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SOLUTION 1 The assumption of the solution - I, as "Internshala EDGE Business Manager"

am completely self-motivated to achieve the target and will do whatever it
The steps that I'll take once I join the organization -

1. The TALK - On the very first day of joining, I'll have a Brainstorming
session with the project members in which I'll try to evaluate the present
motivation level and know about their views on how to go about achieving
the objectives. I'll take their inputs and will then modify the strategy I already
had in mind (If required) and tell them about it. The session will then
conclude by providing them the roadmap and addressing any queries they

2. The PLAN - There are two strategies, that I would like to follow. First
one would be as follows:
Strategy 1:
a. Contact the HR department of the leading companies in different
sectors, like IT, manufacturing, pharma, etc. and if possible, to get their best
resumes, that attract them the most by giving a business plan presentation
to them. The presentation would focus on how it would save their time as
they might have to go through a bundle of vague/unprofessional resumes
before finding some good ones. Just in case, they don't agree to share the
resumes, we'll try to extract the information verbally as what they find the
best pointers in their resumes of their potential employees.
b. Based on the resumes and the information received from different
companies, we'll make our own sample resumes, accommodating the best of
all. They will be sector specific, and company specific. They will be emailed
to the HR department of the companies to rate them on a scale of 1-10 by
providing suggestions, along with. Those suggestions would be further
incorporated in our sample resumes.
This process would take around 3 months and till then, a news would be
flashed on our website about the upcoming new feature of getting a
professional customized resume. The title of the news would be: "An EDGE to
your Resume".


By the time, we are working on this, a technical team would make a user
interface and get it ready within the 3 months period. The interface would
provide a link to the user which will take him to a web page, which will
further have 2 links: first, to get templates of the new resumes, according to
his specifications (industry and company specifications), and second, to get
his resume reviewed one-to-one. He would have to seek a prior appointment
for whether he wants an "in-person review" or "online review". The user will
have an option of "in-person review", where he can visit the office to get the
resume reviewed by the experts, and the other is "conference call", in which
the reviewer and the student would be connected via an online conference
call, where both can see the resume on their screens and discuss it. For an
immediate appointment, he would have to avail extra premium service. For
an existing EDGE user, if he wants to avail another service, there would be a
discount offered, depending upon the service.
Strategy 2- From the above plan, we'll skip the process of contacting HR
departments as it might consume a lot of resources. Our experts will
themselves design the various company-specific and sector specific resumes
and rest of the procedure will be same as mentioned above in Strategy 1.


SOLUTION 2 Yes, I would like to flip the slots available for the ads. The reason behind this
decision is to advertise EDGE in the earlier stages of operations. The
presence of the edge ad on the top banner would improve the conversion
rate. The main aim of internshala in the early days would be to make more
and more people aware of the new service named " EDGE ".
Estimated revenue generation for 1st year (Edge's ad is at top) 2 % of 5 mn = 1,00,000
8% sign up rate = 8,000
25 % 8000 = 2,000
2000 399 = 7,98,000
Yearly revenue = 79800012 = 95,76,000
With google ads1 % of 5mn = 50,000
50,0005 = 2,50,000
Yearly revenue = 250,00012 = 30,00,000
Total yearly revenue = Rs 1,25,76,000
A single reviewer can attend at most 800 applications a month with the use
of software , Therefore we need at least 3 reviewers.
Their salary will be = 330,000 = 90,000
Yearly salary = 10,80,000
Seat cost = 1000012 = 1,20,000
Additional cost = 6,28,800
Software cost = 15200012 = 3,60,000


After the calculations, we can observe that yearly profit margin is less than 1
crore and we have to almost tenfold the given revenue. After one year of
operation, we assume that many students would already be aware of EDGE.
So, the positions of the Google ad and the EDGE ad can be swapped to
generate more revenues. The cost estimation for the second year will then
be influenced by the then number of EDGE page visitors.
The measures which can be taken in order to increase the number of edge

A. Marketing more on social media on the websites like, as these websites are visited mostly by the students and in a

lot of numbers.
B. The software could be somewhat more automated as the number of
successful resumes will increase by taking some further feedback and
including some additional features. This will save a lot of time and will also
help in improving the quality.
C. As the awareness and popularity of website will increase, Some extra
premium services could be included.
D. If there is a phase in which things are not going the way as planned,
Referrals discounts can be introduced and some other benefits might be
By the time the website enters the third year of operations, It is assumed
that it will be one of the most famous websites in India where people will visit
in order to customize their resumes. With the dynamically changing business
environment more and more templates will be introduced as per the
requirements and the long-term objective of the organization will be
achieved surely.



Answer to the additional question My first preference for the internship is TVF.
Why me?
TVF started in 2010 and has more than 1 million youtube followers by now.
Led by Arunabh Kumar, TVF has millions of fans including me. Even a
thought of working with such a successful organization is quite fascinating.
I have always been passionate about the task at hand and always completed
the work with complete dedication. I have two years of work experience with
an organization named Mind Tree Eduvation as an Assistant Marketing
Manager. During my tenure, I have done a lot of public speaking and
connected with a lot of new people.If given a chance, This experience can
help me out in contributing towards TVF success.
Even in my MBA, I am amongst the most popularly known faces in the
college. I have an influential personality and can gel up quite easily with the
All the above features make me a good candidate for the opportunity.
Looking forward to working with you.
Sahil Arora

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