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Test 1: True or False: Shade A if True Shade B if False
1. Right to due process in an inherent right granted by the law to protect our
labor force.
2. In the Philippines, the doctrine of bonafide qualification occupation rule is
3. Diminution of benefits is a legal act to reduce cost employed by a business
4. Job Rotation is a form of diminution in rank which generally not allowed in
the Philippine Laws.
5. Termination from a work place is always voluntary.
6. Voluntary separation is one initiated by the employee for which he/she is
entitled to separation pay and all benefits that may have accrued during the
course of his employment including legal interest therewith.
7. The Department of Labor have the jurisdiction to hear all labor related
dispute that may arise through the employer-employee relationship.
8. Ethics at work encompasses our relationship with others and with the
9. Rewards and compensation do not have an impact on the emotions of
10.An assumption of risk is a defense that can be manifested by an employer in
cases that an employee sue on the ground of health hazard and unsafe work
environment and is more often than not recognized in our jurisdiction.
11.In theory, it is assumed that a workplace is safe if the risk associated
therewith is acceptable.
12.Racial remarks are of the source of discrimination complaints even made
through a jest or in informal settings within the organization.
13.One of the basic forms of the right to be heard is the right to form
associations such as union within a workplace.
14.Collective bargaining agreements are not binding to an employer even if the
union or sectoral organization because it was formed despite protest of the
15.It is just proper for an employer to terminate any person who upon the
performance of their work has been accused of a criminal offense for which
the case is still pending trial.
16.Person with disability can be a regular employee provided that they can
perform the task assigned to them that can be done by a person without
17.Employers that do not offer benefits such as HMO (prepaid medical
insurances) are committing ethical breaches as to the safety of their
18.A cause for illegal dismissal can be claimed if the person has been
transferred equal in ranks, same compensation and benefits but for a lesser
task which involves lower skills set as compared to task previously handled.
19.The Philippine Constitution favors the capitalist than the laborers hence all
labor related cases shall be construed in their benefit.

20.Retirement benefits shall always be given to an employee otherwise if such

benefits were not given an employer is deemed to be committing an ethical
21.The decision regarding downsizing should be made by a representative
group so that all stakeholder interests can be considered and to earn the
trust those who will be impacted.
22.Employment at will is not applicable in the Philippines; it is required to have
a specified duration or length of time for every employment.
23.Contractual Employees are not allowed in the Philippines.
24.Study shows that diversity brought benefits in the workplace.
25.Security of Tenure is given due credence by the Philippine Laws.
26.Assumption of risk can be an exception to the rule of health and safety
liability of the employers.
27.Employers are required to have a standard physician to comply with health
and safety requirement as provided for by the law.
28.Risk is defined as the probability of harm.
29.It is essential that the government provides reasonable statutes not only to
the benefit to the employee but also to safeguard their respective employers.
30.Challenges in free market are that labor market is not perfectly competitive
and free.
Test 2: Multiple Choices.
31.The process of letting go many employees for the sake of reducing cost is
a Job rotation
b Separation
c Downsizing
d Termination
32.This refers to the procedure that police and courts must follow in exercising
their authority over citizens
a Police Power
b Due Process
c Right
to d Labor Laws
. Privacy
33.This kind of employment does not have any written contract that specifies
the length or condition of employment.
a Employment
b Contractual c Employment at d
. will
34.The method of employing under age employees is called:


a Child Labor
b Child Hiring c Child
d Child Trust
. Protection
35.This refers to the presence of differing cultures, languages, ethnicities, races
, affinity orientation, gender, religious sects, abilities, social classes, ages
and national origins of individual in the firm
a Discrimination
36.The term used to
considered to be in


b Diversificati c Diversity
d Divergent
. on
describe the discrimination against those traditionally
power or the majority.






37.The question in this type of strategy is not necessary whether a person has a
right to fair process in connection with employment but instead whether one
has a right to the job in the first place



c Discrimination d
Discriminati .
38.Workplace conditions that are below standards are called:


a Improper
b Risky
c Unsafe
. workplace
. Workplace
. Workplace
39.Relationship that an employee have with the employer.



a Individualistic b
40.Enjoy Bonus Point






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