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ECE 159
Exercise 4: Harmonic Balance Simulations

Deadline: SGISBCD March 18, 2016 5:00 PM

Instructions: Perform all tasks completely. This design problem is to be done by pair. You are
required to present a progress report for each week before the deadline. You must be prepared to
present all results on or before the deadline during the designated consultation/checking hours.
Both group members should be ready to answer any question regarding the exercise.
A. Groupings










B. Using Transistor Models

Non-Linear Models in Ansoft Designer
S-parameter models are widely used in RF circuit simulation because it greatly simplifies the
required calculations for analysis by defining the behavior of the circuit directly in the frequency
domain. S-parameters are typically sufficient in modeling the behavior of linear circuit elements such
as capacitors, inductors, and transmission lines and devices such as filters, couplers, dividers, and to
some extent, amplifiers. However, for the results to be accurate, all circuit elements must be
linearized. Hence, the use of s-parameters is severely limited in predicting the actual behavior of
non-linear devices such as transistors.
In this light, device models that are more comprehensive than S-parameters are necessary
to fully define the behavior of non-linear circuit elements. Models are usually developed by the
manufacturer and provided to users as component libraries. In addition, RF simulation software such
as Ansoft Designer typically includes various built-in model templates that can be used to create and
customize user-defined models.
1. For this exercise, we will be using the MRF572, a silicon, NPN RF transistor. Download the files
mrf572_template.adsn and mrf572.lib. The links to the files is posted in our UVLE section.
2. Open mrf572_template.adsn in Ansoft Designer. The non-linear model for the MRF572 can be
found in Circuit1. Verify that the item Lib (in the Data subsection of Circuit1) is correctly
pointing to mrf572.lib by double-clicking on it.
3. Build the circuit shown in the following figure. L1 and L2 are ideal RF chokes, and C1 and C2 are
ideal DC blocks. See Guide Questions 1 and 2.



4. Add a DC analysis named DC1. Find the value of that results in an value of 30 mA. After
running an analysis, you can check the value of by plotting or tabulating Ic(Q1.QIntrinsic).
5. Add a linear network analysis named NWA1 with a frequency range of 0 to 2000 MHz, in 100
MHz steps. Run NWA1. Create separate rectangular plots for S21 and S12 (dB units). Create a
single smith chart plot for S11 and S22. Plot the stability factor of the device. These results are
referenced at the base and collector pins of the transistor. Comment on the device stability (see
Guide Question 3)
6. Using the Smith Tool, plot the source and load stability circles for 800, 900, and 1000 MHz.
Comment on the stable regions of the amplifier at these frequencies (see Guide Question 4).
Guide Questions
1. What is an ideal RF choke? What is an ideal DC block?
2. What is the purpose of L1 and C1 at the base and L2 and C2 at the collector? Why cant we just
connect the RF ports directly to the base and collector?
3. Is the device unconditionally stable under the specified bias conditions of = 8 V and
= 30 mA?
4. Locate the stable regions of the transistor on the Smith Chart at 800, 900, and 1000 MHz.
5. In order to perform a linear network analysis on the non-linear device model, the model has to
be linearized. What does linearizing mean?
1. All relevant schematic diagrams, layouts, and plots.
2. Answers to guide questions.
C. Getting Started with Harmonic Balance

Harmonic Balance Overview

Harmonic balance is a method for determining the steady-state response of circuits with
non-linear circuit elements. It is performed on a spectrum of harmonically related frequencies, i.e.,
the circuit behavior is solved for a certain fundamental frequency 0 and at the harmonics
frequencies 20 , 30, etc. The circuit is separated into a linear and non-linear part, wherein the
behavior of the linear part at the frequencies of interest are readily available (from S-parameters)
while the behavior of the non-linear part is solved first in the time domain then converted to the
frequency domain by applying the Fourier transform. Convergence (obtaining the correct solution) is
achieved when the currents and voltages from the linear and non-linear parts are equalized or
balanced, hence the name harmonic balance.
More information can be found in the Ansoft Designer help files. A detailed discussion on
harmonic balance can also be found at The article is


part of the documentation of QUCS, an open source circuit simulator currently under development
but the information is not software-specific.
1. Ideal RF chokes and DC blocks works well for linear network simulations but they can behave
erratically in harmonic balance. In the circuit you created in Part B, replace the ideal RF chokes
L1 and L2 with 100 mH inductors. In addition, replace the ideal DC blocks C1 and C2 with 100 pF
2. Double-click on Port1 and modify its definition. Change the selected value in the Symbol panel
from Interconnect to Microwave Port as shown below.

In the Source Definition panel, set Source type to Power then click Add . You should see
the following dialog box. Set the value of Name to Source1. Set the value p to 0 dbm and leave
all other parameters to their default values. Click OK.

After accepting all changes, Port1 should appear as follows.


3. Add a 1-tone harmonic balance analysis named HB1Tone1. Make sure that the Category is
set to 1-Tone in the Analysis Setup dialog box as in the following screen capture. Click Next.

In the subsequent dialog box, set the number of harmonics to 4 and set F1 to a single value of 900
MHz. Click Finish. Run HB1Tone1.

Create a rectangular plot for the collector current and collector-emitter voltage in the time
domain. See the following screen capture for reference.



You should be able to generate a plot similar to the following figure. See Guide Question 2.

4. Create a spectral plot for the power delivered to the load in dBm units. See the following screen
capture for reference.



You should be able to generate a plot similar to the following figure

Guide Questions:
1. In a linear two-port circuit, is it possible to generate components at the output with frequencies
other than that of the input? What about in a non-linear circuit? Explain.
2. The time domain waveforms for and from the simulation have noticeable distortion and
are not perfectly sinusoidal. Is this expected? What causes the distortion?
1. All relevant schematic diagrams, layouts, and plots.
2. Answers to guide questions.
D. Harmonic Balance with Power Sweep
1. In the circuit of Part B, go to the properties of the Source1 from Port1 and change the value of
the parameter p, which was previously set to 0 dBm, to the string Pin.



Upon accepting the change, Designer will prompt you to add a variable with the name Pin. Put 0
dBm in the Value field and select Local Variable then click OK. Doing so creates the variable
Pin with a default value of 0 dBm in the current circuit.

Verify that the analyses previously set-up in the circuit are still working properly.
2. Add another 1-tone harmonic balance analysis and name it HB1Tone2. Set F1 to a single value
of 900 MHz. Add a new linear sweep for Pin from -20 dBm to 10 dBm in 1 dBm steps. Run

3. From the results of HB1Tone2, create a rectangular plot for the output power and gain at the
fundamental frequency versus the input power. See the following screen capture for reference.



You should be able to obtain a result similar to the following plot.

Comment on the results seen in the plot (see Guide Question 1 and 2).
4. Create a rectangular plot for the output power at each harmonic frequency versus the input
power. See the following screen capture for reference.



You should be able to obtain a result similar to the following plot.

Comment on the results seen in the plot (see Guide Question 3 and 4).
Guide Questions
1. What happens to the output power and gain at the fundamental frequency as the input power
increases? Explain.
2. How does the gain obtained in the harmonic balance simulation compare with 21?
3. Describe what happens to the power at each frequency as the input power increases. Which
curve has the steepest slope?
4. How does the power curves at each frequency relate to the linearity of the circuit? Is it possible
to determine from the curves the operating points where the circuit is linear and non-linear?
1. All relevant schematic diagrams, layouts, and plots.
2. Answers to guide questions.

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