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Focused Prayer Agenda

~ UPCI Students, Student Ministries, and Student Pastors ~

Prayer for Students

To experience the new birth through repentance, water baptism in Jesus name,
and the infilling of the Holy Ghost

To develop a relationship with God through daily spiritual disciplines of prayer,

fasting, and study of the Word of God

To be grounded in the truth and to develop a love for the truth

To not only be hearers of the word, but doers of the word

To embrace their apostolic identity as a privilege

To understand that worship is not an activity but a lifestyle

To develop a proper respect for all authority and submission to godly authority

For a healthy fear of God

To be bold in living out their faith

To resist being conformed to the pattern of the world

To be transformed by the renewing of their mind so they can fulfill the will of God

To be comfortable being in the world, but resist the temptation to be of the world

To renew the reality of being a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy

nation and a peculiar people

To be nonconformist in their culture

To embrace their alien status and live as ambassadors for the King

To be courageous in sharing their faith with their friends

To use their God-given talents with anointing and creativity to make Him known in
their generation

To have discernment

For the Lord to be a fence around them at school

For there to be a hedge about their hearts, minds, and spirits

Prayer for Student Ministries

To systematically and intentionally disciple their students

To pray, preach, process, program and promote a culture which develops and
unleashes students who are Christ-centered, doctrinally sound, and desperate to
share the Gospel

To effectively minister to the junior high, high school, and young adult age groups

To have a spirit of unity

To develop an apostolic identity as a group

To create a culture of positive peer pressure

To develop a culture of prayer

To have creative, dynamic, Spirit led youth services

To create an atmosphere of faith and expectation for the supernatural

For the fruit of the Spirit to be evident and for the gifts of the Spirit to operate

For spiritually hungry students

For trainable students

For students who are called into the ministry

To develop the next generation of student pastors and workers

To effectively motivate students to be passionate about spreading the gospel

To effectively evangelize the lost in their community

To be led to students who are hurting and searching for truth

For favor on public school campuses with administrators and teachers

To develop effective middle school, junior high, high school and college campus

For favor with the parents of students and for parents who are supportive

For favor with church leadership

For favor with community business leaders

Prayer for Student Pastors/Leaders

To have balance as they navigate their many responsibilities and commitments

For godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding

For strength and encouragement

For fresh anointing, fresh vision, and fresh faith

For a clean heart and a right spirit

To have a spirit of compassion for students

To have a passion for student ministry

To have a proper understanding of their purpose

To be accountable to spiritual authority

To live a life of holiness and to be a godly example to their students

To model apostolic ministry to their students

To effectively communicate the Word of God

To have an anointing of creativity to be efficient (do the thing right) and effective
(do the right thing)

For a spirit of excellence

For sensitivity to the Spirit of God

For sensitivity to the needs of their students

To be used in the gifts of the Spirit

For clarity when hearing and heeding the voice of God

To be the voice of God to their students

For the fortitude to stand against compromise and for truth and righteousness

To buy the truth and sell it not

To be focused on their students and not on numbers or results

To be encouraged during seasons of invisible results

To be consistent and persistent with students

To stand for foundational principles and not sell out for popularity

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