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Sean Olaveson


456 N. 4108 E.
Rigby, ID 83442

Table of
1. Business Card

Event Ad
Web Page

Description: Letterhead for fictitious Soda Shop
Programs: Indesign
Date: February 28, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Objectives: To advertise through a Letterhead
Process: The tools that I utilized were the pen
tool, and text. The straw kind of just came to
through trial and error of playing with the pen
tool, and everything else came to mind as I
went about through the rest of the project

Soda Shop
716 W. Main Street
Rexburg, ID


Description: Celestial sky montage, with adorable

elderly couple kissing in the foreground
Programs: Photoshop
Date: February 17, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Objectives: Increase consumers faith in God, and
Spread joy. Relationships are gifts from God, and
they should be treated with great care
Process: The words I used with word art, but
I did it as two separate clippings so I could
change the placement of them a little more
easily. I put a fade on the couple so that they
blend in more with the background, and I put in
a cloud accent on the outline of them so they
would have an angelic look about them

Description: Black and white flier for a graduate

leadership conference
Programs: Indesign
Date: January 23, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Objectives: Advertise for fictitious leadership
Process: My project has evolved quite majorly
from the rough draft. The originals focus design
was circles and now its squares. I did this so
there is more unity throughout the page. I like
the design because it is simple, but there is also
a flow about it. It accurately depicts the message that I am trying to portray in a concise


Grips Goalie Gloves (Soccer)

Description: Logo/ brand for a soccer company

that sales goalie gloves
Programs: Illustrator
Date: February 21, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Objectives: Create three different brands for the
same company
Process: Created shapes with the pen tool and
shape tool. Added text and color to it




Description: Brochure advertisment for fictitious

traveling service agency
Programs: Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator
Date: March 27, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Process: Clipped brand logo of the plane in Photoshop and text-wrapped in InDesign so the text
follows the cutout shape of the image

Event Ad

Description: Fictitious ad for a fundrasier

Programs: Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, (PDF converter).
Date: January 31, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Objectives: Learn capabilities of Microsoft Word
Process: My first idea for a project dealt with
sports. In my pursuit of a picture of someone
skateboarding, I came across this EAT image
and immediately felt like I could do something
big with it. I kept it pretty simple with the tools
that I used in my final draft. My focus was on
using the correct color scheme and letting that
do most of the work


Description: Created a photodesign in Photoshop

of a waterfountain
Programs: Photoshop
Date: February 6, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Objectives: Learn how to bring a regular image
to life through adding creative elements to the
image from using photoshop. Share the gospel
Process: Took picture of the waterfountain in
the spori, added a light-green backrground. Then
added a scripture through text

Web Page

Description: This projects inspiration came from

project 6. I felt that was the best quality logo
that I have created so I added a little more to
it and brought this piece to life.
Programs: Indesign, Textwrangler, a CSS program
Date: March 13, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Objectives: Create a web page from scratch
Process: I used adobe In-design, and experienced
Textwrangler, for the second or third time, and
the most detailed coding assignment I have experienced. I used a CSS program that was the
foundation with the assignment and I used it to
create my very own webpage for my very own

Business Card
Description: Business cards for my Cees Soda
shop from previous projects
Programs: Indesign, Illustrator
Date: February 28, 2016
Course and Section: COMM 130 07,08
Instructor: Sister Nugent
Objectives: Gain experience in creating business
Process: The tools that I utilized were the pen
tool, and text. The image on the back of the
card is the cherry from the Cees logo blown

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