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Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.


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MEE214 Strength of Materials

1. To understand the design methodology for machine elements.
2. To analyze the forces acting on a machine element and apply the suitable design
3. To understand the various standards and methods of standardization.
4. To apply the concept of parametric design and validation by strength analysis.
Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to
1. Analyze and select machine elements/components.
2. Know the applications of the various elements, materials used to make them, and
methods used
3. Integrate various machine elements and components into the design of a machine
or mechanical system through a design project.
Unit I
Introduction to Design Process
Introduction to Design process Factors Materials selection, Direct, Bending and
Torsional stress equation - Impact and Shock loading - Stress concentration factor Size factor - Surface limits factor - Factor of safety - Design stress - Theories of failures
Unit II
Fatigue strength and design of springs
Variable and cyclic loads Fatigue strength S- N curve Continued cyclic stress
Soderberg and Goodman equations. Design of Helical Leaf - Disc springs under
Constant and Varying loads.
Unit III
Design of Shafts and Joints
Design of Shafts Design of Riveted joints, Welded joints and Screwed fasteners,
Computer aided design of machine elements.
Unit IV
Design of Couplings
Design of couplings Rigid and Flexible .Design of Cotter joints - Knuckle joints,
Computer aided design of machine elements
Unit V
Design of Engine Components
Design of Piston Cylinder, Connecting rod Crankshaft Flywheel, Computer aided
design of machine elements.
Text Books
1. Joseph Edward Shigley and Charles, R. Mischke, (2000), Mechanical Engineering
Design, McGraw Hill International Editions.
2. Joseph Edward Shigley and Charles, R. Mischke, (2008) Mechanical Engineering


Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012

Design, McGraw Hill International Editions. Eighth Edition. .

3. Bhandari.V.B. Design of Machine elements, (2010) Tata Mc Graw Hill Book Co,
Third Edition.
4. R.S.Khurmi, J.K.Gupta. Machine Design, (2008) Eurasia Publishing House (Pvt.)
Ltd. Revised Edition.
Reference Books
1. V.B. Bhandari, Design of Machine elements, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2001
2. Design Data PSG College of Technology, DPV Printers, Coimbatore., 1998
1. Design Data book PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore., 2006
2. Juvinal, R.C., Fundamentals of Machine component Design, John Wiley, 2002.
Mode of Evaluation
Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination
Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 12.05.2012
Date of Approval by the Academic Council:


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