HWD Int Unit Test 1b

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Name _____________________________

Class ____________________________

Unit test 1B
1 Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple or
Present Continuous form of the verb.
1 (study) Does he study at a university in the USA?
2 We (not want) ________ to go to the gym.
3 (live) ________ he ________ with his parents?
4 What (eat) ________ the children usually ________ for breakfast?
5 She (work) ________ for many foreign companies.
6 I think he (work) ________ this evening.
7 She (not drive) ________ to work because she hasnt got a car.
8 Dont change the channel! I (watch) ________ that quiz show!
9 (speak) ________ your parents ________ three languages?
10(go) ________ we ________ to the cinema this evening?
11My husband normally (arrive) ________ home at about 6 p.m.
1 point for each correct answer


2 Choose the correct form of the verb.

1 on holiday in Corsica last summer?
a Were you b Have you been c Are you
2 Sorry were late. How long for us?
a are you waiting b have you waited c have you been waiting
3 he her yet?
a Will call b Has called c Does call
4 His family in Oxford since 1999.
a has lived b lives c is living
5 They this Sunday.
a are not working b dont be working c are working not
6 I from Southern France.
a m not b havent c havent been
7 The match was on Saturday, but we .
a werent gone b didnt go c havent gone
8 The quiz questions by our teacher.
a were preparing b were prepared c prepared
9 the answers to the quiz?
a Do they know b Are they knowing c Have they known
10 Most Hungarian actors outside Hungary.
a havent known b arent knowing c arent known
11 When learning English?
a have you started b were you starting c did you start
1 point for each correct answer


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1 She (not like) didnt like the concert, so she went home in the
2 They (do) ________ some difficult exercises yesterday.
3 (meet) ________ I ________ your brother yet?

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 1B
4 He (not ask) ________ her to marry him yet.
5 Spain (win) ________ the European football championship in 2008.
6 (chat) ________ they ________ on the phone when the police arrived?
7 The test (not start) ________ on time, so they told us to hurry up!
8 How long (know) ________ you ________ each other?
9 The weather is bad so she (go) ________ already ________ home.
10John and Paul (not work) ________ when the boss arrived to check on
11The European Union (found) ________ in the 1950s.
1 point for each correct answer


4 Complete the questions.

1 A
2 A
3 A
4 A
5 A
6 A
7 A
8 A
9 A

Do you like thrillers?

No, I dont. I prefer romances.
Look! ________ that policeman speaking to our mum?
Yes, I think he is.
________ he enjoy the performance?
No, I dont think he did.
________ she ________ a sister?
No, she hasnt, but shes got two brothers.
Where ________ your family ________?
Mum and Dad are both from Newcastle.
What ________ your grandmother ________?
My grandmother was a doctor.
________ you going to the cinema this evening?
No, Im not. I have to go to the dentist.
________ Mr and Mrs Jones ________ a new car?
No, I dont think they have. Theyve just painted it a new colour.
Why ________ you late this morning?
Because there werent any buses and I couldnt get a taxi.
________ we going to watch this film?
Yes, we are. Dont you like it?
________ you want to come to the park with us?
Yes, I do.
1 point for each correct answer


5 Complete the sentences with is or has.

1 Carl is from Birmingham.
2 Francesca ________ 21.
3 Tom ________ gone to the community centre.
4 Paul ________ had a lot of time to learn to drive a car.
5 Vienna ________ in central Europe.
6 The pin number ________ needed to make a transaction.
7 Our neighbour ________ got a new car.
8 Carla ________ coming to see us this weekend.
9 It ________ been several months since I saw my sister.
10Anita ________ in the living room.

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 1B
11My sister ________ got the flu.
1 point for each correct answer


6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.

Millions of people in Britain (1 watch) watch general knowledge quizzes on
TV. One of the most popular shows (2 be) ________ Who wants To Be A
Millionaire?. Chris Tarrant (3 present) ________ Who Wants To Be A
Millionaire? in Britain, and it (4 be) ________ extremely popular in many
countries all over the world. To enter the quiz, people telephone and (5
answer) ________ a simple recorded question. If someone (6 get) ________
a place on the show, they go to the studio where they take part in the TV
2 points for each correct answer


7 These sentences all contain a form of the nonsense word

uggy. Decide if the form is a verb, a noun, an adjective, or
an adverb.
1 Sunday was an uggy day, so we had to cancel the concert in the
park. adjective
2 The uggy that he bought for her birthday was too big.
3 She tried uggily hard to complete the project on time.
4 He has uggied in this town for many years.
5 I think my work is uggier than yours.
6 They didnt uggy until after midnight.

Replace the form of the word uggy in 16 with the best

word af.

rainy 1
desperately ________
dress ________
arrive ________
worse ________
1 point for each correct answer


8 Match the suffixes af with the gaps in 16 to make words.

1 My wifes really critical. She doesnt like the way I do things. d
2 We thought their crit____ was a bit negative, but they were right. ____
3 Hes got a job as a crit____, and he writes about all the new shows.
4 She was a great perform____. ____
5 He is perform____ Verdis Traviata tonight. ____
6 Their first perform____ was terrible. ____

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 1B

1 point for each correct answer

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 1B
9 Match a word from A with a word from B. Then complete
the gaps in the sentences.

in love

1 My father tends to drive carelessly. Hes had quite a few accidents.

2 Id like to know my ________ ________ better. Im not very close to
3 I live in a ________ ________.All the neighbours are also good friends.
4 London is a ________ ________ . Its famous for its multicultural
5 Id like to find a ________ ________ . My salary at the moment isnt so
6 You cant think of anything but that special person when you ________
1 point for each correct answer


Complete the conversations with words from the box.

checking have joining make
meet mind no performance
thank the time want

1 A Earl Grey tea or Ceylon tea? And do you want milk and sugar with
B Earl Grey, please. Sugar, but no milk. Can I have some lemon
2 A I dont think youve met Chris. Hes ____ us from the Sydney office.
B Hello. Good to ____ you. Ive heard a lot about you, Chris.
3 A Is it ____ for lunch?
Yes, it is.
A ____ goodness!
4 A Im sorry, I cant ____ the meeting. My trains running late.
B Never ____. Well start without you and talk later.
5 A How many bags are you ____ in today?
BJust ____ one.
6 A
There are still tickets for 6.30, but the 9.30 ____ is sold out,
Im afraid.
Thats fine. Well ____ two, one adult and one child, please.

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 1B
1 point for each correct answer



Translate the sentences into your language.

1 We have a cancellation this evening.

2 What contact do you have with your extended family?
3 Have you known your friends since childhood?
4 I need to make an urgent appointment.
5 Is yours a close-knit family?
6 I live in a very cosmopolitan city.
7 Did you have a good day?
8 Have here or take away?
9 You dont feel completely at home in either country.
10We try to live frugally to help our children go to university.
1 point for each correct answer




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