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So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse cartoons from the 1930s?

The ones that were

just put out on DVD a few years ago? Well, I hear there is one that was unreleased to even the
most avid classic disney fans.
According to sources, it's nothing special. It's just a continuous loop (like Flinstones) of mickey
walking past 6 buildings that goes on for two or three minutes before fading out. Unlike the
cutesy tunes put in though, the song on this cartoon was not a song at all, just a constant
banging on a piano as if the keys for a minute and a half before going to white noise for the
remainder of the film.
It wasn't the jolly old Mickey we've come to love either, Mickey wasn't dancing, not even
smiling, just kind of walking as if you or I were walking, with a normal facial expression, but for
some reason his head tilted side to side as he kept this dismal look.
Up until a year or two ago, everyone believed that after it cut to black and that was it. When
Leonard Maltin was reviewing the cartoon to be put in the complete series, he decided it was
too junk to be on the DVD, but wanted to have a digital copy due to the fact that it was a
creation of Walt. When he had a digitized version up on his computer to look at the file, he
noticed something.
The cartoon was actually 9 minutes and 4 seconds long. This is what my source emailed to me,
in full (he is a personal assistant of one of the higher executives at Disney, and acquaintance of
Mr. Maltin himself):
"After it cut to black, it stayed like that until the 6th minute, before going back into Mickey
walking. The sound was different this time. It was a murmur. It wasn't a language, but more
like a gurgled cry. As the noise got more indistinguishable and loud over the next minute, the
picture began to get weird. The sidewalk started to go in directions that seemed impossible
based on the physics of Mickeys walking. And the dismal face of the mouse was slowly curling
into a smirk.
On the 7th minute, the murmur turned into a bloodcurdling scream (the kind of scream painful
to hear) and the picture was getting more obscure. Colors were happening that shouldn't have
been possible at the time. Mickey face began to fall apart. his eyes rolled on the bottom of his
chin like two marbles in a fishbowl, and his curled smile was pointing upward on the left side of
his face.
The buildings became rubble floating in midair and the sidewalk was still impossibly navigating
in warped directions, a few seeming inconcievable with what we, as humans, know about
direction. Mr. Maltin got disturbed and left the room, sending an employee to finish the video
and take notes of everything happening up until the last second, and afterward immediately
store the disc of the cartoon into the vault. This distorted screaming lasted until 8 minutes and
a few seconds in, and then it abruptly cuts to the mickey mouse face at the credits of the end

of every video with what sounded like a broken music box playing in the background.
This happened for about 30 seconds, and whatever was in that remaining 30 seconds I haven't
been able to get a sliver of information about. From a security guard working under me who
was making rounds outside of that room, I was told that after the last frame, the employee
stumbled out of the room with pale skin saying "Real suffering is not known" 7 times before
speedily taking the guards pistol and offing himself on the spot.
The thing I could get out of Leonard Maltin was that the last frame was a piece of Russian text
that roughly said "the sights of hell bring its viewers back in". As far as I know, no one else has
seen it, but there have been dozens of attempts at getting the file on rapidshare by employees
inside the studios, all of whom have been promptly terminated of their jobs.
Whether it got online or not is up for debate, but if rumors serve me right, it's online
somewhere under "suicidemouse.avi". If you ever find a copy of the film, I want you to never
view it, and to contact me by phone immediately, regardless of the time. When a Disney Death
is covered up as well as this, it means this has to be something huge.
Get back at me,

The Rugrats really were a figment of Angelicas Imagination.

Chucky died a long time ago along with this mother, thats why Chaz is a nervous wreck all the
Tommy was a stillborn, thats why Stu is constantly in the basement making toys for the son
who never had a chance to live.
The DeVilles had an abortion, Angelica couldnt figure whether it would be a boy or a girl thus
creating the twins
As for All Grown Up Angelica was a bipolar schizophrenic who, as a teenager became addicted
to various Narcotics, bringing her back to her childhood and thus her creations she obsessed
over, because of time lapse between the present and the last time she interacted with her

creations, she made them older, Angelica was constantally taking hits of acid, so she would
never have to live without her creations who were her only company, in a judgemental world
Angelicas mom actually died of a heroine overdose, Angelica was schizophrenic/bipolar because
she was a crack baby, additionaly Drew in his depression married a gold digging whore, that
Angelica idolized because she fooled herself into thinking it was her real mom, but always had a
concept of her mom, Cynthia, and took a barbie doll, and made it after her moms image,
wearing an unwashed oranged dress, and having jacked up hair, which is why she was so
attached to it, later in life she followed in her mom footsteps w/ drugs and everything, dieing of
overdose at age 13 when All Grown Up! was canceled
The only rugrat not to be fictional however, was unborn Tommys brother Dil, however Angelica
didnt know the differace between Dil and her creations, Dil didnt follow her commands, after
endless crying and a refusal to disapear like the others did when angelica was angry with them,
she hit him. And she hit him, screaming a screaching tune, Stu ran in and pulled his neice off of
his only child, but it was too late, he had a brain hemerage, which resulted in a deformation, as
he grew up his damage only became more evident, by the time he was 9 in All Grown Up! He
lived as an outcast, being ridiculed for his weirdness, and retardation, the immense guilt over
this is what led to her drug use and is what led Angelica to un-create the rugrats breifly, until
her expericance w/ hallucinogenics.
On a trip to Paris to find love, Chaz married a hooker named Kira (He was actually going to
marry a differant hooker, but she just wanted him for his money), who had a daughter named
Kimi that was torn from her because she was a cocaine addict (Angelica imagined her from
Kiras stories), he lost his mind after the death of his wife and was in denial that she was ever
prostitue, upon return to America, Chaz and Kira married and she got her greencard, it was
actually a really happy/romantic story, Kira continually stuggled with addiction, but was
relatively happy w/ her life, and Chaz
Suzie was actually Angelicas only friend, who entertained the thought of Angelicas creations,
for her, She later became a phycologist and teamed up w/ Nickelodeon to make the Rugrats!
When Angelica died of drug overdose, she helped arrange her funeral, Angelicas death was
sad, because of her addiction, she was expelled from society, which lead to a break with reality,
and her eventual death, she spent the last days of her life in the back of the school cafeteria,
imagining friends around her, and playing with the lives of her creations

I was an intern at Nickelodeon Studios for a year in 2005 for my degree in animation. It wasn't
paid of course, most internships aren't, but it did have some perks beyond education. To adults
it might not seem like a big one, but most kids at the time would go crazy over it.
Now, since I worked directly with the editors and animators, I got to view the new episodes
days before they aired. I'll get right to it without giving too many unnecessary details. They had
very recently made the SpongeBob movie and the entire staff was somewhat sapped of
creativity so it took them longer to start up the season. But the delay lasted longer for more
upsetting reasons. There was a problem with the series 4 premiere that set everyone and
everything back for several months.
Me and two other interns were in the editing room along with the lead animators and sound
editors for the final cut. We received the copy that was supposed to be "Fear of a Krabby Patty"
and gathered around the screen to watch. Now, given that it isn't final yet animators often put
up a mock title card, sort of an inside joke for us, with phony, often times lewd titles, such as
"How sex doesn't work" instead of "Rock-a-bye-Bivalve" when SpongeBob and Patrick adopt a
sea scallop. Nothing particularly funny but work related chuckles. So when we saw the title card
"Squidward's Suicide" we didn't think it more than a morbid joke.

One of the interns did a small throat laugh at it. The happy-go-lucky music plays as is normal.
The story began with Squidward practicing his clarinet, hitting a few sour notes like normal. We
hear SpongeBob laughing outside and Squidward stops, yelling at him to keep it down as he

has a concert that night and needs to practice. SpongeBob says okay and goes to see Sandy
with Patrick. The bubbles splash screen comes up and we see the ending of Squidward's
concert. This is when things began to seem off.
While playing, a few frames repeat themselves, but the sound doesn't (at this point sound is
synced up with animation, so, yes, that's not common) but when he stops playing, the sound
finishes as if the skip never happened. There is slight murmuring in the crowd before they
begin to boo him. Not normal cartoon booing that is common in the show, but you could very
clearly hear malice in it. Squidward's in full frame and looks visibly afraid. The shot goes to the
crowd, with SpongeBob in center frame, and he too is booing, very much unlike him. That isn't
the oddest thing, though. What is odd is everyone had hyper realistic eyes. Very detailed.
Clearly not shots of real people's eyes, but something a bit more real than CGI. The pupils were
red. Some of us looked at each other, obviously confused, but since we weren't the writers, we
didn't question its appeal to children yet.

The shot goes to Squidward sitting on the edge of his bed, looking very forlorn. The view out of
his porthole window is of a night sky so it isn't very long after the concert. The unsettling part is
at this point there is no sound. Literally no sound. Not even the feedback from the speakers in
the room. It's as if the speakers were turned off, though their status showed them working
perfectly. He just sat there, blinking, in this silence for about 30 seconds, then he started to sob
softly. He put his hands (tentacles) over his eyes and cried quietly for a full minute more, all the
while a sound in the background very slowly growing from nothing to barely audible. It sounded
like a slight breeze through a forest.
The screen slowly begins to zoom in on his face. By slow I mean it's only noticeable if you look
at shots 10 seconds apart side by side. His sobbing gets louder, more full of hurt and anger.
The screen then twitches a bit, as if it twists in on itself, for a split second then back to normal.
The wind-through-the-trees sound gets slowly louder and more severe, as if a storm is brewing
somewhere. The eerie part is this sound, and Squidward's sobbing, sounded real, as if the
sound wasn't coming from the speakers but as if the speakers were holes the sound was
coming through from the other side. As good as sound as the studio likes to have, they don't
purchase the equipment to be that good to produce sound of that quality.
Below the sound of the wind and sobbing, very faint, something sounded like laughing. It came
at odd intervals and never lasted more than a second so you had a hard time pinning it (we
watched this show twice, so pardon me if things sound too specific but I've had time to think
about them). After 30 seconds of this, the screen blurred and twitched violently and something
flashed over the screen, as if a single frame was replaced.
The lead animation editor paused and rewound frame by frame. What we saw was horrible. It
was a still photo of a dead child. He couldn't have been more than 6. The face was mangled

and bloodied, one eye dangling over his upturned face, popped. He was naked down to his
underwear, his stomach crudely cut open and his entrails laying beside him. He was laying on
some pavement that was probably a road.
The most upsetting part was that there was a shadow of the photographer. There was no crime
tape, no evidence tags or markers, and the angle was completely off for a shot designed to be
evidence. It would seem the photographer was the person responsible for the child's death. We
were of course mortified, but pressed on, hoping that it was just a sick joke.
The screen flipped back to Squidward, still sobbing, louder than before, and half body in frame.
There was now what appeard to be blood running down his face from his eyes. The blood was
also done in a hyper realistic style, looking as if you touched it you'd get blood on your fingers.
The wind sounded now as if it were that of a gale blowing through the forest; there were even
snapping sounds of branches. The laughing, a deep baritone, lasting at longer intervals and
coming more frequently. After about 20 seconds, the screen again twisted and showed a single
frame photo.
The editor was reluctant to go back, we all were, but he knew he had to. This time the photo
was that of what appeared to be a little girl, no older than the first child. She was laying on her
stomach, her barrettes in a pool of blood next to her. Her left eye was too popped out and
popped, naked except for underpants. Her entrails were piled on top of her above another
crude cut along her back. Again the body was on the street and the photographer's shadow
was visible, very similar in size and shape to the first. I had to choke back vomit and one intern,
the only female in the room, ran out. The show resumed.
About 5 seconds after this second photo played, Squidward went silent, as did all sound, like it
was when this scene started. He put his tentacles down and his eyes were now done in hyper
realism like the others were in the beginning of this episode. They were bleeding, bloodshot,
and pulsating. He just stared at the screen, as if watching the viewer. After about 10 seconds,
he started sobbing, this time not covering his eyes. The sound was piercing and loud, and most
fear inducing of all is his sobbing was mixed with screams.
Tears and blood were dripping down his face at a heavy rate. The wind sound came back, and
so did the deep voiced laughing, and this time the still photo lasted for a good 5 frames.
The animator was able to stop it on the 4th and backed up. This time the photo was of a boy,
about the same age, but this time the scene was different. The entrails were just being pulled
out from a stomach wound by a large hand, the right eye popped and dangling, blood trickling
down it. The animator proceeded. It was hard to believe, but the next one was different but we
couldn't tell what. He went on to the next, same thing. He want back to the first and played
them quicker and I lost it. I vomited on the floor, the animating and sound editors gasping at
the screen. The 5 frames were not as if they were 5 different photos, they were played out as if

they were frames from a video. We saw the hand slowly lift out the guts, we saw the kid's eyes
focus on it, we even saw two frames of the kid beginning to blink.
The lead sound editor told us to stop, he had to call in the creator to see this. Mr. Hillenburg
arrived within about 15 minutes. He was confused as to why he was called down there, so the
editor just continued the episode. Once the few frames were shown, all screaming, all sound
again stopped. Squidward was just staring at the viewer, full frame of the face, for about 3
seconds. The shot quickly panned out and that deep voice said "DO IT" and we see in
Squidward's hands a shotgun. He immediately puts the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger.
Realistic blood and brain matter splatters the wall behind him, and his bed, and he flies back
with the force. The last 5 seconds of this episode show his body on the bed, on his side, one
eye dangling on what's left of his head above the floor, staring blankly at it. Then the episode
Mr. Hillenburg is obviously angry at this. He demanded to know what the heck was going on.
Most people left the room at this point, so it was just a handful of us to watch it again. Viewing
the episode twice only served to imprint the entirety of it in my mind and cause me horrible
nightmares. I'm sorry I stayed.

The only theory we could think of was the file was edited by someone in the chain from the
drawing studio to here. The CTO was called in to analyze when it happened. The analysis of the
file did show it was edited over by new material. However, the timestamp of it was a mere 24
seconds before we began viewing it. All equipment involved was examined for foreign software
and hardware as well as glitches, as if the time stamp may have glitched and showed the
wrong time, but everything checked out fine. We don't know what happened and to this day
nobody does.
There was an investigation due to the nature of the photos, but nothing came of it. No child
seen was identified and no clues were gathered from the data involved nor physical clues in the
photos. I never believed in unexplainable phenomena before, but now that I have something
happen and can't prove anything about it beyond anecdotal evidence, I think twice about

Dead Bart

You know how Fox has a weird way of counting Simpsons episodes? They refuse to count a
couple of them, making the amount of episodes inconsistent. The reason for this is a lost
episode from season 1.
Finding details about this missing episode is difficult, no one who was working on the show at
the time likes to talk about it. From what has been pieced together, the lost episode was
written entirely by Matt Groening. During production of the first season, Matt started to act
strangely. He was very quiet, seemed nervous and morbid. Mentioning this to anyone who was
present results in them getting very angry, and forbidding you to ever mention it to Matt. The
episodes production number was 7G44, the title was Dead Bart.
In addition to getting angry, asking anyone who was on the show about this will cause them to
do everything they can to stop you from directly communicating with Matt Groening. At a fan
event, I managed to follow him after he spoke to the crowd, and eventually had a chance to
talk to him alone as he was leaving the building. He didnt seem upset that I had followed him,
probably expected a typical encounter with an obsessive fan. When I mentioned the lost
episode though, all color drained from his face and he started trembling. When I asked him if
he could tell me any details, he sounded like he was on the verge of tears. He grabbed a piece
of paper, wrote something on it, and handed it to me. He begged me never to mention the
episode again.
The piece of paper had a website address on it, I would rather not say what it was, for reasons
youll see in a second. I entered the address into my browser, and I came to a site that was
completely black, except for a line of yellow text, a download link. I clicked on it, and a file
started downloading. Once the file was downloaded, my computer went crazy, it was the worst
virus I had ever seen. System restore didnt work, the entire computer had to be rebooted.
Before doing this though, I copied the file onto a CD. I tried to open it on my now empty
computer, and as I suspected, there was an episode of The Simpsons on it.
The episode started off like any other episode, but had very poor quality animation. If youve
seen the original animation for Some Enchanted Evening, it was similar, but less stable. The
first act was fairly normal, but the way the characters acted was a little off. Homer seemed
angrier, Marge seemed depressed, Lisa seemed anxious, Bart seemed to have genuine anger
and hatred for his parents.
The episode was about the Simpsons going on a plane trip, near the end of the first act, the
plane was taking off. Bart was fooling around, as youd expect. However, as the plane was
about 50 feet off the ground, Bart broke a window on the plane and was sucked out.

At the beginning of the series, Matt had an idea that the animated style of the Simpsons world
represented life, and that death turned things more realistic. This was used in this episode. The
picture of Barts corpse was barely recognizable, they took full advantage of it not having to
move, and made an almost photo-realistic drawing of his dead body.
Act one ended with the shot of Barts corpse. When act two started, Homer, Marge, and Lisa
were sitting at their table, crying. The crying went on and on, it got more pained, and sounded
more realistic, better acting than you would think possible. The animation started to decay even
more as they cried, and you could hear murmuring in the background. This crying went on for
all of act two.
Act three opened with a title card saying one year had passed. Homer, Marge, and Lisa were
skeletally thin, and still sitting at the table. There was no sign of Maggie or the pets.
They decided to visit Barts grave. Springfield was completely deserted, and as they walked to
the cemetery the houses became more and more decrepit. They all looked abandoned. When
they got to the grave, Barts body was just lying in front of his tombstone, looking just like it did
at the end of act one.
The family started crying again. Eventually they stopped, and just stared at Barts body. The
camera zoomed in on Homers face. According to summaries, Homer tells a joke at this part,
but it isnt audible in the version I saw, you cant tell what Homer is saying.
The view zoomed out as the episode came to a close. The tombstones in the background had
the names of every Simpsons guest star on them. Some that no one had heard of in 1989,
some that havent been on the show yet. All of them had death dates on them. For guests who
died since, like Michael Jackson and George Harrison, the dates were when they would die.
You can try to use the tombstones to predict the death of living Simpsons guest stars, but
theres something odd about most of the ones who havent died yet. All of their deaths are
listed as the same date.

PINGU: Lost Episode "has anyone remembered the children clay show PINGU the Penguin"
Most people grew up with a happy little show called Pingu. Pingu was a show that had a clay
penguin named Pingu and it showed his adventures. The characters spoke some sort of
penguin language.
The original show ran from 1986 to 1998. There were apparently two unreleased episodes that
were later released a year later.

Now, this is where it starts becoming curious. When I was 5, or 6, I saw the beginning of a
Pingu episode called Pingus Punishment. I only saw a bit of it, but what I remember was
Pingu was very angry, and his mother began smashing plates. I also remember the episode was
about Pingu playing outside when he was supposed to be doing chores. My mother came in at
the plate smashing part, shut off the TV, and told me that dinner was ready.
I was looking at the episode list on Wikipedia to find that no episode called Pingus
Punishment was released.
I thought this as an adventure to myself, and I contacted Trickfilmstudio, the company that
made Pingu. I asked them for a complete production guide of Pingu. They sent it to me via
I looked at it, compared it to Wikipedias list, and I noticed something was wrong with the final
series. Pingu Helps Grandfather, which was the 23rd episode of series 4, was missing. At the
bottom of the list was an episode titled Pingu Ending. I asked for a synopsis, but they refused
to give me one, stating it was personal information.
I then googled Pingu Ending- Unreleased and Pingus Punishment. Then, I found something.
It was on rapidshare. The files name was Pingu Punishment Unreleased Last, and
I downloaded it. AutoPlay came up, and I viewed the folder. It contained two files. One was a
notepad file. It was titled fear.txt, I opened it. It read:
This is an unreleased episode from Pingu, dated 1998. They originally planned to end the
series, and this was actually aired in some countries. Watch at your own risk.
I began to feel a bit suspicious and my heart pounded. But my curiousity overtook me. I
opened the second file, and avi file.
The first part was the same episode I saw when I was a kid. However, something felt off. The
theme song was disorted, and instead of Pingus usual meep meep, there was backwards
audio. I recorded it with Sound Recorder, and it played you cant survive like this beyond
death. I found that very creepy, but continued with the video. I got to the part where Pingus
mother was smashing plates. Suddenly, it cut to black. A blood curdling scream was heard. It
faded back to the kitchen. Pingus mother was sitting on a stool crying. Only it sounded real.
She began crying and it started to sound like laughing. Suddenly it cut to Pinga. Pinga was lying
down on the floor. Her head was ripped off. I paused it there. I felt sick. But what made me
sick more was it wasnt clay blood. It either was food colouring, or it was real.
I continued it. Pingus mother began crying. Suddenly, it cut to a black and white video of two
scientists going into a slaughterhouse. It showed a bunch of cows getting slaughtered.
Suddenly, it showed a penguin on the conveyor belt. The crushers crushed the penguin to

pieces. It began showing pictures of dead penguins. It cut back to Pingus mother crying. A
trampoline was in the kitchen. There was also a fan. She jumped up to the fan, and blood
splattered everywhere. The body of Pingus mother fell down. It showed pictures of the dead
bodies of Pingu, Robby, and the other characters. An old music box playing Hush, Little Baby
faintly played. I paused it to go to the bathroom to vomit. I felt really nauseous and sick after
witnessing what I just watched. I continued the video. A disorted voice said something
backwards. I recorded it and played it reverse. It said Your life will be all pitch black in a few
seconds. You must be smart enough to play this backwards, becaause youre stupid enough to
believe me. My chest pounded. The credits were in Times New Roman. The background
continued to show the disturbing images. It closed with a picture of a mask with red eyes. The
mask suddenly said in the disorted voice: Darkness begins now.
Suddenly, my computer froze. Then, the lights flickered, and the power went out. The power
came back a few seconds later.
I was now shaking, and I wanted to find the source of the film.
I got in contact with Carlo Bonomi, the voice of all the characters. I pretended it was an
interview, and I talked about Pingu. I finally mentioned Pingus Punishment. He stopped, and
he asked where I had heard that before. I explained the entire thing to him. He then told me
the story.
During the 1998 season of Pingu, there was an writer/animator named Ted Goldman. Ted was
a quiet man, who usually wasnt that sociable. Sometime during the middle of the season, Teds
mother had been trying to reach something from the upper shelf. The ceiling fan was still on.
She got decapitated. Ted was immidiately hurt by this. He began submitting morbid ideas, such
as Pingu killing all the other characters. He even asked Bonomi to do a voice of Pingu dying.
Goldman found out that Pingu was closing production at the end of the season. Ted passed off
the episode as the season finale. Right after they had watched the episode, they discovered
Ted was being charged with animal cruelty, beastiality, and murder. Ted left an apparent
suicide note claiming he was going to live in Antarcitca. However, no records claim he was ever
there; and he was last spotted in Santa Barbara, California purchasing a gun. They never found
I became shocked. Then a thought occured to me to play the entire episode backwards,
starting from the part before the disorted voice. I heard a scream, a shout, and a very eerie
voice that said something that still haunts me and plagues me to this day:
The only way out of this hell is suicide.

Courage The Cowardly Dog Explained

Everyone here loves Courage, but who exactly is he? Hes a scared dog that does whatever he
can to protect his home, Nowhere.
Where is Nowhere? Is it the place where there is nothing? No one? No hope? Hell?
Courage protects his home and makes sure no one harms Muriel. His master sits in his chair
and hates everything and everyone. Whenever something evil comes to attack or rule over
Nowhere, Courage fights back. He keeps Muriel safe and Eustaces home from being destroyed.
Muriel always sees a new head on Courage whenever something evil comes to warn her, giving
him multiple heads.
Courage will forever stay in Nowhere (Hell) to protect his home, keep Muriel (humanity) safe
from evil (Le Quack (greed), Fred (murder), Katz (hate), etc). His master, Eustace (Satan), will
rule over and hate all that is Nowhere (Hell).
He is stuck in the middle of Hell and loves his home. He is Cerberus, our courageous, cowardly

Scooby-Doo Lost Episode

Okay, so I havent talked about this in a very long time. This happened to me when I was ten
or eleven.
My dad had bought us a Scooby-Doo VHS tape of an episode which I cant fully recall. All I can
remember that it was about a little girls ghost haunting a whole town. Our parents didnt go
out very much, since my brother suffers from asthma and they were very protective of him, but
one night they had this important party thing and decided to call a babysitter.
I remember getting upset and telling them that I was old enough to take care of my brother,
but they didnt listen. They left us with this freckly 15-year old neighbour girl called Amanda or
something. Before leaving, Dad gave us the tape, which got us pretty excited, as it would be
the first time Dad let us use the VHS player. After they left, we all noticed that the tape was
kind of weird; the art on the cover looked hand-made somehow. Scooby looked REALLY
terrified and the ghost girl was really creepy. I remember Amanda calling my dad a weirdo for
buying such a thing for us, but I assume he just picked up the first tape he saw.
I also remember that Amanda didnt want to play the tape, but after my brother and I insisted
for almost an hour, we finally sat in front of the TV to watch the thing. The episode itself was
kind of boring; there were almost no jokes and it wasnt that scary, but I do remember being
surprised that the ghost from the cover didnt look at all like the one in the video. I dont really
remember the plot of the episode; I guess it was pretty much the usual, and Amanda would
repeat stupid show every five minutes.
Close to the end, when they got the ghost and were about to unmask her, something weird
happened. All of the Scooby-Doo gang stopped talking and looked at the camera with a really
sad and serious look on their faces. They stared at us for a very long time in silence; even the
background music had stopped. The only person not looking at us was the ghost girl, but she
suddenly lifted her head and stared at the camera with her terrible eyes wide open. The final
credits came abruptly after that. We all stared at the TV without saying a word until the tape
finally stopped. We were shocked.
My brother looked at us and said something like, ShitI cant believe Shaggy died. This is so

fucked up. We both looked at him, confused, and Amanda asked what he was talking about.
He insisted that it was stupid to kill a character and then bring him back to life in the next
episode. She got really nervous and told him that Shaggy didnt get killed, that the ghost girl
disappeared right after they caught her and the episode finished with the whole gang scared to
death. Nothing made any sense; I couldnt understand a thing. When I told them what I saw,
Amanda freaked out. She said at least ten times that it wasnt funny and left our house, pissed
off and, I assume, scared to her bones like we were.
After discussing for at least half an hour, we decided to put the tape in and watch it again. We
turned all the lights on and pushed rewind. The thing is, when we got to the part when they get
the girl, the episode suddenly ends. Nothing happens. They get the girl and there is no
unmasking, no killing, and no staring. It just ends there. We stopped the tape and ran to our
room. My brother had an asthma attack and I stayed by his bed crying and praying he wouldnt
die. Eventually, we fell asleep. The next morning, my brother started acting like nothing
happened. After insisting for about two days, he told me he never wanted to talk about it again,
and that was it.
Damn. I think I actually never told anyone about this. It feels good to share it

Phineas' Suicide

It started off just like any other summer day for a teenager; waking up in the mid-to-late
afternoon, stumbling out of bed, finding something to eat in the kitchen, and then finding
something to waste my time on. I was on my PS3 on Netflix watching "That 70s Show" when
my little sister ran in to me asking if she could play with me. I said sure, and suggested I find
something we could both watch together, and she nodded with excitement.
I searched around for a bit looking for a kid-friendly show or movie that I didn't mind to watch
until I got to "Phineas and Ferb". My sister and I watch this show together sometimes, and I
actually find it quite funny, especially for a show aimed at younger kids.
I selected it, and it automatically played the first episode. My sister and I got through about six
episodes, and then she fell asleep on me. I carried her to her room so she could nap without
me disturbing her and returned to my room. I plopped down on my bed and grabbed the PS3
controller to select the next episode, because I was honestly enjoying it.
After it had ended, I went back to the screen where you could select which episode you wanted
to view, and I saw one at the very bottom of the list. It was just a pound symbol and a
question mark like so "#?" which was strange, because on the list it normally showed the
number of the episode, the title, and how long the episode was. But there was nothing but the
"#?". Out of curiousity, I selected it. Which was something I will regret for the rest of my life.
It started out with the catchy theme song, nothing out of the ordinary. The animation was very
poor though, almost as if it were a pilot or something of the sort. But then, the episode itself
faded in. Normally, it would chime in with a brief upbeat guitar, but this time there was silence.
The camera panned down from pointing up at the sky to Phineas and Ferb sitting under a tree,
as the episodes sometimes did. Instead of the normal happy, or at least neutral, expressions on
their face, there was a terrifyingly sinister look on Ferb's face, (which creeped me out so badly,
I couldn't look for very long) and a look of absolute pain on Phineas'.
They sat in silence for a good minute and a half, and the camera slowly zoomed into Phineas.
His face started to warp, and then return to normal. There were tears welling up in his eyes,
and he fell over letting out heavy sobs. The audio alternated between fuzzy and normal. The
sobs didn't sound cartoon-like at all...they sounded like they were legitimate, as if something
truly terrible had happened. They got louder and louder, until it got so unbearable that I had to
grab my remote and turn it down.
I continued to watch, though I didn't want to. It was like a car wreck, I just couldn't look away
from the screen. For a good bit of time, my eyes met those of Ferb's. I couldn't break the stare,
it was as if he was looking INTO me. I felt uneasy, as if I were actually being watched. My
stomach was clenching as if it were preparing to empty it's contents. That took under a
minute to etch itself into my brain for good.

The stare was finally broken when the camera panned out to where they were both visible.
Phineas started screaming "WHY?" while he pounded the ground with his fist over and over
again. Ferb remained silent while the sinister look on his face became more and more
terrifying.The frame abruptly changed to a shot of Phineas hanging by a noose from the tree.
As soon as the frame showed up, there was a terrible screaching sound. His eyes were still halfopen and bloodshot, and the rope was slightly swinging back and forth. Ferb was in the exact
same spot...unmoved. Ferb started to laugh, but the laugh had no audio, only the screaching
was heard. The shot lost color and warped as Ferb continued to laugh.
The episode ended.
I had no idea what I had just watched. There were tears in my eyes because I was so
frightened. I went to get my mom to show her, but when I tried to re-play the episode, it acted
as if it was going to load, but redirected to the home screen. I tried for easily ten minutes to
get it to play, but I had no luck. My mom told me I was being ridiculous, and left. I tried to find
it the next day, but the "#?" was nowhere to be found.
It's been 4 weeks now, and I've been having terribly violent nightmares ever since. I've also
heard voices, and have been having hallucinations. I've talked to a couple psychologists and
counselors, but they all say it's due to stress. I don't believe them. It has something to do with
the episode. I don't know why it would have been there, or why I seem to be the only one who
has seen it, but it has truly messed me up. I still have Ferb's face in my mind.

Cry Baby Lane

In 1999, I was twenty-two and I had just graduated from Emerson University in downtown
Boston, majoring in screenwriting, specifically in cartoons and childrens programming. My debt
was pretty bad, so when Nickelodeon Studios offered me an internship at the studio in
California, I accepted immediately. I jumped at the chance to get away from dead end job at
Benjamin Franklin tour guide.
Many of you ask to see Cry Baby Lane but if you want to see the original Cry Baby Lane, you
never will, even if Nickelodeon somehow consents to releasing it to you. You wont be seeing
what was shown on TV, and you sure as fuck wont be seeing the original that Lauer made.
I dont even think Nickelodeon HAS the original cut of the movie anymore, and if they do its in
only back-up copies; if the back-up copies exist they must be locked away in some vault along
with all the deleted episodes of Ren And Stimpy and the never-before-mentioned episodes of

Spongebob Squarepants. Im pretty sure the director, Peter Lauer, has the original copy and its
probably on his mantle next to his snuff films, that creepy ass fuck.
Anyway, I was hired in 1999 and immediately I was put on a creative production team for the
movie Cry Baby lane. It would be almost a year before the movie was due to be broadcast; all
in all, it was a pretty low effort kind of thing. There were only four people on the creative team
and I was the only steady one; Lauer would replace them on a whim. He said it was to keep it
fresh. I thought it was because he was hiding something... and I was right.
We had a little over a year to make a made for TV movie - not just to write it and cast it but to
film it and get it edited. Lauer didnt work fast at all; after the first three weeks we only had the
ideas for the first 15 minutes of a 85 minute movie. Lauer, even at this point, was a weirdo. He
was tall and lanky, and he carried himself awkwardly - he stuttered when he talked and
sometimes, when you were hunched over a piece of paper during those endless brainstorming
sessions, youd look up and you'd catch him staring at you, smiling.
Hed look away when you caught his eye, and I guess that was the creepiest part; he always
looked like he had something to hide. The brainstorm sessions, at first, were alright. We got the
premise of it down pat: two brothers unleash a demon and they get into mischief trying to get
everything back to normal. Not exactly daytime Emmy stuff, but you know, it was an alright
start. I thought the movie should be goofy and spooky, kind of like a Courage the Cowardly dog
sort of deal. However, from the very beginning, Lauer made it clear that he wanted the film to
be as scary as possible. He didnt want it to be cheap thrills, with a good wholesome ending. He
wanted to push it farther than Are You Afraid of The Dark ever dreamed of... and I guess he
It was about 3 weeks into production when I first noticed something: Lauer had the absolute
power of persuasion over everyone else in the creative production team. No one fought him
and by the third week, he was already suggesting some morbid things. I remember he said he
wanted the the little brother to die halfway through the movie, getting hit with a dump truck. I
immediately shot it down. I was the only one who said anything, and it stayed that was until I
left the studio entirely and never came back.
At first, cannibalism and other fucked up shit was kept to jokes and tasteless comments but as
time went on, it became more and more overt. Id give him an idea idea (which most of the
time he would end up using) like How about the movie starts with a morbid undertaker who
reads them stories, to which hed reply, Yeah...and then he can cut them up into little pieces
and force-feed them to his dog! He made those jokes a few times in the early stages. Then he
got serious.
Hed stand up like he was Jesus or something, clear his throat loudly, and proclaim his idea. Id
be the only one to shoot it down. Every-fucking-time.

One day near the end of our brainstorming sessions, Lauer cleared his voice and stood up. We
all fell silent, and looked at him, like we normally would. He stood up, and said,
Gentlemen and females, I have an idea.
I remember what he didhe paused, and looked right at me as he said,
The story will revolve around the legend of a pair of Siamese twins. Have you ever heard of
the Donner Party?
Everyone nodded, except for me. I didnt like where the conversation was going.
They ate themselves when it got cold. They ate each other.
Everyone nodded again. I closed my eyes.
What would Siamese twins do if they had nothing to eat? Would one wait until the other twin
dies, then consume her own sisters flesh? Would they claw out each other's eyes until one of
them died, then dine upon them like a vulture tearing at the skin of a dead deer? I do not
know. It is interesting indeed.
I didnt know what the fuck I was hearing. I opened my eyes and looked around the room; no
one was fucking moving. Everyones eyes were on Lauer except for mine, and when I looked at
him, he was still staring at me.
Children like violence, they revel in it. Children like to be scared. So well scare them, won't we,
Jonny? He leaned over the table, getting pretty damn close to my face. His breath smelt like
decaying shit. I stared back at him.
I think you're fucked up, to be honest.
He smiled, then backed away.
Oh, Im fucked up alright, but you have to be fucked up to survive in this cut-throat world! His
grin expanded.
Literally. Right now, Im going to show you some pictures that will spark some of your
He got up, and locked the door from the inside.
I stood up, and said, What the fuck are you doing?

Lets not make any... errors in judgement, Jonathan. Sit down.

For some reason, I did; Lauer pulled out one of those shitty overhead projectors. He turned on
the switch and he speak-shouted, in a unusually high and semi-frantic voice,
His eyes bulged in his head.
He put the image down on the glass surface of the overhead.
It was silent.
The image was in black and white, but it was grainy. I could vaguely make out a boy lying on a
brick floor, his arms cut off and his bloody little nub black dots. The only thing that was clear
was his face. He was bleeding from the mouth.
Lauer almost threw the paper off the overhead, slamming down another one.
It was a zoomed-in shot of the boy's face. It was in color. The blood trickled from his open
mouth onto the brick floor, his eyes shut, grimy blood underneath his eyebrows and eyelashes.
Then, his eyes opened, and I screamed. No one else in the fucking room did, and it died in
infancy, the shrillness ringing in the air.
The pupils were completely black. The rest of the eye was normal.
The longer I stared, the more the eyes opened, widening and widening untill it looked like the
skin above his eyebrows and eye sockets was going to rip in half.
Then they started to bleed. Blood started as a trickle, and I swear to god I could hear it. More,
now it was like a full blown stream. More. More, until the brick on the floor was a lake of blood.
I could hear it, like I was hiking and I came across a stream, and now I could smell the kid. I
could fucking smell his rot.
I leaned underneath the table and vomited. When I rose back up, the images were gone.

Everyone else in the room was expressionless. Lauer turned on the lights.
You may go, he said, unlocking the door.
I walked through those fucking doors, and I never came back.
This happened near the end of the brainstorming process and by the time I left the casting was
done and the script was almost fully written. They were desperately behind schedule; I think
Lauer planned it that way, so there wouldnt be time for proper editing. I never watched the
real thing when it aired, but I heard from a friend who was working at the editing department
that they had to cut a good 15-20 minutes of disturbing footage from the film before it was fit
to be released, and it was only fit to be released. They didnt have enough time to check the
footage frame by frame.
I guess he got his wish, unless they cut every single scene that had the pictures in them. Every
child watching Crybaby Lane has an unconscious memory of those pictures, and I weep for
them, I really do; they fucked me up, and as I write this to you, it will be last thing Ill ever
write before I slit my throat and before blood spatters all over this fucking computer screen.
Theres something I should tell you first, though.
Early on, Lauer posed an idea of the two brothers capturing a squirrel, putting said squirrel in a
jar, and slowly drowning it before filling the jar with sand and dropping it into the bottom of a
pond. Soon after this was suggested, Sandy from Spongebob Squarepants appeared in Tea at
The Treedome.
Lauer also suggested, in one scene of the movie, for a man with a squid-like-nose to take off
his pants in front of the two boys and rape them off camera, but heavily implied. Squidward
soon appeared as a major character in Spongebob Squarepants.
It was suggested that the two be stepbrothers, forced to live in the same house after the first
ones mom was found dead in a shallow grave, her body heavily cannibalized by her own
husband, a local weatherman. A show with the vaguely premise, Drake and Josh, started in
2004, and the step-father is indeed a weatherman.
Lauer also suggested the younger brother have a dog house in which he keeps various animal
fetuses incased in acid that he regularly uses to poison his mother to have sex with his abusive
stepfather. As Told By Ginger debuted soon after.
A man who captures the soles of children in a vacuum cleaner and sends them to Hades?
Danny Phantom.

A robot who goes insane on the two brothers, kills one of them wears his skin, pretending to be
the dead brother at highschool? My Life As a Teenage Robot.
The list goes on and on. Nickelodeon knows, and theyre continuing the legacy of Lauer,
sometimes subtly, and sometimes overtly. And theres nothing you and I can do about it.

Cry Baby Lane

In 1999, I was twenty-two and I had just graduated from Emerson University in downtown
Boston, majoring in screenwriting, specifically in cartoons and childrens programming. My debt
was pretty bad, so when Nickelodeon Studios offered me an internship at the studio in
California, I accepted immediately. I jumped at the chance to get away from dead end job at
Benjamin Franklin tour guide.
Many of you ask to see Cry Baby Lane but if you want to see the original Cry Baby Lane, you

never will, even if Nickelodeon somehow consents to releasing it to you. You wont be seeing
what was shown on TV, and you sure as fuck wont be seeing the original that Lauer made.
I dont even think Nickelodeon HAS the original cut of the movie anymore, and if they do its in
only back-up copies; if the back-up copies exist they must be locked away in some vault along
with all the deleted episodes of Ren And Stimpy and the never-before-mentioned episodes of
Spongebob Squarepants. Im pretty sure the director, Peter Lauer, has the original copy and its
probably on his mantle next to his snuff films, that creepy ass fuck.
Anyway, I was hired in 1999 and immediately I was put on a creative production team for the
movie Cry Baby lane. It would be almost a year before the movie was due to be broadcast; all
in all, it was a pretty low effort kind of thing. There were only four people on the creative team
and I was the only steady one; Lauer would replace them on a whim. He said it was to keep it
fresh. I thought it was because he was hiding something... and I was right.
We had a little over a year to make a made for TV movie - not just to write it and cast it but to
film it and get it edited. Lauer didnt work fast at all; after the first three weeks we only had the
ideas for the first 15 minutes of a 85 minute movie. Lauer, even at this point, was a weirdo. He
was tall and lanky, and he carried himself awkwardly - he stuttered when he talked and
sometimes, when you were hunched over a piece of paper during those endless brainstorming
sessions, youd look up and you'd catch him staring at you, smiling.
Hed look away when you caught his eye, and I guess that was the creepiest part; he always
looked like he had something to hide. The brainstorm sessions, at first, were alright. We got the
premise of it down pat: two brothers unleash a demon and they get into mischief trying to get
everything back to normal. Not exactly daytime Emmy stuff, but you know, it was an alright
start. I thought the movie should be goofy and spooky, kind of like a Courage the Cowardly dog
sort of deal. However, from the very beginning, Lauer made it clear that he wanted the film to
be as scary as possible. He didnt want it to be cheap thrills, with a good wholesome ending. He
wanted to push it farther than Are You Afraid of The Dark ever dreamed of... and I guess he
It was about 3 weeks into production when I first noticed something: Lauer had the absolute
power of persuasion over everyone else in the creative production team. No one fought him
and by the third week, he was already suggesting some morbid things. I remember he said he
wanted the the little brother to die halfway through the movie, getting hit with a dump truck. I
immediately shot it down. I was the only one who said anything, and it stayed that was until I
left the studio entirely and never came back.
At first, cannibalism and other fucked up shit was kept to jokes and tasteless comments but as
time went on, it became more and more overt. Id give him an idea idea (which most of the
time he would end up using) like How about the movie starts with a morbid undertaker who
reads them stories, to which hed reply, Yeah...and then he can cut them up into little pieces

and force-feed them to his dog! He made those jokes a few times in the early stages. Then he
got serious.
Hed stand up like he was Jesus or something, clear his throat loudly, and proclaim his idea. Id
be the only one to shoot it down. Every-fucking-time.
One day near the end of our brainstorming sessions, Lauer cleared his voice and stood up. We
all fell silent, and looked at him, like we normally would. He stood up, and said,
Gentlemen and females, I have an idea.
I remember what he didhe paused, and looked right at me as he said,
The story will revolve around the legend of a pair of Siamese twins. Have you ever heard of
the Donner Party?
Everyone nodded, except for me. I didnt like where the conversation was going.
They ate themselves when it got cold. They ate each other.
Everyone nodded again. I closed my eyes.
What would Siamese twins do if they had nothing to eat? Would one wait until the other twin
dies, then consume her own sisters flesh? Would they claw out each other's eyes until one of
them died, then dine upon them like a vulture tearing at the skin of a dead deer? I do not
know. It is interesting indeed.
I didnt know what the fuck I was hearing. I opened my eyes and looked around the room; no
one was fucking moving. Everyones eyes were on Lauer except for mine, and when I looked at
him, he was still staring at me.
Children like violence, they revel in it. Children like to be scared. So well scare them, won't we,
Jonny? He leaned over the table, getting pretty damn close to my face. His breath smelt like
decaying shit. I stared back at him.
I think you're fucked up, to be honest.
He smiled, then backed away.
Oh, Im fucked up alright, but you have to be fucked up to survive in this cut-throat world! His
grin expanded.
Literally. Right now, Im going to show you some pictures that will spark some of your

He got up, and locked the door from the inside.
I stood up, and said, What the fuck are you doing?
Lets not make any... errors in judgement, Jonathan. Sit down.
For some reason, I did; Lauer pulled out one of those shitty overhead projectors. He turned on
the switch and he speak-shouted, in a unusually high and semi-frantic voice,
His eyes bulged in his head.
He put the image down on the glass surface of the overhead.
It was silent.
The image was in black and white, but it was grainy. I could vaguely make out a boy lying on a
brick floor, his arms cut off and his bloody little nub black dots. The only thing that was clear
was his face. He was bleeding from the mouth.
Lauer almost threw the paper off the overhead, slamming down another one.
It was a zoomed-in shot of the boy's face. It was in color. The blood trickled from his open
mouth onto the brick floor, his eyes shut, grimy blood underneath his eyebrows and eyelashes.
Then, his eyes opened, and I screamed. No one else in the fucking room did, and it died in
infancy, the shrillness ringing in the air.
The pupils were completely black. The rest of the eye was normal.
The longer I stared, the more the eyes opened, widening and widening untill it looked like the
skin above his eyebrows and eye sockets was going to rip in half.
Then they started to bleed. Blood started as a trickle, and I swear to god I could hear it. More,

now it was like a full blown stream. More. More, until the brick on the floor was a lake of blood.
I could hear it, like I was hiking and I came across a stream, and now I could smell the kid. I
could fucking smell his rot.
I leaned underneath the table and vomited. When I rose back up, the images were gone.
Everyone else in the room was expressionless. Lauer turned on the lights.
You may go, he said, unlocking the door.
I walked through those fucking doors, and I never came back.
This happened near the end of the brainstorming process and by the time I left the casting was
done and the script was almost fully written. They were desperately behind schedule; I think
Lauer planned it that way, so there wouldnt be time for proper editing. I never watched the
real thing when it aired, but I heard from a friend who was working at the editing department
that they had to cut a good 15-20 minutes of disturbing footage from the film before it was fit
to be released, and it was only fit to be released. They didnt have enough time to check the
footage frame by frame.
I guess he got his wish, unless they cut every single scene that had the pictures in them. Every
child watching Crybaby Lane has an unconscious memory of those pictures, and I weep for
them, I really do; they fucked me up, and as I write this to you, it will be last thing Ill ever
write before I slit my throat and before blood spatters all over this fucking computer screen.
Theres something I should tell you first, though.
Early on, Lauer posed an idea of the two brothers capturing a squirrel, putting said squirrel in a
jar, and slowly drowning it before filling the jar with sand and dropping it into the bottom of a
pond. Soon after this was suggested, Sandy from Spongebob Squarepants appeared in Tea at
The Treedome.
Lauer also suggested, in one scene of the movie, for a man with a squid-like-nose to take off
his pants in front of the two boys and rape them off camera, but heavily implied. Squidward
soon appeared as a major character in Spongebob Squarepants.
It was suggested that the two be stepbrothers, forced to live in the same house after the first
ones mom was found dead in a shallow grave, her body heavily cannibalized by her own
husband, a local weatherman. A show with the vaguely premise, Drake and Josh, started in
2004, and the step-father is indeed a weatherman.
Lauer also suggested the younger brother have a dog house in which he keeps various animal
fetuses incased in acid that he regularly uses to poison his mother to have sex with his abusive

stepfather. As Told By Ginger debuted soon after.

A man who captures the soles of children in a vacuum cleaner and sends them to Hades?
Danny Phantom.
A robot who goes insane on the two brothers, kills one of them wears his skin, pretending to be
the dead brother at highschool? My Life As a Teenage Robot.
The list goes on and on. Nickelodeon knows, and theyre continuing the legacy of Lauer,
sometimes subtly, and sometimes overtly. And theres nothing you and I can do about it.

Tom and Jerry - Suffering

Tom and Jerry is one of the most popular cartoon series to ever exist. Alongside Looney Tunes
it is safe to say almost everyone has heard of the cast of Tom and Jerry - especially the titular

cat and mouse duo which made the show what it is.
I've watched every Tom and Jerry cartoon imaginable, even a few most people probably never
even heard about - there is one episode however not even I have seen, an episode that was
never aired. Now I bet you're asking "Well then, how do you even know about this episode?".
The answer is quite simple, my cousin claims to have seen it due to links with online piracy and
so forth (which I can not condone but, hey, I can't very well control the actions of my cousin
can I?).
The following story is what my cousin told me and to be frank you can take from it what you
will... maybe he was making it up or maybe there was some truth in it... at any rate it will likely
raise a few eyebrows, it sure did when I told it to my friends...
It began, my cousin claims, one night when he was on the computer - one of his friends sent
him a pirated version of a supposedly unaired Tom and Jerry episode named "Suffering": my
cousin was skeptical of this and played it expecting a hoax.
Instead what he got was the traditional Tom and Jerry intro, which cut to a red screen with the
text Suffering printed in bold.
The screen faded to show Tom sitting alone in what appeared to be an abandoned house,
looking rather ill and dejected - he just sat there for a few minutes in silence before he got to
his feet and slowly made his way over to a nearby wall.
Tom stared at the mouse hole in the wall for a few more minutes as the camera shifted,
zooming into the mouse hole and revealing Jerry in his little matchbox "bed" - the camera
zooming in on the mouse, who lay motionless with his eyes closed as if asleep.
Jerry's fur was lighter than usual and everything was silent - in stark contrast to the usual chaos
of the cartoon.
The camera once again zoomed out to show Tom standing outside the mouse hole, the cat
suddenly breaking down on the spot as he cried bitterly and fell to his knees: banging on the
wall repeatedly.
The camera zoomed back to Jerry, still laying in the little match-box bed: Tom banging on the
wall outside as Jerry remained absolutely still.
The scene then faded to black and a message appeared reading:
"Life is fleeting and it is not until it is gone that friends truly understand... years of arguing
come to an end... petty squabbling... pointless suffering... now it is too late... you had your
chance... you are alone..."

My cousin claims that's where it ended and he felt a deep sense of despair in his heart which he
says never really went away, even today he claims to feel that same sense of despair - as if
someone or something had taken away his sense of meaning.
I asked my cousin to show me the episode but he said he wouldn't want me to feel the way he
did and refused, in some ways that made me kind of doubtful at first... though now, looking
back, I feel he genuinely didn't want to share whatever he experienced with me...
The rest I shall leave for you to decide.

Courage the Cowardly Dog - Banned Episode

Yes, I am aware that every single episode of Courage the Cowardly dog is purposely disturbing
but this episode was so messed up it was only aired once.
I don't remember the exact date, but it was at least five years ago I remember seeing an
episode of Courage the Cowardly dog on cartoon network that was way too violent to be shown
on kids programs.
The episode begins with Courage waking up, stretching then walking downstairs to find Eustace
is sleeping on his chair, meanwhile Murial is cooking, Courage yawns then there's a knock on
the door.
Its a mountain goat wearing a top hat and monocle, "Good' day fine dog, may I stay for a
night, I require rest for my big day." Murial comes to the door but the goat comes in before
anything is said.

Eustace has now awoken and is complaining at the goat, the goat simply says "Fuck you."
Which I was rather shocked about, I paused it for a second before listening again.
Courage is already suspicious as the goat goes upstairs into the bedroom, Courage follows him,
and the goat starts chanting continuously then a axe appears on the floor and the goat picks it
up then disappears, Courage does his usual scream then runs down stairs.
But when he reaches down stairs he looks out of the window to see that its night already,
Murial and Eustace were now sleeping, then Courage grabs them by their hand and drags them
into the cellar, then pulls out a giant lock, then locks and chains up the door.
A cockerel is heard and all of a sudden its morning, the goat suddenly appears behind Courage
and says "Its my big day!"
Courage gulps and suddenly the goat starts chasing everyone with the axe, Eustace awakes
and shouts "Fucking dog and goat."
Then he tries to kick the goat but the goat ends up chopping of his foot, Eustace falls down and
lets just say, what the goat did was not pretty but it ended up chopping of Eustace's head!
Then the screen went static and the whole show stopped. I figured Cartoon Network had
managed to stop it from being aired.

The Looney Tunes Show

The following entries were found from a journal of a guy who was nuked to death. His name is
not mentioned to protect his identity.
June 4th, 2011 As a kid, I loved the Looney Tunes, it was my favorite show. And hearing of the
remake "The Looney Tunes Show", I didn't know what to think. It looked like the jokes were
lame, the plots were rushed, and nothing like the original. The first episode I watched was a
pretty good one, the one with Bugs and Lola. The next day, I was sent a message by a friend,
who shared my interests. It was a link to a video, and the message said "Only a true fan can
handle their twisted versions.". I didn't know what to think. As I got to the video, it was
flagged. I said "OK.", and signed in. I noticed something odd, the views were only 6, so how
could it of been inappropriate? Who knows.

When it got to the video, it was black for 5 seconds, then it cut to Bugs and Daffy's house. They
were moving around, as if they were talking, but they said nothing, their mouths were not even
moving. Then I noticed a anonymous mask in the window, it was emotionless. The sky was also
black, representing night. They kept moving, simulating that they were speaking, and making
gestures. Their was also a sound, like a reversed electric guitar note, and it kept playing
throughout the whole thing. Then I saw two people, they were both white, female teenagers,
who were gagged. Then I saw both of them shaking, as if they were laughing, then the two
girls were set on fire, but they weren't cartoon looking, they were the real deal. Then they
started shaking faster, as if they were sped up. Then it cut to bugs, who's mouth was gone.
Then it cut to Daffy's face, and it was weird. If you have seen the end of suicide mouse, where
Mickey's face was white, it was like that. He was also rocking his head forward, like he was
head banging. Then it cut to Bugs, whom was covering his mouth, eyes were black, and his
ears were drooped, and I mean impossibly, un-realistically drooped. Then I heard some piano

music, it was odd though, it didn't seem as if it fitted, and it was just... off. Then Daffy, looked
angry, as if his family had just been killed.

Then it cut to Bugs, who was now speaking, but he was still covering his mouth, which I saw
green substance smearing around his hands, escaping, his eyes were now invisible, same deal
with his ears. Then Daffy, was designed differently, his beak was gone, and replaced with a
simple slap-on mouth, his eyes were also slanted, as if they were Asian. Then it cut to bug who
was now shaking, violently. His face was gone, and it had a hint of red to it. The episode then
had dialogue, but the video was replaced of a text. "If only you knew the power, that one
human can be capable of." I did a small laugh, because this obviously had nothing to do with
the show so far, then my speakers exploded with sound, even when I muted them, they were
still making noise. Then the dialogue returned, but one flaw, it was reversed. So I recorded the
video, reversed it, and this is what it said.
Bugs: Nobody realizes, that one man, can destroy the world.
Daffy: Humans are just to cowardly. All these nukes, all this power, and they just waste it.
Muffled Screaming*
Bugs: Do you think we should end these sad, pitiful lives?
Daffy: Of course!
Bugs: And we were cartoon legends.
Daffy: Hah!
Both: *Laughing*
Then it ended. A notification popped up saying that the internet had to be closed. I then went
back to history, everything was gone. My computer then shut off in like 2 seconds. Then it
turned back on in 2 seconds. Every single thing on my computer, was gone. Then the floor
started to rumble, it was a earthquake. Countless hours later, the news said that Kentucky was
nuked... and I live in Florida. It is unknown who did it, but it was related to the video.
June 5th, 2011
Today I was just walking around town, finding that I had some change left, and since I was
getting thirsty, i decided to get a drink. So I went to the nearest convience store and got a
soda. The cashier was acting wierd. This is what he said, "Hey, what do you want?! A machete
to kill that bitch that nuked Kentucky?!" Then he paused, and sighed, as if he was about ot say

something else. During those seconds that felt like days, i was cherfully just breathing heavily,
feeling scared, like I was out in the dark. Like, since when did they sell machetes at conveince
stores? Then he spoke again, "Sorry, my brother was on vacation in Kentucky when it got
nuked. He is dead." Well that is all I got to say for now, it is midnight, and I need to try to get
some sleep.
June 8th, 2011
I wasn't able ot update my journal recently. I was too busy, when I found a VHS tape. It said,
"The Looney Tunes Show, The Universe Ends Copyright 1999" 1999? What does that even
mean? I then went to my friends house and took the VHS tape with me. he told me that the
tape has the exact episode that I saw. He got me the e-mail of a friend of his aunts, which is
the ceo at cartoon network studios. I will e-mail him tomorrow. Bye for now.
June 10th, 2011
I e-mailed the ceo. I will get to that later. It is about 4:56 in the morning. Anyways, I saw a
mysterious gray figure murdering my friend. When I realized this by seeing a disembodied arm
on my front yard getting my news paper. I couldn't believe it! When i caught the grey figure's
gaze, it was so creepy. His eyes....are just dark hollow holes. He was holding up a bloody
scalpel. He pointed to it with his big claw on his hand, and nodded, as if to tell me that I was
next. I bolted away and just packed my things into my van and just abandoned my house to
live in my van. I have all that I need in my van. Oh and about the e-mail, here is the exact email word for word "Hey, ****, about that Looney Tunes show episode. That was the first
episode made by a maniac that worked in the CN studios for 3 years. In '99, his final year, he
suggested this show to us. After rejecting it two times, he made this violent episode. We
actually burned the original copy, we have no idea of how your friend rediscovered it."
The guy, was found dead in his house just after ten days. Someone had apparently threw a
pipe bomb at him and he was slit in the wrist eight times. His friend had also hung himself.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Lost Episode
Has anyone heard of the alleged 'lost' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode?
Its name was 'Dawn of the Dread' and was one of the early season two episodes. There's no
official reference to it and evidence of its existence is quite scant, but accounts that can be
found seem consistent in their detail.
Leonardo wakes up and looks around him before getting out of bed. The picture quality is quite
poor and the animation is jittery. There is no background music and the only sound you can

hear is a ticking clock. Leonardo then mutters something to himself, but his voice seems
muffled and it's difficult to make out what he is saying.
Suddenly, a male voice can be heard in the background, though the voice isn't recognizable and
doesn't seem to belong to any of the show's regular characters; "Are you up yet," is all it says.
It is difficult to tell if Leonardo responds to the strange voice or not, but he leaves his room and
heads to the living area of the lair.
The lair seems empty; neither Splinter nor the other turtle are anywhere to be found and the
living area is quite messy. He finds a pizza box on the kitchen table, but upon opening it finds a
very old and moldy pizza with hundreds of insect carcasses on it. At this point, Leonardo
decides to leave the lair and goes looking for his coat.
The picture suddenly switches to black for about ten seconds, as if for advertisements; some
say a very faint whispering can be heard if the volume is turned up high. The scene then
switches back to Leonardo walking through the sewers. The picture quality is now very poor;
the backgrounds look rushed in their design and don't loop properly in their repetition.

What follows is a scene with Leonardo standing and looking into a sewer stream. He is not
moving and the only animation is the slow movement of the water, with what sounds like a
dripping noise playing in the background. After a few seconds, Michelangelo suddenly drifts into
frame; he is otherwise motionless. He just seems to be slowly drifting by, face up with his eyes
wide open in a vacant stare. His tone is sickly green and his face is slightly sunken. Leonardo
stoically watches Michelangelo's clearly lifeless body drift by before slowly moving on.
Leonardo is now walking the streets. It is somewhat dark; there is no one around and none of
the businesses seem to be open, with many seeming abandoned and derelict. He doesn't seem
to be going anywhere, just wandering aimlessly as there is nowhere to go. He passes the
channel six building; it is clearly vacant. He decides to rest on a street bench and begins testing
his turtle com, but there is no reply to any of his calls and he angrily thrusts the device on the
ground, smashing it.
Suddenly, the unidentified male voice reiterates, "Are you up yet," to which Leonardo doesn't
seem to respond, instead just sitting and staring at his broken turtle-com; "They're gone," the
voice quietly utters, followed by an extremely loud tearing scream, "THEY'RE GONE! GONE!
GONE," after which Leonardo starts cringing in wild agony, screaming in pain and furiously
punching himself in the head.
Loud banging and high-pitched scraping sounds now fill the scene. Strange moving black
shapes start forming around Leonardo and circling him, some appearing to rush towards him in

a violent manner before suddenly disappearing, their victim too afraid to look at them.
The picture goes to loud static for several minutes until it suddenly ends.

Chowder Lost Episode - Dead Mung

My cousin used to work at Cartoon Network. He used to produce episodes of such shows as
Chowder, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, and others. One day, he had an idea for an
episode of Chowder, entitled 'Dead Mung'. He gave me the script and tape he made of 'Dead

The original intro appeared as normal. Then the screen came up saying 'Dead Mung'. Nothing
special, just text. Then it showed Chowder cooking something in the kitchen. As usual, he
keeps messing up. Getting more frustrated each time he fucked up. At this time, Mung entered
the kitchen. Smoke filled the air, because
Chowder burned whatever he was making (I couldn't make it out).

Mung, angry, started yelling at Chowder. 'YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK ARE TRYING
TO DO HERE? KILL ME! I LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!' At that moment, Chowder shoved Mung into
the oven. Mung was gasping for air, the said one last thing, 'WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO
MAKE?' Chowder answered with, 'Schnitzel.' Mung burned up in the oven. Chowder put him out
of the oven and let him cool.
Then, after cooling, Chowder pulls out a butcher knife from his back pocket and rips out all of
the intestines and organs. Someone, a customer, came in at that moment, and saw Chowder
pull out the innards of Mung. Chowder throws the butcher knife, hitting the customer in the
eyeball, skewering it. Chowder skinned Mung, and threw it out. He began eating Mung, with a
demonic, twisted face.
Truffles appeared and joined into the feast. Chowder finished Mung and threw the bones away.
Truffles then exited the room. Chowder stared at the camera with that demonic twisted look on
his face. The screen goes black. Text appeared in a plain font saying, 'The End'.
I asked my cousin why he made this horrible cartoon. He never answered.

Family Guys Lost Episode

In 2005, they brought back Family Guy after it was cancelled. Seth wanted to bring the show
back right, and he felt like he needed a darker storyline that the fans would understand.
So for season 4 he wanted to make a fresh start, as if to start the series over again, but for this
to work he had to make a episode that could start the series back over again.
For years he never aired it because of time. He later forgot about it and the original tape went
I was quite a Family Guy fan myself, so when an unknown Family Guy tape was for sale online,
I ordered it, and I got it in the mail six days later. It was 7 minutes and 53 seconds long. It
began with a darker version of the intro. It was a bit more high-pitched, and when it went on
the logo, there were flashes of unknown colors.
It began with a closeup of the house. It was silent, and inside the house, Brian was yelling at
the family about something odd. From what I saw of it, Peter made a cutaway gag, but you
could only see a little bit of it. It took place in a store, but for the last couple of seconds, the
screen was just red, and the audio was very messed up. It sounded like someone speaking.
The camera then focused on Stewie, who was saying something, but the audio quality was too
messed up to hear. It cut to a crudley drawn knife on the table with a white hand reaching for
it. The scene cut to a black screen, where the knife was falling in slow motion with Brian

catching it.
A very odd blood explosion was seen, with screaming in the background. Peter was coming out
of a broken wall, but something pulled him back in through. It cut back to the house with a red
sky, halfway through, the sky turned black and there as a explosion from some parts of the
It cut to another second of Peter with a slight explosion behind him, then to Stewie with red
eyes and a slight wound on his forehead, as the camera was going out of focus for a second.
It then cut to some low pitched singing with a dark background, and for a few seconds you
could see some woman dancing; it had an odd tune. It cut to a inverted background with Peter
still alive...something behind him attacked him. There were waves making it hard to see who
attacked him in the first place, and it then shown a swirling picture. It was hard to tell what,
The house had some odd colors thrown on it, and there was a bit of static that could be seen,
after a couple of second the colors started to get truly messed up and it stayed that way for a
while. I would have expected something scary, but a hand came out, and Brian just stabbed
through it. There was a blood mark on the arm.
It unexpectedly came back to the family on the couch, when there was a doorbell ring. Brian
opened it, but it was unknown who it was because of the mirror. Brian welcomed whoever it
was, and the family stood up. It cut back to Stewie for a couple of seconds, and then the house
again for a couple of seconds. It then showed a gun; I had no idea why the gun was there.
Then it cut to the house moving around. It seemed that behind the background was footage of
Nazi soldiers. It went on for a while, and for the last couple of seconds you could barely see
that it was a house. The picture moved out the the screen for a second, then came back.
For the last seconds of the episode, you could see someone moving curtains around during
some peaceful music. There were no credits, it just cut to black.
I was upset. I looked for the man who sold me the tape...he had several accounts, and he
refused to take it back for any amount of money. I met Seth later at a fan convention and
asked him about it. He told me there was no way the tape was his. He yelled at me a while until
I just quit talking about it.
Later I showed the episode to my friends because I kept the tape. We finished watching it and I
went to get some beer and when I came back they were all gone. I found them all lying in the
bathtub, dead, with the words spelled out in blood, "WE DON'T NEED THIS".

I was truly upset, and I need to get to the bottom of this.

Catdog Lost Episode

Hello everyone. When I was a little girl, one of my favorite Nicktoons was CatDog. I'm sure you
90s kids remember it: a fairly comical show about a pair of Siamese twin brothers, one cat and
one dog. They lived in a house with wise-mouth blue mouse named Winslow, and they were
constantly bullied by a group of dogs known as The Greasers. According to records, this show
first aired on April 4, 1998, it and ended with an unaired episode on September 22, 2004. The
series was created by Peter Hannan.
Being a loyal follower of the show, I was rather disappointed when I found out that the series
was cut in 2004. Like most other people, I hadn't seen the unaired episode, which I have found
out was titled "Vexed of Kin / Meat, Dog's Friends".
One day, while browsing a local yard sale, I came across a DVD in a plain clear case. It was
obviously a burned DVD, as it was the Memorex brand. Anyway, it had "CatDog: For the Birds"
messily scrawled on it in black Sharpie marker. I've never heard of this episode! It must have
been some kind of mysterious lost episode! I had to have it. I asked the woman (about in her
40's) in charge how much she wanted for it. She didn't know, it belonged to her son, she said.
So she sprinted into her house and brought out a young man, probably in his mid 20's, who
was apparently her son. He was very thin, pale, and had deep dark circles around his eyes. He
looked malnourished and like he hadn't slept in weeks. I showed him the DVD, smiled politely at
him, and asked, "How much?" He gave me a look like someone who was in shock and terribly
nauseous at the same time. "What?! How did that get there? Nevermind. Just take it." I felt
kind of bad for him. Maybe he reacted like this because he was feeling ill and he was trying to
sleep when his mom brought him outside. I gave him a kind smile and told him I hoped he
would be feeling better soon, then said farewell.
I dashed home, eager to view my new DVD. I sat down in front of my TV and popped the disk
into my DVD player and pressed play on my remote. At first, there was a minute of pure static.
I thought this was very strange, considering this was a DVD, not a VHS tape (I've experienced
static on VHS tapes in the past, so that would have made sense). I could swear that for about a
millisecond I saw a face in the static, and it felt like I was being watched.. After the static, it cut
to the opening theme. I smiled, enjoying the feeling of joyful nostalgia that comes with
watching one of my old favorites. When the opening theme was over, it showed the title card.

It was plain white lettering on a red background, with what looked like crows in the
background. The title said "For the Birds."
The episode started out with Dog stretching and yawning before cheerfully proclaiming, "It's a
bea-u-tiful day!" Then he hears a familiar sound. "GARBAGE TRUCK!" He yells gleefully and
jumps out of bed, dragging a drowsy and more-than-annoyed Cat with him. "Dog, I need my
sleep!" Cat growled. Dog didn't hear him. "Garbage truck, garbage truck, garbage truck!!" He
ran down the street and sped past the Greasers. The chase went on for about 5 minutes, with
the usual goofiness of Cat bumping himself off objects, yelling "My body! My body! My body!"
Dog kept running as the garbage truck safely drove over train tracks. Dog followed after, but
suddenly he heard a train whistle and a loud screech. Cat and Dog couldn't get out of the way
in time. The Greasers watched with a look of terror and disgust. Cliff and Lube doubled over
and vomited. Shriek began sobbing uncontrollably. Out of the blue, a huge flock of crows dove
down and began feasting on CatDog's recently deceased corpse. The screen started showing
graphic snapshots of the birds ripping apart CatDog's remains while "Freebird" by Lynrd Skynrd
plays. This continues for the rest of the episode, the images getting more and more detailed
and gruesome. Then the ending credits rolled, just plain white letters scrolling down a black
I tried ejecting the DVD, but the player didn't seem to want to open. When it finally came out,
the disk was partially melted and it had deep scratches on the bottom of the disk. I tried to pick
up the disk, but it was burning hot. I freaked out and threw it in the trash.
I still have nightmares about this episode, sometimes I dream about the face from the static.
Sometimes I see it at night when I'm trying to sleep, just out of the corner of my eye. It's
always brief, but I can always feel it watching me.

Fairly Odd Parents Lost Episode- Sweet Revenge

Okay, so I am a HUGE Fairly Odd Parents fan. I watch it whenever I can. Lately, I've been busy
with real life, so I missed a lot of the new episodes in Season 5. Once the box set came out, I
tried to buy it, but I did not have enough money to buy it. One of my friends was also a huge
fan of the show as well and he had let me borrow his copy of the set so I could see the
episodes that I missed. When I first picked up the copy, I faintly noticed that the Nickelodeon
logo was missing off the front cover. I didn't let it process into my mind as I picked up the set.
Over the coming weeks, i slowly watched the episodes whenever I could. When I was about to
finish it, I noticed something odd. There was an episode #21. All of the seasons, including this
one, ended in 20 episodes. The 21st episode was entitled "Sweet Revenge". I googled the
episode up, with no avail. So, as you can guess, I put the episode on. And this is when stuff
gets freaky.
The episode begins in near crystal quality, almost better than the others. It's mostly the same
as the others. He wakes up, his fairies greet him, etc., etc. About 1 minute into it, when he gets
out of his room, he walks downstairs about 5 seconds before his dad walks through the front
door with a blood-stained machete in his hand. Timmy, about as terrified as I am at this point,
whine-screams "Dad, what have you done?!?"
His dad mumbles something, but you can barely hear him make out anything except for the
consonant "berg". My mind was too freaked out to process that. His dad walks normally, but
with that evilly successful feeling, down the living room to the kitchen, where he wipes off the
knife and stores it as if nothing ever happened. My mind wanted to stop, but I kept going (right
about here I totally blacked out)
The next scene was Timmy playing in his room, with the expression like he just saw a ghost kill
his father. The camera shot switches to an angled shot where you can see out the door, and
you can vaguely see the form of his dad walking up the hallway with the machete in hand.
Cosmo instantly warns Timmy and they try to poof away but Timmy's dad frantically tries to get
him and throws the knife at Timmy, horribly missing and gouging out Cosmo's eye. Cosmo lets
out a throat-shredding scream and blood pours out everywhere. Wanda, thinking Cosmo would
teleport himself, teleports away, not knowing what just happened to Cosmo. Timmy, being
teleported at a metro area, tries to go to a telephone and call the police. When he picks up the
pay-phone, he instantly hears a voice. It's his dad's voice, except being undercasted by a more
demonic voice. Scared, he closes his eyes and tries to wake himself up as if he was in a dream.
Before he knows it, he can't open his eyes back and it seems as if his eyes are melting and the
blood from them is making a devil's pentagram inside his eyelids.
After that, he wakes up in his bed as if nothing ever happened. His fairy godparents aren't
there to greet him, but he can hear the sounds of Wanda's crying. When Timmy looks over to
Wanda, he can see what she's crying about. The machete was still in Cosmo's skull with his eye
gouged out, blood oozing out still, on the other side of the floor. Timmy looks outside to see

some of the neighbors impaled on the streets on a giant spike. Timmy's eyes turn bloodshot red
and binary code flashes across the screen, and the ending credits show. I hastily looked up the
binary code, and it translated to "He was first, you are next. When you see the red light, your
life will be over."
I was scared out of my mind. Later that day, I had read that a lunatic impaled 3 people. I was
so scared my brain almost stopped. The next day, my parents literally forced me to go to
school. When I was there, I was closing my eyes, almost in the fetal position, when I see this
BRIGHT flash of red light. I was so scared that I almost shat myself. When I open my eyes, I
see the friend that sold me the tape, almost killing himself in laughter.

Sesame Street Lost Episode

My sister's name is Mary. She is five years old. She is the reason. It was her fault, you hear me?
I didn't put it on. She made me watch it. It was Thursday night, around five o'clock. She told
me to turn the TV on for her. My mom was in the kitchen two rooms down. Mom. Mother.
Mother didn't know. I put on PBS kids and watched Between the Lions for about an hour. Then
came the commercial break. The first sign. First. A commercial for Chick Fil A flicked on. A cow
stood in a white room in front of a chalkboard. The announcer spurted out robotically: "Chick Fil
A is a proud sponsor of PBS kids. Why? Maybe because Chick Fil A promotes high quality
programming here on PBS.
The cows have no beef with that. (Moo!)" But that was not the problem. The chalkboard.

Scratched into it with what seemed to be fingernails was a single word. ZErO. And something
was wrong with the cow. It's eyes expressed mild panic. I was horrified. I didn't remember the
commercial being so creepy. I turned to my sister. She was smiling, looking at the screen. I had
forgotten she couldn't read. But as I was looking at her, I heard a noise coming from the TV. It
was someone loudly whispering "IT." I looked back at the TV and quickly saw something flash.
But then it was just a Juicy Juice commercial, untampered with. That was when I saw a red
light on the VCR. I was recording. I didn't remember turning it on.

The regular PBS Kids bumper started with Dash the green person. But when he moved his
mouth, no words came out. And a single drip slowly crept down from the "B" in "PBS". The
Sesame Street theme song came on. At the scene where Big Bird slid down the playground
slide, the show paused. For about five seconds I sat there, staring, but then I saw it. In the
background a man stood in the sandbox. He wore all white, but his eyes were like blackholes,
sucking the light out of the surrounding air. But then he slowly started to turn his head towards
Big Bird. Keep in mind that the rest of the screen was still.

Toy Story Deleted Scene

A while back, I was on holiday in Alabama. I was at this gas station store just getting some
more food, drinks and supplies for the drive to the hotel. I noticed there was a box with videos
in it. The guy at the cashier explained to me that those videos were found outside the store and
that I could take the entire box for free. Seeing as they were all labeled, and that the man was
being friendly,I picked up the cardboard box and paid for my snacks.
When I arrived at the hotel, I noticed they had a VHS player. I looked through the videos, and I
was astonished what I found. They were tapes of various Pixar films. The eerie fact is that
about five of the tapes had a stamp that said "DECLINED PLEASE DESTROY - JL". I then
realized JL stood for John Lasseter, and that I was in possesion of deiscarded property of Pixar.
I put on the first tape, which was a collection of old Pixar shorts. I haven't seen all of the
shorts, so I coudn't tell if they were legit. The odd fact about the first tape is that whenever one
short transitioned into another short, it was just static. After about five shorts, I could start to
see something in the static. Before I could clearly see what was in the static, the tape ended.
Go figure.

I put on the second tape, which had a more familiar name. It was labeled "Toy Story animation
test 01". I was excited at watching the evolution of what at the time was my fvourite Disney
movie. All was about to change with one button on the remote called PLAY. It appeared that it
was actually a full movie rather than a few tests. The movie began with a white title card that
read "A TOY'S STORY 1992 Pixar Productions". It then cut to what looked like a commercial
advertising a Woody doll. It zoomed out to reveal a boy (I assumed it was Andy) watching TV
in the living room. The living room looked entirely different and so did the boy. He had freckles,
and orange hair, and didn't look or sound at all like Andy. Besides that, his name was Max. I
assumed that this must be an early version of Andy, and that the character had not yet been
developed yet. "Come on Woody, let's go to school", said Max as he belted out the door. Max
kept talking to Woody about how he was going to show Woody for show and tell. Suddenly, a
shadow fell upon him. It was at this point, when I discovered about ten sheets of paper in the
box. I was shocked to realize that this was the script of this early version of Toy Story. The
script read that in this scene, Max is tormented and attacked by the bully Sid. I found this
interesting as Sid and Andy (a.k.a. Max) had never met in the finished movie. Much to my
surprise, Sid was gigantic. He looked nothing like the 1995 version of Sid, and he was Hulk size.
He began to punch Max in the face and he put his hands around Max's neck. The sky turned
darker, and there were sounds of people screaming and saying "NO". It was like a nightmare, it
just kept going on. Yoy could also hear Max crying for his mom. Eventually, you bcould hear an
ambulance arrive. But in the background you could see fire, and you could see gigantic horses
chasing people. The doctors were carrying Max's small body onto a stretcher. The nightmare
moved onto a gravesite where it was a cloudy day and there was a church bell ringing and
there were gravestones. Remember that this was all computer animated. A faint organ could be
heard. The scary part is that there were pages missing from the script that were lying on my
bed seconds ago. It cut to static and then it resumed to an early version of the scene where
Woody is calling a meeting for all the toys about Max's birthday party. It was all in Russian and
the sky was dark outside. None of this movie made any sense, and nothing fit together. It cut
back to static where it showed Max getting molested by two very big men in a toolshed. I
vomited when I saw this and I kept seeing Sid's creepy face fade in and out. Finally, one of the
men stopped and bellowed "you're too old for toys!" I looked back at the script to find some
information on the early Toy Story. The cast sheet was missing most of the characters, and had
characters that either were deleted from the film or appeared in the sequels. For example, the
Prospector and Bullseye were in the castlist (no sign of Jessie though). It mentioned other
characters like Scooter the Walrus, Mr. Wiggly, ScarBear, and a character called Dino-ray (wich
I presume was an early version of Rex). Near the top of the list was the scariest name of all, it
read "Death". I looked back at the TV and it was now browsing through a dark Al's Toy Barn.
The store was closed and the camera was moving back and forth at all the aisles. Some of the
toys didn't even exist yet, such as Tickle Me Elmo. There was a line of toys called "Satan &
Friends", and a sale for Toy Story 3 on Blu-Ray. I froze in shock at the latter, because Blu-Ray
wasn't even invented yet, nor was Toy Story 3 in development (or so I thought). It then cut to
the Al's Toy Barn commercial that appeared in the final film, except the Buzz Lightyear toy was
called Lunar Lenny, and he was a green alien astronaut. It zoomed to Woody who was

complaining about Lunar Lenny. It then for some reason cut back to the scary scene where Sid
is ripping Max's stomach open by using Woody and his foot. Sid then stops, and looks towards
the camera. He begans to walk over until his face ic voering the entire screen. He gives this
creepy smile.
Suddenly, the TV caught fire. The entire hotel was on fire, and everyone had to get out fast. I
forgot the tapes, so they were burnt. I tried to reach Pixar, but all the calls are computer
automated and they ask you bullshit questions. Even though I still have nightmares about the
early Toy Story, I only wish I could of watched the rest of the tapes. Toy Story, or any
computer animated movie at that, has never been the same for me.

Bananas in Pajamas: Stop!

It was a pretty regular day, I was just channel surfing and came across a Bananas in Pajamas
episode, it was just begining, I remebered watching it when I was a toddler so I decided to
watch a bit.
The episode was called, Stop!
When it began there was just a bathroom with the taps left on and the water was flooding onto
the floor, to the left was a rocking chair, with one of the bananas in it, he was reading a story
called, Stop!
There was nothing telling you which banana it was, and he just kept saying, STOP, STOP,
At this point I was slightly creeped out, but I kept watching, he then said, "Tell the others to
"Stop what?" I kept asking myself.
And suddenly he replied which almost gave me a heart attack, "Stop stealing."
I was too stunned to speak when it said, "Stealing my soul, your soul, our souls."
Suddenly a second banana came out with a violin, and started playing this creepy tune, the
taps mysteriously turned off.
You couldnt tell which banana he was either.
He pointed at me, and said "Why?"

Suddenly the TV, practically exploded like a firework, nothing got burned luckily but the doors
were now locked, in my living room, I tried to open them but they wouldn't.
Then suddenly, I blacked out, when I woke the windows of the living room were boarded up
with wooden planks. I tried to remove them but it was impossible, when I turned around in the
corner of my living room was two bottles of water, a gun and a note, the note read, 'You are
being punished, marooned, if you want to survive use the water, and if you dont use the gun.'
I eventually managed to escape and when I did there was another note, 'Tell no one if you
value your life.'
I expect they are coming soon, but I had to tell my story

Ed Edd n Eddy - YoU fOrGoT

In my younger days, I was always a fan of cartoons. I still watch them to an extent nowadays,
I admit. My favorite genre was varied, but I always had a soft spot for the slapstick humor
found on networks like Nick and Cartoon Network. One of the best ones I've seen and enjoyed
was a little show by the name of Ed Edd n' Eddy. I loved almost everything about it. The
premise, the characters both major and minor, the art style, and the humor of everyone being
smacked around like nothing happened at all. I don't think I've missed a single episode of it.
When I was around 13 or 14, my younger brother and I had always watched the show every
time it aired. After a while, we came up with the idea of recording some of the episodes on a
blank VHS tape. Now when we needed something to watch when nothing was on, we'd put in
the tape and let the Eds entertain our short attention spans. We'd keep recording episodes for
as long as the tape could hold, and you can bet it had gotten its fair share of use by us. We
even wrote (in crayon) the show's name and our own names on the labels of the tape.
Now several years have flown over us, we've grown a bit and the tape has been lost for lord
knows how long. We'd still catch an episode or two if we were bored and channel surfing.
These days I'm either doing something online or just playing games, minding a house and
grandparents, it's an interesting life. One fateful day I had gone for a visit to the old family
house to see the peanut gang. My brother and I were busy trying to kill each other in the video
game Scott Pilgrim when he had taken a bathroom break. Bored half to death, I had opted to
wander the house and look through old cabinets and drawers. As luck would have it, after
digging through old Pokemon and Power Ranger VHS tapes, there was our old makeshift Ed
tape. To say I was happy was an understatement. I had just found something of my childhood
that one could call our first project for stupidity. At the end of the day, I took it back home and
set it aside. Unfortunately we had no VHS player with us at the time, since DVD and Blu-Ray
have abducted them all back to the big tape player in the sky. So instead I had just left it alone
on the dresser for another year. Sometime in the new year, as I was setting boxes from the
recent Christmas in the back room, I found a bundle of old technology just gathering dust. An
old Nintendo, a CPU that I'm sure was running below Windows 98 if such a thing existed, and lo
and behold an old VHS cassette player. Now right off the bat, I completely forgot about why I
wanted this in the first place and left it alone, but after seeing the tape still dusting on my
dresser, I dashed right back to pick it up. So you can guess what happened next. Episode after
episode I smirked and watched the memories flood.
The quality was a bit horrid, but I just ignored it. It was pretty normal as far as old recorded
VHS could go I guessed. I just sat back and enjoyed the shows. I was happy with myself, I
could name each episode before the title card swung by. However one episode started a bit
differently, as the title card didn't play after the opening sequence. It just dove into the episode

without a word, which from the start I could recognize as "A Twist of Ed". The episode played
as usual, Edd was his normal happy somewhat self as he cleaned the table and continued to
name off the things he 're-whatevered'. Right after he finished, the screen flickered and the
color was in black and white for a second or two. It was back to normal again soon and Edd
was running off to pick up the lipstick as the episode was meant to do. But he didn't. Instead
he did his usual run over to it and lifted up nothing. The lipstick was gone. Edd's animation still
played as if he was holding it, yet his dialogue conveniently omitted the words 'lipstick
dispenser, in my back yard'. His animation clearly had him speaking the lines, but instead a low
droning sound played as he spoke. This continued up until he was looking around nervously. At
this point, I was waiting for the scene to play out. Marie Kanker was supposed to launch out
and attack Edd, but instead the screen dimmed and returned to black and white. Edd wasn't
moving anymore, and instead was frozen still. Not even the usual movement of the outlines.
The brightness was flickering as the droning and crackling of the audio somehow got louder.
And louder it remained as Edd's next line nearly broke my eardrums. "NO PLEASE YOU
WOULDN'T DARE" I tried to lower the volume with the remote, but it didn't operate at all.
Which considering the remote was working just fine to turn it on and fast forward a little while
ago, was more than unusual. I tried to fast forward, rewind, stop, everything I tried had no
effect on the remote. Finally the scene began to play again, I saw lovable Ed overfilling his
cereal bowl as was meant to be. At this point the remote seemed to be functioning well again, I
could change the volume as well as stop it if I wanted to. I let my heartbeat settle down as I hit
play and let it continue on. The episode played without a hitch as Edd was running to hide in
the van in the junkyard with the other two. They exchanged their issues and Edd shouted at
Eddy's stench.
Oddly enough, although it was correctly used, Edd's dialogue always sounded.. off.. It wasn't as
loud nor as energetic as he should've sounded, and strangely enough his colors were washing
out and faded. Other than that, everything looked and worked well enough. The scene slowly
stuttered and flickered again however as Edd got into the back of the van to lay and ponder. He
was again motionless and the screen seemed to dim as he folded his arms and laid still. Eddy
and Ed were still going on as usual, repeatedly chanting 'THINK THINK THINK THINK'. The
volume again peaked and cracked over the speakers, as their chanting started to really get
skewered. The sound was hard to describe, but at best it sounded like the words were being
screamed by someone who was in severe pain. Edd himself was silent, only the low droning
from before playing out as the scene had focused on him struggling to think. Ed slammed on
the horn as the scene originally did, but the horn did not sound at all. The only sound it gave
out was a strange and sickening crunch. The incredible volume was unbearable now, the
remote again rendered useless. I had enough and stood to just shut it off myself.
However before I could, the screen fell into pitch black as yet another scream from Edd echoed
out painfully loud. "HELP ME" I stood frozen, my hand already extended to shut it off and
everything. The episode continued on and seemed to skip ahead as now I was watching the
Kankers walk around a goofy smiling Ed. I just stayed up and watched.I was curious now, and

it was obvious something was off. For one thing, it was strange how these errors are
completely gone from the rest of the tape since the episodes prior to this one was completely
clean. No bugs or volume changes, no different brightness problems, nothing at all. As the
scene panned to focus on Edd and Eddy in the tree, concerned about Edd's plan to use reverse
psychology, there was a serious issue. Namely, the lack of Edd.
He wasn't in the shot. At all. The spot where he was supposed to be was just a shade of purple
as was the rest of the tree. The rope that held him there was gone as well. Eddy was looking
over and was talking as if he was still there, but yet no audio again. Now his dialogue was low
and sounded like a low drone, save for one clear as day part in his words. "Edd's a goner" Now,
the line was obviously used to reference big Ed down below, but it was still pretty chilling to
hear since Edd and Ed don't really have any difference in pronunciation. The scene continued
on, Ed really giving those Kankers a run for their money. Now the screen really fucked up. At
the point where Edd was supposed to run by with his quip of 'We're not done yet Eddy', the
screen went black and white yet again with an even louder static explosion. I couldn't hear
myself as I know I was cursing up a storm. I went to reach again for the power on the TV, but
again was cut off by something else. The screen was still in fuck up mode, with the static
breaking my ears and the brightness dimmed to 'can't see shit'. However it brightened a bit and
showed the scene was different. I was looking at what looked like the wooden plank wall that
the Eds usually either break or sit on. In very drippy black paint, the words 'YoU ForGot' were
slapped on. The screen stayed frozen here as I could hear something else coming through the
It was Edd again. He was repeating a line from what I thought was a different episode, and he
was droning it on and extending it like someone was deathly moaning out. The static took a
stop and was instantly silent as the line was finished. "REMEMBER" The screen then slowly
brightened. What was there was disturbing, as now we were obviously at the scene where Edd
was calling the Kankers 'dainty do-something darlings' and welcoming them home, as was
supposed to be. But he wasn't speaking, and was frozen in his position as his mouth was wide
open in his goofy smile. The black and white coloring was still in full force, the white looking
clearer through the static and the black as dark as could be. Then Edd's voice began repeating
the word from before. "REMEMBER. REMEMBER. REMEMBER." It continued on, Edd's animation
still frozen as his eyes slowly sank into a dark black, nothing in sight as if he lost them. His
teeth and tongue were also drowned in black and burn marks started to appear on the screen.
"REMEMBER REMEMBER" I had to hold my ears, I didn't understand what was going on and the
volume was fucking killing me. He was screaming it now. I swear his voice was fucking
screaming right at me from the TV, and the quality was way too good for a VHS at this point.
He was pissed off. He was yelling at me to remember. I finally gave up and dove for the power
button, shutting off the TV with a sweet silence following.
I hit eject and took the tape out. I thought carefully as the words repeated again and again in
my head. Now, as I held the tape in my hand, taking a seat on the couch, I really gave it some

thought. I know it's just a tape, and I know it wasn't real. I was probably having one hell of a
daydream. But that haunting image of his face, that screaming. Just the tone of voice in which
he was screaming, was he angry? He was mad. And the only conclusion I had at that moment,
he was angry I forgot about me forgetting him and, or the tape. I forgot him, and I left him
alone. I tossed the tape back inside the VCR and resumed from where I left it. The episode
played out perfectly with the usual subpar quality of the VHS tape. Ed and Edd were still
chasing the Kankers and Eddy was still a pussy. I rewound the tape and played it again. The
screen was okay, and the sound stayed the same. Edd was normally speaking and was in the
scenes as he was supposed to be. As I opted to stay and watch the rest of the tape again and
again, the scene with Edd saying 'love knows no bounds turtledoves' or something like that, his
eyes and mouth was always black. Only here it happened. He won't forgive me.

Adventure Time: "Catherine! Catherine!"

So, me and my brother fight over the stupidest things. When I was little my brother scared me
with Invader Zim. He'd say the scariest things, "Zim's in your closet, Annie. He's going to take
all your dolls." Stuff like that.
Added by Weirdowithcoffee
So, my brother and I were watching TV. I turned on Spongebob and then he changed it to
Cartoon Network. I saw that Adventure Time was on. I watched it and I fell in love with it. A
day after my 13th birthday, I turned it back on and he watched it with me. It's all regular at
first and then my brother jolted up to get something to eat. It starts off where Finn is packing
his book bag, and then he starts crying. He cleans his face and he grabbed a picture of some
girl who isn't in the series. I look over and it looks like my fan art. I began jumping and
screaming with joy and it pans off.
My brother runs in and hears me and he watched some. I fast forward it and it starts again.
Jake is mad about something and Finn is crying again. As Finn was crying and pinned up to the
wall, his tears looked like blood. I was mentally messed up instantly. I scream at the top of my
lungs "Holy shit! Something's going down!" and my brother just stares at me. It panned off to

Princess Bubblegum and she's laying down with cuts and bruises. She starts screaming and
going insane. Finn rushes in and slaps her. She falls off and passes out. My TV was being an
ass and it turned off. Me, not wanting to turn it back on, watched my brother in fear as he
turned it back on. It stayed on one picture. I closed my eyes and all I heard was Finn and Jake
talking about where to hide her body. I grabbed my phone and tried to call my friends. No
I held onto my pillow and I start gasping, wishing I could shoot the TV. I listen. It sounds like
they are calling my name, "Catherine.. Catherine.." My brother picks me up and walks me
outside to take a breath. We walk back in and unmute it. It still plays and I swallow my words.
I sit down and watch the rest. My brother walks me upstairs to my room and he tucks me in
and hugs me. He told it to my mom and my mom looked it up and found nothing. No trace of
it. Not on our records. I'm not sure what it was called, It played in the middle of the day.
And for some reason, It was just me and my brother. Nobody else heard of it. I still watch it
and love it. I love it. Even what happened. I know there's not many details about it but it was
too tragic. It was pulling me into reality. The dreams I were having were so bad. My brother
feels bad about how my dreams are. Every night, I have a dream of it. Mainly about me and
Finn tied up and being sunk in water, as if someone were drowning me.
I have nightmares every night, but it doesn't bother me. My friends laugh at me. I kick their
asses over it. You may ask, Why did my brother put me to bed in the middle of the day?" I had
a tumor removed a week before and it's hard to move. My brother walked me upstairs and let
me lay down. I still watch it. Even if it would kill me.

The Lost Episode of Max and Ruby

I was channel surfing one day through all the TV shows, and I saw that Max and Ruby was on.
However, the episode name was "Episode 0." Out of curiosity, I put it on. And for childhood
sake. It had just started and finished the intro. But they kept waving, as if waiting for a reply.
Then the screen went blank. A white blank. Waiting for the next move, the screen turns into
snow and then the screen distorts as Max enters the room. After the screen is fixed, Ruby
enters also. There is no sound. But by the body language, they are arguing about something.
Not regular episode arguing. Serious arguing. Ruby rolls her eyes and leaves the room.
Confused about what had just happened, I decide to keep watching.
The screen yet again proceeds to go blank and a new scene starts. An earlier one to the one
that had just happened. A very early one. Perhaps a few years ago? Max looks very small, but
hes holding a knife, covered in blood. As the screen is distorting and stretching again, you can
still see Max walking across the kitchen with the bloody knife, with the blood dripping. And
thats the only sound that is coming out. "Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip."
Then I saw another bunny enter the room, with a horrific face. The face had black stone cold
eyes, almost no nose, and a mouth that stretched from ear to ear. Max goes and stabs the
bunny several times in the chest. It falls to the ground, the body limp. The sound was so
realistic, it sounded like this actually happened. On edge, I go to change the channel, but it
doesnt change. I am stuck on this channel. So when I go to unplug the TV, the TV stays on. So
I keep watching.
All Max says is happy birthday from Mommy and Daddy and me, Richie. Thats my name. My
eyes glued to the screen, a new scene starts where Max is in Rubys room.
Ruby not tolerating this, she slaps him. Hard. A scratch appears on his face and a small line of
blood follows. Max leaves the room, crying. And all it shows is Ruby sitting in her room. Staring
into the mirror. But when I looked at the mirror she was looking into, there was no face. At all.
Just two bunny ears. Soon Max comes back up the stairs with a knife in his hand again. He

stabs Ruby, 7 times in the chest, and then goes to her face. He is slowly cutting around her
face, and then it came off. Blood all over the floor, the layer of skin came off leaving only the
layer of muscle on Rubys face. Then Max puts on her newly cut off face getting blood all over
his blue overalls.
Max then cuts Ruby up into little bite-sized pieces, and it shows every part. The "chomp,
chomp, chomp" of every part of her being cut off was grotesque. I vomited on the floor and
had to clean it up. When I came back, Max was boiling her parts and getting ready to eat them.
All with her face on. The screen goes back to snow and then it showed Max taking the face off
his face, and biting it like a sandwich. It looked like he was enjoying the taste.
Then the screen went grey and Max said, Sweet dreams, and it had the long beeping
technical difficulties screen. It was over.
Two weeks later, Richie hung himself in his room, and so did 200 others who had seen the
show on that day. They were all haunted by disgusting and nasty dreams. Each one getting
worse and worse, till none of them could take it anymore. No one knows how or why this had
happened. All we know is that it did.

Love, Teddy; Original Good Luck Charlie Script

This Sadly Enough is real;

In 2010 Disney Channel came out with a show by the name of Good Luck Charlie. It became
popular fast and is big with pre-teens and young children. It's very bland
Good Luck Charlie; 2010humor but they seem to like it. But what you may not know is that the
show was originally written with a much darker premise.
It was 2006 I had finished with my 3-4 years of college and received my major in
Screenwriting/Television Production. I was very anxious to get my name out there so I could
begin a hopefully lifelong career. I applied for jobs at places like Nickelodeon Studios Orlando
and WGN but I was rejected from several places. A little while after that, I got a call, It was
from Disney Channel Studios in Burbank, CA. They called and informed me they had an
internship opening if I was interested. I was upset that it was all they wanted me for but I
agreed, realizing it was an OK start. Hey, it would've been worse right? Nope. They hired me
and I came out to Cali to start my new job.
I was the 3rd floor intern to the company's CEO, he was demanding but hardly around so it was
easier then I expected. Sometime after I'd been hired, I heard that they had to start preparing
new shows due to the fact that Miley and the Suite life kids were growing up and would soon
stop being interested in doing children shows. They needed a backup plan to fall back on.
Disney had called out some of the best producers to create Disney's next pointless television
show. I was excited to hear this, for a little while I thought this could be my big chance to
prove myself as a writer. I wanted to make myself a name, I just didn't know how. So I gave it
up and went back to my lowly internship.
In mid January 2008, I was fetching coffee for my dictator of a boss when I noticed an open
door with a do not disturb sign on it. My curiosity got the best of me and I quietly walked in.
There was a waiting room and then a main conference room, I stood in the waiting room
listening quietly against the door. As it would turn out it was a private meeting consisting of
about 25 people. I wondered what they were there for so I continued to pay attention. A stout
women stood up and announced that the pitches would continue after a short recess. "So that
was it, the writers had come to pitch the new sitcom!" I thought. But then I was screwed
because I'd be caught. They began to exit the room one by one, I hid in the rooms bathroom. I
came out and blended in the best I could. A man saw me come out and assumed I was apart of
the creative staff, he told me I'd missed the introductory part and I should get back in there, his
boss didn't take to kindly to tardiness. Apparently one member of the creative staff didn't show
up and I was free to take his place and listen in on them. I was excited obviously. I'd always
wondered what goes on in those brainstorming sessions for new shows. Maybe this was my
start. Nope.

When everyone returned to the room two men were preparing a storyboard and readying their
concept. They went by the names of Phil Baker and Drew Vaupen. I recognized the names
because they worked on ABC sitcoms but not much else, I could see why Disney would call on
them for this kind of job. They began by explaining that Disney's audience consists of young
children and they should try to appeal to "older" audiences. Mr. Vaupen started off by
explaining the story board. The show was originally called "Love, Teddy" which you may or may
not have known. "We begin with 16 year old girl Teddy Duncan. She has it all, Popularity, a
Boyfriend, Good Grades and everything. But what happens when our bad decisions take all of
that away?" I felt tension in the room, I wanted to leave but I was interested to see where this
was heading.
"One day our little miss Teddy is walking home late at night after visiting a friend. She is
approached by a strange older male. He convinces her that his daughter has been harmed and
he needs her help. Teddy being of kind nature agrees to come along with him, grave mistake.
He kidnaps her and brutally beats her, eventually raping her and leaving her in the streets to
die. She regains consciousness and returns home with bruises all over her face. She tells her
parents (known back then as Amelia and Robert Duncan) that she has been violated and needs
their help. They don't believe her and instead think she was out drinking and punish her for
lying. 2 weeks later she comes to find she is pregnant. Devastated, she runs to her parents
thinking they'll help her, Instead they become furious. But being strong Christians they demand
she do not get an abortion. They then agree to pose as the child's biological parents under the
condition she stay confined the house and be home schooled to save the family from
embarrassment. 9 months later, when the child (back then named Grace Duncan) is born,
Teddy is heartbroken to know that her child will never know how much she truly loves her
because her parents have forbidden any close contact for Teddy and Grace. The series will
focus on Teddy writing letters to her child and trying to maintain a distant relationship with
Grace while fixing the shattered remains of her life (thus explaining the title)."
"Dear Charlie" the letters would begin. "Your Loving Mother, Teddy" the letters would always
He went on to explain further details regarding the series. Like how Teddy's parents were both
emotionally and physically abusive or how when she returned to school her boyfriend left her
for another and everyone had forgotten her. She befriends a large African American girl by the
name of Ivy Wentz who gets her into all sorts of trouble due to the time frame of the original
show. Love, Teddy was set to take place during the 1960's, they never mentioned where
though. There was also no mention of Teddy's two brothers PJ and Gabe, she was an only
child. The series was planned to be extremely serious and much darker than anything Disney
would ever dream of.... The presentation had finished and I was blown away, so was the rest of
the room. The head of staff immediately shot down the idea and calmly asked everyone to
leave. I then realized I'd forgotten the CEO's coffee. I was caught and not long fired after that.

In 2010 I went back to my hometown and got a small job writing children's educational shows
for my hometowns local television station. Not great, I know. When my roommate turned on
Disney channel, I caught wind of a bumper for Good Luck Charlie and was in disbelief. I found
that this show was the cleaner version of the storyboard I saw at my internship. I called up an
old friend from the studio and he told me that Disney had picked up the show. He said that the
executives and producers tweaked with it so much that it was dumbed down to the average
Disney levels. He went on to tell me that original script was scrapped.
However, as it turned out Disney did create the original pilot for Love, Teddy. It featured most
of the current cast except for Jason Dolley & Bradley Steven Perry who were not included into
the show until the premise was rewritten. Very few people have seen the original pilot because
it was soon after locked away in what is known as the "Vault".

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