Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector Warning

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Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector Warning!

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Bob Lewis (AA4PB) on August 22, 2006 to discussions on this
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IC-7000 & Tuner Warning! Subscriptions Help

I have had to make a change to my Icom/SGC tuner Other Recent Articles

interface circuit to make it function properly with the new Armed Ohio Man
IC-7000 radio. It appears that Icom internally shares one Arrested Near Obama's
of the tuner connections with its temperature sensor Plane is Harmless,
circuit on this radio. You must be very careful what you Friends Say:
connect to the IC-7000 tuner connector. Some of the little George H Goldstone,
circuits that we are used to plugging into the Icom tuner W8AP (SK):
connector in order to make the TUNE button work can Central New York
upset the temperature sensor circuit. In some cases this Ham Radio Buffs Eager
may prevent the fan and over temperature warning from for Dayton Gathering:
coming on, resulting in “cooking” the finals in the Young Radio
radio!!! Operators Help Race
The relevant tuner connection is pin-1 (TKEY). This pin Shanghai Bans Radio
can be pulled to ground via an open collector circuit Transmissions Near
during tune operations (this is what the Icom AH-4 tuner 2010 World Expo Site:
does). You must not have any applied external voltage or
load on this pin during normal radio operation or you risk
damage to the radio.

Bob Lewis (AA4PB)

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Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AB2MH on August 22, 2006
Hmm. My 7000 cooked two sets of finals. It's now on its
way back to Bellevue, WA.

I have a N2VZ Turbo Tuner attached to mine.

Does anyone know if the N2VZ Turbo Tuner will cause


Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by KI4NX on August 22, 2006
There's a good website to check on the 7000 add-ons. It's
K0BG's site: www.k0bg.com it has the information about
the tuners and that sensor connection on pin one.

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by N3OX on August 22, 2006
AB2MH: Probably. Looks like you found your problem,
from AA4PB's other post in the Elmers forum it seems
that few of those devices are okay, only Icom tuners and
maybe one or two others.


RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AB2MH on August 22, 2006
Where do you see this on Alan's website?

The only thing I see is this, under "miniature rigs":

>>>>Here is an important caveat about the IC-7000. The

port on the rear apron of the IC-7000 designed to
interface with the AH-4 auto coupler is configured
differently than the IC-706 series. Pin 1 (TKEY) input is
shared internally with the temperature control circuitry.
This pin MUST be left floating. If it isn't, the fan may not
come on as required, which can lead to failure of the
final transistors!

Devices used to mimic the AH-4, and trick the IC-706

into transmitting 10 watts of carrier are not compatible
with the IC-7000. This includes the suggested circuitry
from SGC, at least one of the older model screwdriver
controllers, and most small tuner modules. The only US
made one known to work correctly is from Better RF,
and designed specifically for the IC-7000. Their older
IC-706 model is not compatible. There is also an
Australian one designed by Owen Duffy, VK1OD, which
is compatible. If you are using one of Bob Lewis'
(AA4PB) Ham-Kit interfaces, remove R1 (33k) entirely,
as it is not needed.<<<<
I've noticed that when tuning, the temp gauge would go
down to almost 1/4 of where it was before. But when
receiving/transmitting it stays the same as if no tuner
were connected.

So I suspect my 7000's final failures had a different


RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AB2MH on August 22, 2006
N3OX wrote:

> AB2MH: Probably. Looks like you found your

> from AA4PB's other post in the Elmers forum it
> seems that few of those devices are okay, only Icom
> tuners and maybe one or two others.
> 73,
> Dan

Maybe, but I have used the rig extensively before for two
months with the Turbo Tuner and have had no problems
whatsoever. Also, when the finals failed, the rig was no
hotter than it was during normal operation. In fact the last
failure wasn't after any significant TX time at all and the
rig wasn't even warm.

I did email N2VZ but have gotten no response on this.

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AE7Q on August 22, 2006
With previous Icom radios, some devices (eg, the MFJ-
1925i2) that connected to the 4-pin tuner port, simply
connected pins 1 (KEY) and 2 (START). If you do that
on the IC-7000, you end up providing an UNWANTED
voltage on pin 1, and the IC-7000 will show a (false)
inflated temperature, and the fan will run.

If you DO NOT connect pins 1 and 2 together, OR

replace the connection with a diode in the proper
orientation (if such is required by the external device),
the problem does not occur.

For more information, see

Also, the inference that pin 1 has a different function
than on previous Icom radios, and that this function has
something to do with the temperature sensing circuitry, is

When you feed additional voltage into a circuit that is not

designed for it, it can raise the supply voltages in various
UNRELATED circuits throughout portions of the radio
that share the same voltage supply. Definitely NOT a
good idea.

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AA4PB on August 22, 2006
Since we don't have a schematic for the IC-7000 we can't
tell for certain how the circuit on that pin works or
exactly what is going on. I do know that putting a pull up
resistor on the TKEY pin causes the fan to run and that
changing the value of that resistor will change the speed
of the fan. Obviously it is related to the temperature
circuit in some manner, intentional or not. A number of
people using various non-icom tune modules have
reported failure of the output transistors. Is it related? I
don't know but I would sure check out the operation of
the radio to be sure the fan works correctly with a device
connected to the tuner port.

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AE7Q on August 22, 2006
"Since we don't have a schematic for the IC-7000 we
can't tell for certain how the circuit on that pin works or
exactly what is going on."

Yes we do. The IC-7000 service manual ($32) includes

the schematics; see page 11-9 (logic board). Applying a
voltage greater than +3vDC to the KEY pin will (through
only a diode) be applied DIRECTLY to the +3vDC
power line in the radio.

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by K0BG on August 22, 2006
There are two problems associated with after-market
"tuner modules".

One is a hard connection (short) between pins 1 and 2

(TKEY and TSTART respectfully), then any resistor
(even a large value one) paralleled with a cap (1000 uF)
to pin 3 (nominal supply voltage). The reason is, this
places the nominal supply voltage on a CPU pin designed
for 5 vdc. While this worked with the 706 (apparently), it
doesn't work with the 7000.

To wit (IC-7000), if the resistor value is low (10K or so),

the fan runs full speed. As the value increases, the fans
slows. If the value is over 33K or so (depending on the
internal temperature), the fan stops. But.... the
temperature sense circuitry is swamped by the value of
the resistor. It appears (based on trial and error) that this
causes the fan to come on too late for proper cooling.

AB2MH notwithstanding, several other amateurs have

reported final failures in their IC-7000s. Further
investigation has revealed that every single one I have
corresponded with had been using either some sort of
tuning device that tricked the transceiver to output a 10
W carrier, or was using one of the various after-market
screwdriver antenna controllers.

To be fair about this, some after-market tuner emulators

either use a PIC exactly emulating the AH-4 (Owen
Duffy, VK1OD), or use the CI-V port (Better RF for the
7000, not their original 706 unit!). These, along with
some screwdriver controllers that use one of these
interconnections scenarios are safe to use.

However, there are a bunch of legacy devices that are not

compatible, and most assuredly will cause the finals to

If you want to be safe, here is a circuit that will work

with either radio, and in fact ANY Icom with an AH-4
port: If pin 2 (TSTART) and pin 3 (nominal supply
voltage) are bridged with a 100K resistor (which tricks
the Icom into thinking an AH-4 is connected), then a
short (or an open collector is closed) is applied between
pin 1 (TKEY) and pin 4 (ground), will cause the
transceiver to transmit with a 10 watt CW carrier. As
K5LXP has suggested on his web site, this action can be
instigated with a simple relay control driven by the DC
applied to a screwdriver's motor.
Two final comments. First, DO NOT ASSUME what
you have been safely using with your 706 is fully
compatible with your new 7000. Chances are, it is not.

Lastly, every single Icom transceiver has a slightly

different implementation of the AH-4 interface. Just
because your specific AH-4 emulating interface works on
an Icom 706, does not mean it will work successfully
with any other Icom transceiver. This is IN
DEFFERENCE to advertised hype! In short, when in
doubt, leave it out!

Alan, KØBG

Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by SWANMAN on August 22, 2006
Use Icom tuners (AT-180) and you'll be fine!

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AB2MH on August 23, 2006
>>>>>To be fair about this, some after-market tuner
emulators either use a PIC exactly emulating the AH-4
(Owen Duffy, VK1OD), or use the CI-V port (Better RF
for the 7000, not their original 706 unit!). These, along
with some screwdriver controllers that use one of these
interconnections scenarios are safe to use.<<<<<<<

The Turbo Tuner uses CI-V.

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AB2MH on August 23, 2006
Swanman wrote:

> Use Icom tuners (AT-180) and you'll be fine!

Unfortunately the AT-180 does not control a screwdriver


Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

by PE1JLJ on August 23, 2006 Mail this to a
I am using the IC7K, wth an AT100Pro and the LDG
IC2/AC-1 6" CABLE.

This combination doesn't seem to have any side effects

on the fan; it starts during transmit, it stops without

I haven't seen the temp indication go in the red area at all,

even while being prolonged used on 6m FM.

YMMV though.

There are modifications that will let the fan run 24x7; if
you look around you can find the service manual easily
as well as the mods for the fan, TX extensions etc.

I found them within minutes ;-)

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by K0BG on August 23, 2006
There is another issue with the tuner port, and although it
has been mentioned previously, it bears repeating.

A lot of after-market devices, including some

screwdriver controllers, antenna tuners, and digital
interfaces, use the tuner port (or Accessory socket) for
power. Icom states you can draw power up to one amp
from pin 8 of the accessory port. Although no specs are
published about the current draw from pin 3 of the tuner
port, most folks assume up to one amp is okay as this is
what the AH-4 draws when it's tuning.

Both of these ports are fused (4 amps for the 706, and 5
for the 7000), and both are switched on and off by a
switching transistor. If you short either of these ports to
ground, there are three failure scenarios.

First, the fuse will blow which doesn't happen often.

Secondly, the switching transistor will fail (usually
open). And lastly, and most likely, the circuit board trace
will melt. The latter two failures are costly ones to repair.

Further, the voltage drop across these ports with a one

amp load imposed on them, is just over 1 volt less than
the supply voltage. While this might be okay for short
durations like the tuning cycle of an AH-4 or other tuner
using the port for power, long term draw means that 13
watts or so of heat is being absorbed by the radio's

I'm of the opinion that if you need the radio to supply

switched power to an ancillary device, that you use a
properly buffered relay to do the task.

Alan, KØBG

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by WA2JJH on August 23, 2006
It seems every new "Swiss Army DC-daylight" rigs do
not have decent designed finals. It is always a good idea
to run reduced power at first with a new tuner.

The FT100D had major final problems. It was not until

the rig undergone many revisions, that it could be used

Even still, I was told to run 2/3 power on UHF, because

the final brick really could not output 25W for long.

Heat dissipation, high current, and final shut down/pwr

foldback has always been an issue with the first few
production runs of these small wonders.

I waited until the FT-100D was almost out of production

before I purchased one.

I am sure ICOM is all too aware of their new mobile

gem. Check for ICOM updates as well as the many
knowledgle hams on e-ham.

It does seem that a ham first finds the problem and a

cure. The company then learns from that. A revision is
made The revision should be offered for free from the
company if it is a major one.

The small print always says.......we reserve the right to

revise without notice.

I am waiting a while before I buy the 7000. My late serial

number FT-100D is still working after 4 years.
Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector
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by N6FM on August 23, 2006
Dwayne at LDG has assured me that "All LDG tuners
that are capable of interfacing to an IC-7000 handles
pin 1 of the Icom interface exactly the same way as the
Icom AH-4."

Mine has been working fine.

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by K9LMM on August 23, 2006
My AT-7000 works fine too.


RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by K8RBW on August 23, 2006
My LDG tuners with updated firmware for the IC-7000
have been functioning fine as well. I, too, contacted
Dwayne and he had informed me that there was no


Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by KK8ZZ on August 23, 2006
I've used the Turbo Tuner (with the recent IC-7000
firmware update) for 6 months with the Little Tarheel HF
antenna (FABULOUS ANTENNA, BTW -- even on 40
and 80!) with no problems, including semi-long keydown
at 10 watts when going from 6M to 80M... great
combination from my viewpoint... KK8ZZ Solon, Ohio

Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

by W1YW on August 24, 2006 Mail this to a
Thanks to K0BG for the clarity.

The IC-7000 is rapidly becoming (perhaps) the most

popular, new HF rig. And this sort of info is critical.

Chip W1YW

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by N1DL on August 24, 2006
I am using the IC-7000 and N2VZ Turbotuner daily
without problems. 73 de N1DL

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by W5JON on August 24, 2006
ICOM IC-7000, Turbo Tuner, Little Tarheel, 6 Months,
absolutely NO problems. 73, John W5JON

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by W5TD on August 24, 2006
Why doesn't the 7000 just leave the fan on all the time, as
the Icom 706 original did? A constant running fan means
a cooler radio, which means a radio that will last longer

73s John W5TD

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by WA2JJH on August 24, 2006
The constant flowing fan was the fix for the ft-100D.
Problem is current consumption goes up. So those that
had dreams of hours of low power QRP operation are out
of luck.

One size never fits all. Seems that the K2 or some TEN-
TECs are the way to go for portable batt. apps.

Perhaps ICOM wanted low current draw on RX on the

7K. Also mobile rigs do not hsve much space for a good
heat sink.

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AD5X on August 25, 2006
I have the MFJ-929 auto-tuner (great tuner, by the way)
with the MFJ-5114I transceiver interface cable connected
to my IC-7000. I spent a lot of time last night looking at
fan operation and temperature indication both with and
without the tuner connected. Testing was done by doing
key-down tests of the IC-7000 (into a dummy load of
course) and recording the temperature change versus
time (as best I could looking at that little bargraph on the
IC-7000), as well as observing fan operation. I started
without the tuner connected. After testing, I turned off
the IC-7000 for about an hour so it started at the same
temperature when I began tests again using the MFJ-929.
Anyway, I saw no differences in temperature vs time, or
fan operation with or without the tuner connected.

I also have an MFJ-994B that I'll test later today and

report on. I don't expect any problems, as the MFJ-994B
uses an open collector transistor only on the KEY input
to the IC-7000.

Phil - AD5X

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by KQ4KK on August 25, 2006
OK, so which after market tuner does this so called
damage. All I see is lots of posts that say MY

Does any?

I also have a 7000TurboTunerLittleTarheal combo..


RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by AD5X on August 25, 2006
I've verified that the MFJ-994B tuner causes no problem
with the IC-7000. This also applies to the MFJ-994,
MFJ-993, and MFJ-993B as these all have the same tune
control output (just an open collector transistor - no
pullup resistor).

Phil - AD5X

RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by N4ZKF on August 26, 2006
I don't know. I tried to by a N2VZ tuner but he won't
answer the phone or return a voicemail.

Does anyone else like theirs?

Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by W8QT on August 26, 2006
The BetterRF Co.'s 7000 TUNE Control is OK. They use
an open collector transistor to pull the TKEY line down.

Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by K2UBG on August 27, 2006
The IC-7000 @ K2UGB mobile is on it's second set of
finals. I write to say that I got the Turbotuner from N2VZ
shortly after getting the 7k back from Icom(around 6-20-
06) and have used it heavily ever since. No problems
whatsoever and I would seriouly doubt there is any way
that the turbotuner would cause a problem. Bill's device
is a class act that works. Period. I have done daily,
constant hf mobile for days on end and no probs.

73's and talk on your radio


RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector

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by K5MDM on August 29, 2006
I was about to hook my IC 7000 to the antenna boss II
but you guy have me confused, will it work ok? thanks
murray please send a personal email to :
RE: Icom IC7000 Tuner Connector
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by N4ZKF on September 6, 2006
I'm glad to hear that. I just ordered an N2VZ tuner for my
7000 yesterday. Ant is a Hi-Sierra Sidekick.

Anyone want to buy an I-box that came with it?

It doesn't work with the 7000, just the 706.

73 Dave

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