Mid Term Pre Intermediate 1 2014.1

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Mid Term Checking of Learning

1st Semester / 2014

Pre- Intermediate 1
Name _____________________




1. Listen to the speakers. Choose the correct option.

How old is Lindy?

31 years old
21 years old
23 years old

2. Does Lindy like her job?

a) No, she doesn't.
b) Sometimes, but she wants
another job.
c) Yes, she does.
3. What does Lindy want to do?
a) She wants to go back to
b) She wants to be a writer.

c) She wants to have her own

4. What languages does Keith
a) Italian, Spanish and Greek
b) Greek, Italian and French
c) French, Spanish and German
5. Why doesn't Keith go out very
a) Because he is married.
b) Because he is tired after work.
c) Because he sometimes works
at night.

2. Listen to the dialog. Complete the sentences with the correct


Ashley went to the ___________________.

On the second day of the vacation, the ___________________ closed.
Ashley's ___________________ broke down in the jungle.
She found a ___________________ on the floor of the bus!
Ashley thinks her ___________________ is more relaxing than her vacation was.

3. Use Have to / Need to / Want to

Ex.: Susan needs to sleep. Shes very tired.

a) This room is very dirty. You ___________________ clean it now!
b) Erick _________________ find a job, he doesnt have any money!
c) My parents _______________ go on holiday. They are very stressed.
d) Nicole ______________ wash her clothes. She doesnt have anything to wear.
e) I _______________ buy an ice cream, but I dont have any money.

4. Read the sentences. Write should or shouldnt

a) If its rainy you ______________ take an umbrella.

b) Tom _________________ eat so many lollipops. Its bad for his teeth.
c) A: ______________ I drink hot tea if I have a sore throat?
B: Yes, you _____________ .
d) They have a test tomorrow. They _____________ go to the cinema . They
______________ stay at home and study!
e) Children _____________ eat lots of vegetables but they _____________ eat lots of
f) I have a party tonight. What ___________ I wear? A dress or a pair of trousers?
g) The doctor said: "You ____________ eat healthy food. You _____________ eat fast
food. You ______________ watch so much TV. You _______________ walk 1 hour a

day. You _____________ drink fruit juice and water. You _____________ drink wine or

5. Choose the correct verb forms. Use Simple Past or the Past
a) We _____________ (sit) at the breakfast table when the doorbell
____________( ring) .
b) When they ______________ (leave) the museum, the sun
__________________(shine) .
c) The students ________________(play) cards when the teacher _____________
(come) in.
d) When I _________________(open) the door, it ____________________ (rain) .

6. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use willfuture.


Prices_____________________ . (to increase)

Phillip _____________________ to come. (not/to forget)
Why __________________________ me this book? (he/not/to lend)
____________________, please? I don't like driving on icy roads. (you/to drive)
Emily was very rude to me. I _________________ her again. (not/to visit)
I ________________________ to answer your questions. (to attempt)

7. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Perfect Tense.
Ken and Laura are having a party on Saturday.
Its Wednesday and theyre talking on the sofa.
KEN: Lets see what we _______________(already, take care of) and what still needs to
be done.
LAURA: Fine. I ____________ (order) the food and flowers. __________ you ________ (see
to) the drinks?
KEN: Sure, I _________. I _________ also _____________ (choose) the CDs.
LAURA: Well, then we ___________________ (make) all the arrangements. Tell me,
__________ you __________ (hear) from Paul? Is he coming? He _________________ (not,
call) to confirm yet.
KEN: I _________. He sent me an e-mail last night. Hell make it.
LAURA: Great! I ____________________ (not, see) him for ages.
KEN: Hes got some news, too. But, Im not telling you anything.
LAURA: Oh, tell me, please! I cant wait till Saturday.
KEN: Oh, well then. He ________________ (get) engaged.
LAURA: No!? Youre pulling my leg. When did that happen?
KEN: Two days ago. But, please, try to act surprised.
LAURA: Dont worry. Im an expert. I _________________(have) a lot of practice over the
KEN: What do you mean?
LAURA: Darling, a woman never tells her secrets.

8. Match the words and the definitions.

an earthquake
an eclipse
a thunderstorm
a drought


) sun and rain form this

) is an electrical storm
) damages roads and buildings
) is when it doesn't rain

9. Complete the box with 5 examples of each category.





10. Look at the pictures and complete the crossword with the
correct words.

11. Write a small text talking about your last vacation. (minimum: 75
Where did you go?
How did you go?
Who did you go with?
What did you do there?
What new experiences did you live?


12. Read the text. Choose the correct option to complete the
In 1994, an Italian policeman, Mauro Prosperi, miraculously survived for nine days in
the Sahara Desert. It is an incredible story of survival and endurance.
The Sahara is the world's second largest desert, and
African continent! There is little water and food in the
very high during the day, up to 50 degrees Celsius. It
by yourself, but this is where Prosperi found himself in

it occupies 10 percent of the

desert, and temperatures are
is not a place you want to be

He was a participant in an extreme sports competition called the Marathon of the

Sands. The competition takes a week to complete. Participants cross 250 kilometers
of the Sahara Desert carrying food and clothes on their backs. The participants only
receive nine liters of water each day and tents for sleeping.
During the race, a sandstorm hit the participants and Prosperi lost his way. He was
lost for nine days without a compass, a cell phone or sufficient food and water.
Rescuers found him in western Algeria. He was sick from dehydration and a few
kilograms lighter. He had survived on his own body fluids and by eating bats.
Luckily, Prosperi recovered well from the terrible experience. Amazingly, he entered
the Marathon of the Sands competition again a few years later!

I. The story is about ...

a) a man who survived in the desert for over a week.
b) a man who survived an airplane crash in the desert.
c) a police officer who organized a survival competition.
II. The Sahara Desert ...
a) is the largest desert in the world.
b) is the second largest desert in the African continent.
c) occupies 10 percent of the African continent.
III. Prosperi was a participant in a competition to cross the desert ...
a) in a week with only nine liters of water a day.
b) with help only from local villagers.
c) carrying food, clothes and a tent for sleeping.
IV. Prosperi got lost in the desert after ...
a) he lost his compass and his cell phone.
b) he accidentally entered western Algeria.
c) a sandstorm hit the competition participants.
V. Prosperi survived because ...

a) he discovered a village in western Algeria.

b) he drank his own fluids and ate wild animals.
c) he carried extra water in his backpack.

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