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ME 413: System Dynamics & Control

Mechanical Systems (2
Modeling of a Car Suspension System

Name: __________________________________

ID #: __________________________________

Section #: __________________________________

Due Date: __________________________________

Instructor __________________________________
ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual





1. To suggest a simple model of a car suspension system of a pickup truck and

2. to simulate its response for a given profile of the road.


The motion of mechanical elements can be described in various dimensions as

translational, rotational, or combination of both. The equations governing the
motion of mechanical systems are often formulated from Newton’s law of motion.
The following steps are necessary in the modeling and formulation of linear
mechanical systems

1. Construct a model for the system containing interconnecting elements.

2. Draw the free-body diagram.
3. Write equations of motion of all forces acting on the free body diagram.

Translational Motion

Suppose that forces are acting on a body of mass m. If ∑F is the sum of all
forces acting on a mass m through the center of mass in a given direction, then

∑F = m a (1)

where ais the resulting absolute acceleration in that direction. The line of action of
the force acting on a body must pass through the center of mass of the body.
Otherwise, rotational motion will also be involved.

Rotational Motion

For a rigid body in pure rotation about a fixed axis, Newton’s second law states that

∑T = J α (2)

Mechanical Systems (2): Modeling of a Car Suspension System 1

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

where ∑T is the sum of all torques acting about a given axis, J is the moment of
inertia of a body about that axis, and α is the angular acceleration of the body.


Summary of Elements Involved in Linear Mechanical Systems

Element Translation Rotation

F4 F2
m F1 θ
F3 J
∑F = m a
∑T = J α

x1 x2 k
Spring k θ1 θ2

F = k ( x1 − x2 ) = kx T = k (θ1 − θ 2 ) = kθ

x 1 x 2 b
Damper b
θ1 θ2
F = b( x1 − x 2 ) = bx T = b(θ1 − θ2 ) = bθ

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ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

Part 1: Background

Purpose of the Suspension System

The purpose of the suspension system is

• to provide a smooth ride in the car and

• to help maintain control of the vehicle over rough terrain or in case of sudden

The two basic types of suspension systems used in most cars today are:

• Strut suspension and

• Conventional suspension.

Suspension systems control the movement of the car and keep the tires in contact
with the road, providing a better and safer ride, [1].

Basic Functions of Suspension System

The components of the suspension system perform six basic functions [2]:

1. Maintain correct vehicle ride height

2. Reduce the effect of shock forces
3. Maintain correct wheel alignment
4. Support vehicle weight
5. Keep the tires in contact with the road
6. Control the vehicle’s direction of travel

Shock Absorber

Shock absorbers are attached to the car's frame near each wheel on most cars with
conventional suspension systems. Shock absorbers are either housed inside coil
springs, or mounted beside them.

When a car hits a bump, the spring contracts, the shock absorber works with a
piston and thick fluid inside it to keep the spring from rebounding too quickly,
making your car ride smoother, improving control and reducing tire wear.

Coil Spring

Coil Springs are a component in both Strut and conventional suspension systems.
When a car goes over a bump or has to stop quickly, the coil spring contracts then
rebounds. It is the job of the Strut or shock absorber to keep the coil spring from
rebounding too quickly.

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ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

Strut Assembly (Strut and Cartridge)

Most front wheel drive cars have some kind of strut suspension. The strut is a
special type of shock absorber that helps to minimize the motion of the suspension.
The coil spring surrounds the strut assembly. Struts and shock absorbers work in
very similar ways. However, struts function as a structural part of the suspension
system, and therefore also affect things like wheel alignment, vehicle control and
suspension wear.

Strut Suspension System

Most front wheel drive cars have some sort of strut suspension System. In the strut
suspension system, a coil spring with a bearing plate at each end supports the car.
The spring assembly rests on a seat. The strut suspension system helps to cushion
the movement of the coil spring when a car hits a bump or a pothole and works to
hold the tires to the road and provide better vehicle control. See Figure 1.

Figure 1 Strut suspension system.

Conventional (Shock Absorber) Suspension System

In conventional (Shock Absorber) suspension systems, two control arms are

attached to the frame of the car and a coil spring and shock absorber are attached
to the frame and one of the control arms. The spring and shock absorber work
together to smooth the ride of the car over the roughness of the road. This

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suspension system works to hold the tires to the road and provide better vehicle
control. See Figure 2.

Figure 2 Shock absorber system.

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ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

Part 2: Assignment

The suspension system for one wheel of an old-fashioned pickup truck can be
illustrated as shown in Figure 3 a. The mass of the vehicle is M and the mass of
the wheel is m . The suspension spring has a constant k 1 and the tire has a spring
constant k2 The damping constant of the shock absorber is b.



Figure 3 Car suspension model

1. Based on the description above suggest a suitable model for this system.

2. Draw the free body diagram of the suggested model.

3. Write the equations of motion of the system.

4. For zero initial conditions, take Laplace transform of both sides of the
equations obtained in (3). Obtain the transfer functions

X1 (s ) num _1 X 2 (s ) num _ 2
G1 (s ) = = and G 2 (s ) = =
Y (s ) den Y (s ) den

in function of the system parameters M , m , b, k 1

and k 2
. In the above
X1 (s ) and X 2 (s ) represent Laplace transform of x1 (t ) and x 2 (t ) ,
respectively and Y (s ) represents Laplace transform of y (t ) . The
quantities num _1 , num _ 2 , and den are numerator and denominator
polynomials in s.
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ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

5. Write G1 (s ) and G 2 (s ) in the form

X1 (s ) …s + …
G1 (s ) = =
Y (s ) … s + … s 3 + … s 2 + … s + …

X 2 (s ) …s 2 + …s + …
G 2 (s ) = =
Y (s ) … s 4 + … s 3 + … s 2 + … s + …

6. Use MATLAB to plot the responses x1 (t ) and x 2 (t ) for each case of the
road profiles shown in Figure 4 above for the given values of system

a) M = 500 Kg, m = 20 Kg, k1 = 250 N/m, k 2 = 1 KN/m, and b = 1.0 KN-s/m.

b) M = 500 Kg, m = 20 Kg, k 1 = 500 N/m, k 2 = 1 KN/m, and b = 500 N-s/m.

c) M = 200Kg, m = 20Kg, k1 = 100N/m, k 2 = 500N/m, and b = 750N-s/m.

d) Suggest any other values of M , m , c, k 1

and k 2

y (t ) y (t )
0 .1

t t

y (t ) y (t )

1 0.25

t t

Figure 4. Profile of the road

7. Referring to the previous question (6), which choice of system

parameters M , m , b , k 1 and k 2 is the best one and why? Justify your

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ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

8. Use the Final Value Theorem (FVT) to obtain the steady state values x1ss
and x 2ss of the system that appears to you to be the best one.

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ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

Part 3: MATLAB Program

1. In MATLAB command windw click: File  New  M-File. The Matlab
editor window opens. In this window write the following MATLAB program.

Matlab Program

% --------------------- System Parameters ---------------------

num1=[……. …….];
num2=[……. ……. …….];
den=[……. ……. ……. ……. …….];
%---------------------- Case a: Step Input -----------------
title('case a: Step Input')
%---------------------- Case b: Impulse Input -----------------
title('case b: Impulse Input')
%---------------------- Case C : Arbitrary Input -----------------
for k=1:length(t)
if t(k)<=1
elseif t(k)>=1
title('Case C: Arbitrary Input')
%---------------------- Case D : Arbitrary Input -----------------
for k=1:length(t)
if t(k)<=3

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ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

title('Case D: Arbitrary Input')

2. Save your file as: File Save as A window opens as shown below. In
the space provided for file name type: xxx.m where xxx is the file name
and .m is the extension for Matlab files.

3. To run your program you need to press F5 or copy the program and paste it
into MATLAB prompt and press ENTER


[3] K. Ogata, System Dynamics, Fourth Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
[6] http://www.sciences.univ-

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