L01: Vocabulary List: Word Location

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L01: Vocabulary List

ascension (n)
authority (n)
blessing (n)
border (n)
chaste (adj)
code (n)
concurrent (adj)
consistent (adj)
contention (n)
covenant (n)
discipline (n)
ecclesiastical (adj)
endorsement (n)
gospel (n)
grace (n)
grooming (n)
honesty (n)
honor (n)
hymn (n)
iniquity (n)
integrity (n)
pathway (n)
plagiarism (n)
process (n)
redemption (n)
resurrection (n)

the act of rising or moving to a higher position
the power or right to direct or control someone or
Gods help, something fortunate and good
a boundary between places
morally pure
a set of laws or regulations
existing, happening, or done at the same time
the same over time, not changing
anger and disagreement
a formal and serious agreement or promise
a field of study or a subject that is taught
relating to the Church
to say publicly that you give official support or
agreement to a plan, statement, decision, etc.
set of beliefs
help or kindness that God gives or shows to people
the way you take care of your appearance
the quality of being fair and truthful
good quality or character
a song that praises God
something that is evil
the quality of being honest and fair
way, trail
the act of using another person's words or ideas
without giving credit to that person
actions or steps to accomplish something
the act of saving people from sin or evil
the event when dead people will be brought back to

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Topic Intro/Listening Practice
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Topic Intro/Listening Practice
Topic Intro/Listening Practice
Scripture Study
Scripture Study

scripture (n)
servant (n)
spiritually (adv)
substance abuse (n)
temporal (adj)
to abstain (v)
to admonish (v)
to bear (v)
to bury (v)
to carry (v)
to comply (v)
to desire (v)
to destroy (v)
to grant (v)
to knit (v)
to matriculate (v)
to mourn (v)
to ordain (v)

penetrate (v)
ponder (v)
preach (v)
prove (v)

to speak (v)
to strive (v)
to testify (v)

sacred writing
a person who is devoted to or guided by something
to do something by/with the spirit
the habit of taking too many illegal drugs or drinking
too much alcohol
of or relating to life on the earth and not spiritual life
to choose not to do or have something
to advise, to scold
to accept or endure something
to cover someone or something with something
to move
to do what you have been asked or ordered to do
to want or wish for something
to cause something to end or no longer exist
to agree to do, give, or allow something asked for or
hoped for
to closely join or combine things or people
to officially become a student at a college or
university who is a candidate for a degree
to feel or show great sadness or unhappiness about
to officially give someone authority or to be selected
to be or do something important
enter, go through
to think about or consider something carefully
to speak
to show that someone or something has a particular
quality, ability, etc.
to talk
do your best
give witness or give evidence, to show

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Topic Intro/Listening Practice
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transcript (n)
turbulent (adj)
verse (n)
virtuous (adj)
whisperings (n)

a written record of words that have been spoken

violent, unstable
a group of lines that form one part of a song
conforming to moral principles
something spoken in a very soft or quiet way

Topic Intro/Listening Practice

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Topic Intro/Listening Practice
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