Ideas For A Languages Day

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Some ideas for a Languages Day / Week

1) Hello
Quiz round
the school

2) QR code

3) School

4) Assembly
5) Call my
6) My
7) New
8) Sketches
and plays

video festival

Film festival
11) Keep Fit

Print out the word hello in lots of languages, one on each sheet. Below, in
small letters, put the name of the language. Put a sheet on each classroom
door, throughout the school. Keep a record of each classroom word and
Write your quiz questions e.g
room number x copy the Rumanian word for hello
room number y what language is Mingalaba?
which room number has the Spanish for hello?
On classroom doors or in corridors put a QR code with a fact about language.
Use QR code converters such as this lets you input text and
convert to QR boxes.
Let pupils complete the quiz in small groups with phones/tablets equipped with
QR code readers.
Language facts can be found here:
Pupils can perform foreign songs, poems, sketches in assembly.
They could do a presentation about their own home language.
They could present about an (unexpected, non-stereotypical) aspect of a target
e.g. French music, German sportsman, Spanish festivals, Bengali industry,
Italian cars
Invite a professional, ideally an ex-pupil, to talk about the value of languages.
TES resources has a number of my Call My Bluff activities. I have uploaded 2
Faux Amis quizzes, e.g. ;
Two general French quizzes e.g. ; and a German one
Pupils fill in a simple questionnaire about languages spoken at home and data
is fed into a our language map. A language profile of a form or the school is
built up and published.
Pupils are given the opportunity to learn key words, phrases and numbers 1-10
in a new language. Popular choices are Yoruba, Swahili, Japanese, Mandarin,
Portuguese, Welsh
There may be pupils, staff or parents who can run these sessions.
There are plenty of outside theatre groups who can be invited in to perform
language plays.
Or the pupils can perform sketches or make videos using funny versions of
transactional role plays: in a caf, trapped in a lift, asking directions, buying
essentials, at the doctors.
I have written a series of bi-lingual play in a day modern versions of fairytales. See my TES resources. e.g. Cindy va Hollywood
Everyone has their favourite language videos. Here are a few ideas. Check out
these on Youtube:
Catherine Tate as Lauren + French lesson;
Matthew Youlden + multilingual star
The start of School of Babel ; cour de babel extrait
Paul Whitehouse football manager
Stars speak foreign languages; actors speaking different languages. David
Beckham speaks Spanish!
Arsene Wenger on languages
Fiona Bruce on languages
Bradley Wiggins teases a French reporter
Show a favourite foreign language film after school
Check this out on TES resources.
A French kinaesthetic reading activity. The idea is similar to a dance mat. Pupils
follow a Powerpoint, reading a phrase and stepping towards the correct image.

Plus e.g.

International food in the canteen

Codes and cyphers
PE staff run MFL related sports eg

Change your language club venue to food tech and cook

a delicacy (frogs legs, raclette)
Form teachers take the register using numbers in a
different language

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