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Physio Ex 5: Cardiovascular Dynamics

A. the cardiovascular system is composed of a pump the heart and blood

vessels that distribute blood containing oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the
B. The flow rate of a liquid through a pipe is directly proportional to the difference
between the pressures at the two ends of the pipe (pressure gradient) and
inversely proportional to the pipes resistance.
C. Flow = pressure gradient / resistance
D. Blood flow is the amount of blood moving through a body area or the entire
cardiovascular system in a given amount of time.
E. Total blood flow is determined by cardiac output.
F. Resistance is a measure of the degree to which the blood vessel hinders, or
resists, the flow od blood. The main factors that affect resistance are blood
vessel radius, blood vessel length, and blood viscosity.
G. The smaller the blood vessel radius, the greater resistance, because of frictional
drag between the blood and the vessel walls. Vasoconstriction means
contraction of smooth muscle of the blood vessel, which decreases the blood
vessel radius.
H. Vasodilation is the relaxation of smooth muscle of the blood vessel, which
causes an increase in the blood vessel radium. Blood vessel radium is the most
important factor in determining blood flow resistance.
I. The longer the blood vessel length, the greater the resistance.
J. The length of a persons blood vessel can only change as a person grows.
K. Viscosity is blood thickness, which is determined by hematocrit.
L. Blood flow is directly proportional to blood pressure because the pressure
difference between the two ends of a vessel is the driving force for blood flow.
M. Peripheral resistance is the friction that opposed blood flow through a blood
N. Three factors that contribute to peripheral resistance are blood viscosity, blood
vessel length, and the radius of the blood vessel.
O. The peripheral resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the
vessel radius.

Exercise 32: Anatomy of Blood Vessels

A. The blood vessels form a closed transport system.
B. The tunica intima lines the lumen of a vessel is a single thin layer of
endothelium that is continuous with the endocardium of the heart.
C. The tunica media is the more bulky middle coast and is composed primarily of
smooth muscle and elastin.
D. The tunica externa is composed of areolar or fibrous connective tissue.
E. Vasa vasorum is the tunica externa contain a system of tiny blood vessels.
F. Arteries, which are closer to the pumping action of the heart, must be able to
expand as an increased volume of blood is propelled into them during systole
and then recoil passively as the blood flows off into the circulation during
G. Veins, which are far removed from the heart in the circulatory pathway, are not
subjected to such pressure fluctuation and are essentially low-pressure vessels.
H. Aorta is the largest artery of the body.
I. The only branches of the ascending aorta are the right and left coronary
arteries, which supply the myocardium.
J. The brachiocephalic trunk is the first branch of the aortic arch.
K. Arteries serving the head and neck are the internal carotid artery, ophthalmic
artery, external carotid artery, superficial temporal, maxillary, facial and
occipital arterial branches.
L. Vertebral artery runs up the posterior neck to supply the cerebellum, part of the
brain stem, and the posterior cerebral hemispheres.
M. Thyrocervical trunk serves the thyroid gland and some scapular muscles
N. Anterior and middle cerebral artery supplies the bulk of the cerebrum.
O. Anterior communicating artery is the right and left anterior cerebral arteries are
connected by a short shunt.
P. The paired vertebral arteries diverge from the subclavian arteries and pass
superiorly through the foramina of the transverse process of the cervical
vertebrae to enter the skill through the foramen magnum.
Q. Basilar artery, which continues superior along the central aspect of the brain
stem, giving off branches.
R. Veins follow a more superficial course and are often easily seen and palpated on
the body surface.
S. The veins tend to converge on the venae cavae, which enter the right atrium of
the right. Veins draining the head and upper extremities empty into the superior
vena cava, and those draining the lower body empty into the inferior vena cava.
T. The pulmonary circulation functions is to bring the blood into close contact with
the alveoli of the lungs to permit gas exchanges that rid the blood of excess
carbon dioxide and replenish its supply of vital oxygen.
U. The lungs and digestive system are not yet functional, and all nutrient,
excretory, and gaseous exchanges occur through the placenta.
V. Blood vessels of the hepatic portal circulation drain the digestive viscera,
spleen, and pancreas and deliver this blood to the liver for process the hepatic
portal vein.
W. The liver is the key body organ involved in maintaining proper sugar, fatty acid,
and amino acid concentrations in the blood, and this system ensures the
systemic circulation.

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