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Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1320300.1)

This document provides a starting point for your implementation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

You should periodically check this document on My Oracle Support for updates, which are made as required. For example, new known
issues may be added.
The change log will help you identify amendments.

You should also reference the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Web Library for the latest versions of the relevant books.

In this Document

Section 1: Instructions for All Customers

Section 2: Instructions for New Installation Customers
Section 3: Instructions for Upgrade Customers
Section 4: Resolutions for Known Issues
Section 5: Desktop Client Certification
Section 6: Documentation Errata
Change Log

If you are...

Follow these sections...

Installing a new Oracle E-Business Suite system

1. Instructions for All Customers

2. Instructions for New Installation Customers

Upgrading from Release 11i, 12.0.x, or R12.1.x to 12.2

1. Instructions for All Customers

2. Instructions for Upgrade Customers

Section 1: Instructions for All Customers

Note: This section should be followed both by new installation customers and upgrade customers.

1.1 Release Update Pack 12.2.3 (RUP3) or later - REQUIRED

An Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 release update pack provides a thoroughly tested and easy to install collection of important
patches that were created after the initial release of 12.2, and need to be applied to any Release 12.2 system intended for production

Before using Oracle E-Business Suite, you must upgrade to a certified 12.2 release update pack (see subsection 2.4). We recommend
12.2.5. As the latest suite-wide release update pack, it includes new software updates as well as the updates that were included in the
previous release update packs.
If you are an upgrade customer, you must not start any of the application tier services until you upgrade to a certified release update
Before installing or upgrading, you should read and follow the instructions in the Installation and Upgrade Notes for your platform:
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
for Linux x86-64
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
for Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
for IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
for HP-UX Itanium
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
for Microsoft Windows (64-bit)

1330701.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)
1330702.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)
1330703.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)

1330704.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)
1330706.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)

IMPORTANT: If you are installing on Exadata or Exalogic, follow the instructions in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
1330701.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2) for Linux x86-64 above. On the Exadata
server, only install the packages (specified in the Required Packages section of Document 1330701.1) required for the database tier.
Do not use the "Oracle E-Business Suite Pre-Install RPM" as this includes both application tier and database tier packages.

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You should then refer to:

Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install (Part No. E22950)
Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide, Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2 (Part No. E48839)
Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide, Release 11i to 12.2 (Part No. E48834)

These and other Release 12.2 documents are updated as required. Make sure that you have the most current versions before you begin
to install or upgrade your system.
Note: Before applying the release update pack, you must complete the installation or upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2.0, including all the post-upgrade steps along with all instructions in this document.
Note: The instructions for applying the latest Oracle E-Business Suite release update pack are available in My Oracle Support
Document 1583092.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Suite-Wide Rollup and AD/TXK Delta Information.
Note: You should not apply the NLS version of the US patches listed in this document. They are not required. If installing new
languages or upgrading an existing NLS system to Release 12.2, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1314621.1,
Oracle E-Business Suite NLS Release Notes, Release 12.2.

1.2 Current Version of startCD

Oracle recommends using the latest startCD (currently - Patch 22066363) to install or upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2.0. You must then apply a certified release update pack (12.2.5 is strongly recommended), as described in subsection 1.1.




AD and TXK Codelevel

Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 1617461.1, Applying the Latest
AD and TXK Release Update Packs to
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.


Patch 22066363,
available on My
Oracle Support

Required Oracle E-Business Suite

Release Update Pack
Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.5 (strongly
recommended), 12.2.4, or 12.2.3

Refer to My Oracle Support Document

1583092.1, Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2: Suite-Wide Rollup and
AD/TXK Delta Information

Note: For fresh installs of Oracle E-Business Suite, startCD (Patch 22066363) installs Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g PS7
( and Oracle Database 12cR1 (, and requires the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Media Pack.
For upgrades, the stage area must be recreated after downloading the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Media Pack. An
existing stage area created with startCD or earlier cannot be re-used as it will contain Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g PS6
( or lower, and startCD uses Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g PS7 (
Although we recommend upgrading your database to Release 12c ( at the earliest opportunity, you can if needed use
startCD to upgrade your Oracle E-Business Suite system to Release 12.2 without immediately upgrading to Oracle
Database 12c. For more information, refer to the Upgrade Paths section of My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1349240.1,
Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Upgrade.

1.3 Obtain Software Via Electronic Download

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 is available for download.

See Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install for full details of the download, staging, and installation process.

After staging the Rapid Install software with the (buildStage.cmd for Windows) script, the md5 checksums for the staged
directory structure can be used to validate the software integrity.

1. Download the md5 checksum results from Oracle, as posted below, into a local file. For example <your platform> md5sum_.txt.

The attached files contain the md5 checksum results for every Release 12.2 release. Download the file corresponding to the used
release and platform. The md5 checksum was created without the startCD as it is often being updated; the checksum for the
startCDs can be tested separately.
Release 12.2 checksums currently available (all based on startCD
R12.2 - Linux x86-64
R12.2 - IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)

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R12.2 - Oracle Solaris SPARC (64-bit)
R12.2 - HP-UX Itanium
R12.2 - Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

2. Compare the Stage with the md5sums downloaded from Oracle (md5sum_.txt). There should not be any FAILED entries in the
output. If a FAILED entry was found, then the stage area was not created successfully. The stage has to be re-created for every
component indicating differences (FAILED).
Note: The following example assumes the stage exists in /u01 for Linux, or F:\ for Windows customers.
Execute the following example commands to check the stage using the the md5 checksums:
a. Linux

Install the md5sum utility for your platform if md5sum is not present on your system. If md5sum is not available from your
OS Vendor for your OS version (for example HP-UX Itanium 11.0), download and install the coreutils package from
$ cd /StageR122
$ md5sum --check md5sum_Linux64.txt > md5sum_result.txt

Note: If the md5sum command fails for all lines with error ": FAILED open or read", try to make it a Linux file using:
$ dos2unix <checksum file> <checksum file>.

b. Windows

MKS Toolkit or Cygwin must be installed to use md5sum.

F:\>cd StageR122
F:\StageR12>md5sum --check md5sum_Windows.txt > md5sum_result.txt (for Cygwin)
F:\StageR12>md5sum --check=md5sum_Windows.txt > md5sum_result.txt (for MKS Toolkit)

Note: The md5 checksum validates the entire stage area and may take 10 minutes or more, depending on hardware
resources and system load.
3. If a corrupted file is found, you can use the following to identify which part needs to be re-downloaded.
Release 12.2 Disk overview:
R12.2 - Linux x86-64
R12.2 - IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)
R12.2 - Oracle Solaris SPARC (64-Bit)
R12.2 - HP-UX Itanium
R12.2 - Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

1.4 Required Technology Patches

Note: All customers must apply these patches.

1.4.1 EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC)

The EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC) utility provides two scripts you can run to help ensure you have the necessary database
and middle tier bugfixes installed on your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 system. Oracle strongly recommends the use of this
utility to ensure that all required database and middle tier bugfixes have been installed.
ETCC can be downloaded via Patch 17537119 from My Oracle Support. As well as installation instructions and basic commands, the
README for this patch includes a number of usage scenarios and examples, so should be carefully reviewed before running ETCC.
Note: Always use the latest version of ETCC. New bugfixes will not be checked by older versions of the utility.
The two scripts that make up ETCC are: (checkDBpatch.cmd on Microsoft Windows). This is the Database EBS Technology Codelevel Checker
(DB-ETCC), which determines if all the needed bugfixes exist in the specified database ORACLE_HOME. (checkMTpatch.cmd on Microsoft Windows). This is the Middle Tier EBS Technology Codelevel Checker
(MT-ETCC), which determines if all the needed bugfixes exist in the middle tier file system.

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If ETCC reports a missing bugfix, you need to identify the patch that includes the missing fix by referring to the relevant table for your
component version. To view the table, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes. Locate the relevant bug in the Bug Numbers column, then work leftwards
to the Patch column for your platform. If more than one patch mentions the bug number, install the most recent patch listed in the
Upgrade Customers

If you are upgrading to Release 12.2 using an existing Oracle database version's ORACLE_HOME, you must check that you have
all the required database one-off patches by running the codelevel checker utility (checkDBpatch.cmd on
Microsoft Windows) before you run Rapid Install to create the upgrade file system. After you have executed Rapid Install, run the
middle tier checker utility (checkMTpatch.cmd on Microsoft Window) to identify and apply any missing
If you are upgrading to Release 12.2 from a pre-12.2 Installation, review My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
1349240.1, Database Preparation Guidelines for an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Upgrade as well as My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1594274.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes,
and apply all technology patches for your database versions (prior to the upgrade) and middle tier versions (after running Rapid
New Installation Customers

New Installation customers should also run the codelevel checker utility ( or checkDBpatch.cmd for Microsoft
Windows) to identify and apply required patches for Database After the release of the startCD, new required patches
may have been discovered. Therefore, it is important to perform this check.
In addition, you must review My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2:
Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes and apply all technology patches for your database and middle tier

1.5 Apply latest application tier technology patches to run file system

Immediately after the successful installation of the 12.2.0 File System using the latest StartCD, you must apply the latest application tier
technology patches to the run file system. After the release of the startCD, new required patches may have been discovered; it is
important to perform this step.
After you have executed Rapid Install, run the middle tier checker utility (checkMTpatch.cmd on Microsoft Window)
to identify and apply any missing patches. Refer step 1.4.1 EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC) for details about ETCC patch.

The application tier technology patches you need to apply are listed in 'Section 4: Application Tier Technology Patches and Bug Numbers'
of My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and
Technology Bug Fixes.
Note: Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1355068.1, Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Patching Technology Components
Guide for instructions on how to apply technology patches.
Unless specifically directed in this document, you should not apply any application tier technology patches to the patch file system.
Nor should you invoke any adop actions such as finalize, cutover, cleanup, or fs_clone; these actions are executed in later steps, as
mentioned in the appropriate parts of My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1983050.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.5
Note: If this is a new installation, you must shutdown all application tier services on the run file system.


1.6 Verify oraInst.loc (UNIX only)

Note: On a shared filesystem, oraInventory should be shared across nodes.
1. Check that oraInst.loc exists in the correct directory for your platform.

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Linux and IBM AIX on Power Systems - /etc
Oracle Solaris and HP-UX Itanium - /var/opt/oracle

2. The contents of the oralnst.loc file should look like this:


where /oracle/oraInventory points to the directory where the central inventory is to be located. This location must be
writeable by the user account that is to run Rapid Install.
If the oraInst.loc file does not exist, create it in the correct directory with contents as shown above.


Note: If your system has separate installation user accounts for the database and the applications, both users must
be in the same install group (inst_group) in oraInst.loc, which needs to contain a line such as inst_group=dba.
Refer to latest Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install (Part No. E22950) for complete
information on the preinstall steps.

1.7 Fix Timestamp Mismatch Issues for Synonym, View, Package and Package Body

1. Download Patch 17268684:R12.AD.C.

2. Do not apply the Patch 17268684:R12.AD.C. You should instead execute instructions in the patch readme to fix timestamp
mismatches for Synonym, View, Package and Package Body.

1.8 Create Snapshot

After applying the latest suite-wide release update pack (as detailed in the subsequent parts of this document), run the AD
Administration Maintain Snapshot option.

1. Run AD Administration (adadmin).

2. From the Main Menu, choose Maintain Applications Files > Maintain Snapshot Information.
3. Select Option 2, Update Current View Snapshot. Then, from the Snapshot sub-menu, select Option 1, Update Complete

Note: See Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide in the Release 12.2 Documentation Library for more information about

1.9 Additional Configuration and Deployment Options

The AutoConfig utility provided with E-Business Suite Release 12.2 automates a wide variety of deployment options
Hardware-based load-balancing routers
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Demilitarized Zones (DMZ) and reverse proxies
Multiple domain names for the same Oracle E-Business Suite environment
Integration with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, including Oracle Access Manager, Oracle Directory Services, Oracle WebCenter,
Oracle Portal, Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, and Oracle Discoverer
Customers requiring this should refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1380591.1, Using Discoverer 11.1.1 with
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.
Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) and Automatic Storage Management (ASM)

Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1934915.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Technology Stack Documentation

1.10 Client Installation Media

Client installation products are now installed directly from the startCD directory. These products include:
Workflow Embedded (2.6.3)
XML Publisher (

To install any of these products, use the Client Wizard command (ClientWiz.cmd) to access the Install Client-Specific Software screen.
Select a client product from the list of products, and click Install.

1.11 Oracle E-Business Suite Test Starter Kit

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The Oracle E-Business Suite Test Starter Kit provides a set of sample automated regression tests designed by Oracle's own Quality
Assurance department. The kit also provides documentation, including script descriptions and instructions for installing and executing the
Test Starter Kit scripts. The test scripts are available for your use and provide a model for building your own unique portfolio of test
The Test Starter Kit is available for the Oracle Application Testing Suite via Oracle Technology Network under Oracle Application Testing
Suite Downloads.

Section 2: Instructions for New Installation Customers

2.1 Download the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Media Pack

New Installation Customers who do not have access to My Oracle Support should go to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and follow
the instructions to download the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Media Pack for their platform.
UNIX / Linux and Windows:
Part No. V100078-01, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Supplemental Documentation - REVIEW FIRST
Part No. V100079-01, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Supplemental Media

Note: Part No. V100078-01 includes documentation files that should be referred to when a 'Document XXXXXXX.1' is mentioned.
Note: Part No. V100079-01 includes patches that should be applied when a 'Patch XXXXXXX' is mentioned.

2.2 Apply Consolidated Seed Table Upgrade Patch 17204589:12.2.0

After the 12.2.0 installation is complete, apply consolidated seed table upgrade Patch 17204589:12.2.0 by merging with Patch
21900871:12.2.0. These patches must be applied on the run file system using hotpatch mode.
1. Stop all Application tier services on the run file system.



2. Start up only the Weblogic AdminServer service on the run file system.


C:\>%ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME%\adadminsrvctl.cmd start

3. Apply Consolidated Seed Table Upgrade Patch 17204589:12.2.0 by merging with Patch 21900871:12.2.0 on the run file system
using adop hotpatch mode.
$ adop phase=apply patches=17204589,21900871 merge=yes hotpatch=yes

2.3 Apply the latest AD and TXK Release Update Pack for Release 12.2

Customers are required to apply the latest available AD and TXK release update pack (RUP) for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 by
referring to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1617461.1, Applying the Latest AD and TXK Release Update Packs to Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

2.4 Apply the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack for Release 12.2

The 12.2.5 Release Update Pack (RUP5) is the latest suite-wide release update pack and includes all software updates that were
available in the previous 12.2.4 Release Update Pack. While a minimum of Release 12.2.3 is required, Oracle strongly recommends that
all customers apply the 12.2.5 Release Update Pack. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1583092.1, Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2: Suite-Wide Rollup and AD/TXK Delta Information.

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Section 3: Instructions for Upgrade Customers

Release 12.2 updates an existing Release 11i, 12.0 or 12.1 system to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide, Release 11i to 12.2 or Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 12.0 and
12.1 to 12.2 guides, along with the instructions in this section.

3.1 Apply Consolidated Upgrade Patch and Run 12.2.0 Upgrade (required)

The consolidated upgrade patch (CUP) for Release 12.2.0 combines critical upgrade error corrections and upgrade performance
improvements from Release 11i/12.0/12.1 into a consolidated suite-wide patch.
Note: This patch is only intended for upgrade customers who are upgrading to Release 12.2.0. If you are already at Release 12.2.0
or beyond, do NOT apply this patch.
When directed to run the American English upgrade patch driver (u10124646.drv) in Chapter 3, Upgrading to Release 12.2 within Oracle
E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2 and Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide 11i to 12.2, perform the following
steps instead:

1. Prerequisite: Apply the AD Upgrade Patch for Release 12.2 (Patch 10117518) by merging it with the latest Consolidated Upgrade
Patch (CUP) for AD (Patch 19796564:R12.AD.C).
The AD Upgrade Patch for Release 12.2 (Patch 10117518) readme contains information about the latest Consolidated
Upgrade Patch (CUP) for AD (Patch 19796564:R12.AD.C).
You must follow the Patch 10117518 readme and apply it by merging it with the latest Consolidated Upgrade Patch for AD,
along with any other patches mentioned in the Readme, as instructed in the readme and by referring to the Upgrade
2. Apply the Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for Release 12.2.0 (Patch 19796566:12.2.0) in pre-installation mode on the Run
Edition File System.
Note: Before applying Patch 19796566:12.2.0 for the latest CUP in pre-installation mode:
If you have applied any other patch previously in pre-installation mode and do not intend to merge it with 12.2.0 upgrade
driver u10124646.drv, clean up the directory <APPL_TOP>/admin/<TWO_TASK>/preinstall on run file system after taking
the backup of the current directory.
$ adpatch preinstall=y

Apply the pre-upgrade patches that were released after the Consolidated Upgrade Patch 19796566:12.2.0.

Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1448102.2 for the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Pre-install
Patches Report; it provides a list of essential patches that you must apply in pre-install mode before upgrading from
Release 11i/12.0/12.1 to Release 12.2. Follow the recommendations within My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
1448102.2 and apply the additional pre-install patches.

Individual pre-install patches that are listed in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Pre-install Patches Report can be
merged with Consolidated Upgrade Patch 19796566:12.2.0 and applied together.

3. Merge the patch drivers in $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/preinstall directory with the 12.2.0 upgrade driver $AU_TOP/patch

Note: All of the patch driver files located under $APPL_TOP/admin/<TWO_TASK>/preinstall are merged with the 12.2.0
upgrade driver <AU_TOP>/patch/115/driver/u10124646.drv. Therefore, carefully evaluate the content of the directory <APPL_TOP>/admin/<TWO_TASK>/preinstall and retain only those patch drivers including u19796566.drv ; it is intended to
be merged with 12.2.0 upgrade driver - u10124646.drv
Merging patch drivers in run file system's <APPL_TOP>/admin/<TWO_TASK>/preinstall with <AU_TOP>/patch/115/driver
Change directory to <AU_TOP>/patch/115/driver

$ cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver
$ admrgpch -d . -preinstall -master u10124646.drv

Note: The default merged driver by name u_merged.drv is then created in the destination directory that is specified.

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4. Apply the newly merged 12.2.0 upgrade driver (For example, - <AU_TOP>/patch/115/driver/u_merged.drv) with the command:
$ adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion

5. Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2 and Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide
Release 11i to 12.2 and complete the rest of the steps to successfully upgrade to Release 12.2.0.
Note: None of the application tier services should be started until you upgrade to the certified release update pack for Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 12.2, as specified in the relevant upgrade guide.

Section 4: Resolutions for Known Issues

The following section describes resolutions for issues with Release 12.2, relating to installation or upgrade, rapid install, rapid cloning,
technology stack and online patching.

4.1 High Priority Patches

In addition to patches identified in the Release 12.2 documentation set, there are additional patches that are considered extremely
important. While planning your installation or upgrade, go to My Oracle Support and search for Release 12.2 patches marked as High
Priority. Determine whether any of the issues returned in the search results are applicable to your installation and the set of products
you plan to use. Merge the appropriate patches and apply them when your installation or upgrade is complete.
You could also use the Patch wizard utility to identify these patches. This utility is available from the Oracle Application Manager
responsibility. For more information, See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 976188.1.

For a complete view of Oracle E-Business Suite Patching, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1633974.2, How to Find
E-Business Suite & E-Business Suite Technology Stack Patches.

4.1.1 Installing Compensation Workbench or Performance Management

Oracle Compensation Workbench and Performance Management are now licensed separately. If you plan to license either of these
products, you must use License Manager to enable HR Self Service as part of the installation process.

4.2 Installation and Upgrade Customers

All customers must perform the actions listed in this subsection.

4.3 New Installation Customers Only

The actions in this subsection apply only to customers who are installing Release 12.2 for the first time.

4.4 Known Issues In Rapid Install, Rapid Cloning, Technology Stack, and Online Patching
4.4.1 Rapid Install Known Issues
None at this time. You should periodically check this document on My Oracle Support for updates.

4.4.2 Rapid Clone Known Issues

None at this time. You should periodically check this document on My Oracle Support for updates.

4.4.3 Technology Stack Known Issues

Oracle Label Security is currently not supported on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

4.4.4 Online Patching Known Issues

None at this time. You should periodically check this document on My Oracle Support for updates.

Section 5: Desktop Client Certification

Note: Oracle's certification of third-party client operating systems aligns with the respective vendors' support life cycles. For
example, Windows Support timelines are available from Microsoft.
Complete information about desktop client software certification and required patches is available on My Oracle Support.

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In this release of Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle supports the following desktop client platforms without modification:
Windows Vista with Service Pack 2
Windows 7 with Service Pack 1
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9.1 and higher, 10.10.2 and higher

Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 is certified for use with Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2. For a list of patches that are required to
enable the operation of Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with Internet Explorer 11, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
389422.1, Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.

5.1 Recommended Desktop Client Configuration

As with prior releases, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 client performance is sensitive to both CPU performance and the amount of
available memory. The minimum recommendations for desktop clients are as follows:

Both Microsoft and Apple specify minimum system resources required for their respective operating systems. Choosing
minimum specification clients will provide minimal performance: your processing and transaction throughput requirements
will very likely be higher than those provided by the minimum specification.
As well as memory for the operating system, your requirements will be driven by the number of applications and services
you typically run at the same time. Again, both Microsoft and Apple specify minimum system resources required for their
respective operating systems. For Windows, ensure your PCs have sufficient memory to reduce or eliminate paging to the
page file. For Mac OS X, ensure your Macs have at least 2GB of RAM.

As well as considering the minimum requirements for your operating system and other software that runs at the same time, you should
also take into account related factors such as network performance. For example, users on high-latency networks will benefit from
better-specified clients only up to the point where bandwidth becomes a limiting factor.

For more information, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1155883.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Desktop Client Hardware
and Software Requirements.
Note: For browser configuration requirements for all operating systems listed above, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
389422.1, Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.

Section 6: Documentation Errata

This section provides any corrections needed to text in the following books.

6.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install

None at this time. You should periodically check this document on My Oracle Support for updates.

6.2 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2

None at this time. You should periodically check this document on My Oracle Support for updates.

6.3 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to 12.2

None at this time. You should periodically check this document on My Oracle Support for updates.

Change Log

Description of Change


Modified the first paragraph of subsection 1.2 Current Version of startCD.

Within subsection 1.2 Current Version of startCD, slight modification of the first paragraph of the note box.


Within subsection 1.2 Current Version of startCD, updated the last column within the table.
Within subsection 1.2 Current Version of startCD, updated the note below the table.

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Updated document for the release of StartCD (Patch 22066363, RAPID INSTALL STARTCD


Updated a driver file in Step 3, within subsection 3.1 Apply Consolidated Upgrade Patch and Run 12.2.0 Upgrade
(required) to u19796566.drv.


Updated document for the repackaging of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Media Pack and startCD 51.


Added a note to number 3 of subsection 1.3 Obtain Software Via Electronic Download.


Removed two known issues from subsection 4.2 Installation and Upgrade Customers.


Updated the document for Release 12.2.5.


Added a reference to the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Technology Stack Documentation Roadmap
within subsection 1.8 Additional Configuration and Deployment Options.
Added a reference to Using Discoverer 11.1.1 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, within subsection 1.8
Additional Configuration and Deployment Options.


Added two known issues to subsection 4.2 Installation and Upgrade Customers.


Slightly modified subsection 3.1 Apply Consolidated Upgrade Patch and Run 12.2.0 Upgrade (required), numbers
3, 4 and 5.


Modified subsection 1.4.1 EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC).


Updated subsection 1.4.1 EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC).

Updated Section 5: Desktop Client Certification.


Slightly modified subsection 1.4.1 EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC).

Modified the copyright information.


Slightly modified step 4 of subsection 4.4 Upgrade Customers Only.


Added a known issue to subsection 4.4 Upgrade Customers Only.


Made minor correction to an operating system name in subsection 1.3.


Updated document for the release of StartCD

Updated the text at the top of the document.
Changed the location of a note box, within subsection 1.1 Release Update Pack 12.2.2 (RUP2) or later REQUIRED.
Updated the text within subsection 1.1 Release Update Pack 12.2.2 (RUP2) or later - REQUIRED.
Minor updates to the bulleted list in subsection 1.3 Obtain Software Via Electronic Download.
Minor update to text reference in step 2 of subsection 1.3 Obtain Software Via Electronic Download.
Removed a known issue from subsection 4.5.1 Rapid Install Known Issues.


Replaced Patch 17887454:R12.TXK.C with Patch 19985726:R12.TXK.C.

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Updated Sections 5 and 6 with text indicating that you should periodically check the document for updates.


Added a bullet point to subsection 3.1 Apply Consolidated Upgrade Patch and Run 12.2.0 Upgrade
(required), step 2.


Added Release 12.2.4-specific information through-out document.


Updated subsection 1.4.1: EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC), specifically the second paragraphs
related to both upgrade and new installation customers.


Updated subsection 1.2: Current Version of startCD with a note to reference the installation guide. Two
bullets were removed.


Updated the information in subsection 2.1: Download the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Media Pack.


Added a known issue to subsection, 4.5.1: Rapid Install Known Issues.


Updated the structure and text through-out entire document.


Updated subsection, Verify oraInst.loc (UNIX only), Step 1.

Added note to Section 2, Apply Required Technology Patches.
Updated the second paragraph, within subsection, Release Update Pack 12.2.2 (RUP2) or later - REQUIRED.


Updated the wording in subsection, EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC).


Updated Section 2, Required Technology Patches.

Added Online Patching Known Issue.


Updated a driver file in Step 3, within Section 4 to u18007406.drv.

Updated step 1, within Section 4.


Updated document for the release of StartCD


Numerous readability edits incorporated.


Added note box at the top of the document.


Updated the table within subsection Current Version of Rapid Install.


Updated the table within subsection Current Version of Rapid Install, removed subsection Reset


Updated subsection, Current Version of Rapid Install with new patch number.


Updated subsection, Current Version of Rapid Install.

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Updated document with Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) information.


Renamed "Database Patch Checker" to "EBS Database Codelevel Checker".


Updated document with Release 12.2.3 relevant information.


Updated Section 6. Desktop Client Certification to include Mac OS X 10.8


Updated the Upgrade Guides' part numbers


Added links to subsection, 1.3 Obtain Software Via Electronic Download.


Updated subsection, 1.3 Obtain Software Via Electronic Download.


Added Note box to subsection 1.1 Release Update Pack 12.2.2 (RUP2) - REQUIRED
Replaced patch 16702016 with patch 17468141


Initial publication.

My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1320300.1 by Oracle E-Business Suite Development

Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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01-04-2016 13:11

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