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Case 1:16-cv-00100-NT Document 9-2 Filed 03/02/16 Page 1 of 2

PageID #: 30

March 2, 2016

Christa K. Berry, Clerk

U.S. District Court
156 Federal Street
Portland, Maine 04101-4152
Civil Case:
Lower Case:


Dear Christa:
Due to exigent circumstances in the Lower Case KEN-CV-14-176, I am filing the attached
two (2) documents in the above-referenced federal civil case 1:16-cv-00100-NT, both of which
have been sent to the lower state courts on this day by first class postal mail, even though
service of the federal summons has not yet been ordered or completed upon any of the named
federal defendants.
In three related lower cases in September 2014, I properly filed my Affidavit of Bias and
Prejudice and Motion for Recusal pursuant to 28 USC 144 and 455 during formal
adjudications for AUGDC-SA-14-453 and AP-14-56, which Augusta District and Kennebec
County Superior Courts wrongfully ignored and which the Maine Supreme Judicial Court
wrongfully aided and abetted during KEN-14-410.
The attached documents are titled:
1. Plaintiffs Request to Transfer KEN-CV-14-176 to United States District Court for the
District of Maine to Cure Want of Jurisdiction Pursuant to 28 USC 144, 455 and
2. Plaintiffs Demand to Cease and Desist All Judicial Actions and to Transfer to United
States District Court for the District of Maine to Cure Want of Jurisdiction Pursuant
to 28 USC 144, 455 and 1631.
Due to looming judicial actions pending in the lower state case which have been and
continue to be taken in complete absence of all jurisdiction by Kennebec County Superior Court
and which continues to cause me multiple civil rights deprivations and other permanent severe
injuries, I have filed an original with Kennebec County Superior Court of my Demand to Cease
and Desist All Judicial Actions and to Transfer KEN-CV-14-176 to United States District Court for
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the District of Maine along with a copy of my attached Request to Transfer KEN-CV-14-176 to
United States District Court for the District of Maine to Cure Want ofJurisdiction Pursuant to 28
USC 144, 455 and 1631.
I am filing these pleadings with the United States District Court to notify the court that I
have demanded the Kennebec County Superior Court cease and desist acting in complete
absence of all jurisdiction in KEN-CV-14-176 and that I have demanded the lower court
immediately transfer the lower case to the United States District Court for proper federal
I have researched the FRCivP but I am unsure of the proper civil procedure to make this
special request for a transfer pursuant to 28 USC 144, 455 and 1631, so if the court requires
any additional pleadings or filings from me, please indicate which filings are required pursuant
to which federal rules and those corresponding filing deadlines so I can complete those filings
Thank you for your diligent consideration of this very serious situation in the Maine
state court system.


2528 West River Road

Sidney, Maine 04330
(2Q7) 209-1767 (home)
(207) 333-0628 (cell)

Attachments (2)

Maine Supreme Judicial Court

Kennebec County Superior Court
Matthew Morgan, Esq. (Attorney for Greg Roy)

1: 16-cv-00100-NT
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