Final Busines Plan

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Business plan

Youth unite 2010
– a way to your desires

Mahek Meharchandani (9921063725)
304, malika Mahal
Ulhasnagar - 421004

Harsha suchdev (9665030600)

301, new regency park
Manish nagar,
Ulhasnagar - 421003

Anjali punshi (9766094402)

Bk. No.575, room no.6
o.T. sec
Ulhasnagar - 421002
Before presenting the Business, we hereby place our acknowledgment
towards those without them the project was not possible.

We are deeply indebted towards Professor Sunil Lalchandani for giving us

Opportunity to work on this project

we express our profound gratitude to our professor for their valuable

Guidance and encouragement and also for their general co-operation,
Expert comment, generous hospitality and guidance
extended towards us, which has been a great source of inspiration
to us through out the course of the project

Even if we put all our effort to the concise, the word of

Acknowledgement itself will require more space then rest
of the report. Though it is impossible to acknowledge to help of
each and every person individually with in the limited space
available. we have tried to subsume everybody’s name that has
made our project successful, we think all those who are associated
with us in completing the project, formed the stepping stone
in the project.
1 Preface 1
2 Introduction 2
3 Capital 3-4
4 Products 5
5 Departmentation 6-12
6 How to trade 13-14
7 SWOT Analysis 15
8 Conclusion 16

The following is a complete plan for starting an business by three partners which could
be started even along with carrying and job or other business because it only needs one day a
week to commence the entire business.
Although the profits are low as the plan is at the national level but this business plan
is prepared totally under estimated figures and hence larger profits can be earned as the
business settle in the further years
This business plan although covers many things but still the information is limited
only upto certain products and hence we can expect larger profits with the increasing
products. As this plan is prepared considering the initial stage of the business.
It is suitable for all kind of freshiers as it can be conducted very easily and at home
level only.

Introducing you all, new style of purchasing the products you wish, through our
website. Here, you can buy the products of your choice just by a click.
The commencement of our business is through a website, it is basically based on
online trading of products i.e. we provide goods of different companies at a comparatively
lesser rates. We deal in products of regular use such as perfumes and sprays as well as deal in
women oriented products like cosmetics and jewellery. These products are from well known
companies which are heavily demanded but at cheaper rates and easy door step service.

Our website deals with well known companies such as:-

o Avon
o Oriflamme
o Lakme
o Awance
o Hallmark
o Axe
o Fa
o Rassasi’s
o Denever
o Maxi
o Blue lady, and many more……

So all you just need to, click the product of your choice and fill the purchase form
with essential details with your current address or the address on which you wish that you’re
the goods has to be delivered and product will be delivered at your door step

Needless to say that capital is the blood of the business and hence no business can be
started without capital. It is the initial amount with which the business is started. This is an
major advantage of our business that the capital requirement for our business plan is very less
i.e. only Rs. 75,500 combining all three departments
This 75,500 is further divided in to four parts i.e. cost requirement for the website,
marketing, general expenses and for the warehouse. Out of which the last three expenses are
to be made every month where as the cost requirement for the website is made only once in
the lifetime of the business.
This capital is contributed by all the three partners equally. The profits will be divided
as per the department as mentioned earlier. After the actual sales are made these expenses
will be deducted from the gross profit so to calculate the actual net profit of the business.


Total Cost
Cost per department



Advertisement Amount
On Beauty site 8,000
On Health site 10,000
On mobile site 9,500
On Tourism site 11,500
Personal contacts 0
Total Cost 39,000
Cost per department 13,000


Particulars Amount
Rent 1,500
Electricity of warehouse 800
Labour at warehouse 5,000
Total Cost 7,300
Cost per department 2,433


Particulars Amount
Stationary 500
Travelling up to post office 1,000
General 700
Total Cost 2,200
Cost per department 733
The website basically contains three types of products which are divided as three
departments and are owned by different partners. In all there are 3 departments of the
products which are stored in same warehouse. All these 3 departments are owned by 3
different owners.
The profit of each owner is According to the profit of its respective departments.
The details of the ownership is mentioned below:-

Name of department - Perfume Department

Owner of department - MISS MAHEK MEHERCHANDANI
Qualification of owner - Bachelor Of Management Studies

Name of department - Cosmetic Department

Owner of department - MISS ANJALI PUNSHI
Qualification of owner - Bachelor Of management Studies

Name of department - Jewelery department

Owner of department - MISS HARSHA SACHDEV
Qualification of owner - Bachelor Of Management Studies

Thus the ownership of the departments have been structured in the above manner.

As mentioned earlier this department is owned by Ms. Mahek Meharchandani.

This department offers various types of perfumes and deodorants belonging to different
high brand companies and at varied prices. The main advantage is that it provides discount
offers, which provides the products at cheaper rate than the market.
It covers the sales chart of perfumes and deodorants of the entire month along with the
expenses chart and thus the calculation of the profit of the department is possible easily.
Sales chart of perfumes per month (in Rs.)
Perfumes Up to 350 Up to 500 Up to 1000 Up to 2000
Maximum Retail price 350 500 1000 2000
Cost price 275 400 800 1650
Offer given 10% 8% 0% 5%
Offer price 35 40 0 100
Selling price 315 450 1000 1900
Profit earned 40 60 200 250
Estimated Sales 125 pieces 80 pieces 50 pieces 20 pieces
Estimated profit 5,000 4,800 10,000 5,000

Sales chart of deodorants per month (in Rs.)

Deodorants Up to 150 Up to 200 Up to 300
Maximum Retail price 150 200 300
Cost price 115 150 225
Offer given 10% 5% 0%
Offer price 15 10 0
Selling price 135 190 300
Profit earned 20 40 75
Estimated Sales (per month) 150 pieces 100 pieces 55 pieces
Estimated profit (per month) 3,000 4,000 4,125

Expense table for perfume and deo department per month (in Rs.)
Expenses Amount
Marketing 13,000
Warehouse 2,433
Other expenses 733
Total Expenses 16,166

Calculation of the profit of the department per month (in Rs.)

Particulars Amount
Gross profit form perfumes 24,800
Gross profit from deodorants 11,125
Total Gross profit 35,925
Less : Expenses 16,166
Net Profit of the department 19,759

This department is owned by Miss Harsha Suchdev.

It offers artificial jewellery like rings and neck pieces of different varieties. The
classic Jewellery gives a rich touch to the person wearing it.

This department also contains full financial details of the sales of the jewellery per
month along with the expenses. It is the highest profit making department as the profit margin
is larger. Here you can get n number of rings and neck pieces so that u can select the product
of your choice
Sales chart of Rings per month (in Rs.)
Rings Up to 500 Up to 750 Up to 1250
Maximum Retail price 500 750 1250
Cost price 300 500 1000
Offer given 10% 8% 0%
Offer price 50 60 0
Selling price 450 690 1250
Profit earned 150 190 250
Estimated Sales 55 pieces 40 pieces 20 pieces
Estimated profit 8,250 7,600 5,000

Sales chart of Neck pieces per month (in Rs.)

Neck pieces Up to 1500 Up to 2250 Up to 3000 Up to 4500
Maximum Retail price 1500 2250 3000 4500
Cost price 1100 1750 2500 3950
Offer given 15% 10% 0% 5%
Offer price 225 225 0 225
Selling price 1275 2025 3000 4275
Profit earned 175 275 500 325
Estimated Sales 45 pieces 30 pieces 20 pieces 5 pieces
Estimated profit 7,875 8,250 10,000 1,625

Expense table for Jewellery department per month (in Rs.)

Expenses Amount
Marketing 13,000
Warehouse 2,433
Other expenses 733
Total Expenses 16,166

Calculation of the profit of the department per month (in Rs.)

Particulars Amount
Gross profit form Rings 20,850
Gross profit from Neck pieces 27,750
Total Gross profit 48,600
Less : Expenses 16,166
Net Profit of the department 32,434

Here is the cosmetic department owned by Miss Anjali punshi

It offers various beauty products like lipsticks, nail paints, eye beauty products
etc. The main advantage of buying these kind of products from is that it
provides heavy discounts.
Generally at the retail shops the owners can not keep a larger number of
sample pieces to provide options but here one can get more than 100 shades of every lipstick
or nail paint as it does not require any extra capital to keep the stock, here we just have to
upload the photos of all the shades
Sales chart of lipsticks per month (in Rs.)
Lipsticks Up to 150 Up to 215 Up to 375
Maximum Retail price 150 215 375
Cost price 110 175 250
Offer given 10% 5% 15%
Offer price 15 10 55
Selling price 135 205 320
Profit earned 25 30 70
Estimated Sales 155 pieces 125 pieces 80 pieces
Estimated profit 3,125 3,750 5,600

Sales chart of Nail paints per month (in Rs.)

Nail paints Up to 100 Up to 150 Up to 225 Up to 300
Maximum Retail price 100 150 225 300
Cost price 75 115 185 225
Offer given 0% 5% 10% 15%
Offer price 0 8 23 45
Selling price 100 142 202 255
Profit earned 25 27 17 30
Estimated Sales 200 pieces 160 pieces 85 pieces 50 pieces
Estimated profit 5,000 4,320 1,445 1,500

Sales chart of Eye beauty products per month (in Rs.)

Eye beauty products Up to 110 Up to 215 Up to 275 Up to 320
Maximum Retail price 110 215 275 320
Cost price 85 170 165 270
Offer given 0% 10% 15% 5%
Offer price 0 22 42 16
Selling price 110 193 233 304
Profit earned 25 23 68 34
Estimated Sales 125 pieces 110 pieces 75 pieces 55 pieces
Estimated profit 3,125 2,530 5,100 1,870

Expense table for Cosmetics department per month (in Rs.)

Expenses Amount
Marketing 13,000
Warehouse 2,433
Other expenses 733
Total Expenses 16,166
Calculation of the profit of the department per month (in Rs.)
Particulars Amount
Gross profit form Lipsticks 12,475
Gross profit from Nail paints 12,265
Gross profit from Eye beauty products 12,625
Total Gross profit 37365
Less : Expenses 16,166
Net Profit of the department 21,199

 Visit the website

 Choose the department

 Select the product

 Fill in the buy now form

o Product details

o Credit card details

 Receive the product(s) after 7 days

St rt

S o
w a
k o
e a
A i
 Deals in good quality products of well-known companies
 Easy online trading
 Providing products at comparatively cheaper rates
 Delivery at door step
 Variety of products at one place
 Consumer Security

 Takes comparatively longer time to deliver the goods
 Needs high budged marketing

 Large number of customers
 Wider Business scope
 Higher demands for products

 Companies itself providing huge discount rates
 Duplication of the website

“Journey of growth starts with a

speed ends with a blossom flower”

Some thing happen with us when we started the project without any knowledge. But
the stage which we have arrived now have entirely change the perception from this project
we have learnt many things which everyone should adopt in their life to change the complete
environment. The knowledge and experience which we have got cannot be expressed on a
piece of paper but

“It is not an end the journey has just began……..”

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