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"Maybe I can be your girlfriend tonight...

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Anonymous 12/31/14 (Wed) 09:01:48 No.568>>1013 [Watch Thread]
ITT Real incest stories
bob 01/06/15 (Tue) 06:58:57 No.596
Anonymous 01/07/15 (Wed) 03:17:40 No.600
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Heres some i found

Anonymous 01/07/15 (Wed) 03:18:35 No.601

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Anonymous 01/24/15 (Sat) 20:21:16 No.630>>636 >>950

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Found some more individual caps

Anonymous 01/24/15 (Sat) 20:21:47 No.631
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sage 01/26/15 (Mon) 05:08:21 No.636>>659

Fourth image. (1422111076469-3)
Anonymous 01/26/15 (Mon) 07:42:27 No.638
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Swiss Expat: Namefig Edition !TPCZ5yhJiI 02/08/15 (Sun) 07:54:25 No.650

>any of these
Disgusting fetishists.
sage 02/16/15 (Mon) 00:05:12 No.659
There must be more of it somewhere.
Anonymous 02/20/15 (Fri) 02:10:49 No.668
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Anonymous 02/20/15 (Fri) 02:12:09 No.669

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Anonymous 02/20/15 (Fri) 02:12:44 No.670>>679

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Anonymous 02/22/15 (Sun) 10:52:07 No.679>>683

Wouldn't mind the rest of the story in last image :)
Anonymous 02/22/15 (Sun) 19:42:11 No.683
sorry didn't realize part of it is missing. (i haven't read most of them yet). I don't have the
second part. i'll keep a look out though
Anonymous 05/21/15 (Thu) 10:40:22 No.950

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 21:58:06 No.970

I don't know what to do about my grandmother
You do know if you're a hot guy your grandmother wants to fuck you right?

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:11:20 No.972

>Be 19
>Recently reconnected with 2nd cousin from Florida via the magic of AOL.
>Haven't seen her since we were both 10 or so.
>Turns out she's a big SF and anime nerd.
>We email & IM a lot, talk about Robert Heinlein and Ray Bradbury and Project A-Ko and
Ranma 1/2.
>Summertime now, I'm home from college. My parents traditionally host the family reunion
>Cousin's immediate family hasn't come to one of the reunions in years, but she wants to
come to hang out with me.
>I pick her up from the airport.

>Pre 9/11 - I can meet her at the gate

>She's totally my type. Petite, athletic, lightly tanned, long brown hair in a ponytail, big soft
brown eyes.
>She runs up and hugs me like in a movie.
>We chat the whole way home, have dinner with parents, then go to the basement to watch
>Watch some Rumiko Takahahshi stuff - Mermaid's Scar, Firetripper.
>Plenty of room on the couch, but she sits right beside me, hip to hip.
>Leans her head on my shoulder
>herbal essences shampoo scent

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:12:07 No.973>>974

>"SHE WANTS THE D" No no, little me, that's ridiculous she's just being friendly.
>"WELL I WANT THAT ASS" Yes, I know, but she's our cousin. Chill the fuck out. We can
fap later.
>Getting late and we get ready for bed.
>I'd already shown her the spare bedroom where she'll be sleeping and her stuff is there. She
comes out as I'm brushing my teeth.
>"I forgot to pack pajamas. Can I borrow one of your shirts?"
>go to closet and pick out a soft button-down shirt for her.
>Continue pottering about, waiting for her to go to sleep so I can fap without being paranoid.

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:15:28 No.974>>975

>"So hey, Anon" She strikes up conversation about something
>I have no memory of the subject
>All menory is wiped except the sight of her, wearing my shirt. The top three buttons are
open and her soft, tanned cleavage stares at me. The shirt hangs below her crotch. I can't tell
if she's wearing panties.
>"FEED ME PUSSY!" n-no, little me. You she I can't.
>"I WANT THAT" I know but
>She sits on the corner of my bed, still chatting. White panties clearly visible now.
>Oh god keep it together man, look at her eyes. Stop staring at her tits.
>her legs
>holy fuck her legs. Impossibly smooth, firm, tan
>LOOK. AT. HER. EYES. Dammit man she's going to think you're a creep.
>She puts her feet up on the armrest of the desk chair I'm sitting in.
>pink soles
>I can no longer resist. I have to touch her.

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:17:02 No.975>>976

>Be cool, man. Act natural.
>"Here, lemme give you a footrub."
>I pick up one of her feet and begin rubbing. Kneading my thumbs into the ball of her foot,
striping up and down the arch.
>She closes her eyes and softly moans.
>This can't be happening.
>She puts her other foot in my lap and and starts stroking my thigh with it.

>This is happening
>She opens her eyes and slyly smiles

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:18:06 No.976>>977 >>978

>I finish the first foot, do the other.
>She bites her lip.
>I feel I should be saying something but I can't speak. I'm too in shock at what is happening
>I am crazy with lust
>I am terrified
>I must have checked to see if my bedroom door was shut twenty times. Did I shut it? I don't
remember shutting it. Did she? Oh god what does it matter
>Trembling, I remove her feet from my lap and move to sit beside her.
>I brush a lock of soft dark brown hair from her face.
>"You're really pretty."
>She smiles and leans her face toward mine
>Heart is doing triple summersault springboard dives
>hot melty feeling spreading through my chest
>adamantium cock
>we lie down. She's atop me
>her tongue is dancing on my neck

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:19:54 No.977

>My shirt is hanging down from her body and I can see her nipples, pink. Like pencil erasers.
>I roll atop her and nibble her earlobe, her neck
>Her breath comes in quick little gasps and moans
>I move down
>I try to unbutton her shirt with my teeth
>she laughs and unbuttons it
>I slide the shirt open
>I devour her nipples
>her hips are grinding against my thigh
>I kiss and lick down her belly
>reach the rim of her panties
>shut the fuck up brain
>I'm looking at her and she sees my heasitation
>she breathes a single word

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:21:20 No.978>>979

>No holding back now.
>grade 5 panty removal technician
>Panties removed, sir!

>Good work, son. Now let's get the lay of the land
>Oh sweet mother of heaven
>neatly trimmed bush, a narrow triangle pointing to baby-smooth lips.
>Subtle outie.
>glistening, puckered, longing to be kissed.
>I kiss them.
>her scent fills my consciousness. It is clean, heady, secret.
>my tongue darts between her lips and she gasps
>her fingers seize my hair
>I flutter my tongue side to side, teasing her lips open
>lick with agonizing slowness from the base up to her clit
>"oh fuck" she whispers between shaking breaths, "oh fuck!"

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:23:21 No.979>>980

>I was not aware it was possible as aroused as I am in this very moment
>My pants are still on, my dick straining painfully against them
>Cock is drooling in anticipation so much that a quarter-size spot of precum has soaked
through my jeans
>I furiously claw them off as I grind my face into her pussy
>kicking them and my underwear off as I kneel on the floor
>"Come here!" she pleads, breathlessly
>I hop back up on the bed and strip off my shirt, she rises to pull my shirt the rest of the way
off of her
>She pushes me down.
>She is hungry

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:25:58 No.980>>981

>She rubs her face against my cock. Nuzzling like a cat. Over her cheeks, her lips
>I am not terribly long, but what I do have is girth.
>Her hand can't quite close entirely around me.
>She licks every square centimeter of me
>rubbing my wet cock on her face
>plunging her mouth on me
>pumping her hand
>Her other hand squeezing my ass
>Hold your fire goddammit
>I said hold
>She can sense it
>She wants it
>Her eyes lock on mine as she grins with a mouthful of cock

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:27:30 No.981

>All of humanity is united in song
>the universe is love

>she's holding me in her mouth as I twitch with aftershocks

>She deserves a reward for this.
>"Two-Five here, we need to re-fuel and re-arm. We will not be available for some time."
>Roger. I've got fingers.
>Energy still pulses through me.
>I pull her up and she kisses me. I taste myself on her tongue
>wiggle a finger into her. She is still tight, but so completely slick that another finger slides
right in.
>She gasps loudly
>Parents are 50 feet away
>She grabs my pillow and holds it over her face
>I was enjoying watching her face, but ok
>begin lifting her off the bed with each pump of my fingers
>her hands claw into the pillow
>muffled shouts, raw grunting, her hips thrash against me
>finally she comes, her thighs clamping down on my hand so hard it hurts
>shaking, trembling, pushing against me, her strength surprising me.
>then she colapses, pulling the pillow aside
>Her face is flushed, locks of hair stuck to her forehead with sweat. Panting, a look of joyous
wonder on her face.

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:28:27 No.982>>983

>You know damn well


>"Wait!" she gasps
>"I have fuck!"
>she scrambles from the bed and goes to the door, still naked
>opens slowly, peeks
>darts out
>distant rustling
>she returns, a shiny square package in her hand
>deftly closes the door
>"You planned this?"
>We're kneeling on the bed, facing each other. Making out
>"No but I thought maybe"
>Kissing as she tears open the package
>she works the condom on to my dick
>"haha, you're the one fucking your cousin."
>handjob motion, rolling it down
>"So are you!"
>"whaaat? You just took advantage of me!"

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:30:33 No.983>>984

>laughing, I push her down
>put her legs over my shoulders
>pussy cockslap.gif

>work the head in

>Even with the condom, she's so warm and soft
>feeling her tightness, I grind gently
>she blows out her breath and I feel her muscles relax a bit
>one fluid motion and my balls are resting against her ass.
>like a glove
>Like a fucking glove
>I roll her back farther, her ass pointing up and plunge into her again and just stay there,
>"oh my god" in a high, tiny voice, "oh my god"
>I may not be huge, but she is short, and folded in half.
>I feel her cervix on my head
>With each grind my cock flicks over it
>"oh mygod. mygod. mygodmygod"

Anonymous 05/25/15 (Mon) 23:32:36 No.984>>1162

>I pull back and plunge into her again
>Her muscles twitching, gripping me
>the look on her face
>that look alone is going to make me cum
>I have her wrists in my hands, pinning them to her sides. Her body can't move away as I
>"Anon? Anon? Anon???"

>She keeps saying my name

>"Don't scream." I say, but I can barely control my own voice
>rocking forward and back
>Her juice is dripping down my thighs
>her wrists struggle fiercely in my hands
>I let go
>She clamps her hands over her mouth
>I grab her ass for dear life
>Volcanic explosion.gif
>Saturn V launch.webm
>scanners head explode.mp4

Anonymous 05/31/15 (Sun) 19:12:20 No.1013>>1014 >>1015

File (hide): 1433079740863.png (728.61 KB, 1078x1014, 539:507, Muhsis.png)

>>568 (OP)

Would anybody be interested in my story? I've been 'dating' my half sister for 5 years. It's less
of a fuck story, more me reminiscing about the better times in my life.
Pic related, her.

Anonymous 05/31/15 (Sun) 19:16:49 No.1014

Oh and I'd probably just start another thread for it.

Anonymous 05/31/15 (Sun) 20:55:54 No.1015>>1017 >>1063

Yeah, post it anon

Anonymous 05/31/15 (Sun) 21:42:15 No.1017>>1019

Gimmie a day or two. I moved recently and I'm working off my phone right now. When I get
my pc back online, I'll post it.

Anonymous 06/01/15 (Mon) 02:59:37 No.1019

god speed

Anonymous 06/01/15 (Mon) 23:33:35 No.1027

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Anonymous 06/01/15 (Mon) 23:34:03 No.1028

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Anonymous 06/01/15 (Mon) 23:40:12 No.1029

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Anonymous 06/01/15 (Mon) 23:40:26 No.1030

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Anonymous 06/02/15 (Tue) 00:01:05 No.1031

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Anonymous 06/02/15 (Tue) 00:01:24 No.1032

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Anonymous 06/02/15 (Tue) 00:01:50 No.1033

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Anonymous 06/02/15 (Tue) 13:11:07 No.1036

>tfw horny but too drunk too read

Anonymous 06/02/15 (Tue) 19:53:58 No.1063

It's up. Sorry about the wait, life has been hectic for me lately.

Anonymous 06/05/15 (Fri) 10:20:04 No.1088

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Anonymous 06/05/15 (Fri) 12:00:17 No.1089

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Anonymous 06/22/15 (Mon) 05:51:50 No.1161

Where do you find all these?

Anonymous 06/22/15 (Mon) 19:30:33 No.1162

I came

Anonymous 06/23/15 (Tue) 00:21:31 No.1163>>1164

>me in high school
>15 years old
>too skinny
>no tits
>bad acne
>horny all the time, masturbate constantly
>mostly to girls cause lolololesbi
>guys are dicks anyway
>no high school relationships because ugly/too scared to approach people
>mediocre at school except English class
>wrote lots of shitty poetry but liked reading
>dress in like the same four outfits every day
>ratty black XL soccer sweatshirt with holes cut out for thumbs
>poor fitting jeans
>didn't know about deodorant until I was like 13
>insanely unpopular
>hung out with a group of vidya guys who only talked about jerking off
>tried groping me all the time but too chickenshit to do anything
>never hung out with them after school, rushed home to fap / play Animal Crossing / Harvest
Moon / Pokemon
>my big bro

>two years older than me

>really cool, popular
>hot, really fucking built, worked out all the time
>tried to peek at his dick a lot
>grower not shower, maybe 7 inches when hard
>he never tried to check out me, which was actually kind of nice cause dad (I'll get to him
>straight A's no effort in school
>drank/smoked pot but didn't seem like a partier
>awesome with girls
>lots of friends despite us moving all the time, he kept in touch with them too
>good at sports (soccer, basketball, track)
>caught him making out with his best friend Ethan once but whatever he was straight
>had hot girlfriends constantly, would sometimes schlick to them making out or fucking in
his room (we shared walls)
>jerked off all the time too
>endless sexual stamina
>dressed normal kind of douchebaggy prep but was usually pretty cool
>really nice to me but kind of a dick to everybody else
>still made fun of my poetry / vidya
>bought me a bunch of books
>would occasionally invite me to play Halo and shit with his friends but I sucked and they'd
make fun of me

Anonymous 06/23/15 (Tue) 00:23:48 No.1164>>1165

>our parents

>well paying job all the time, moved us around a lot before high school
>an evil pervert
>huge eye rapist
>undressed everyone around him with his eyes
>"accidentally" barged in on me showering/changing at least a couple times a month since I
was 4
>hated him staring at me, got really withdrawn because of it
>he was super jealous of my big bro
>big bro didn't give a fuck kept bringing girls over
>heard him scream at my dad once for hugging one of his girlfriends for too long
>I couldn't bring female friends over cause dad would say/do creepy shit
>bought us shit all the time but kind of ignored us otherwise
>drank a lot with the local priest
>always talked about being on the road
>really fucking supportive
>tried to get me to go swimming all the time/join swim team
>can't remember him actually touching me or anything like that
>big bro watched him like a goddam eagle constantly when he would stare at me /other
>our mom was kind of dumb and oblivious
>really smart when she wanted to be
>history buff, knew a bunch of home remedies and shit
>really bad cook
>she could fuck up ramen if she wasn't careful
>always told us to eat healthy despite buying restaurant food all the time

>smoked pot in the attic and pretended like she didn't

>cleaned house constantly like an OCD freak
>always playing the Doors and shitty 80s lite jazz fucking annoying but she'd get into it
>had a shitty paralegal job
>pretty sure she'd cheat on my dad with her coworkers
>ignored dad for the most part, sometimes she'd complain about him looking at other women
>also ignored me telling her about all the fucked up shit he did
>acted really housewifey with him
>frozen steak and shit while we got hamburger
>took me and big bro on hikes all the time to the local reservoirs
>birdwatching a shit
>she really fucking enjoyed it for some reason
>she'd go hiking alone with big bro a lot too
>acted really overprotective/jealous around him
>he'd laugh it off
>they'd say weird intimate things to each other a lot
>thought it was normal until I got older
>mostly ignored me/told me to stay away from boys and relationships until I was ready
>didn't really teach me girly stuff
>how to comb my hair basically and told me to shave my legs
>no makeup, no clothes, she didn't wear makeup either
>she shopped at Walmart for her shit anyway
>really fucking cool family
onto the /in/ stuff

>15 years old

>big bro going through bad breakup
>let's call her Tiffany
>Tiffany a psycho manipulative bitch
>hot but wears a shitton of makeup
>tons of perfume smells like a whorehouse
>sashays everywhere ass in glitterbutt jeans
>fucking hate her when we meet for the first time
>backhanded comments about how I look then kisses my brother uncomfortable long
>immediate rage
>gets inside his head early
>like really inside his head
>cheats on him, big bro goes crazy
>locks himself inside his room for two days
>refuses to come out
>our dad gets drunk and laughs really loud about it to mom
>mom worried but doesn't say anything
>finally she asks me to try to talk to him
>I make some pasta and sauce for him
>try to think about all the love poetry I've read for advice on how to deal with this

Anonymous 06/23/15 (Tue) 00:26:21 No.1165>>1166

>knock knock knock
>"Fuck off mom, not right now"

>"It's me, anon, I brought you some food are you hungry?"
>"Fuck, sorry."
>He unlocks door, opens it
>wearing boxers
>holy abs
>really fucking ripped like all he's been doing is working out and nothing eating anything for
two days
>scary fucking bags under his dead eyes
>feel really bad empathy for him
>like my heart is breaking
>want to hug him but hands full of pasta
>"holy shit are you ok?"
>snatches bowl out of my hands
>begins to devour
>"Come in," he invites me
>sits down on bed, whole room smells like stale cum and sweat
>pussy wetter than a swimming pool cause I'm young and abs/dry semen
>sit next to him
>"uuuhhhmmm want to talk about anything?" I ask retardedly
>Finishes bowl of pasta, sauce around his lips like he's been eating raw flesh or something
metal like that
>Feel overwhelming desire to lick it off
>"Um, so you want more pasta?"

>Look down, a bit of his dick is poking through his boxers
>wetter than the goddam ocean
>grind legs together a bit and inhale
>"UhTiffany came around" I lie
>"What? Don't tell me that shit."
>He fucking throws himself back on his bed
>his dick halfway flops out
>literally just staring at it now
>he's looking up at the ceiling not looking at anything
>"I fucking hate that bitch," he says, "she never shuts the fuck up about herself and she was
kissing [someone I can't remember] at a party last night. Fucking whore"
>Can't help myself
>Lunge hand at dick
>grab floppy penis through boxers
>We both freeze
>Pull back hand
>"um sorry I don't know why I did thatwhatthefuckiswrongwithmeimfuckingleavingn-"
>He props himself up a bit, abs defined like a washingboard
>"Look, I don't mind."
>Grabs my hand
>places it on abs

>"Look, I know you're fucking weird. You never have any boyfriends, you keep trying to
brush your teeth and shit when I'm in the shower, and I caught you peeping through the doors
a couple times when I was jerking off."
>I'm literally fucking shaking
>hand starts moving unconscious across musculature
>"It seriously doesn't bother me."
>"W-w-what?" hand moves up to pectorals
>"Just go for it."
>Next thing I know I'm on top of him kissing tomato sauce off my brother's lips
>he's kissing me back with intensity
>rip off ratty black sweatshirt, I'm not wearing a bra cause no tits
>he immediately starts to rub my nips with his hands, feel like I could carve ice with them
>grinding my pussy against his chest
>I keep making these soft little moans reflexively
>feel his dick harden
>prodding against my bony pale ass
>knock knock knock
>freeze like a rabbit in headlights
>"are you two ok?"
>"Yeah mom, anon's just talking to me about Tiff."
>bro sounds like he's talking to a teacher or some shit
>perfectly calm voice
>"Ok, hope you feel better."
>doesn't open door, can hear her walk away

>god I love my mom

>heartbeat 300bpm
>big bro gently pushes me off him
>"I don't know what the fuck I was thinking," he says. "Bring me more pasta."
>Put sweatshirt back on
>Resist desire to go schlick until I pass out
>make more pasta
>dad creeps into kitchen and sniffs a bit
>"smells really good in here, honey!"
>bring big bro another bowl but he's asleep
>go to bed that night
>finger myself into a coma thinking about my bros dick
>cum at least 5 times

Anonymous 06/23/15 (Tue) 00:31:19 No.1166>>1167

>Next day
>Bro invites me to go to the reservoir for a hike
>I'm wearing shorts panties and my sweatshirt
>he's got a white t-shirt and jeans with a belt on
>I make turkey mayo sandwiches for us on wonderbread
>backpacks with water bottles and generic cola
>we hop on our shitty bikes
>peddle like 10 miles to this glade

>ducks and blackberry bushes for miles around

>a bunch of dirt roads and cracked asphalt for a couple hundred acres or some shit
>kind of a popular spot, lots of pedestrians despite being a week day
>peddle around trying to find somewhere off the main
>eventually find an animal trail or something
>leads to this really pretty pond area
>two big willow trees, a couple boulders sunk in the mud next to the pond
>relatively clean, as we walk by the water a bunch of frogs jump in
>no many bugs
>we eat our sandwiches on the biggest boulder
>kinda sunny and warm
>I'm really quiet, wolf down my sandwich
>he eats slow
>"So, uh, did you wanna talk more today?" big bro asks, mouth full of turkey sandwich
>"Yeah, umI don't know what I was thinking."
>"When was the last time you had a boyfriend?"
>I look at him for a bit. "I'm not pretty. Boys don't talk to me."
>he laughs and sprays a bit of sandwich out
>"You're not ugly, anon, you could get a boyfriend if you wanted to."
>"Yeah but I'm more into girls." I'd never told anyone that.
>"Really? Well, that's fine," he tells me
>Feel a bit better about coming out lesbi to my bro
>"But you don't like guys at all?"
>"No, they're ugly for the most part. But"

>goddammit bro chew faster

>dgaf kiss him with his mouth full
>he coughs, pulls back a bit
>spits out sandwich
>kisses me back
>I start making out with my brother
>he's really aggressive, pretty much immediately starts going for my tits
>bites my lip and shit too
>get a little freaked out and slow down a bit
>he stops
>"Something wrong?" he gets really protective all the sudden
>"No, just"
>"Do you feel weird?"
>think about it
>no, not really at all
>"I'm fine, it's just I'm not very good at kissing," I tell him
>He laughs
>"Yeah, you aren't. Here," he pulls me close to him with me on top
>romantic as fuck
>starts teaching me how to kiss
>kind of thinking about how weird this is the whole time
>still really getting into it
>hornier than a cat in heat
>making all sorts of little moans, grinding my bony ass on his lap

>eventually spread legs and just grind pussy on his abs/dick

>can feel diamond-schlong in his pants
>vagina literally aching
>his kissing lesson started pretty gentle but gets pretty intense
>think he hasn't had sex in like four days probably dying
>don't know if want to lose virginity to bro
>he runs his hands up my sweatshirt
>playing my nips like a goddamn pinball wizards
>I wonder if I can cum from nip stimulation alone
>my hands all over his torso, start playing with his jeans a bit
>he sticks his left hand down my shorts
>feel his hands slide over my bony ass
>he brushes his hands over my pussy from behind
>"Wanna keep going he asks?"

Anonymous 06/23/15 (Tue) 00:32:08 No.1167

>moan and kiss him harder
>he starts playing with my pussy from behind
>gets his fingers really wet, pulls his hand out and tastes it
>sticks fingers in my mouth to rewet them
>goes to
>cum after what feels like 30 seconds
>whole body shaking

>stomach almost feels nauseous

>first time with anyone but myself
>his pants feel like the Appalachian mountain range
>gotta get that to the Rockies
>start trying to take off his belt
>hands feel retarded
>"Lemme help"
>he whips belt off in one motion like a fat black python, throws it in bushes
>I'm already working on getting his zipper undone
>my bro's hard dick in my hand
>"You know how to give a blowjob?" he asks
>"Bro you were teaching me how to kiss"
>"Oh yeah" he wraps his hand around mine and starts showing me the pace to stroke him
"like this"
>he sticks his other hand back in my shorts and starts going the same tempo and rhythm
>come hard again
>big bro still strong, basically jerking himself off with my hand
>pretty dazed, seeing stars from awesome orgasm
>bro takes my hand off his dick
>pushes my head down to a close up view
>"suck it and see if you like it," he tells me

>not good at it, can't keep a rhythm cause my heart feels like it's gonna explode from double
>keep catching my teeth on it cause it doesn't easily fit in my mouth
>he doesn't seem to care, tells me he'll tap my head when he's gonna cum if I wanna pull off
>taps my head
>dgaf keep sucking
>he ejaculates buckets
>keeps pulsing for what feels like a minute
>I keep sucking like a hoover
>holy shit does it taste bad
>still really hot
>swallow every bit
>he pulls me off "that's enough"
>"pass me some coke I need a chaser," I tell him
>he laughs and open's a can for me
>lie there on top of him for a couple minutes
>I've got no top on
>his dick's hanging out against my stomach coated in my saliva
>brain starting to come back online
>"Are you ok with this?" he asks me
>think about it for a minute
>think incest is weird, but really feel good with my big bro
>decide it's pretty good
>"Are you a virgin?" he asks
>"Well, yeah. Of course."

>"I'm gonna be hard again in a minute," he says. "I mean, if you want to keep learning some
>grab his dick and feel it twinge
>straddle him
>start trying to suck it again
>He tells me that's too much pressure and to do it gently
>feel his dick get hard in my mouth
>best feeling ever
>he pulls my shorts down from behind
>"Here it's better if you start on top"
>Try to fit it in at first facing him
>doesn't quite work cause I'm too tight
>he turns me around, reverse cowgirl style
>slips in slow
>fits like a glove
>immediately start pulling myself up and he pushes me down again
>we get a beat going
>feel crazy rush coming up my spine
>like I'm going to pass out or some shit
>blank out for a minute
>come too, my leg's look like a fucking seizure
>looks like I've pissed myself
>he's kinda shocked
>"holy shit are you ok?"

>"yeah why?" feel like pikachus are running all over my body and nuzzling me with their
static fur, body temp >100F
>"you just squirted or some shit"
>"keep going" I tell him
>we go back to the rhythm
>feel really light headed
>spine tingling again
>pass out

Anonymous 06/23/15 (Tue) 00:33:51 No.1168>>1170

>wake up to big bro drenching my head in water
>"Sis are you ok?" he sounds super concerned and guilty
>"YeahI'm fine what the fuck was that?"
>"You screamed or some shit, you blacked out and I couldn't wake you up."
>"Fuck, are you ok?"
>"Yeah I'm fine, anon, but you felt really really tight, I've never seen that before"
>my pussy feels like it's glowing
>"Please let's have sex like this again soon." I tell him
>Tears of relief in his eyes
>I offer to try sucking him off again if he wants to cum
>he says no and that we need to go home
>head back to house
>parents don't suspect a thing
>I'm acting fucking giddy all day
>veg out on Animal Crossing and plant mad orchards

>bro joins us at dinner that night

>he's quiet but at least he's eating with us again
>can't stop thinking about my bro's dick and abs while dad eye rapes me over his plate
>he fucking shoots dad this malicious look like he's about to tear his head off
>dad stops creepily staring
>love you big bro
>felt weirdly territorial towards mom
>she's still really nice but kind of colder somehow
>healthy loving family
He forgot about Tiffany and basically we started fucking every chance we got after that. I
started putting on a bit more weight, and vaginal orgasms didn't give me blackouts anymore. I
ended up getting decent at sex but still felt uncomfortable with boys besides my bro, and he
never encouraged me to have any other relationship. We still acted normal at home, I was
otaku and shit and he went back to being the popular athlete, but he stopped hanging out with
people as much so we could go on hikes/fornicate like rabbits when our parents were out. I've
got a couple more stories if you want, once we fucked in a park and nearly got caught by
people we went to school with, another time we thought our parents were out and they nearly
walked in on us.

Anonymous 06/23/15 (Tue) 19:34:17 No.1170>>1172

Nice story! Definitely interested in more.

Anonymous 06/24/15 (Wed) 03:54:28 No.1172>>1173

>year later

>fucking hikes not as frequent

>we're both a little more cautious around our parents
>dad still a creepy pervert
>bro keeps him in line around me with icy death glares
>I'm bit more confident
>more outgoing at school
>friends are a bit more respectful after my brother yells at them for molesting me
>still never hang out with them outside of school
>I'm eating better, cooking more for myself/family
>A-cups evolve to B-cups
>hair gets silky and kinda more feminine
>ass fills out a bit
>way better at sucking my bros dick cause tons of practice
>we still fuck at least 2-3 times a week
>we'd do it way more if parents weren't watching
>almost sure mom figured out we were doing depraved shit but she dgaf
>bro has a gf
>let's call her Katrina
>Kat is bi kinda a whore
>her favorite thing in the world apparently is eating pussy
>big bro HATES eating pussy
>refuses to do it with anyone
>even after I ask he says no
>pretty good at fingerbanging cause he has long pianist fingers so I don't care
>Kat needs pussymunching

>offer to have threesome and do it for her cause lesbi and I want to improve my oral game
before a girlfriend
>still haven't been with a girl yet cause big bro has me covered, so eating her out is pretty
interesting to me
>bro refuses offer
>says no that's weird, doesn't want rumors getting around high school
>tell myself dammit anon remember this is weird
>finally Kat refuses to fuck my brother unless he eats her out
>he tries
>can hear her in the next room over
>bitching and complaining
>she's hot but she's a mean cunt when she's sexually dissatisfied
>she leaves our house
>go visit big bro
>"not tonight sis"
>looks like he's about to cry/kill something
>can't tell if he's pissed off or depressed
>"What's wrong?"
>"She told me I suck at eating out"
>"Well you hate it right?"
>he starts telling me all the reasons he thinks it's gross
>girls don't wash enough smells like canned tuna thinks about all the dicks previously there
etc etc etc

Anonymous 06/24/15 (Wed) 04:03:32 No.1173

>listen for a while

>"bro you're the only guy that's been inside of me"
>gives me a look like wtf are you on about
>"I mean we can shower or something when dad and mom are outif you want more
>"you want me to practice eating pussy on you?"
>"yeah if you need it I wouldn't mind"
>next day
>dad decides he wants to go buy more useless junk
>mom goes with him
>soon as they shut the door I hammer on my brother's door
>don't bother waiting for an answer just run into the shower
>get naked
>start fingering myself to warm up
>hear door open
>peek head outside of shower curtain to watch him undress
>keep fingering myself while I watch
>he gets in shower and takes over for me
>like going from a peddle bike to a Gyarados
>cum once
>he's polite and likes to get me off before him
>"ok I'm going to try this now"
>our house had a normal bathroom/showever combo with a thick outer rim, enough for me to
sit down
>he has me sit down on the back and spreads my legs

>gets down to business

>he's not actually really bad
>big dog licks, doesn't focus clit just up and down on my labia
>no rhythm though
>I really like the feeling but it's not quite enough
>"stop" I tell him
>"something wrong?" he looks confused and actually kind of pissed off
>"no 1 sec"
>run naked out of bathroom soaking wet still
>grab cheap boombox radio/stereo from kitchen counter

Anonymous 06/24/15 (Wed) 04:14:57 No.1174>>1191

>rush back to bathroom and push power on the radio
>it's some shitty T-Pain hip-pop music
>change station to local classic rock
>Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love"
>get back in shower with my bro
>notice he's soft so I blow him for a bit
>get him close, then stop
>he's half crazy at this point from sexual frustration
>"back to me, I'll finish you after" I offer
>pounces on my pussy like a tiger on fresh meat
>like all he can focus on is my vagina
>starts licking with Jimmy Paige's guitar

>really pretty good even though he's no where near my later girlfriend's were
>I cum hard
>really loud, which is weird for me
>totally different from his dick, which makes me quiet/moan a lot
>pretty much as soon as I'm done he stands up and makes me blow him
>do it for a bit but kinda still dazed from orgasm
>he pulls me up and turns me around
>we fuck doggy style for a bit
>my pussy fucking craving dick at this point so I'm just going with it
>since I have a bit of an ass now doggy actually feels better
>we fuck for a few minutes, he pulls out and cums on my back
Later he mentioned he went down on Katrina a couple times but every time he said she'd
never wash enough. He was really loyal to his girlfriends but she ended up leaving him cause
she was a whore.
He'd only eat me out in the shower so I never got enough of it because showering together
was difficult with our parents around. I could tell he enjoyed bjs/fucking way more than
going down on me.
We never used protection, he said he used condoms with other girls because he didn't want
diseases. He always pulled out except once when our dad nearly walked in and he had like a
surprise orgasm in me. It was really hot (and scary) but my bro had me on plan B like 2 hours
later and we were way more cautious, thank christ we never had a highschool incest babby

Anonymous 06/30/15 (Tue) 15:03:28 No.1191

if you have any more please post

Anonymous 07/03/15 (Fri) 01:24:02 No.1197

There was a series of posts in one of halfchan's /gif/'s incest threads; eventually anonamiss
decided to aggregate them into a tumblr for us spectators.
I'll just leave this here for ya'll to enjoy.

Anonymous 07/21/15 (Tue) 13:16:20 No.1248

File (hide): 1437464780394.png (531.56 KB, 1343x2770, 1343:2770, 1437463198387.png)

(semi)fresh from halfchan

Anonymous 07/23/15 (Thu) 09:50:07 No.1251>>1252

File (hide): 1437625207242.png (952.44 KB, 3200x4450, 64:89, 1437614540743.png)

And if you want a incest novel

Anonymous 07/24/15 (Fri) 04:55:48 No.1252

60 pages in, and I really have to set it down for now, but I must say it is a really cute story

Protagonist!!ft8TRC/Ggk 07/31/15 (Fri) 10:46:12 No.1268

>be 15
>drunk with 17 yr old sister
>make out
>never talk about it again
and that's pretty much it

Anonymous 08/01/15 (Sat) 18:32:07 No.1273>>1274

File (hide): 1438434127697-0.png (527.46 KB, 963x6464, 963:6464, 01 - Zoe part 1 The

File (hide): 1438434127698-1.png (383.4 KB, 1346x4448, 673:2224, 02 - Zoe part 2 Does
Zoe D.png)

File (hide): 1438434127698-2.png (774.49 KB, 1264x6543, 1264:6543, 03 - Zoe part 3 A

Quantum .png)

File (hide): 1438434127698-3.png (476.11 KB, 991x3918, 991:3918, 04 - Zoe part 4 Wrath of

File (hide): 1438434127698-4.png (651.7 KB, 1033x5436, 1033:5436, 05 - Zoe part 5

Revenge of.png)


Anonymous 08/01/15 (Sat) 18:38:02 No.1274

Found 1 more, also the rest of them have too many pixels (>10k^2)

Anonymous 08/21/15 (Fri) 09:29:46 No.1429

File (hide): 1440129586132.jpg (1.2 KB, 41x125, 41:125, .1.jpg)

Anonymous 08/21/15 (Fri) 09:30:44 No.1430

File (hide): 1440129644166.png (2.06 MB, 3803x9764, 3803:9764, .2.png)

Anonymous 08/21/15 (Fri) 09:37:42 No.1431

File (hide): 1440130062944.jpg (592.66 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, .3.jpg)

Anonymous 08/21/15 (Fri) 09:38:44 No.1432

File (hide): 1440130125073.png (3.84 MB, 5632x7784, 704:973, .4.png)

Anonymous 08/21/15 (Fri) 09:39:14 No.1433

File (hide): 1440130154291.png (771.96 KB, 1323x4066, 1323:4066, .5.png)

Anonymous 08/21/15 (Fri) 09:39:53 No.1434

File (hide): 1440130193800.jpg (477.2 KB, 2900x2000, 29:20, .6.jpg)

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