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The company that I have chosen is Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). This
is a company that I am familiar with, but I have not worked at this company. SAIC is an
international company that performs a lot of work with the US government. The company also
performs civilian work as well. A large majority of their work is with information technology.
SAIC has a home office in McLean, VA but many other offices throughout the United States and
in several other countries. The company has about 13,000 full time employees and one of the
key ways it communicates to all of those employees throughout the world is through their
Intranet which they call ISSAIC.
The project that this paper will be focusing on is a project to upgrade the Intranet at SAIC. The
current Intranet has been in place for over 10 years with little design updates, just additions of
new features as they become necessary. Because of the ad-hoc way new additions to ISSAIC
have been implemented in the past the problems with the Intranet have become more frequent,
causing outages and delays in providing employees with important data that the company needs
to provide. This project will seek to upgrade the ISSAIC interface and update and relocate
servers to provide a more reliable Intranet service for SAIC employees.
This project is one that will affect the entire company, so there are several key stakeholders at a
high level of the company. This will start with Chief Information Officer, Bob Fecteau who will
be the project sponsor. IT Operations lead Richard Coleman will also be the project manager for
the project. Other key stakeholders for the project will include representatives from human
resources, the ethics office and each of the business sectors. These representatives will ensure
that the new Intranet meets all of the necessary functions for their respective departments.
The timeline for this project is expected to be 12 months for planning and implementation. The
project will start with an analysis of the current intranet to determine shortfalls of the current
Intranet and requirements for the new one. This is anticipated to last for two months. The
design phase will be divided into two parts, the interface design and the hardware design. This
phase is anticipated to last for five months. The simulation prototyping phase will combine the
two areas from the design phase into a single prototype which will be tested for one month. If
the prototyping works, then the implementation phase will begin and is expected to last for 3
months. The final month will consist of the monitoring phase and then the project will move into
the management phase.
The following is the basic diagram for Intranet access. The Intranets will be located at three
primary SAIC locations.

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