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Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program

Item (Wilson) 1: James Hirds propensity to cling to tactics of self-preservation show he

had little care for the welfare of the Essendon players.
My Comment:
1. This is a classic non-sequitur. Whether Hird claimed total responsibility or some
responsibility or no responsibility after the event, it has no correlation with how much
he cares for the welfare of the players. This was just a mean spirited comment that
had no substance to it.

2. AFL chairman Mike Fitzpatrick, chief executive Andrew Demetriou and deputy chief
executive Gillon McLachlan are all on record saying the AFL has a duty of care to the
Essendon players. Demetriou and McLachlan are both on record as having said that
they failed to fulfil their duty of care to the Essendon players.

3. When the Victorian WorkSafe Authority investigated a complaint from the public that
the AFL failed to fulfil its obligations to the Essendon players, the AFL, in an
unrivalled gutless act, denied responsibility and left the Essendon club holding the
baby. That doesnt mean they dont care for the welfare of the players.

4. My reading of the Essendon organisation structure, the tripartite agreement between

the AFL, Essendon and each player, and the Victorian Occupational Health & Safety
Act indicates that the following had more legal responsibility than Hird: The nine
members of the AFL commission; Gillon McLachlan; Adrian Anderson; Brett
Clothier; the AFLs human resource director; the AFLs OH&S manager; the nine
members of the Essendon board; chief executive Ian Robson; football general
manager Paul Hamilton; the two Essendon doctors; Dean Robinson; Stephen Dank;
and the Essendon human resource manager. Legally, this means about 30 people had
more responsibility for the welfare of the players but Wilson only attacked Hird. I
should think that all of the above would care for the welfare of the players even
though none has accepted responsibility for the failures.

5. Wilson claimed that she researches everything before writing, and to that end,
consulted with players, players parents, people who worked in the football
department and player managers. Amazingly, Wilson didnt quote one person from
these groups about whether they believed Hird cared for the welfare of the players.

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program

Item (Fox Sports) 2: The Essendon champions fall from grace has been well documented,
particularly by Wilson, who said she still felt sick to (her) stomach when she considered
the experimental program players had been subjected to.
My Comment:
1. On Tuesday night, Wilson told Mike Sheahan that her attitude was influenced by
Ziggy Switkowskis Report, which stated that Essendon had conducted an
experimental program on the players. Claiming her attitude was influenced by
Switkowski is nonsense. The Switkowski Report was released to the public on 6 May
2013. Wilson put both high heels into Hird on 6 February 2013, when she said How
could he [Hird] not have known? She went on to say It is an investigation that has
savage implications for the Bombers coach

2. Wilson became more and more vitriolic towards Hird as more unsubstantiated
information was leaked to the point she demanded Hird resign in early April 2013.

3. Anyone relying upon Switkowskis Report is a dummy because it is not worth the
paper it was written on. Switkowski only interviewed three players out of 45 players
and he didnt interview either Dean Robinson or Stephen Dank. It was therefore
impossible for Switkowski to determine whether Robinson and Dank were
experimenting. To compound Switkowskis problem, he stated in his introduction that
he wouldnt be commenting on the drugs because he had no expertise in them. He
then proceeded to comment.

Item (Fox Sports) 3: While Wilson has been criticised for her clinical assessment of Hird
and his failings, she disputed characterisations of her coverage of the scandal as unfair or
My Comment:
1. This is an unacceptable editorial comment by someone at Fox Sports who was
endeavouring to pump up Wilsons tyres. Wilson didnt make a clinical assessment of
Hird and his alleged failings. She jumped in boots and all on day one in a most unfair
and biased way.

2. A clinical assessment of Hird would have involved a number of things:


An examination of the Essendon organisation structure. If Wilson had done

that she would have known that Hird and his four assistant coaches were on a
different branch of the organisation structure from the football department,
which included Hamilton, Corcoran, Robinson, Dr Reid, Dr De Morton,

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program

Stephen Dank and the physios, conditioners, weight trainers, psychologist and
the nutritionist etcetera. Hird had no legal right to interfere in the operation of
football department


An examination of Hirds job description


Waiting for the report of the investigation to be released before attacking Hird.


Not relying upon leaked information from the AFL/ASADA

Item (Wilson) 4: People use the word vendetta and witch hunt and I think that is so
insulting and so inaccurate, she told Fox Footys Open Mike.
My Comment:
1. I was too well brought up to label any woman a witch but as Wilson herself uses the
expression witch I am quite happy to indulge her. Immediately after Wilson using
that expression about herself I thought that I would call my book about her The
Taming of the Shrew, but I have been told that some other hack has already used that

2. If Wilson cared to look at the social media, I suspect she would be over the moon,
minus the broom, with people only using the words vendetta and witch
Item (Wilson) 5: You dont take on James Hird and his role in a drug scandal without
doing your research.
My Comment:
1. This comment indicates that Wilson doesnt understand. Her role wasnt to take on
James Hird. Her role was to cover the news, which was extremely difficult to do
because all the evidence put forward at the joint AFL/ASADA investigation was
supposed to be confidential. Yet Wilson wrote articles day after day, week after week,
and month after month for nearly three years. The vast majority of those attacked Hird
and implied that he was most responsible for what Wilson claimed was a drug
2. The saga only became a drug scandal when the Court of Arbitration for Sport
released its findings of guilt on 11 January 2016. Prior to that the players were

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program

innocent and therefore it was outrageous for Wilson to continually label the saga a
drug scandal.
3. I have most, if not all, of Wilsons articles and it is very difficult to find any evidence
of her undertaking any research. Many of her articles relied upon leaks and shooting
from the hip. Research normally involves quoting named people. The best Wilson was
able to do was to quote unnamed sources or Fairfax understands or it appears.
4. Wilson put the boot in on Wednesday, 6 February 2013 when she said: The
Essendon football club, its multimillion-dollar football department and dream team
of coaches allowed its team to be hijacked by so-called sports scientist has been a
massive issue for the club even before Tuesdays [5 February 2013] frightening
revelations. As Andrew Demetriou, Gillon McLachlan, David Evans, Ian Robson,
James Hird and Dr Reid denied all knowledge at this point, Wilson could not have
undertaken any research at this stage to enable her to put the boot into Hird. Its
inconceivable that she would have spoken to any players, players parents or lawyers
at this stage.
5. In the same 6 February 2013 article, Wilson claimed that there were insidious
rumours that have haunted the clubs for months and on Tuesday [5 February 2013]
led to a humiliated chairman David Evans turning to the AFL and Australian Sports
Anti-Doping Authority to conduct an investigation into what his highly paid football
department has been doing to his playing list.
6. If we accept that Wilson was telling the truth about the so-called insidious rumours,
she and those aware of the rumours should be hanged, drawn and quartered. Basically,
Wilson is implying that she and others heard rumours that the Essendon players were
taking dangerous, banned substances in 2012. I cant imagine anything lower than
being aware that someones health may be in danger but deciding not to do anything
about it. Hird never suspected that there was any danger to the players health and he
was crucified. However, Wilson is implying that a number of other people suspected
the players were in danger but chose not to do anything. By going after Hird and not
the others, surely confirms that Wilson had a vendetta against Hird.
Item (Wilson) 6: Wilson said she was dumbfounded by suggestions that the AFL was
leaking her stories because her focus was on the people central to the story the players
and their welfare.
My Comment:
1. After three years I didnt think anything could shock me but I am flabbergasted that
Wilson would claim that she wasnt leaked any stories. Wilson is clearly not telling
the truth. At the moment I cant think of the word that describes a person who
knowingly doesnt tell the truth.

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program

2. Only one example of Wilson being the beneficiary of leaks should suffice to prove
that she wasnt telling the truth. However, I shall list a few others which throw some
light on why Wilson resorted to wearing gum boots rather than shoes. Although the
leaks are obvious, I have elaborated in the first few

The Age (17 July 2013): It is believed that Hirds performance in his interview
in May with ASADA and the AFL did not completely convince investigators that
the senior coach had acted appropriately in demonstrating due diligence. On
first reading Wilson was clearly leaked this information by an investigator or by
someone in the inner sanctum that the investigator confided in. However, on
second reading, this is more likely to be something that Wilson has just made up
in order to damage Hird. One of the investigators was so impressed with Hirds
seven hours and 40 minutes in the witness box he told the players prior to them
giving testimony they should model themselves on the way Hird testified. The
investigators comment was the direct opposite of what Wilson claimed, which
suggests she thought she was writing fiction.


The Age (11 April 2013): Two months later, as the evidence against Hird
continued to deeply disturb those who are investigating him that claim seems
fanciful. Hird didnt give evidence until 16 April 2013. No player was
interviewed until May 2013. No Essendon official or staffer implicated Hird in
any wrong-doing. This example either resulted from a leak or from Wilson
thinking she was writing fiction.


The Age (7 February 2013): The AFL remains convinced that chairman David
Evans had no knowledge of any questionable practices The AFL didnt
distribute this information in a media release, so Wilson must have been leaked it.


The Age (9 February 2013): But Fairfax Media understands that Essendon was
not the club singled out for team-based doping The word understands is
journalistic speak for I have been leaked something.


The Age (12 April 2013): Reid had told the Australian Sports Ant-Doping
Authority and the AFL he was marginalised by the inner sanctum after voicing his
fears to several levels of the clubs hierarchy That he (Reid) warned Hird and
others about the practices being adopted by Dean Robinson and Stephen Dank
has been a matter of grave concern for the AFL. The first part is Alice in

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program

Wonderland stuff. As the AFL never stated publicly that they were gravely
concerned, Wilson was obviously the beneficiary of a leak.


The Age (13 April 2013): This claim (by Hirds camp) is inconsistent with
previous information received by the AFL The only way Wilson would know
that the claim is inconsistent with previous information received by the AFL is if
she were leaked this story.


The Age (7 May 2013): The AFL and ASADA will also investigate Stephen
Danks assertion that six Essendon staffers, including Hird and two of his
assistant coaches, took substances which are prohibited by the World Anti-Doping
Agency. The AFL didnt make an announcement of this affect.


The Age (7 May 2013): That could not be said even after a heavily edited
version of Switkowskis findings were made public. Wilson was obviously told
that it was a heavily edited version.


The Age (11 May 2013): Five Essendon staffers, including James Hirds
personal assistant, have admitted to the AFL and the Australian Sports AntiDoping Authority that they were treated last year by Stephen Dank with a variety
of injections and oral supplements. Hird didnt tell anyone prior to 11 May 2013
what he had told the investigators. Obviously, an investigator told Wilson or
someone in the inner sanctum told Wilson what Hird had told the investigators.


The Age (11 May 2013): It is understood the staffers have said they were treated
by Dank for a variety of reasons ranging from lack of sleep to weight management
to being generally run down and suffering from poor immune systems. As stated
previously, the word understood is journalistic code for I have been leaked


The Age (15 June 2013): The games governing body appears well versed on the
role Hird played in the high-risk chemical program. There appears no doubt he
was aware of the jab-happy environment about the club. The word appears is
also journalistic code for I have been leaked something. Wilson obviously could
not have made such a claim without having been leaked information.

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program


The Age (17 July 2013): The AFL warned James Hird in late 2011 to not involve
his players in a peptides program. As stated by me on Tuesday, Hird was not
warned by the AFL on 5 August 2011. In this instance, Wilson was leaked an
untrue story, which Brett Clothier attempted to validate at 12.33pm - which was
six hours after Wilson had written her story.


The Age (17 July 2013): Sources close to the joint investigation by ASADA and
the AFL into Essendon have told Fairfax Media that the AFL warning came after
senior league officials had learnt that Hird had been investigating the anti-doping
status of certain peptides. If you looked up in a dictionary the definition of
leaking it would say sources close to the investigation by ASADA and the AFL
into Essendon have told Fairfax Media.


The Age (17 July 2013): Investigators appear to have built a compelling case
that Bombers coach James Hird was an enthusiastic supporter of the clubs
injecting program. Wilson claimed she spoke to players; players families;
Essendon staff; players managers; lawyers; and sometimes to the AFL. But she
claimed the AFL never leaked her information. No one in this group, besides the
AFL, would have known that the investigators had built a compelling case against
Hird. If Wilson doesnt believe this is leaking, she must think Fox Sports viewers
are as dumb as her Age readers.


The Age (17 July 2013): Evidence has also emerged suggesting that Hirds
senior assistant, Mark Thompson, cautioned the Bombers coaching group and
football staff against the injecting program.


The Age (17 July 2013): While Hird has said he was confident the club would be
in a very good position once the investigation had been completed, that
investigation appears to have built a compelling case that the Bombers senior
coach was an enthusiastic supporter of Danks program, support strongly backed
by his football operations boss, Danny Corcoran.


The Age (17 July 2013): And evidence from some key witnesses has not been
favourable to Hird painting a picture of a coach Never adequately controlled or
challenged within the club.

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program


The Age (17 July 2013): It is understood the staffers have said they were treated
by Dank for a variety of reasons ranging from lack of sleep to weight management
to being generally run down

Item (Wilson) 7: I was talking to parents of players, I was talking to other people that
worked in that footy department, I was talking to lawyers and players and managers and yes
occasionally the AFL,
My Comment:
It is beyond belief that Wilson spoke to all of these people before writing scores and scores
and scores of articles but none was prepared to be quoted
Item (Wilson) 8: And it was quite clear to me that James, while I dont think he knew that
the players were taking what turned out to be performance enhancing or banned drugs,
sanctioned that program.
My Comment:
1. Thirty-four players were charged with taking one band drug, not banned drugs
(plural) as claimed by Wilson. This was a reprehensible mistake by Wilson.
2. Sanctioned that program are just weasel words spoken by a grub. A high school
student on work experience would have known that to fulfil the responsibilities set out
in the Fairfax and Press Council codes of conduct, Wilson should have not only spelt
out Hirds responsibilities but she should have spelt out the responsibilities of the
other people involved in the program.
3. For Wilsons edification, David Evans and Ian Robson, representing the Essendon
board; Hird, Corcoran, Hamilton and Thompson met in May 2011 and agreed that
Essendon had to adopt a more scientific approach to training, conditioning and
recovery. To that end, Robinson was employed as the high performance coach and he
insisted that Dank be contracted as a consultant.
4. Although Paul Hamilton was responsible for the supplements program, on a number
of occasions Hird emphasised both verbally and in writing that the substances had to
be WADA compliant; Dr Reid had to approve every substance; the players had a free
choice in deciding if they wanted to take a particular substance; and the substances
could not do any harm to the players. When Hird discovered that Dr Reid had been
marginalised he interfered despite not being responsible for the supplements program.

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program

Item (Wilson) 9: He was in it up to his ears and not only that, but the minute it all kicked
in, so too, did the self-preservation.
My Comment:
This was a gutter attempt by a smart arse at humour. The expression is up to his neck but
Wilson obviously chose up to his ears in order to denigrate Hird. If anyone had said Wilson
was in it up to her T T Teeth, she would scream blue murder.
Item (Wilson) 10: It still makes me sick to my stomach that a football club and its head
coach knew that these guys were being taken off site and injected, sometimes twice a week for
four months, into their stomachs.
My Comment:
1. Sorry, my limited command of the language doesnt enable me to use a euphemism to
describe this lie.

2. The players were taken across the road to Skinovate to receive Sodium Ascorbate
Solution (vitamin C intravenous drips) and B-dose (vitamin B complex
intravenous drips). None was in the stomach. Thirty-eight players received a total of
155 intravenous drips, which averages out at four drips each. This is a long way short
of Wilsons claim that sometimes the players received two injections a week in their
stomachs for four months.

3. The players also visited HyperMed for hyperbaric treatment. During their two-hour
visits a total of 32 Cerebrolysin injections were given in the players buttocks and 34
players received a total of 112 amino acid injections.

4. It doesnt matter how you cut and slice it, or whether you multiply the injections by
your average hole score at golf, the players didnt receive the two injections a week
for four months in the stomach as claimed by Wilson. Id be surprised if Wilson knew
how to spell research let alone how to undertake research.
Item (Wilson) 11: Wilson described Hird as one of her favourite players to watch, with his
mix of grace, tenacity and bravery making him one of the standouts of the modern era. Still, it
didnt deter The Age journalist from taking Hird to task.
My Comment:
This type of comment makes me want to reach for the bucket. It is no different from people
saying they have a Christian friend; or a Muslim friend; or a Jewish friend; or a gay friend; or
a heterosexual friend etcetera. Its just a nauseous way of saying I am going to dump on you
from a great height but I am not prejudiced.

Dissection of Caroline Wilsons Open Mike comments and Fox Sports Promo of the Program

Item (Fox Sports) 12: Indeed, Wilson was so insistent on uncovering the drugs program at
Essendon that Hirds daughter, Stephanie, wrote her an email begging her to stop.
My Comment:
1. Wilson received enough leaks without a Fox Sports hack peeing in her pocket. As
stated previously, Wilson put the boot into Hird on day one and continues to do so to
this day. Wilson didnt uncover the drugs program.
2. I cant accept that Stephanie Hird asked Wilson to stop trying to uncover the drugs
program. Id imagine that Stephanie asked Wilson to stop her vile attacks on her
Item (Wilson) 13: words to the effect that Hird didnt look Wilson in the eye when running
with his dog
My Comment:
This was just a another grubby comment designed to denigrate Hird
Item (Wilson) 14: What I dont understand is doing a story and not asking [the subject] of
story about it.
My Comment:
To my knowledge, Wilson made no attempt to contact Hird before writing her bile.


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