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You are in an airplane that is struck by lightning. The charge (about 10-20 Coulombs) cannot
leak to ground, so spreads evenly over the metal surface of the plane.
(a) Will the electric field inside the airplane be high or low? Will you be in danger? Explain.
(b) As you look out the window of the airplane, you notice a purplish glow near the airplane
wingtip. This is called corona (also known as St. Elmo's fire) and is a region of very intense
electric field -- intense enought to ionize the air in its vicinity and cause the air to glow. If the
dielectric breakdown field of air is 36 Volts per meter, and the radius of curvature of the airline
wingtip where the corona is observed is approximately 12 cm, calculate the surface charge
needed for corona to occur.
Hint: The electric field at the surface of a sphere of radius r with a surface charge density
Coulombs per square meter is


(c) Explain why corona occurs at a corner. This explains why corona can sometimes be seen at
the wingtip of an airplane or near power lines and sometimes on the beach
Implement open loop TCR connected to a voltage of 15kv (line to neutral) through an inductance
of 0.5mH. The TCR has an inductive reactance of 30 ohm. (a) Single phase operations:
calculate firing delays angles such that the TCR draws 496A, 300A, 100A, 50A and determine
fundamental component RMS current to validate your results. (b) Next use a look up table
directly converts a current order to a firing angle in ATP Draw.
We want to install a SVC at load bus to provide reactive compensation consisting of a TCR and
3 Capacitor banks ( all delta connected). The compensator must provide 80 MVAr (Capacitor )
at VI = 13.0kV and 40 MVAr (inductive) at at VI = 13.8kV (a) How much capacitance is

needed per capacitor bank ( in uF)? (b) How much inductance must be connected in the TCR?
(c) Find the RMS current through the TCR for Q=0 at VI = 13.2kV if the capacitors cant be
switched out of the circuit. Comment on the results. How about the current if they switched? (d)
implement in ATPDraw and test the operating limits.

Verilog homwork assignment:
in this assignment we're going to design a simple version of a shops selling mechanism.the system must have 10
input keys consisting of keys 0 to 9 for entering the products price.the system must also have 4 keys under the
names Clear,Total,Enter and Number which are used for(in order from left to right) reseting,calculating the total
price of the selected products,entering the items price and the number of products which have been entered till
now into the system.
the system here will always take the input prices in 4 digits and the user will always enter the input from left to
right as in first entering
the thousands digit(left most digit) then the hundreds digit then the tens digit and finally the ones digit(right most
digit) > for example
if the price of a product was $23,the user would enter 0023,if the price was $432,the user would enter 0432
after entering the items value and pressing the Enter key,by hitting the Number key,the user can enter how many
of that item he/she wants (for example 5 items of the value i just entered) and then by hitting Enter again the
system will move on to the next item.
finally,for displaying the sum price of everything entered the user can hit the Total key and the sum of the prices
must be calculated by the system
for doing this assignment pay attention to these notes:
-for calculating the total price you can use the * operator in the verilog language

-the maximum number of items must be 99(highest 2 digit decimal)

-sum price must be shown as a decimal number
-if the sum price is over 5 digits long,after the user enters the Total
key,the system must activate the output ERR(as in Error).
-the Clear key must delete the total price calculated


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