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To be completed by the Student Teacher ; a copy of the plan should be provided to Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor prior

to lesson implementation.


2011 - 2012 Lesson Plan Format

Note: This document is a

template in MSWord. As you
type into the form, it will
expand to accommodate what
you have written.

Student Teacher _Mantha Fotiadis Grade Level_8_ Subject__Spanish

Date of lesson_______________
Length of lesson___50 Min_____

Lesson Topic: Revolucin por Amaral

Overall Goal:

(Broad statement using non action verbs) Students will understand that.

Students will understand that different conjugations of verbs are used when conjugating in the past tense.

Learner Background: (This addresses why the lesson is being taught.)

Describe the students prior knowledge or skill related

to the learning objective(s) and the content of this lesson, using data from pre-assessment as appropriate. How did the students previous
performance in this content area or skill impact your planning for this lesson?

Students have already learned how to use the past tense, however, because it was taught two units prior
to this, the teacher is giving an activity to allow student to practice the past verb tenses (preterit and
imperfect), in order to prepare their correct use of talking about the past. The past tense needs to be
reviewed because not many students showed mastery of how and when to use the preterit and
imperfect, so this gives the teacher and students more time to go over it as a review. The review of the
past tense is necessary because it is a difficult tense and it is will be beneficial that the students know
how to use it properly for their upcoming integrate performance assessment, along with the subjunctive
tense that has newly been taught. The song also encompasses some of the vocabulary that the students
are required to know and therefore gives them a good review of the usage of not only grammar, but
vocabulary as well. The song pertains to the unit about art and dictatorship because it is about
revolution, and is a good primer that will ease the transition into looking at artistic movements from
the 20th century, since Amaral is a music group from Spain that is fairly contemporary (from the 21st
century). The song will allow students to get engaged and interested in the lessons to come, because it
shows them how the information they are learning is still relevant today.
Curricular Standards:

Identify the primary state standard(s) this lesson is designed to help students attain. (If required, include
the national and/or local standards as well.)

State Standards
3. Communication: Students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of
5. Connections: Students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through
the world language.
6. Connections: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in
the world language, using technology, print, audiovisuals, media, data and human resources.
National Standards
Standard 1.3: Students present information concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on
a variety of topics
Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and
perspectives of the culture studied.
August 2011 University of New Haven
2011 - 2012


2011 - 2012 Lesson Plan Format
Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for
personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Student Learning Objective(s):

Identify specific and measurable learning objectives for this lesson. Use action verbs.

Students will be able to.

1. Students will be able to recognize past tense verbs. (Remember)

2. Students will be able to identify new vocabulary words. (Remember)
3. Students will be able to interpret the message portrayed in a song to be
personally meaningful. (Understand)
Part I: How will you check for student understanding during the lesson? (Formative)
Students will fill in the blanks with the missing verb conjugated in the past tense upon hearing the verb
in the song presented to them.
Part II:

How will you ask students to demonstrate mastery of the student learning objective(s)? Attach a copy of any assessment
materials you will use, along with assessment criteria/rubric. (Formative or summative)

Students will fill in the blanks with the correct verb that they heard and then work in small groups to
translate the lyrics to the song Revolucon by pop singer Amaral. They will be able to recall
vocabulary words found in the text.

List the materials you will use in each learning activity including any technological resources.

Youtube Video: Revolucin by Amaral

An overhead copy of the lyrics with missing verbs or projected on SmartBoard
The worksheets for each student (including differentiated levels)
Spanish-English Dictionaries
The Lesson
Initiation: 10 minutes
Part I - Briefly describe how you will introduce the lesson, engage students in the lesson and connect it to previous learning.
(This is intended to motivate students.)

As the students enter into the classroom they will each be given numbered cards and then
proceed to sit in their assigned seats for that day. Students will be in homogenous groups (grouped by
ability). There will be a warm up Diario exercise on the board that they will have to respond. The
diario exercise will involve a question requiring them incorporate the past tense. A few of the students
will share their responses with the class. Their responses should include the correct usage of verbs
conjugated in the past tense.

August 2011 University of New Haven

2011 - 2012


2011 - 2012 Lesson Plan Format

Part II (This is intended to bridge to the lesson:

set expectations for learning, articulate to learners what they will be

learning in this lesson and why this is important).

The teacher will tell students that they will be listening to a song and filling in the blanks on a
lyrics worksheet. The verbs that need to go in the blanks are going to be in the past tense, so they
should listen correctly write the verb in the appropriate conjugated form. The unconjugated verb will
be in parentheses next to the blank. The teacher will also tell students that the purpose of listening to
this song is to understand how talking about revolution is still relevant, and that relaying the message
about revolution in song is one mode of expressing artistically
Lesson Development: Describe how you will develop the lesson:

what you will do to model or guide practice and the learning

activities students will be engaged in to gain the key knowledge and skills identified in the student learning objective(s). Include the
questions you will ask, identify and explain the instructional grouping (whole class, small groups, pairs, individuals) for each lesson
segment, and include the approximate times for each. Include reference to Blooms taxonomy to identify higher levels of thinking.

30 Minutes:
The teacher will tell the students that today they will be learning how to conjugate verbs in the
past tense.
The teacher will explain to the students that learning the past tense will allow them to expand
their language skills and enable them to express themselves with fewer language restrictions in
Spanish. The assignment involves listening to the song Revolucin by Amaral, in Spanish an
The students will be required, on their own, to fill in the missing verbs that they hear sung. The
song will be played several times in order for the students to get used to the language and
repeated phrases.
The teacher will tell the students that in addition to filling in the blanks with the correct
conjugation of the verb (Apply)
The teacher will reiterate that the numbers that they received at the beginning of the class will
tell them at which group to sit at when the time comes. Assign the groups which stanzas they
will be translating and tell them to use their dictionaries.
By translating the song, the students will realize what the song is about and be able to relate it
to the culture unit on Revolutions (Understand).
Each group must do their stanzas to the best of their ability because it will be gone over in class
and the students will have to synthesize each stanza for homework, resulting in their own
translated version of the song (Apply)

Ask the students to look over their lyrics as the class reads them out loud
Play the song Revolucin by Amaral
Have the students fill in the blanks as they listen (Understand).
Stop the song in intervals so the students have a chance to work on filling
in the blanks stanza by stanza.
Continue on with the song, stopping at the respective stanzas.
After the class has completed the lyrics worksheet, ask them to move into
their groups.

August 2011 University of New Haven

2011 - 2012


2011 - 2012 Lesson Plan Format

Go over the lyrics to make sure that each student has the correct verb in
the blank.
The students will begin translating the lyrics.

Closure: Briefly describe how you will close the lesson, help students understand the purpose of the lesson, and show how
it will connect to future learning. (Rather than an administrative closure, interact with learners to elicit evidence of student
understanding of purpose(s) for learning and mastery of objectives)

10 Minutes:
Have each group present their translations and tell them to copy down the
translations on their own papers.
Call the class back to their seats and discuss how the past tense verbs
sound, appear, if they recognized cognates.
Tell the students to fine-tune their translations for homework.
Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction: Describe students with learning differences. These students may be
special or general education students and need not be the same students for each lesson. Students may represent a range of ability and/or
achievement levels, including students with IEPs, gifted and talented students, struggling learners, and English language learners.

Note: Differentiated instruction may not be necessary in every lesson. However, for formal, scripted observations and in
lessons included in the portfolio, it is expected that each student teacher will demonstrate the ability to plan and implement
differentiated instruction in order to meet the needs of students at both ends of the learning spectrum.

Remember: differentiation means different, not more; differentiation should focus on

learning, not behavior.
Which students do you anticipate may struggle with the activities and/or learning objectives of this lesson?
Student initials
Evidence that the student needs
How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson to support student
differentiated instruction

Student has learning

disability and needs things
at a much slower pace

Less words will be missing from the fill in the blank activity
sheet and suggested verbs will be provided on the activity sheet
as well.

Which students will need opportunities for enrichment and/or higher level of challenge?
Student initials
Evidence that the student needs
How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson to support student
differentiated instruction
Student is proficient in the
No suggestions will be provided on the worksheet and more words from the
language and has an easy time
song will be missing.
August 2011 University of New Haven
2011 - 2012


2011 - 2012 Lesson Plan Format

learning new language concepts.

Notes from conferences

August 2011 University of New Haven

2011 - 2012

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