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Did You Hear Him?

Easter Wishes
Kamanayakkanpatti, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
March 27, 2016, UTC 2:30 AM

Jesus of Nazareth
Did you hear his eloquences after resurrection?
Resurrection brought: peaceful silence.
Jesus died as fully human
He rose as fully Human hitherto never happened
The gap between these events - death and rising
Is the mystery of salvation history
Unfathomable: strife of good over evil.
Jesus lives as fully human and fully divine
This is our known and living faith
Our knowledge is faith-driven: not science focus.
Lets review some of our woes of life...
Mockery over Divine: is Divine death
Human Conspiracy over People of God
For mad violence and control: Conspiracy is racy.

Holy Week is humanities mournful celebration

Of human and evil crime over life or lives
Crime over knowledge and Crime over Life: FIRST SIN and primal fall
We are striving for SECOND SIN: Crime of Life.
Since the first sin, we are searching (our knowledge) for our Identities
Opening ears and hearts to any junks for answer to lifes problem
Experience of been driven-away, unite us into multi-units
Corporate, Social, Racial, National, Cultural: endless units of throngs.
First sin took away Identity as Gods Children
Only through death, People of God become Gods Children
Live as People of God: You remain Gods Child, always.
Sins of the Already and the Not-Yet
Not-Yet is never to: leads us to Divine wrath and absence
Will there be a seeking God (Questioning Father, Sacrificing Son and Life-giving Spirit)?
Human wants to be Life-giver creator of life
Through their brand of resurrection and become godly
Will make you part of Evil designers: instead.
Resurrection is existential (human)
Needed for humans more than divinities
Existential for men and women like first century folks
We are existential by nature
What it means to be: before, now, later, after?
Unending questions and counter answers
Mystery of sufferings created by us Yet,
Jesus has achieved for us.
A promise of Resurrection is: positive existentialities.

Did Jesus need memorial monument?

All he had was others tomb chamber and tomb stone
Only dead have Taj Mahals: Others of faith.
If epitaph reflects life of oneself
What would be yours?
e.g. We sacrificed our todays for your childrens tomorrows (Assam cemetery).
Jesus kept narrating inspiration/experience of the Spirit
Messenger and the message converged
But that Final Moment? The abandonment?
God Seeking Minds of a desperate Human?
What was the Message? Scanty and almost nil.
Reduced to mute state of silence.

Life message from other(s)

His Epitaph: Jesus of Nazareth, King of Jews
Political trickery and religious travesty.
Media is holy
Will you accept? No Never.
Media of Christians - incriminated slaves Bed of Death
Historical challenge human shame and disgrace
Todays Media reflects shame/disgrace:
Abdominally glorifies it.
Todays teachers of poverty are
Masters of prosperities yesterday
Monsters of prosperities tomorrow: an outcry for
really poor.
Painters of black on otherwise innocent state.
Contrarians, Subversions and Perverteers
Negative Strikes like blitz of their forefathers,
Siege of Business around sphere of faith campuses,
Monopoly of superior race over nation,
Firm model formula Evil = SVC (Sex, Violence,
Talk of Pluralism is actually comprehension of
mammoth network,
The devil-like pride of men and women,
Hooking and netting by SVC elders and
youngsters, not theirs,
Faith over Evil prevail Faith over God himself.
Fear of Evil supersedes Fear of God: worldly success.
Religion of Life showcased as Religion of Death
Manufacturing Perverteers in defense of Sham Network
Subversions are way of life Successful competitive yield.
Gender alligators consumers of entertainment packages
Frameworks of human departments Facilitate convergence of Evil
Tailors and fabricators invincible and almighty ordinary men and women
Cognitive leaders of future society and will power to dominate/subjugate
Endless litany of descriptive words of negativities STOP IT please. Will you?
Grand Vision of throng: Crimes are superb (!) social control tools.
Retreat and the breathing hole
Judge for yourself wont mature you, absolutely
Corruptive and corrugative.
Fiddly and perilous: indoctrination and negativities.
Seekers of God: their Theology of Humans

Here is a sniffed review report of base education

Constructs of Life is made on generation of lies.
Eating and Evolution
Eating as Mating
Eating as Metamorphosis
No eating attains nirvana akin to (Power/Energy: Sex) snake
Refusing? Not our men/women
Play Bo(d)y and Tom Girls Gender Agenda
Transgression of human demarcation of identity
Not cooperative? Subject them to: Spiritual Terror (Demonization)
God Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier
Mother, Saints, Angels, Demons
What, What, What you say?
Evil is powerful, practical and therefore good: Seek Evil instead.
Where, Where and Where?
Where you find footprint of God
Swap with our Evil constructs
Inside mind, body, spirit, objects its just Science!
We are Professional Seekers
Came to submit our pains and sorrows
Found cognitive mines of crystals, costly and precious
Surround them: Siege them.
Why, Why and Why?
To be like Him. Yeah! Yes.
But not exactly - it is To become Him: God,
How, How and How?
You are our leader (to anyone)
Teach us and we follow you
You see we need Good people for our masks
Bad people our real doers (fearless and
Great to you! Caps/Turbans off.
Endless Questions Seekers actually dont seek
Quests and hunts like snake for their preys
Beware in the Forest of Negativities: Only
negativities are allowed.
Christian Call
Witnessing and living the Cross and the
Resurrection - NOT switch blades.
In the world: maimed by unbelief of treachery.

Come back to me: Call of resurrected Messiah in

Undisturbed spirit
Silence of heart
Unmolested mind
Cognitive Voices molest minds and hearts: cant do with Spirit.
Listen NOT world of negatives
Singulizers, imprisonments, exclusions, confinements, solitaries
Cacophonies marauding voices cattle behaviors decisional polar sways
No deception organizations: But community of persons
Or market talk to force that treacherous solitude
Find your inner solitude in the desert: the depth of humanity.
To every young ones
Be Mothers daughter and Fathers boy
You win love in family.
Instill understandings and acceptances.
Acceptances are not always expectations,
Failings too.
Write personal pathways of blessings
among the Bond of Positives
Hidden beneath communication platforms: beyond existential absurdities.
The Easter Experiences and Manifests
Celebrating Easter with candle and eggs
Egg of Life is Egg of Hope
Easter Candle - a light-flamer and its Easter exhortations
Our life is light.
We are sons and daughters of light: No Darkness and not Vulnerable
Empty tomb empirical truth about resurrection?
Tomb stone rolled out by itself or supernatural works?
Linen cloths actually the empty cloths, without its owner!
Morning Light beginning of day dawn of life back on earth
Body scars on Messiah five wounds and touchy confession My Lord, My God
Witnesses or experiencers of Resurrection: women and men of Galilee.
Meet our First Easter Experiencers
No trace of triumphalism, but
Moment and movements of Surprises: all behind doors
People of Galilee: went, saw, believed, said, witnessed
Messiah as gardener, Emmaus walker, Shoreline breakfast vendor,
room intruder
Disciples began seeing Jesus innumerous encounters: as Messiah
Silence of Messiah: less questions, more reflective witnesses
Christian triumph over Evil fang: death
Messiah made this life glimpses of new life
No fear, No terror for truly/humanly spirituals
Beyond that existential door: death.

Forget not assuring questions of Resurrected person

Why are you afraid?
Why do you seek me?
Do you love me? Do you love me more than these?
What have you got (Catch)?
Touch and see dont you believe me?
What have you heard?
Did you hear him?
Do you hear him now?
Questions by Divine person: Master of all existence.
We are People of Hope Not Hopelessness
We are People by Faith Not Presumptions
We are People Love Not professional or scientific
We are People by Cross Not any other symbols
Life expects love
Love expects life (from epitaph at K.Patti: Life lives in Love, Love lives in Life).
Our Formula of Resurrected Life: Faith, Hope and Love.

How to use this stub talk?

Like tiles, organize concepts and expand your creative ideas around what has been written here. Make it
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Praying Easter Blessings.

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