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Jan fueman i *r::j i;g,:;

Renewable Resources tiqe.i,,
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Horner diffis writing as a procesS' 'i ' "
In chapter one of writing conventions, Lu and
very complex thoughts' lU"t f,t'
Comp-osing ,4+ln,tlr"writing of a paper, for most people, may include " i:)

to be an ever
marks! In chapter one, they describewriting
recursive iirovements and many eraser ,. rit':
i'' ;

paperis the heart 6 rr"1ri"

changingof strategiesand revising of a
changing,non-stopprocess,where the / . ' \ d,

ofthefinalproduct.WhatLuandHorner"::""'inthisfirstchapteristhatwritingisnotmeant . 't'

andwide openexperience'
process;it shouldb" u "oripl"tely
to be an enclosed

(' '4 i' ',
q,y^^- '. ' ' ,'' .". -
! ,',,,
resourcesto poseand composea paper' ; ,
( "
writers are equippedwith a dfrffit spt of ,rii[, dn" to their different skills and ".: '
4' i' ""-
r . ( \ a, * ^^rr^r rae^rrr..eq cnn he vdffie t h g w r i tg r
j';,i haveto write with' what activitiesthey i
gL,, writes whathe/shewritesg.p,#u,#ra:,1*ull*tl"t _ o_,JL, i

p a r ti ci pateintheirsparetime.Th e s e re s o u f c e s a re wh a t ma k e e a c h p a p e rd if f e re n t b e c a u s e g v g l { i ,

wfilglhAs -diffe1entbac@rsllnds' \

I@LuandHornersetupahy p o t h b t ic a 1 s it u a t io n wh e re t wo . , -,r
to give their opinion and write on it. The "\ '
students,Bili and Andrea are given a prompt and asked
to protect children from violence.Bill
prompt is: is it the media,sor the parent,sresponsibility

and wrote how the media was at fault' Whereas

used his parentsto help him as a fesoufce'
debateteam, a book from the library, and
Andrea used her past experienceswith the
points for each side which, in the end strengthened
her friends as resourcesand found additional
her argument that it was the media's responsibility. This example shows the various."ro*"",

writers use in hoperthatthey can produce and composea well thought out paper.

These various resources"Bring out a whole range of actions and coursesof actions at

different points of the composing process(8)." ASiaiam, everyonehas@{a different past


and draws from various experiencesand eventsthat have happenedin there life.


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