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Philosophy ofDivine Love

All these verses state that remembrance of God must

be constant. Once this problem is solved, the karmayoga of
the Gita can be performed practically.

Practical Sadhana Let us reflect upon this. There are two kinds of karma
or actions. One action is that in which there is only involvement
(Preparatory Devotion) of the mind, and the second action is one in which there
of is not only involvement, but also attachment of the mind.
If the difference between these two types of karma is
Karma-Yoga understood, then the secret of practical karmayoga will easily
be grasped. Let us take an example to understand the
The meaning of karmayoga is generally known to all difference between the two. Suppose a devoted wife's husband
through the Gita- has gone to England. He has come back today, after an
absence of four years. His wife joyfully prepares various kinds
tasmat sarve$u kale$u mam anusmara yuddhya ea of delicious food for him and serves them with great love.
(Gita) Now suppose the wife cannot cook in the evening for some
reason. She instructs her servant to cook a variety of dishes.
Lord Krsna instructed Arjuna, "Remember me at all times, Accordingly the servant cooks and serves the master, just as
and continu~' 'to perform the actions of the senses, viz. fight his wife did. On both the occasions the husband praises the
this war." In other words, the mind should be constantly food.
attached to Lord Krsna, and other necessary duties should
also be performed si~~ltaneously. How do we practically follow Observe, both of them appear to have performed the
this philosophy of karmayoga. This appears to be a serious same kind of action, and the food was equally delicious. What
problem because the senses cannot work without the support then is the difference between the two types of karma? The
of the mind. Everyone experiences the fact that if the mind difference is that the wife's action involved the mind as well
is absorbed elsewhere, the senses are incapable of performing as attachment, whereas the servant's action involved only the
actions. How then can anyone engage in an action like war, mind. The wife cooked with pleasure because she loved her
which requires total concentration, without the involvement of husband, but the servant cooked as a part of his duty and
the mind and intellect? did not experience pleasure, as there was no love involved.
The servant's attachment was centered on his own family.
yo mam smarati nityasa~ . Just as this servant performs the duty of cooking with his
tesariJ nityiibhiyuktiiniim . mind attached to his own wife and children, you too must
evariJ satatayuktii ye..••••.••.•. attach the mind to God and perform your worldly duties with
tesam satatayuktiiniim . a detached spirit. You should not derive happiness from them.
. (Gita)
Philosophy ofDivine Love Philosophy ofDivine Love

Let us take another example. A nurse or doctor, working we have to perform, even though we do not experience any
in a maternity ward witnesses the birth of many children, happiness, do involve the mind, but there is no attachment.
but does not experience any happiness from them, because Those actions which bring happiness, not only involve .the
there is no attachment involved. We see proof of this when mind but there is attachment also. One can be referred to
some child happens to die. The nurse merely expresses to as detached action and the other as action of attachment.
the parents of the child, her regret and inability to do anything, Most of our daily activities consist of detached actions, i.e.
adding that it could possibly have been the will of God. The actions that are of the nature of duties. Given a chOice, who
grief-stricken parents take the child from the nurse. The mother would work in an office under subjection? But nevertheless,
is weeping bitterly. This is due to attachment. But the nurse if it is your duty, you must.
has no attachment. After the parents leave, she goes back
to her work unaffected by this tragedy. Now we too have Suppose you are sleeping comfortably in bed and
to limit ourselves to the mere performance of duty like the .someone knocks at your door at midnight. You get out of
nurse. There should be neither the experience of happiness bed, muttering angrily to your Wife, and open the door. It
nor sorrow. turns out to be an old neighbour, who now lives in another
town. You immediately conceal your actual feelings of
A bank cashier gives away millions of rupees a day, but annoyance and express pretended feelings of pleasure. "Oh,
he is never distressed. However, if he happens to lose even it is you, TripathL What a pleasant surprise! We have been
a hundred rupees from the salary he has received, he is worried looking forward to your arrival for many days. In fact we
and miserable. He makes a frantic search for it, and curses were talking about you just before going to bed last night.
his own carelessness. But he is not the least worried about Why didn't you send me a telegram? I would have come
the millions of rupees he gives away, because they do not to meet you at the station. I am sure you must have had
belong to him and there is no attachment. a problem getting here at this unearthly hour. " Deceiving
Mr. Tripathi with this wonderful act, you pick up his suitcase
Your neighbour is crying upon the death of his son,
and bring it into the house, calling to your wife, "Look who
while you are enjoying a cup of tea next door. You call
is here! I was just telling Tripathi how eagerly we were awaiting
out to your wife, "Give me another strong cup of tea because his visit. Get some dinner ready, while I help him to the
I don't know how long I will be at the funeral." After enjoying guest room." Now Tripathi who is actually starving, pretends
your breakfast you go to your neighbour's house. Before
to be very considerate, "There is no need for all this formality.
entering the house, you put on an expression of remorse. I am not really hungry. Besides, this is no hour to eat."
This expression continues till you get back home, and then
But you insist in pretension, and it does not take Tripathi
it gives way to annoyance, "Of all the days,. he chose to very long to accept your hospitality. Much to the annoyance
die on a Sunday. Just the day I had planned to spend the of your wife, dinner has to be cooked, and Tripathi enjoys
morning sleeping." a hearty meal. After a formal chat, everyone goes to bed.
But before sunrise, Tripathi is up, ready with his baggage
The reality is that the actions we perform, Le. the actions

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Philosophy ofDivine Love Philosophy ofDivine Love

to leave. Again you have to force yourself out of bed, God and perform our worldly duties with a detached spirit.
expressing your amazement, "I really don't understand your We must not let the consequences of our worldly actions make
hurry. Why are you ready to go so soon? You have only us either happy or unhappy.
been with us for a few hours. There is no way I will let
you go." Thus saying, you make a half-hearted attempt to Some people raise an objection that action without
snatch his bag to prevent him from going. However, Tripathi attachment cannot be performed perfectly. It only amounts
has to go, and so he does. He has hardly reached the gate to forced labour. Such an objection is naIve. The truth in
and you have already started grumbling, "How inconsiderate fact is that action involving attachment cannot be performed
can people be? Fancy disturbing anyone at midnight. The perfectly. For example, a child happens to be suffering from
next time I hear anyone knocking at that unearthly hour, a stomach-ache and is crying. The mother hears the child
I am going to tum a deaf ear." This is what is referred cry and unable to bear it, gives milk to the child, even though
to as detached action. You are perfect in this art. It is also she had just fed him. Now the pain gets worse. But a nurse
referred to as social etiquette today. Where there is no love, often performs her duty towards a child better than the mother
but only duty: that is detached action or action of non- does, as she feeds the child at regular intervals, even though
attachment. the child may scream or cry. Observe in this case, love actually
harms the child, while the nurse who is detached, performs
Let us take another example to understand this. A man's her duty perfectly.
son is suffering from typhoid. He rushes to the doctor's house
on his motorcycle. Driving a motorcycle in traffic, definitely
A judge presiding over a case, can only give an impartial
requires proper concentration of the mind. Though worried
judgement if he is perfectly detached from both the concerned
about his son to whom he is very attached, he uses his
parties. However, if he happens to love either of them, he
mind to drive through the traffic, and safely reaches the doctor's
will be partial. And if he happens to hate either of them,
house. He impatiently pleads with the doctor to rush and
he will be unjust. Action is performed best when the mind
see his son. The doctor gets ready. Every second waiting
is devoid of both love and hate.
for the doctor, brings restlessness to this man, although he
does not have any love for him. He loves only his own
son. The doctor eventually goes to his house, examines his It is a fact of everyone's experience that wherever there
son, writes the prescription and leaves. The father rushes out is love, there is definitely some kind of irregularity in the
again to buy the medicine. work performed. When we love a person, we experience
happiness when we see, hear or touch that person. The result
Observe, all these actions of the father, going to the is that the mind does not remain in a balanced state, and
doctor, buying the medicine, etc., were all performed with work becomes irregular. The same happens when the mind
the involvement of the mind but with the attachment centered is lost in anger, jealousy, greed etc. Work is bound to suffer.
on his son alone, and not on the doctor, or the medicine. It is only when one is devoid of love and hate, that work
In the same way, we too must lovingly attach the mind to can be performed perfectly.

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Philos0I!hy ofDivine Love Philosophy ofDivine Love

If we centre our love on God, and limit ourselves to It is said that work is hampered when love for God
the performance of duties in the world, then both our goals increases. This does not happen in the beginning, but it does
will be accomplished smoothly. Duties of the material world happen sometime later. However, there is no need to worry.
will be performed properly, and we will also attain our goal Even if duty eventually falls away from you, there is nothing
of realizing God. Look at the gopis _. to worry about, because you will not be held responsible.
But if you deliberately discard your duties, and do not even
ya dohane' vahanane mathanopalepa- love God then you will be punished for your negligence.
gayanti cainamanuraktadhiyo' srukat:J~hyo Therefore, we should practically follow the discipline of
dhanya vrajastriya urukramacittayana/:! karmayoga, by performing our household duties and
(Bhiigavatam) simultaneously devoting the mind to God. This will initially
require practice but it will gradually become natural. When
They constantly loved Lord Kr~J:la and thought of Him a person learns to ride a cycle, he experiences difficulties
while performing all their household chores. We have many in the beginning. However, when he is well-practised, he can
examples of devotees working in the world with the mind engage in talking while his hands and feet continue to work
attached to God. King Janaka, Dhruva and Prahlada ruled on the cycle. In the same way, after a little practice, karmayoga
their kingdoms, and Arjuna fought a war. We too have to will become natural for you.
work in the same way.
Besides karmayoga, performance of karma-sarhnyasa is
All these examples prove that everyone is well-practised
also important. The first thing you have to do in karma-
in karmayoga. Your attachment is centered only in a handful
sarrmyasa, is to fix a regular time daily to devote yourself
of people, such as your wife, husband, children, parents, etc.,
in chanting the name, attributes and pastimes of the Lord,
and you limit yourself to the mere performance of duty towards
with a feeling of longing. This longing should be accompanied
others. Now all you have to do is restrict yourself to the
by tears. The rest of the day can be engaged in all the
level of duty-performance, even towards the handful you are
essential duties of the world, with constant remembrance that
attached to. It is the nature of the mind to love. If this
Lord Kr~J:la is watching your every action. Offer all your actions
love is directed to God, then both the material and spiritual
to Him. In this way your actions will be justly performed
goals can be attained simultaneously. This is the Gita's
and you will not feel tired either. Your devotion too will
philosophy of wisdom-
gradually develop and become firm. Try it once and see for
yoga/:! karmasu kausalam yourself:' benefit is certain!
Tears of longing are essential in devotion, because they
Fix the mind on God and continue to work with your lead to the purification of the heart. [t is then that the Guru
senses and body, just as a wheel moves, but the axle remains grants Divine Love according to spiritual law. Thus, realizing
fixed. God you will attain your ultimate goal of Supreme bliss.

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Philosophy of Divine Love

However, there is one important subject that needs

reflection and that is, the nature of bad association and the
need to stay away from it. If we are not careful about this,
we could lose more than we have gained through devotion.

The Nature of
Bad Association

There are only two entities apart from the soul. One
is God, and the other is Maya. One is truth, and the other
untruth. God and His Saints alone are the truth, hence
association with them with complete involvement of the mind
is referred to as 'satsanga' (good association). Contrary to this,
whatever subjects we have left, are endowed with the three
gUl}as - tamasa, rajasa, and sattvika. They belong to Maya, and
are hence untruth. In short, that association which leads to
attachment of the mind to spirituality is satsanga (good
association); apart from this, all other subjects are kusanga
(bad association).

Once a person falls into bad association, the decisions

of the mind change accordingly. Therefore the spiritual aspirant
is unable to judge with his own intellect that he has fallen
into wrong company. Just as a drunkard's intellect is influenced
according to the quantity of intoxicating alcohol he has drunk,
the intellect or the power of reasoning is destroyed according
to the quantity of bad association. We cannot judge with this
impaired faculty of reasoning that we are actually falling, or
have fallen, into bad association.

The second point is that, so long as a person considers

the body as the self, he can never easily admit that he has
fallen. Therefore, there is always need of a Saint, who
constantly reminds the unconscious devotee of his mistakes,
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