cliff McNamara, the senior vice president of PAC resources takes his move
in the economic downturn. Cliff Mcnamara directs to tighten up to increase
results, Human Resource Department was asked to update and improve the
companys performance management system. In addition, the organization
is looking closely at all training expenses and Stephen Kellie the training
director of Human Resource Department was asked to identify the return of
investment for all programs. She is worried about her management training
program and feels certain that tuition reimbursement will fall under the ax.

Statement of the Problem

What are the ways that human resource development have to do in

order to survive the down turn, would they even need to cut their
training for programs and school reimbursement just to survive?

Statement of the Objective

To be able to know if what will the human resource department will cut
in order to
Survive the economic downturn

Statement of Areas of Consideration


The hiring freeze will give them space from

unnecessary expenses
Cost cut may lessen the losses that they have
been experiencing because of the downward
turn of economy
They develop a trusted high quality American
made products which will not be easily affected
by the downturn of economy
They have employee active wellness programs
and tuition reimbursement that can satisfy the


Their managerial officers have favoritism

They are suffering from economy downward

They are forced to cut cost in all areas of the
organization which will let them lose some
benefits such as school reimbursements
They have weak employee communications
and actions with employee concerns


The cost cutting might save them from the

probability of bankruptcy because of the
downturn of economy
The hiring freeze might lessen the expenses
with the training
Other competitors might close because of the
downward turn of the economy which is an
opportunity for PAC resources


The downward turn of the economy causes a

loss of profit
Hiring freeze will let them miss talented job
Ignoring of sexual harassment reports of the
human resource manager might stain the
name of the company
Mass layoff might happen if the economy
downward turn continues even further

Statement of Alternative Course of Action

Training programs and School Reimbursements are useless because of
the hiring freeze and the only employees left are old and experienced
employees so they need to cut it.
They will save money because of the cutting
Employees that is studying while working will be affected and might
become unproductive because of the cutting of school reimbursement

Statement of Conclusion
Therefore I conclude that they need to cut unnecessary expenses such
as training programs and reimbursement because they already freeze the
hiring and whats left are the employees who are experienced and old in the
company because only a

PAC Resources
A Case Study

Presented to:
Ms. Ruth Botin

Presented by:
Lyca Santos

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

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