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Srinivas MR, Westernisation

Response Paper
This article discusses in impact of British colonial rule on Indian society and culture throughout
the eighteenth century up to the time India got independence in 1947. It looks at the period
through the concepts of Westernizations and Modernization through which Indian society was
The Westernization had a great influence on the society in terms of aspects like class, social
behaviour, inter caste interactions, social reforms, and modern education etc. On the other hand
Modernization brought in science and technological changes to society like railways, roads,
waterways, telegraph, printing press, other scientific discipline which helped to reform the
Indian society in indirect manner.
Prior to the colonization India was a society which had a deep rooted caste system which was
discriminatory in all aspects. The scriptures written in Sanskrit was hard to understand for
common masses and was often misused by the ruling class to subjugate them. Many evils
practices were prevalent in the society like sutee, child marriage, slavery and untouchability.
The Westernisation helped to reform the judiciary which declared all citizen equal before law
and the concept of secularization emerged. On the other hand many Indians across the caste
and regions participated and benefited from trade and industrialization bought about by the
colonial rulers. Regional and trans-national migration of labour in search of livelihood took
place in large numbers.
Christian missionaries had a role to play in spread of English education and medical services.
The English education gave rise to a new breed of Indians again across caste and religion who
were more rational and reformists. During this period many of native scriptures were translated
from Sanskrit which led to unravel the richness of ancient Indian culture and knowledge.
English education further empowered Indians to enter into the colonial bureaucratic system and
this enabled them to understand the art of governance. English education and Industrialisation
lead to urbanisation of the society, which further reduced the gap in caste system due to the
change in the nature of work in an industrial setup and educated society.
Increased participation of Indians in Industry, Trade, Bureaucracy (governance) gave rise to
the Elite class. This Elite class was instrumental in reforming the many evils of the society n
the nineteenth century. At the dawn of the twentieth century these educated elite class set the
agenda for the eventual freedom of India in 1947 with a confidence to govern based on selfrule.
In general the British colonial system had an overall positive impact on Indian society and
enabled it to integrate with modern world framework at an earlier time than otherwise it would
have, given the many evils and divisions persisting in pre-colonial era. All the tools used by
the British to colonize India ultimately enabled Indians to enforce Independence and carry out
a large number of reforms for a progressive society.

Prepared by: K.V. Ram


12 Aug. 15 P a g e | 1

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