Let Your Voice Be Heard: Student Government Association Start Elections For Next Year's Positions

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Student Government Association

P.O. Box 81102

Statesboro, Georgia 30460

Media Contact
Ashley London

Let your voice be heard

Student Government Association start elections for next year’s positions

STATESBORO, Ga. Feb. 27, 2009- The Student Government Association (SGA) is

now accepting applications for leadership positions for the fall 2009-spring 2010 legislative


Applications for positions are available in the Student Activity Center and are due Friday,

March 6 by 5p.m. Anyone that applies is required to attend a mandatory candidates meeting on

either Tuesday, March 10, or Wednesday, March 11, in Russell Union Room 2041. Students will

be able to vote for the candidates on WINGS Sunday, March 29, and Monday, March 30. The

new elected officials will be notified on Sunday, April 12, with the election results.

Positions consist of five executive officers, two appointed executive officers, and 45

senator positions. The five executive positions include president, executive vice president, vice

president of finance, and the vice president of auxiliary affairs. Publicity coordinator and

executive assistant are the two executive positions appointed in the fall of 2009.

The Senate is made up of five senators from each of the following colleges: College of


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Business Administration, College of Education, College of Graduate Studies, College of Health

and Human Sciences, College of Information Technology, College of Liberal Arts and Social

Sciences, College of Science and Technology, and At-Large Senators. At- Large Senators are

made up of students from any college that is elected to represent students who are not

represented by a college.

For more information contact president Brandon Cooke at bcook12-gw@georgiasouthern.edu


Student Government Association

P.O. Box 81102
Statesboro, Georgia 30460

Media Contact
Ashley London

REVISED AND OPTIMIZED: Let your voice be heard

Student Government Association starts elections for next year’s positions

STATESBORO, Ga. Feb. 27, 2009- The Student Government Association (SGA) is

now accepting applications for it’s upcoming student council elections for the fall 2009-spring

2010 legislative body.

Applications for university student senate are available in the Student Activity Center and

are due Friday, March 6 by 5p.m. Anyone that applies is required to attend a mandatory

candidates meeting on either Tuesday, March 10, or Wednesday, March 11, in Russell Union

Room 2041. Students will be able to vote for the candidates on WINGS Sunday, March 29, and

Monday, March 30. The new elected officials will be notified on Sunday, April 12, with the

election results.

Positions consist of five executive officers, two appointed executive officers, and 45

senator positions. The five executive positions include the student body president, executive vice

president, vice president of finance, and the vice president of auxiliary affairs. Publicity

coordinator and executive assistant are the two executive positions appointed in the fall of 2009.

The Senate is made up of five senators from each of the following colleges: College of

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Business Administration, College of Education, College of Graduate Studies, College of Health

and Human Sciences, College of Information Technology, College of Liberal Arts and Social

Sciences, College of Science and Technology, and At-Large Senators. At- Large Senators are

made up of students from any college that is elected to represent students who are not

represented by a college.

For more information contact president Brandon Cooke at bcook12-gw@georgiasouthern.edu


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