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Worlds of Ideas

Developing the future.



Symmetry cannot get any more complicated: The elements of the so-called
Lie group E8 describe how a geometric
object with 57 dimensions can be rotated
without changing its appearance. The Lie
groups were established by the Norwegian
mathematician Sophus Lie (1842-1899) to
describe continuous symmetries. We are
familiar with three-dimensional objects like
spheres, cylinders and cones that we see
in our daily lives. When you rotate a sphere
in space around its axis, its appearance
does not change. For this purpose, there
are exactly three independent rotation
axes. This type of symmetric relationship is
called continuous because it occurs at any
angle of rotation. This is not the case with a
cube. It maintains its appearance only if it
is rotated at 90 degrees or multiples of 90
E8 shows a Lie group of symmetries of a
geometric object however, it is an imaginary object with 57 dimensions that can be
rotated in 248 different ways and still maintain its appearance. Mathematicians led by
Jeffrey Adams of the University of Maryland
in College Park decoded this highly complex
structure after nearly ve years of intensive
research. It took the Sage supercomputer
at the University of Washington 77 hours to
run the calculation. If you wanted to print
out the result, you would need a piece of
paper that was as big as Manhattan. Researchers equate the calculation of E8 with
the Human Genome Project that cracked the
human gene.
The results of Adams team will pay off
in particular for those physicists working on one kind of theory of everything, a
uniform, symmetrical description of the four
fundamental forces of nature. They hope
to unite theories that have been incompatible up to now using higher dimensional
symmetries like E8. Symmetries assume a
somewhat different form in gravity than in
elementary particles the central question
thus becomes: Which symmetries apply to
everything? With the exceptionally simple
theory of everything, the physicist Antony
Garrett Lisi has already published a muchdiscussed paper based on the calculations
of the Lie group E8.

Key to the theory of


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world.

The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt
the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends
on the unreasonable man.
George Bernard Shaw (18561950), author

To the rescue
Without the ingenious inventions of a technical whiz, the greatest spy of all times would have
only been half as great. Just when a situation appears hopeless, the tried-and-true quartermaster, who goes by the name of Q, comes to the rescue in James Bond films. The scope
of Qs technical tinkering ranges from small gadgets that help secret agents get through their
workdays to bombastic caricatures of military technology. Would the minihelicopter from
the 1966 film You Only Live Twice have been thrown for a loop when it fired its rockets?
Physics Professor Metin Tolan thinks some of Qs handiwork would have sent agents to
kingdom come. Fortunately, you do live twice.

Where education is a tradition

Gym class, at last: Just like young students around the world, these two boys in Chengdu, China,
appear to be happy that they can escape from the classroom for a little while and head outside for
some exercise. They are moving their feet on ground steeped in history: Their school, Chengdu Shishi
High School, is considered to be the worlds oldest existing school. It was established between
143 B.C. and 141 B.C. We just dont know which sports were in vogue at the time. But the educators
back then certainly knew that school work without breaks for physical activity is an ordeal for both
teachers and students.

Everyone should have access to education. You should

not draw any class distinctions.
Confucius (551 479 B.C.), Chinese philosopher

We consciously create
a place that fosters
new ideas.


Eureka! No other exclamation conveys the joy of discovery like this one word. The list of
creative individuals whose ideas have changed the face of our world since Archimedes made his
jubilant jump from his tub is long. And these thinkers have led us to this: a global community of
knowledge in which new physical relationships are discovered, new chemical formulas are found
and new medical insights are gained with each passing minute. Knowledge becomes outdated
faster and faster these days. Particularly in the fields of science and technology, many ideas make
the transition from new to old in just a few years, replaced by fresher, more precise insights. This
realization leads to one clear conclusion: The future belongs to the cravers of knowledge, creative
minds and idea generators. To those very people whom Einstein called the passionately curious.
Every day, thousands of creative minds around the world work at ThyssenKrupp to develop new
materials and technologies, and to find innovative answers to unanswered questions. It does not
always have to be the principle of displacement and density that creates a Eureka moment many
other more commonplace things produce one as well. Things like a new material that will improve
car mileage in the future, a windmill composed of scrap that generates electricity for an African
village or the first self-assembled, self-programmed robot made by an 11-year-old who loves to
tinker with technology.
Innovations are an engine for growth and competitiveness, for social progress and for sustainable
development. To flourish, though, ideas and innovations need the right breeding ground. Education and vocational training have
never been so important as they are
in todays knowledge society.
As a global company, we can play
a major role in this effort. Examples of this work are events like the IdeasPark, which is designed in
particular to pique the interest of children and young people in technology and natural sciences,
partnerships with schools and universities or an environment that encourages creativity. We
consciously create a place that fosters new ideas, working conditions that encourage greater risk
taking and creativity as well as structures that form the framework for pace-setting innovations.
Join us on our journey of discovery through the world of knowledge and ideas. Let yourself
be carried away by the passionate curiosity of the researchers, large and small, found in this

A breeding ground for ideas

Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Hiesinger,

Chairman of the Executive Board of ThyssenKrupp AG

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012

Necessitys child: In Malawi, an inventive young man built a small
power generating plant for his family using scrap metal, bike tires
and eucalyptus.



26 Two perspectives on knowledge and innovation

Views of William Kamkwamba and Ismail Serageldin

24 worth_knowing
66 projects_news
105 puzzle
106 review

12 Learning how to learn

An Interview with Stanislas Dehaene, a world-renowned
cognitive scientist
20 World in figures
Where knowledge originates
22 Democratized knowledge or idiocracy?
The effects of new media


Z 3
V 2


How innovative is the
world? A comparative
look at national
contributions to science


4.,2 %

50 m

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012. | September

.3 m
WZZ 2222,3
7. 22
AAwwVV 117

,7 %



Historic encounters: When trekking to the remarkable locales

of our scientific heritage, one is bound to wind up sooner or later
in the Galapagos the cradle of evolutionary theory.

United nations: At the ICAMS, an

international group of scientists is heading
in new directions in materials research.



Technology as childs play:

We check in on some
pint-sized robot enthusiasts.

Who says old dogs cant learn

new tricks? Our golden years
have much more to offer us,
says Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger.

30 Learning while you play
Kids experiment with technology
36 Meet the materialists
At the ICAMS in Bochum, a new generation of materials
engineers gets inventive.
42 Reaching toward the future
The ThyssenKrupp IdeasPark a review and preview
52 No ivory tower
ThyssenKrupps postgraduate program promotes promising
research projects.
54 Economical mobility
Two experts discuss the future of lightweight construction.
60 Brain work for office workers
How new findings in neuroscience are aiding continuing

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

74 Mission Statement
We are ThyssenKrupp
76 Meccas of modernity
A pilgrimage to the hallowed grounds of scientific progress
82 The education of an itinerant
David Reinke found his dream job at the IdeasPark.
84 Everyone learns differently
Insights into international education practices
90 In the age of networked intelligence: smarts in the age
of the smart phone
Prof. Hans-Jrg Bullinger on the constructive dialogue between
master minds
92 On the origin of the knowledgeable society
The fascinating history of Thyssen and Krupps early education
and training programs
100 Age often serves as a scapegoat
Psychology professor Ursula M. Staudinger on the need for
life-long learning


TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Why are we able to learn how to read, write and calculate? And how does our brain change as we
learn new things? In the following interview, Stanislas Dehaene, one of the worlds leading cognitive
neuroscientists, explains how schools can improve their teaching methods, why we should let our
children surf the Internet and how our brain places constraints on our culture.

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Learning to read is difficult because we have to use a brain

that was originally designed to ensure our survival in the
Stanislas Dehaene

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Professor Dehaene, can neuroscience help us use our brains more

One can certainly not expect miracles from neuroscience. After all,
learning, for example learning to read, is difficult we have to use a
brain that was originally designed to ensure our survival in the wilderness and not to read Shakespeare or develop quantum physics. Changing something we have inherited from evolution takes time. But if we understand how the brain does this, this knowledge can help us improve
our education systems. Today, we not only know a lot about such specific brain functions as reading or doing arithmetic, but about how learn-

Presumably, each individual

lesson at school physically
alters the brain of a child.
ing generally works. For example, sleep plays a very important role in
learning: Sleep is crucial to reinforcing what has been learned. Our
research results should persuade all parents to put their own children to
bed early.
And do neuroscientists help us learn to read?
They can at least give us tips on what works best. There is no ideal
method for teaching others how to read. But there are some principles
that we can and should adhere to. For example, we now know that the
brain does not recognize words as a unit in contrast to what the psychologists who made a remarkable discovery at the beginning of the
20th century initially thought: It doesnt matter if a word has three letters or eight letters. People identify words at the same speed. They concluded that we do not use the individual letters to identify words while
reading, but rather the entire form of the word. But that is incorrect. The

brain indeed uses all of the information but there is an effect that
we call parallel processing: All letters are processed at once. And
together they create a code that is transmitted to the phonological area
of the brain where the sound pattern of the word is coded.
No easy task
Thats why this process takes several years. For example, young
children read longer words more slowly they still need to read serially, letter for letter. Parallel processing is the result of learning. After three
to four years, we can read short and long words at the same speed. But
even adults read more slowly if the letters are spaced apart or in an
unusual font or handwriting.
Does reading change our brain?
Yes, considerably. Presumably, each individual lesson at school physically alters the brain of a child. Our research findings show, for instance,
that reading changes the visual brain a kind of special area of the
brain where letter shape and letter strings are recognized. But reading
also alters our auditory areas: The brains of people who can read show
dual activation of this region when they hear a language. The brains of
people who cant read only show single activation. That means that
reading radically changes our language code.
When learning to read, is the act of reading itself important, or is
what we read equally important?
When we learn to read, we are training the visual system to access the
language system. The best thing about reading: Once you have accessed the language system, you can access your other brain areas
you can read a math book or light fiction. While doing this, different
areas of the brain are activated, of course. But each time, you are training the reading process.
Even when surfing the Internet?
Some people say that children have stopped reading since the Internet
arrived on the scene. That is simply not true. They are almost constantly

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

The mathematician and psychologist Stanislas Dehaene, born in

1965, is one of the worlds leading cognitive neuroscientists. In 2005,
he was elected to the Acadmie des Sciences and Professor of the
newly created Chair of Experimental Psychology at the Collge de
France. Dehaene conducts research into the neural basis of reading,
writing and arithmetic. 7
looking at letters and words and do not stop reading. It is a different
form of reading because information is presented in smaller chunks. We
do not yet know if this has an important impact. But the reading process
itself is not at all changed by the Internet, but is rather trained by it.
Does reading letters and numbers activate different areas of the
Yes, definitely. Some patients with brain injuries can no longer read
texts but often they can still read numbers. So the same system is
clearly not being used: The letter shapes must be mapped out in the
phonological system, whereas numbers are primarily mapped out in the
quantity system that is in another area of the brain. Our visual system
therefore uses different areas of the cortex when we read letters or
Can we improve our writing systems to simplify reading?
Our writing systems have evolved over thousands of years. Just as with
biological evolution, the result of this evolution is not perfect. But writing systems are well adapted to the respective language. For example,
we can regard the irregularities in the French language as irregularities.
But they fit the French language well: There are a number of words that
are pronounced the same or similarly like seau (pail) and saut
(hop). So the same phoneme can be written differently and we can
eliminate the ambiguity only when we see the word. If French were written as it is spoken, then we would continuously encounter homographs
when reading. This is entirely different in the Italian language and
thats why the Italians have a completely transparent orthographic

Are cultures with writing systems that are difficult to learn at a

No, not at all. The Chinese, for instance, achieve the best results in
international comparisons in mathematics. It would be wrong to say
that they are at a disadvantage because they have to invest a lot of time
in learning to read.
Can you present the next possible step in the evolution of our writing systems?
A few things are indeed really inefficient. For example, its unfortunate
that our alphabet contains the letters b and d and p and q
because the visual system confuses them our brain is not made to
distinguish mirror images of letters from each other. This is why many
children sometimes write in mirror image when they learn to write. We 3

Examining the brain: Stanislas Dehaene conducts his research at NeuroSpin,

a research facility located on a spacious campus about 25 kilometers outside
Paris. Here, the human brain is examined using such state-of-the-art imaging
techniques as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

If you take a closer look, you will find considerable unity

in the different writing systems.
3 could at least replace these letters with other ones. Im also surprised
that we arent taking advantage of the computer more. It is amazing
how stupid we are: We take the computer and present the pages as if
they were printed by Gutenberg. We have not even begun to recognize
what is possible. At some point in time, we will probably discover that
the computer frees us from the constraints of printing letters physically.
Maybe we will then invent a new writing system I wouldnt rule this out.
We invented writing and reading although our brain was not designed to perform such tasks. How were we able to do that?
By making these inventions fit the constraints of our brains architecture! In contrast to popular belief, our culture does not exhibit unlimited
diversity. Instead, it is limited to what the genetic constraints of our brain

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

The wonder of reading
Writing was invented about 5,400 years ago by the Babylonians, and the alphabet is only 3,800 years old. In the grand
scheme of evolution, these are only brief moments in time.
Our genes have not had the time to evolve enough to develop
the neuronal circuits needed for reading. In light of this,
we experience the emotions of Nabokov and learn about
Einsteins theories using the brain of a primate, a brain that
was originally designed to survive in the African savannah. In
his book Reading in the Brain, Stanislas Dehaene explains
what this means for the science of reading and how the
complicated process of reading has become so automatized
tht evn mIStaks nO lngr plY a rOlE. The book takes readers
on an exciting journey into the human brain whose functions
are even less well known by the majority of people than those
of their computer. 7
Stanislas Dehaene: Reading in the Brain. The Science and Evolution of
a Human Invention. Viking, 448 pages

A scientists trophies: On the doorknob of his wardrobe,

Stanislas Dehaene collects his conference name tags from
the conferences he has attended in the last 12 months.

allow. Let me give you one example: At first glance, the alphabets and
writing systems of this world look very different. But if you take a closer
look, you will find considerable unity, for instance at the level of the
shapes that were chosen for these systems. I think we will discover that
this similarity exists in many other areas, for example in music. We will
understand how universal it is. 7

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September





0.5 mil.
wV 2

EWZ 0.5 mil.

AwV 73


3.2 %




EWZ 29.5 mil.

EWZ 28.9 mil.

n. a.

AwV 73

2.7 %

AwV 153


EWZ 7.6 mil.

5.9 %

AwV 6,623

EWZ 6.4 mil.

4.0 %

AwV 12


Knowledge is anything but equally divided around the world some
countries put together networks of leading universities and research
institutions, while others contribute virtually nothing to the advancement of knowledge. This is vividly demonstrated by the country
pairs shown here. Each of the paired countries has roughly the same
population, yet each produces an extremely disparate number of


scientific papers each year. Despite these differences, most countries

provide extensive funding to education the cards also show the
percentage amount of gross national product that the countries spend
on education. If these funds are well invested, the indicators may
produce a completely different picture in a few years.




EWZ 82.3 m
AwV 44,408

EWZ 34 mil.
AwV 27,800

4.9 %

EWZ 38.6 mil.

AwV 262

7.0 %

EWZ 89.6 mil.

AwV 283


2.4 mil.
EWZ 14
AwV 13

4.6 %

5.3 %



4.1 %


n. a.

K Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September



EWZ 1,1

1,330 mil.
AwV 56,806

66.1 m


AwV 18



5.7 %

AwV 589

EWZ 15
3.5 mil
AwV 23

EWZ 127.4 mil.

3.4 %

AwV 52,896

EWZ 27 mil.

WZZ 28.8 mil.
V 497


3.7 %

EWZ 50 mil.

EWZ 50 mil.

EWZ 46.9 mil

AwV 20,981

EWZ 64.2 mil.

AwV 1,728

4.9 %

EWZ 60.3
AwV 26,5


4.6 %

4.6 %

4.2 %

2.3 mil
AwV 1


expenditure on edu



WZ 190.8 mil.

3.5 %

AwV 11,885

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

5.5 %

20.6 mil.
WZ 2


wV 125

number of scientific

EWZ 237.6 m
AwV 198

5.1 %

AwV 2,805






5.3 %

EWZ 46 mil.
AwV 1,847




2.4 %


4.8 %

AwV 18,467



3.5 %

3.2 %



* The number of academic papers

includes scientific and engineering articles in the following areas:
physics, biology, chemistry,
mathematics, clinical medicine,
biomedical research, engineering
and technology, earth science
and astronomy. The latest available data are used and primarily
originate from 2006 to 2010.

Sources: World Bank, Unesco, National Science Foundation (Science and

Engineering Indicators), CIA Factbook, Wikipedia



The Internet is the most far-reaching innovation of the 20th century. For todays 20-year-olds, a world
that functioned without computers and the Internet seems like something from an ancient civilization.
But the effect the new omnipresent media has on the processing of information and the learning
process remains controversial.

re we lapsing into mental lethargy by letting Google do the

searching for answers to our questions instead of our very
own brains? Has the job that our fingers perform been
boiled down to nothing more than typing text messages?
Does our attention span extend only to the next e-mail
pop-up? Or are we venturing into completely new
worlds of knowledge and learning while we evolve into
increasingly productive multitaskers capable of juggling chats, Internet
surfing and games all at once? There is no question that the regular, intense use of the Internet and video games has an effect on our brains.
The real point under debate is how.

New teaching methods for the digital age

To the American Mark Prensky, they are digital natives. To the Dutch
educator Wim Veen, Homo zappiens the children of baby boomers
who have grown up in a digital world. This generation spends more time
with digital media than with school work or sleep, and a major portion
of their communicating is done online. To meet the needs and address
the interests of these digital natives, Prensky and Veen are calling for
our approach to teaching to be completely rethought.
Our education system is out of date, Prensky wrote in an essay on
education in the United States that was published recently. Our kids
educational needs have radically changed. New technologies are altering all areas of our society and all jobs. But our educational system is
not keeping pace with these changes. Prensky calls for the widespread
teaching of important new skills like programming and video communication. Skills that are no longer needed particularly those that machines can do faster and better should be dropped from the curriculum.
The Dutch educator Veen holds similar views: Traditional books,
lectures and text-based e-learning do not interest Homo zappiens. He
wants to control his own learning process and use instruments that support his ability to process information, he argues in his Visions 2020.
And these tools are computers, MP3 players, cell phones and remote
controls. Veen advocates a culture of game-based learning. He
argues that this approach better represents the digital lives of Homo
zappiens, a new species of humans who do not want to systematically

work their way through textbooks and prefer to click from link to link, that
is, to take an exploratory approach to questions.

Its the dosage, not the poison, that matters

The German neurologist and psychiatrist Professor Dr. Manfred Spitzer
views this brave new media world much more critically, as the title of
one of his books demonstrates, Vorsicht Bildschirm (Beware of the
Computer Monitor). When texts are no longer read, but are just
skimmed, when people only surf, instead of diving into books or
libraries to unearth thoughts and ideas, when the writing of thoughts is
replaced by cutting and pasting, no one becomes any more intelligent,
Spitzer says in describing his concerns. He thinks the worst mistake
being made in media education involves the dosage, which, as is well
known, is the heart of the poison: To successfully grow cognitively,
emotionally and socially, children and adolescents need, above all, the
real world and then the virtual one, he says. Today, young people are
finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate, to read and to comprehend something or even to write a structured text, the professor says.
For this reason, Spitzer calls for improved learning software for schools
and for a restriction on media consumption none for
children up to 3 years old and a maximum of an
hour a day for high-school students.
Spitzer says a permanent online existence has a negative effect in the following way: To consolidate something that has been

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

learned, the brain needs a period of rest. This life online prevents this
from happening. More and more people today are constantly linked to
the entire world. But they pay a price for this: They really deal less and
less with this world because they are less and less capable of doing it.

Too much at once

Unlike Prensky and Veen, Spitzer considers multitasking to be both
harmful and impossible. The daily media usage time of frequent multitaskers is 12.5 hours, and they pack it into eight to nine real hours,
he says. Studies conducted at Stanford University show that people
who frequently use several media at the same time have problems controlling their thinking: They have a harder time ignoring insignificant
external impulses as well as unimportant things in their memory. As a
result, multitaskers were less capable than non-multitaskers of shifting

To consolidate something that has been

learned, the brain needs a period of rest.
from one task to another, he says. Anyone not suffering from an
attention-deficit disorder can certainly acquire one through frequent
multitasking, Spitzer says.
He also argues that passive learning on the computer fails to sufficiently stimulate our gray matter: Roughly one-third of our brain is for planning, coordination and the execution of movements. And it is this onethird that is used when we engage in tactile learning, by apprehending.
When we learn at the click of a mouse, a simple pointing movement, this
third remains passive, just as it does by channel surfing. Anyone who
gets to know the world by sitting at a computer has gotten to know it
relatively more superficially and uses significantly fewer nerve cells in

The Flynn effect
In the 20th century, the average score on IQ tests in many
industrial countries rose by three IQ points per decade until
the 1990s, the New Zealand intelligence researcher James R.
Flynn has determined. The reasons Flynn cited for this improvement included not only better diets and healthcare, but
also new educational opportunities and technologies. While
the scores have continued to climb in developing countries,
the Flynn effect can be seen today in only a few industrial
nations. Some researchers blame this trend on the sensory
overload caused by new media. For his part, Flynn takes a
critical view of the term intelligence: It is stupid to confuse
IQ tests with what humans consider to be intelligence. There
is no reason to assume that our brains are better than those
of our ancestors, he said in an interview. In fact, IQ tests
do not actually measure intelligence however that may
be defined. Rather, they evaluate certain abilities, like pattern
recognition, that can be more or less learned and are used
more frequently in the digital world. 7

thinking about it. This is what we determined in the latest studies we

conducted in our labs, Spitzer says. He believes this finding has been
confirmed by a major study that American pediatricians conducted with
more than 1,000 infants. This study found that the use of Baby
Einstein DVDs to develop the babies language abilities had twice the
negative effect compared with the positive one created by reading aloud
to children every day. Computers and television can never replace
contact with humans, Spitzer says. 7

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Female innovation
Many inventions come from women
and very often these emerge out of pure
pragmatism. A brief overview:
The dishwasher
Because she was aggravated by the many
broken dishes resulting from washing and
drying, Josephine Cochran invented the dishwasher. In 1886, she applied for a patent for
her invention, and in 1893 she received the
prize for the best mechanical construction,
durability and adaptation to its line of work at
the Worlds Fair in Chicago.
The coffee filter
Dresden housewife Melitta Bentz invented filter
paper in 1908 because she was sick of always
finding coffee grounds at the bottom of the
mug. After it was patented in 1908, she immediately established a company in her name.

The windshield wiper

After noticing how New Yorkers stopped their
cars in the rain to get out and wipe down the
windshields by hand, Mary Anderson came
up with the idea of a windshield wiper. Her
contraption was patented in 1913.
A mathematical genius
In 1843, British mathematician Ada Lovelace
demonstrated how to calculate Bernoulli
numbers with Charles Babbages (never-built)
Analytical Engine computing machine thus
creating the precursor to computer software.
That is why she is credited as being the first
computer programmer before any of her
male colleagues. 7

He edited the Declaration of
Independence, was involved
in the drafting of the Constitution and created the first
lightning rod: Benjamin
Franklin was an entrepreneurial thinker in more than one
field he was not just a
statesman, he was also an
inventor. Let the experiment
be made, was the U.S.
Founding Fathers life motto.
In that respect, he designed a
glass harmonica, bifocals and
a wood-burning stove. But a
daring field trial brought him
worldwide fame: He and his
son flew a kite in a thunderstorm and guided lightning
to earth. He had captured fire from heaven, his contemporaries cheered.
Immanuel Kant proclaimed him the new Prometheus. Such feats have not
been surpassed by any politician since. But others have also dabbled in
inventing: German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer developed, among other
things, a toaster with see-through panels; British Technology Minister Tony
Benn devised a backpack with a built-in seat. 7

Long before the first laws protecting intellectual

property were passed, there were patents. One of the
oldest preserved patent certificates originated in
England and is almost 700 years old; the first patent
law was issued by the Republic of Venice in 1474. In
Japan, however, inventions of any kind were explicitly
forbidden in 1791: They wanted to keep the public
from modernizing. It wasnt until 1885 that a patent
law was introduced in Nippon nearly eight years
after its German counterpart.
TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

The university system in the United

States is more steeped in tradition
than one might think: Thirteen of the
countrys universities were founded
before 1800. In the former motherland, Oxford and Cambridge are
certainly among the worlds oldest
universities, but no other universities were established there until the
19th century.

Who invented it?

Samuel B. Morse and his code, King Camp Gillette and his razor,
Rudolf Diesel and his motor many names are inextricably linked to
their inventions. But who were the creators of the wheel and wagon,
stirrup and horseshoe, magnetic compass and paper money? They
all have changed the course of the world. And yet no one has built
memorials in their honor, named streets after them, restored their
childhood homes. Inventors Day hopes to remedy this by bringing
attention to those people who achieved neither fame nor fortune for
their ideas. Europe celebrates this day on November 9, the birthday of
actress and diva Hedy Lamarr, who was arguably the most beautiful
woman of the 1940s and broke many
hearts in her day. She didnt just
conquer Hollywood. She
also applied for a patent:
Together with composer George Antheil, she thought
up a fail-safe radio
remote control for
torpedoes. An
invention from two
artists? The US Marine
Corps politely declined.
It wasnt until much later
that technicians came back
to the idea: as a basis for cell
phones. 7

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Fiat Lux

To some extent, one could consider him to be one

of the most important representatives of the
Enlightenment. At least when one takes the name
of this epoch literally. After all, his work significantly contributed to bringing light into the darkness of
this world. Admittedly: He neither belonged to the
era of Enlightenment he wasnt born until the
mid-1800s nor were his works spiritual in nature.
No, this mans contribution to the brightening of
this world was very concrete: He was an inventor,
and the patent that he applied for in 1879, which
was approved the following year under the number
223898, laid the foundation so that today every
room can be lit with the simple flip of a switch.
This gifted tinkerer has more than 2,000 inventions
to his name despite the fact that he never had the
luxury of a formal education. Many among them
have had an enduring impact on the development
of economic, societal and cultural life as we know
it. The phonograph, for example, which made
recording the fleeting world of sound possible for the very first
time on a cylinder covered by a sheet of tin foil. The mimeograph (a device used for screen printing), the telegram and the
kinetoscope all lead back to our mystery man,
even if the bulk of these inventions
were developed by his employees.
But that has done nothing to
hurt his legacy and rightly
so. Even today, his name is
considered a synonym for
inventive ingenuity. But the
inventor described the
secret to his success in a
more prosaic way: Genius,
he said, is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. 7



After he had to stop going to

school in 2001 because his
parents could no longer afford to
pay the fees, the then 14-yearold William Kamkwamba
checked out a book about energy use from his villages library.
He came across a picture of a
windmill in the book and then
went to work building his own
version, one made of eucalyptus,
bicycle parts and scrap, in his
native village of Masitala,
Malawi. Thanks to his work, his
family had electricity it was the
first time that the Kamkwambas
had electrical light. The familys
neighbors were skeptical of
Kamkwambas work at first.
But once the windmill started
turning, they were lining up to
charge their cell phones. Kamkwamba became an international
celebrity as a result of his work.
In 2008, he was one of the first
97 students to attend the new
African Leadership Academy in
Johannesburg, South Africa.

I tried. And I made it.

William Kamkwamba, inventor from Malawi


We are at a turning point: The way that knowledge will be structured, accessed,
manipulated and understood, the way that knowledge will be expanded,
presented and taught all of this is undergoing fundamental change at the
moment. It is the most sweeping revolution since the invention of writing.
Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt


Learning through play nothing simpler than that. Knowledge about technology and the natural
sciences can be playfully communicated to children. The development of the necessary toys moved
from the classic forms like building blocks and model trains to computer-supported applications
a long time ago. We took a look at some small designers in action.

iklas, keep pressing until you get to program 5, Tycha Dinse tells the perplexed
8-year-old whose robot refuses to carry out the instructions given to it through
a computer. Philip and Simon add their own questions to the chorus: Why is
mine not doing anything? and why is it just going around in circles? Tycha
Dinse calmly takes control of the situation. The 25-year-old college
student is used to handling such cries for help. As a trainer at the Roberta
Academy, she works at the Deutsches Museum in Bonn and introduces 8- to

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Roberta is a technical marvel in the eyes of children:

The Lego robot can be brought to life using a relatively
simple computer program. Its nothing more than
childs play.

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3 12-year-olds to a secret world in which they can assemble a simple

robot made of Lego bricks and teach it to walk, dance and even scoot
around a barrier.

Computer work no problem!

But before the colorful robots can actually handle S-shaped curves or a
zigzag course at the end of the two-hour class, the children will learn
about all of the things that a robot can do and what makes it work
in the first place. For starters, Dinse wants to know just where
robots are used. The children already have the answer: for car testing,
in factories and at dangerous places where people cannot venture
themselves, including outer space. But what has to be done to actually
activate a robot? You have to assemble it! They already have an idea,
but they have not grasped the details yet. Thats not a problem, though,
because Dinse is happy to tell the young technology buffs just what
a robot is all about: A robot has no mind of its own. It can do nothing.
A smart person must tell it what to do and thats a pretty tricky
process. With these words, Dinse has piqued the childrens interest.
Now, they want to know more about the robots inner workings. To find
the answers, two-child teams quickly get to work on assembling the socalled Roberta, whose chassis is outfitted with a microprocessor, and
using colorful Lego bricks to give them a distinct look with telescopic
eyes or additional arms. And then the class really gets rolling. Who

In Leonardo da Vincis footsteps?

Will Niklas, Hannah, Simon or Oliver end up an engineer later in life?
No one knows right now. Police officer, veterinarian, nurse, soccer
player, teacher, pilot and firefighter for decades, children have
expressed their interest in the same jobs and have generally followed
conventional role patterns in society. Among boys, the jobs of
engineer and researcher, discoverer and inventor rank in the

knows where these two cables go? on the black part! The young
designers may not have the technical terms down pat just yet, but they
are already well-versed in one thing: The correct way to work with computers has apparently become second nature to these kids. Maxi, Paul,
Oliver, Hannah and Bruce work the touchpads on their laptops that they
use to bring the robots to life so skillfully that you begin to think they
do nothing else the whole day long. The eight children also have no
problem following the instructions please connect it to the USB port.
Once they have set up their computer work stations, the highly motivated designers turn their attention back to their instructor. So, what is
the first task you have to complete to let the robot know what it has to
do? A brief period of silence is followed by a fairly vague recollection
about the topic of todays course: programming!

The radio wave does it: Roberta learns to walk

No sooner said than done: Using a relatively simple command menu,
the children write a computer program for Roberta. Walk straight
ahead for two seconds, turn right, walk straight ahead again, shake
yourself and walk in a zigzag pattern the goal is to put the Robertas
through their paces today. The anticipation of a robot race fills the air.
But wait the work done so far is not enough. Before you can start
your Roberta, you must first transfer the program, Dinse says in telling
the children about the next step in the process. Using a radio, the chil-

mid-section of their favored jobs. To improve the image of technical

jobs, the Roberta Academies, numerous other initiatives, museums,
schools and kindergartens are teaching knowledge about the natural
sciences in a playful manner.
It remains to be seen how many of the children who receive such
instruction will actually become engineers later in their lives. But, at
the very least, the childrens behavior during play reveals much about
them, says educational-services manager Stefan Ginthum: You have

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A robot has no mind of

its own. It can do nothing.
A smart person must tell
it what to do.

dren transmit their self-written program to their Robertas microprocessor. And now things really get rolling: Two by two, the teams have
brought their Roberta to life and proudly show off pirouettes, turning
maneuvers and collisions. These crashes bring expressions of glee,

especially from the boys the robots close encounters with the legs of
chairs and walls also have a certain learning effect: How can you teach
the robot to avoid the barrier?, the teacher asks. It must go backward! The fact that a robot must first recognize a barrier before it can

Just what makes a

robot tick? The children
learn that the secret lies
in its microprocessor.

children who use a toy once or assemble it and then put it on

a shelf. The constructive element is not so important to such
children. And you have the creative ones who have a whole lot
of fun building things. They milk things for all they are worth and
will take a toy apart over and over again. A great technical toy
will open a new world to these children.

avoid it does not appear to be self-evident to this age group. But it doesnt matter because Tycha Dinse can also patiently explain the solution:
Roberta needs something like eyes. For this reason, Roberta will now
get some light sensors. And the children run off to the Lego toolbox
and their laptops. They then get down onto the floor, which they have
turned into a robot racetrack.

A key feature: doing it yourself

The childrens enthusiasm clearly shows what really captures their
attention: A technically appealing, cool design is what the children 3

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Hard to believe: The young
students at the Roberta
Academy are amazed by
their creations.


3 really like, Stefan Ginthum says

in explaining the success of the
robot course. He is an educational services manager for a company dedicated to providing hightech learning media to children.
And the do-it-yourself aspect
plays a very big role, Ginthum
adds. Things that move and that
have gears that you can look
at these are the things that fascinate children. Thanks to carrying out work on a computer,
which has rapidly developed into
a cultural sensation that children
have also mastered, a number of new possibilities have evolved, he
This is the focal point of the Roberta courses, in which commercially
available building blocks are complemented by the computer-supported development of a complete system design. This is exactly how its
done in industry, says Thorsten Leimbach of the Fraunhofer Institute
for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems, which developed the

Roberta courses. Using very simple means, you can make the robot do
something. This gives children an immediate sense of achievement. We
use this low entry threshold to awaken and maintain interest. Complex
tools like a soldering iron are not necessary. The toy industry is also taking advantage of the falling prices of such technical components as
memory and processors. Many brand-name manufacturers can now
sell rather mature technical toys at reasonable prices. Added to this is
the professional industry software that is designed in such a way that
even small children can use it, Leimbach says.

The aim is to understand technology

For most children, using technology has become second nature. For
years now, they have had cell phones, computers and game consoles
at their fingertips. But being able to use technology is one thing
understanding it is something else entirely, Leimbach says.
To promote the understanding of technology, particularly among girls,
the Fraunhofer Institute launched the Roberta program at the turn of
the millennium. Ever since, trainers like Tycha Dinse have been taught
to introduce 8- to 12-year-olds to robot programming, a rather complicated subject for this age group. Can Thorsten Leimbach recommend
that children build their own robots at home? If mothers and fathers
join in, it can work well. We have noticed that the children need a

Since 1997, young people between the ages of 10 and 20 have
been able to enter robots they built themselves in a competition,
having their technically advanced machines play soccer or complete search, rescue or logistics tasks in front of a large crowd.
The Switzerland-based RoboCup Federation works to awaken

young peoples interest in technical courses of study and jobs

through the fascination created by the game with technical
systems and artificial intelligence. National competitions are
held in many countries. The world championship for 2012
was held in Mexico City in June.

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Things that move and that have

gears that you can look at
these are the things that fascinate

certain amount of guidance, Leimbach says. In principle, though,

children really dont need a whole lot of special toys in order to explore
technology. They ask so many questions every day. You just have to
explain things to them. Tycha Dinse seems to have taken this particular lesson to heart. How else could the young woman remain so calm
amid the whirlwind kicked up by the eight budding engineers in the
Deutsches Museum in Bonn? 7

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Eighty scientists from 30 countries: an international community conducts research at the
ICAMS institute in Bochum, Germany. One
goal unites them: They are determined to be
the worlds finest developers of materials.

allways have a lot of stories to tell. Anyone who has a marble floor
certainly wants to make a serious impression. And anyone who
paints the walls red wants to show off his or her creativity. In the
hallway of the Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Materials
Simulation or ICAMS you will find a no-frills map of the world
hanging on the wall. Small flags have been stuck in innumerable
cities on the map, places like Santa Fe and Toronto, Shanghai 3

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What distinguishes a material from a solid body?

People like Jutta Rogal who conducts research at
ICAMS develop a scientific understanding of materials.

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Facts about research

Appreciates the pioneering spirit: Chemist Georg Madsen has been on board since 2009.

3 and Kokshetau. Each flag represents a place where an institute employee has
done research, taught and lived.
ICAMS lures scientists from around the world to Bochum, a city in the Ruhr region
of northwestern Germany it is considered to be one of the leading materialsresearch institutes in Europe. The people who walk down this unpretentious hallway have an ambitious goal: They intend to revolutionize the way that materials
are developed.
The flag planted on the Danish coast belongs to Georg Madsen: The 39-year-old
chemist earned his doctorate in Aarhus, Denmark. He joined the institute in 2009
a year after it was established. He was drawn by its pioneering spirit: We can
create something new here, he says. This is shaping up to be an institute where
everyone wants to work in the same direction. In Bochum, he hoped he would
meet people who thought the same way and be able to discuss issues with them.
And unlike life at the university he would not have to fight his battles as a lone
wolf. Georg Madsen found what he was looking for. Today, ICAMS is the scientific home to about 60 people, including mathematicians, computer scientists,
engineers, materials scientists, physicists and chemists like himself. All specialties work together.

This is shaping up to be an institute where

everyone wants to work in the same direction.
Georg Madsen, chemist
The researchers have taken off their lab coats. Clad in a T-shirt, Georg Madsen
sits at a computer terminal, surrounded by formulas, graphs and tables. At the
ICAMS, computer simulations have replaced experiments. No matter whether the
focal point is wind-power stations, airplane turbines or car doors: Many technological innovations require new materials. At ICAMS, their corrosion resistance,
strength and flexibility are determined using a mouse click that takes the place
of laborious experiments. The researchers are able to save two things by simulating the properties of materials on their computers: time and resources. In doing 3

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The Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Materials

Simulation (ICAMS) opened in 2008 and is part of
the Ruhr-University Bochum. Three foundationendowed chairs cover three areas: atomistic
simulation, thermodynamic and kinetic simulation
as well as the micromechanic simulation of macromechanic material behavior. Using multiscale
modeling, ICAMS is working to predict the behavior of materials, results that will enable materials
with desired properties to be developed more
easily. ICAMS has received support not only from
political leaders, but also from industry: It gets
about 24 million from the German state of North
Rhine-Westphalia and from an industrial consortium of which ThyssenKrupp is a member. The
partnership with ThyssenKrupp also has a practical
benefit. The institutes researchers and the companys developers work together and hold regular
discussions during symposiums and meetings.
Another high-performance computing group funded
by ThyssenKrupp will be launched in 2012. 7

International community:
51 percent of the institutes
scientists come from
countries outside Germany.


Education at ICAMS

The share of women is climbing it is now 20 percent, thanks in part to Sankari Sampath.

3 so, they gain a huge lead on their global competitors. A lead that can only be
measured in years, and not months. But this requires some preliminary work to
be done, too.
Georg Madsen, for instance, heads the atomistic simulation group. With the help
of Eunan from Northern Ireland, Nick from the Midwest of the United States and
Alessandro from northern Italy, he explores density functional theory, which is
used to determine the properties of molecules. But he has few proven programs
on which he can draw and first has to develop the necessary methods. As a
result, he expects that it will be a few years before he will have many results to
show for his work. Nonetheless, the pace at ICAMS is fast. The time between the
idea and action is not very long, Georg Madsen says. Six months ago, the first
discussions were held about a thermoelectric project it is now under way. The
institute went from zero to 100 in seconds flat. Or as Georg Madsen puts it: We
hit the ground running.
From zero to 100
People who sign on at the ICAMS do not speak a whole lot of German. At the conference table, in seminar rooms, during group meetings or at the coffee machine:
English is the language you hear in the 10th, 11th and 12th floors of High Rise
West. German words rarely crash the party. If this werent the case, Alessandro,
the new employee from Italy, would not understand a word being said. He joined
Georg Madsens team as a PhD candidate just a few months ago, and he had to
beat out 80 other applicants for the opportunity. His excellent grades in physics
proved to be the game breaker.
Creating a good group and recruiting skilled employees Georg Madsen thinks
ICAMS can be proud of these accomplishments. The strength of the institute is
also reflected in the number of papers its staff has published. Georg Madsen had
a hand in five papers last year. Since the institute opened in 2008, its employees
have published nearly 270 papers. And they were able to do so even though they
had no electricity or computers during its first weeks of operation. Today, the
infrastructure works just fine, and the team is nearly complete. There are few
openings for PhD and post-doc candidates listed on the institutes home page: It
will soon be time to add three more flags to the hallway map. 7

Under the leadership of Managing Director Ralf

Drautz, ICAMS intends to not only give new life to
materials development, but also to engineering education: The institute now offers the degree program called materials science simulation. In taking
this approach, ICAMS is cultivating a generation of
materials engineers who learned during their masters degree programs that various disciplines must
work together. We intend to ensure that our students know how a physicist or a chemist, how a
materials scientist or a mechanical engineer views
material. Our graduates should have a holistic understanding of materials, Ralf Drautz says. Up to
30 students are to be admitted each semester. 7

Share of women rises

In Germany, more women than men earn the
Abitur, the diploma issued by the countrys collegepreparatory high schools. But this trend is not really
reflected in technical subjects. For instance, the
share of women majoring in electrical engineering
is 9 percent. But not at ICAMS: 20 percent of
employees are female. One of them is the PhD
candidate Aenne Kster. Even though she had no
Lego building bricks as a child, she says she has
always been fascinated by mathematics and
physics. ICAMS gives the 26-year-old the opportunity to bring this interest to life. Here, she is researching how the behavior of TRIP steel can be
described with the help of a suitable model. What
does she like best? Putting the theory into a
model. 7


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Had to beat out 80 other

applicants: Alessandro Parma
is one of the newest members

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The playground for new ideas

The IdeasPark is part of the Discovering Future Technology initiative that ThyssenKrupp launched in 2004.
The initiative is a response to the increasing shortage of young people interested in technical careers and is
designed to promote a dialogue about technology among all segments of society and age groups as well as
to excite young people about technology-related vocational apprenticeships and university-level engineering
The Ideas Park initiative pursues no commercial interests. It is an open platform that enables its
approximately partners from science, society, business and media to bundle their educational and technical
activities into joint projects.

The Ideas Park has become a fixture of the educational landscape in Germany. To mark this
occasion, we took a look back at the past and ahead to the future: We were wondering just what
had become of some projects that had been introduced at past IdeasParks and came up with
some very interesting answers.

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What the world needs
What do room-cleaning robots, homework-performing machines and devices capable of predicting test
questions have in common with machines that regulate sleep and waking times and devices that suck up
polluted air? The world is still waiting for them to be invented at least that is what children said at the
IdeasPark. During the stimulating journey through the world of technology, they apparently gained not only
impressions, but also ideas. In the following section, some visitors recall their experiences.

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Venturing into new dimensions

No matter whether it is perspective drawing or holography
for ages, painters, photographers and filmmakers have been
dreaming about the spatial presentation of images. A group of
young researchers from northern Germany made this dream
come true by using several three-dimensional all-round
displays that were shown at the IdeasParks 2006 and 2008.
These displays have been continuously refined since then and
may now have a huge future ahead of them: the FELIX 3D
The FELIX 3D display, which has been continuously upgraded by
the FELIX 3D project group at the Vincent Lbeck High School, uses
the Helix3D system that was patented in 1976 by its inventor,
Professor Rdiger Hartwig. In this system, laser beams are
projected onto a rapidly rotating helix (= spiral) in a cylinder. This
produces points of light that in their entirety produce a threedimensional picture. As one potential area of application, Hartwigs
patent application noted that the system could be used in airtraffic control to produce three-dimensional images of objects
flying at heights and distances.

In all FELIX 3D displays, the images seem to float in space for

instance, in a glass ball or in a crystal cube. The observer can freely
move around the display, observing the object from all sides and
taking control using suitable input media.
The displays were perfected during years of exacting work overseen by Knut Langhans, a director of studies and a physicist. In the

The impulse provider: Knut Langhans (middle) with his team.

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The IdeasPark was a whole lot of fun. It had plenty of hands-on

technology and experiments you could try for yourself. When
we learned about the solar system at school, I created a model
of the solar system.
Daniel, 11

3-D tube produced

in a zirconiumbased glass.

process, they have gained international acclaim in academia. They

also show tremendous potential. The three-dimensional FELIX
displays are ideal for 3-D design in such areas as architecture.
They soon could find themselves in air-traffic control towers or
operating rooms. With the aid of spatial screens, the airspace
above an airport or the interior of the human body would be shown
in three dimensions the images themselves would be provided by
radar or a computer tomography scanner. In air-traffic control, for
instance, various colored points of light could provide true-to-scale
representation of planes flying to and traveling from the airport.
This would be much simpler and less prone to errors than todays
practice: Air-traffic controllers still have to calculate the third
dimension from data.
The students of Knut Langhans have proven for nearly 30 years
now that research never stands still. The latest breakthrough is the
LEDFELIX display, a volumetric 3-D display with an active screen
that has practically no size limitation. With this innovative display, it
is no longer necessary to project the images: The volumetric pixels
or voxels glow on their own.

The research results produced by the budding researchers in Stade

have been attracting the interest of international industry and
science for a long time now at international conferences, the
secondary-school students are the youngest delegates.
The FELIX researchers also profit individually from their innovative
activities: In addition to having an opportunity to gain practical
training in their free time, they gain further qualifications and
expertise in natural science and technology as well as in method
training and project management. As part of this opportunity, Knut
Langhans has set up an association to assist natural scientists of
the future (VFN e.V.). The students themselves prove over and over
again that this association is taking the right approach: They give
up their afternoons, weekends and school vacations for their
projects. And those that grow out of the project group often
remain associated with it during their future careers. 7,

The stuff that makes up space: display material and lens system.

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Visiting the IdeasPark strengthened my interest in technical

processes and interrelationships. After completing an
apprenticeship to become a draftsman, I would like to study
mechanical engineering.
Jens, 22

David vs. GOALIAS

At the IdeasPark 2008 in Stuttgart, GOALIAS definitely had its
hands full: The goalie robot developed by the Institute for
Automation and Software Technology at the University of
Stuttgart had to fend off more than 10,000 penalty kicks,
some of which raced at speeds of up to 120 km/h. The mechanical goalie blocked more than 92.5 percent of the shots.
Its not surprising then that GOALIAS was one of the biggest
attractions at the IdeasPark.

After 18 months of developmental work, the star scorer was born:

With David, users can set the trajectory using a graphical input option. Once the trajectory is determined, the shooting parameters
are transmitted to the central control unit, which then readies the
automated kicker for the task at hand. The ball is fired at the click
of a button.
The institute says Davids goal-scoring percentage beats that of
every soccer pro. The goal scorer, which excels during standard situations, can rocket the ball into the net at speeds of 144 km/h and
curls free kicks into the corner at a rate that other ball magicians
can only dream of. In this case, even GOALIAS is helpless. 7

The heart of GOALIAS is a sophisticated system designed to

demonstrate the capabilities of cutting-edge automation technology: To block a penalty kick, GOALIAS uses three high-performance cameras to determine the balls latest position.
This information is passed on to the central, microcontroller-based control system that determines where the
ball will hit and prompts GOALIAS to block the ball at that
point. When the ball is shot at very fast speeds, the automated goalkeeper really gets put to the test. After all, it
has barely one-half second to react.
To further improve GOALIAS, it has to be tested with repeated shots that are both very fast and very precise.
Knowing that soccer stars like Lionel Messi and conventional ball-shooting machines would not be up to this
challenge, the institutes automation experts came up
with another idea: David, the automated soccer shoe.
The main requirements for the goal scorer who would
take on GOALIAS were quickly determined: David would
have to have the shooting strength of the worlds best
soccer pros and be able to propel the ball with rotational
speeds of up to 20 rotations per second. In addition, the
automated soccer shoe should be able to repeatedly
shoot the ball along nearly the same predetermined
Faster than every soccer pro, more deadly than any ball machine: David, the automated
soccer shoe.

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Living structures
A tower that grows on its own? Baubotanik, or construction
botany, demonstrates that growing woody plants can be used
as structures. The German term was created by the Institute of
Modern Architecture and Design at the University of Stuttgart.
The thinking behind the concept: Trees play a major role in microclimates and the appearance of our cities. But it usually takes
decades for a tree to fully develop. The aim of Baubotanik is to
erect architectural tree structures that are the size of living trees. By
taking this approach, green spaces that combine the aesthetic and
environmental qualities of trees with structural functionality can be
created in significantly less time.
Baubotanik structures frequently draw from the same basic principle: Young, flexible trees are fixed to the conventional load-bearing

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It was great to get a completely different perspective of cars

that fill streets everyday as cross-sections. I would really like
to build cars myself or modify forms, that is, work in design.
Antonia, 9

structure and shaped to create the desired form. As they grow, the
trees bear a bigger and bigger share of the load. After several years
have passed and an inspection has been conducted by a structural engineer, the technical support structure can be removed. Floors
of the structure or a roof can then be borne by the trees alone. In
other structures, woody plants take over the load-bearing role from
the very start.

An organism consisting of several hundred plants

Because Baubotanik designers constantly deal with uncontrollable
growth processes, a structure may not evolve in the way that an
architect imagined it would. But thats not the goal anyway, says
Ferdinand Ludwig, a research assistant and member of this investigative area at the institute. We want to end the discord between
tree and structure. We are interested in creating green spaces
that you can experience not only on the ground, but also in the
man-made tree crown. One possibility is functional buildings
including residential buildings that have a technical load-bearing
structure around which a Baubotanik unit has been erected.
Most recently, the research department at the institute has intensified its work to develop new areas of application for woody plants
in Baubotanik. One result of this work is a tower that is rising into
the sky near Lake Constance in southern Germany. The base of this
tower is a structure resembling half-timbered houses that consists
of several hundred white willows. Only the lowermost plants were
placed into the ground. All of the others were rooted in plant
containers borne by a temporary steel frame. Here, the Stuttgart
researchers are drawing on the ability of plants from the same
species to grow into a single organism. With this approach, the
plant containers can be removed once the lowermost plants of the
tower have developed a strong root system in the soil. Once the
living structure is stable enough to hold the three integrated levels
made of galvanized steel and bear the load of the structure, the entire frame can be removed. The point when this can occur depends

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on a number of factors and

is one of the questions being
studied at the tower structure. It is expected to take
five to 10 years after planting time at the end of 2009.
The biggest, as well as the
first urban, Baubotanik
structure is the Plane-TreeCube Nagold, which is being
erected as part of the
Baden-Wrttemberg Garden
and Flower Festival in 2012.
The institutes Baubotanik
research group is the driving
force behind this project as
well. The structures planning documents describe
the structure as a walk-in
Thats what the tower will look like
tree and a fusion of the
one day unless the tree changes its
urban tree and the urban
house. It consists of a loadbearing structure of living plants and various technical units like
stairs and galleries. Following the flower festival, the cube,
measuring 10 x 10 x 10 meters is to be integrated into a row of city
houses. 7



TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

At the last IdeasPark, I was an apprentice at ThyssenKrupp,

and the IdeasPark motivated me to study engineering. After
visiting the IdeasPark, I was also determined to participate in
Germanys research competition for young people, Jugend
forscht. And I did take part in 2009, winning a special prize in
healthcare for creating a talking diaper that people needing
care can use and that helps prevent illness.
Eyuep, 21

Glowing development worker

At the IdeasPark 2006 in Hannover, the Technical University
Dresden presented an innovation that could improve the lives
of millions of people who have to live without electricity: a
solar-powered LED light source capable of replacing the popular kerosene lamps in developing countries that create only a
flicker at best while also burning fossil fuels.
Each year, about 1.5 million tons of kerosene are burned in Africa,
and spending on kerosene in some countries makes up the biggest
portion of the foreign-currency budget. With the help of a SOLUXSolarleuchte, though, 35 liters of kerosene per lamp can be conserved each year. The project was not continued by the Center for
Technical Design at TU Dresden for lack of an industry partner. But
the spirit of the light source still burns, says Jan Hesse of the
Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems, which worked on
the solar-light project at the time and is now developing a new light
technology of the future, the organic light-emitting diode (OLED).
First, the original partner who left the project prematurely, Solux
e.V., developed its own LED-operated solar light source. It is sold
as a user-ready light and as a kit that can be used to assemble the
light in a workshop located in the developing country. Second, a
number of other projects that use cutting-edge lighting technology
in an array of products are being conducted at the Center for Technical Design. For instance, the designers at TU Dresden are in high
demand as partners in funded research projects that are developing innovative applications of organic and inorganic light-emitting
In his latest research work, Jan Hesse is also directly benefiting
from the expertise that his team developed during the original solar

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light-source project. He is working to develop a low-cost production

process for OLEDs, a particularly efficient and environmentally
conscious light source. Currently, the OLED modules are made on
glass substrates. Hesses team is intensely working to put OLEDs
on flexible substrates, including plastic and metal foils, that can
then be coated with OLEDs. If we get to the point where we can
economically produce OLEDs on foil, this would be the optimal light
source for a solar lamp in developing countries, Hesse says. 7

A ray of hope for households without electricity: the solar lamp


projects_phd program

Its the dream of many a PhD student: to write a dissertation that forms the cornerstone of groundbreaking innovation. To bring this dream to life, one thing is key: practical experience. And one way to get it is
to participate in an industry-oriented PhD program like the one offered by ThyssenKrupp.

he success of renewable energies largely depends on the

ability to efficiently store electrical energy. After all, an adequate
storage solution is essential to effectively balance the supply of
wind- and solar-generated energy, which fluctuates sharply with
weather conditions and the time of day, and efficiently use these
sources of energy. For this reason, research on such storage
technologies has taken off, including at ThyssenKrupps plant-

engineering company Uhde GmbH. There, the topic is the subject of a

research project launched about one year ago by Simon Schulte
Beerbhl, a student in ThyssenKrupps PhD program Your Innovation.
This topic instantly appealed to the industrial-engineering graduate,
who had focused on process and plant technology as well as chemical
technology during his studies at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
For his PhD work, Schulte Beerbhl has selected a topic related to an

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internship he had completed in 2009 at ThyssenKrupp Uhde in the area

of ammonia synthesis. But the magna cum laude graduate was also
sold by the topics practical relevance. After establishing contact with
the Institute through the PhD program, ThyssenKrupps research topic
was presented to the Institute since the assessment of processes and
technologies fits very well with the Institutes focal topics, the 25-yearold explains. Over the course of three years, Schulte Beerbhl, who
learned about the PhD program as a result of his membership in
ThyssenKrupps study-support program, will explore how chemical raw
materials like ammonia, methanol and methane can be efficiently
produced from electrical energy in technical processes and converted
back into electricity and heat when needed. For ThyssenKrupp Uhde,
chemical storage options are particularly interesting because the companys technologies can be used in the process, explains Dr. Brbel
Kolbe, Chief Engineer in Research and Development at Uhde GmbH. A
mentor in the PhD program, she supports Schulte Beerbhl as his
tandem partner and provides assistance when content-related and
organizational questions arise. Her own expertise in the subject area is
just the icing on the cake. Her own PhD experience is a prerequisite for
becoming a mentor. This type of experience ensures that mentors can
relate to the PhD students and understand the challenges of the
individual phases of doctoral work.

The best of both worlds

Brbel Kolbe earned her PhD in 1983 in the newly rediscovered hot
topic of bioethanol, and she lent her daughter a helping hand every
once and awhile as she was working on her own dissertation. On top of
that, Kolbe meets an additional requirement for serving as a mentor in
ThyssenKrupps PhD program: As an experienced executive, she is
linked to a great network that extends well beyond her own field and

functional area. As a result, I can forge important contacts with expert

colleagues for Mr. Schulte Beerbhl, explains Kolbe whose responsibilities in the R&D department also include establishing and nurturing
contacts with universities. Following the initial phase, Im now involved
in the detailed engineering work and spend much time at the Dortmund
location where I can work closely with the experts, Schulte Beerbhl
As an external PhD student, Schulte Beerbhl hopes to combine the
best of both worlds. The advantage of a PhD program at a research
institution is that youre in the midst of other scientists. The practical
application of the project is a challenge. Through the PhD program and
my research project at ThyssenKrupp, both can be ideally combined,
he explains. Is this the ticket to an industry career? Its too early to
say, Schulte Beerbhl says, but thanks to this program, I can get to
know life and work in both worlds and will certainly get a better picture
of where the journey could take me down the road. He especially
values the opportunity to talk with other PhD program participants about
the broad range of challenges that arise in the program. A PhD student
exploring continuous production in a steel plant has very different challenges to master than someone like me who is researching the planning
and assessment of chemical processes, Schulte Beerbhl says. This
exchange is very exciting and informative.
The PhD program ensures that all doctoral projects are on the cutting
edge of research by championing topics that complement current company projects: projects like energy storage in chemicals, an innovation
that holds much potential for electricity production or direct use as fuel
for vehicles once all technological challenges are mastered. This just
may be the case when Schulte Beerbhl hands in his dissertation.7

Your Innovation the PhD program of ThyssenKrupp AG

As part of ThyssenKrupps PhD program Your Innovation, highly qualified young scholars are integrated into the Groups work on the
latest technologies. In addition to ensuring a steady stream of young scientists, the program supports the development of specialized
and, above all, interdisciplinary expertise as well as systematically promotes innovation at the company. The program targets internal
PhD students with PhD positions at ThyssenKrupp AG or a Group company as well as external PhD students at departments or institutes
who are working on practical projects with ThyssenKrupp.
The core focus of the program is dissertation topics in the fields of engineering and business. Interdisciplinary exchange among
program participants as well as coaching sessions, made-to-measure seminars and networking events help participants recognize and
develop their potential as well as offer comprehensive support tailored to the individual phases of doctoral study. 7

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Strong team: Dr.-Ing. Lothar

Patberg and Professor Dr.
Werner Hufenbach stand in
front of a radial braiding
machine at the Institute for
Lightweight Engineering
and Polymer Technology in

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

ThyssenKrupp is conducting research with the Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer
Technology at the Technical University of Dresden to find innovative materials solutions that
can be used in creating the mobility of tomorrow. An interview with the institute director Professor
Dr. Werner Hufenbach and Dr.-Ing. Lothar Patberg, Director of Innovation at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe.

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Sensible use of forces: Elaborate testing

procedures are required in the development of lightweight construction solutions. The tension compression testing
machine shown here, for example,
is used to test the energy absorption
potential of foam.

3 What requirements will be placed on mobility of the future

and which challenges will have to be overcome in the
PATBERG: Vehicle manufacturing in the future will have two
key qualities: first, an array of drive systems, that is, the coexistence of internal-combustion engines, electric drive systems

and limitations of modern materials, we started a partnership

with the Institute for Lightweight Construction and Plastics
Engineering at the Technical University of Dresden 10 years
ago. The objective is to create expertise in the use and evaluation of innovative lightweight construction materials and to
explore the maximum possible weight-saving potential. This is
the only way that we can optimally advise our customers
about the selection of the right materials mix.

We intend to gain skills in the use and evaluation of

lightweight construction materials.

What does the Institute for Lightweight Engineering

and Polymer Technology do? What particular experDr.-Ing. Lothar Patberg, Director of Innovation at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe
tise do you contribute to the partnership?
HUFENBACH: Dresden is the cradle of state-of-the-art
lightweight construction practices. It has large, established
and hybrid units that combine various technologies; second,
expertise about this area, both in terms of aerospace as well
the continuously growing demands being placed on lightas the automotive and rail-vehicle industries. The Institute for
weight construction and the increasing reduction of weight
Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology plays an imwith the aim of lowering energy costs. The special challenge
portant role in this work and acts as an international pioneer
here is to cost-effectively implement lightweight construction.
in the area of functionally integrated lightweight construction.
After all, smart lightweight construction must be done not only
One of our special characteristics is our holistic approach: We
reliably and safely, but also, above all, affordably. To move
offer lightweight-construction solutions from a single source
forward in this area and to get to better know the possibilities

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the individual systems. We focus on the entire system from

the actuators, that is, the producers of motion, to the sensor
and electrical systems. To enable knowledge produced by research to be quickly and efficiently passed on to the business
community, the Technical University of Dresden has established a number of limited liability companies, including the
Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH, a company that focuses
on the area of lightweight construction. Thanks to this company, we can provide our industry partners with an ideal interface for the series-focused development of lightweight-construction solutions.

from materials design and production technologies for lightweight components and systems to tests and quality-assurance processes. Specifically, this means: We do not just make
a sheet-metal or plastic part for a door. We also develop entire
vehicle concepts. In the process, we examine the interplay of

What strengths does steel have in comparison with other

materials, particularly plastics? And what are its limitations?
HUFENBACH: Steel has a number of properties that make it
an extremely attractive and versatile material, including its
stiffness and its ability to deform when overloaded. The
strengths of the relatively new materials group of carbon-fiberreinforced plastic, or CFRP, in comparison to steel lie in the
way it combines extreme lightness with high stiffness and
rigidity. These properties make it the material of choice in certain applications. CFRPs are also very consistent in their
usage properties. But they also have their weaknesses. One
of them concerns problems involved with determining whether
the material has been damaged. When this occurs with steel,
you will see a dent and can simply repair the damage. For
CFRP, you have to use an ultrasound device to spot possible 3

Mobility of the future

InEco is a project being conducted by ThyssenKrupp Steel as the main sponsor in
cooperation with the Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology at
the Technical University of Dresden and Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH to develop an
ultralight high-performance electric vehicle (see drawing). The InEco project is designed to study new materials and
identify the optimal materials mix in order to be prepared to meet rising mobility demands in terms of lightness,
stability and cost effectiveness. The project was launched at the beginning of 2011 and was presented to a wide
audience for the first time at the International Motor Show held in Frankfurt am Main in September 2011. 7

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3 internal cracking. And it

is not so easy to repair.
PATBERG: Right now,
steel has a number of
other strengths on its
side that go along with
its special material
properties. One is its
price, that is, its cost
effectiveness. Carbonfiber-reinforced polymers are still very
expensive and hardly
suited for a mass market. While a kilogram of
Wants to make steel fit for the future:
steel costs about 80
Dr.-Ing. Lothar Patberg
cents, a kilogram of
CFRP will cost you 10 to 15. Thats a huge difference. In addition, steel is much more environmentally friendly and can be
reused indefinitely. When you look at CO2 emissions over the
entire product cycle, steel is almost unbeatably sustainable in
comparison with all other lightweight-construction materials
when evaluated on the basis of todays electricity mix.
What will this mean for steels future in cutting-edge lightweight construction?

The future of lightweight construction is not black.

Rather, the materials mix is crucial.
Professor Dr. Werner Hufenbach, Institute Director at the
Technical University of Dresden
HUFENBACH: This is not an issue of either/or, but of both.
Steel and other metallic materials like aluminum and magnesium will remain classic materials for a long time and continue to have tremendous potential as a result. The real potential
of these materials involves composites, that is, as a combination of steel and CFRP. For this reason, the future of lightweight
construction is definitely not black, as people say in an allusion to the typical color of CFRP. Rather, it will be decided in
the right application of the best materials mix for a particular
PATBERG: This is what we think, too. Steel has always been

Develops holistic lightweight solutions: Professor Dr. Werner Hufenbach

an innovative material
for building lightweight
cars. Given the growing
challenges, the task is
to prepare steel to face
the future. We must
learn how steel can
be optimally combined
with other materials,
particularly CFRP. The
goal will be to create an
innovative, steel-based
mixed form of construction in which the specific strengths of various
materials can be effectively combined in new

types of components.
Which projects are you working on together?
PATBERG: The most important project we are working on right
now in our partnership is called InEco. We started it at the
beginning of 2011. The work involves developing new components and technologies to produce an ultralight high-performance electric car. This project will really help us reach our
goal of producing innovative steel products that have an obvious benefit for the customer. We expect to make a number of
new findings and to add many new skills that will enable us to
provide our customers not only with steel, but also with steelbased composite materials to meet the highest lightweight
construction requirements.

How is the InEco project being conducted? Is it a study

that is only being conducted on a computer or will a real
vehicle come out of it?
HUFENBACH: InEco involves a total vehicle concept. The end
result will be components for a car body that is 90 percent
complete, a so-called generic demonstrator, from which other
materials and construction techniques can be developed.
Because InEco is intended for a mass market, the project was
designed as a four-seat model from the very beginning and
not as a one-seat vehicle, which is frequently the case for
concept studies.

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Electrical steel clears the way for electromobility

Special electrical steel plays a key role in hybrid and
electric vehicles: The core components of electric
motors are made of it. The quality of the electrical steel
being used has a direct impact on such factors as
range, size, weight and energy-storage system design.
As a result, electrical steel is a driver in the efficiency,
cost and market success of future electric propulsion
The new types of electrical steel developed by
ThyssenKrupp Electrical Steel GmbH cut core losses in
electric motors by up to 30 percent. The result: improved overall efficiency, that is, electric motors that use
less energy. The material is already being used in the
construction of prototype series for future electric and
hybrid cars.
The biggest challenge facing materials producers is the
high number of rpms and the resulting high operating
temperatures of hybrid and fully electric drive systems.
High-performance electric motors for industrial applications have rpm levels of a maximum of 5,000 to 8,000
per minute. The rate can be up to four times higher in
fully electric-car drive systems. Electric motors that
convert energy as efficiently as possible need iron cores
with the technically lowest core losses. Such losses

What sort of challenges have you faced with InEco, and

what have you learned so far?
PATBERG: You constantly face new challenges in this project.
One example is surface quality: You cant have an excellent
surface with CFRP. Of course, you can make a vehicle roof exclusively from carbon. But to produce the surface quality that
customers are used to having with a steel roof, you would
have to apply a thick layer of clear paint. But that is totally impractical. The solution could be a composite that combines
plastic and steel and thus marries the strengths of both materials.
HUFENBACH: In addition to the challenges created by the selection of materials, an array of other questions regarding an

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result in resistance in the machine a portion of the

electric energy is not transformed into motion. Rather,
it is thrown off as heat. This is a task for the nongrainoriented electric steel (NGO electric steel) made by
ThyssenKrupp Electrical Steel, a soft-magnetic type of
steel that, acting as an iron core in the electric machine,
bundles and amplifies the magnetic flow in a highly
efficient manner. In addition to vehicle drive systems,
NGO electrical steel is used in industrial motors, household appliances, railroads and wind-power stations. 7

A steel that opens new doors:

electrical steel

electric car has to be addressed, including those concerning

handling characteristics. They vary depending on where you
put what parts in the car body. An electric vehicle has few of
the engine components found in an internal-combustion
engine. But you have to compensate for them in one way or
another. In part because of such questions, we are developing a generic demonstrator in order to demonstrate system
behavior and interactions. 7



We are finding out more and more about how the brain works. ThyssenKrupp is harnessing this
knowledge in new training approaches for its employees. Here, executive managers talk about

port? Nothing but a waste of time. Up until early

2011, Dr. Klaus Mller was convinced of this.
He had never once jogged in all his 56 years and he
considered physical exercise to be largely
unnecessary. However, the physicist, who
works for ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe as its
Crude Steel Team Coordinator, recently bought
his third pair of running shoes. An almost miraculous conversion from Saul to Paul. This has nothing to do with belief,

though. In fact, pretty much the contrary: understanding. In

2011, the manager took part in a program on neuroleadership
and now he knows exactly how his brain works and how
he can boost its performance. Sport, for example, is the best
medicine the brain can get. It strengthens the brains cognitive performance measurably, says Friederike Wiedemann,
who designed the training program together with the
ThyssenKrupp Academy. The neurological expert works for
the Munich Leadership Group, a provider of leadership

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training programs that harnesses what scientists have found
out about our grey matter for the benefit of companies and
That such a program should lead people like Klaus Mller to
change their lifestyle so radically has several reasons. One key
reason is the fact that the findings unlike many popular, more
esoteric self-development methods are scientifically proven.
Friederike Wiedemann explains to the participants exactly how
the brain works and why this is and how they can make

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constructive changes by altering their own ingrained habits. In

the end, the brain is no more than an organ, albeit a very
special one and, as such, is subject to the same biochemical
processes as the rest of the body. So, what happens when
Klaus Mller really makes his body work and gets his heart
beat going? He sweats. And he expels large numbers of stress
hormones that otherwise burden the brain.
In addition to this point, which is particularly persuasive
among natural scientists, what also fascinates program 3


3 participants is the fact that neurological research does away

with many widely believed perceptions. Brainstorming is a
good example, says Wiedemann. One thing is quite certain:
Creative ideas cannot be achieved in this way. The brain needs
peace and quiet for sudden inspiration. Thats why many good
ideas come to us in the shower, or while were sitting alone in
the car. Brainstorming, on the other hand, is better suited to
rational, logical processes where the solution is obvious but
where different opinions need to be gathered.

Cut out the distractions, concentrate more

Many practices in the working environment have a brainblocking effect and this means that creative potential is being
wasted on many levels. And yet, the findings of neurological
research are barely being drawn on. This is all the more shock-

ing given that the tools we work with these days internet,
e-mails and mobile phones are all mediums that constantly
require us to shift our attention. And there is almost nothing
more counterproductive for concentration and efficiency than
distraction from ones work. This is addressed by the consultant and author David Rock in his book Your Brain at Work,
in which he describes in detail the demands made of our
brains in the work setting and how to make the best of it.
According to current research, we need 25 minutes after an
interruption until we fully refocus on our original task. Rock
recommends, among other things, one very simple piece of
advice: Switch off all modern means of communication when
trying to think. According to the author, people who are constantly online risk a considerable reduction in their IQ. Klaus
Mller has already found out for himself that getting rid of the

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external distractions does indeed bring improvements. Since

attending the program, he tries to block off one to one and a
half hours of time exclusively for himself no telephone calls
and the door to his office remains shut. I put the time into my
Outlook calendar for all to see. At first, you barely dare to block
off so much time for concentrated work. But I discovered that
I can absorb information far more efficiently and, for example,
prepare myself much more effectively for meetings. My
colleagues have already noticed the difference, Mller says.
Dr. Uwe Kinski, who also attended the pilot program, agrees:
I can only rarely organize my own time but now I try to create
time islands for myself, which I use for concentrating and for
matters that are important to me. Taken as a whole, the CFO
of ThyssenKrupp Elevator CENE remarks that the program addressed many of the small issues in life. However, because

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

the neurological research provides us with a credible explanation, its easier to implement the changes and improvements
can be noticed very soon, both at work and at home, and in
particular with regard to efficient organization of processes
and meetings, and management of employees.
Another tip: Give yourself a break. During one seminar, participants had spent the better part of the day cooped up and,
by 4 p.m. in the afternoon, nobody could concentrate any
more, says Uwe Kinski. Had it been a normal business meeting, we would simply have carried on for another two hours,
even if it were ridiculously inefficient. However, we all went
out for a walk and returned after an hour feeling so fit and
motivated that we carried on for another three hours.
Another program topic: team work. After all, the participants
are all executive managers. Important findings on this subject 3


3 come from an apparently totally different area of human interaction love. However, neurological scientists have long
moved on from romantic notions of love. For example, after
studying a dating platform, the American Helen Fisher established that people feel attracted to each other based on their
biochemical constitution; here, certain neurotransmitters in
the brain (rather like messengers running between nerve cells)
collude with the four hormones dopamine, estrogen, testosterone and serotonin. Based on how they collude, says Fisher,
people can be divided into four basic personality groups. And
this, naturally, is not only of significance for personal relationships but also in the work setting. Friederike Wiedemann is
convinced: Those who take biochemical compatibility into
account when putting together their team will find that they not
only achieve much better results at project level but also have
more success when recruiting new staff.

Why serotonin and dopamine affect our behavior

Take explorers: These are people who have a very active
dopamine system. Generally, such people are very curious,
they are more likely to be risk-takers and they are always
looking for something new. These are the people, for example,
who always deliver just before the deadline that last minute
gives them the kick, Wiedemann explains. In contrast, the
builder has a very active serotonin system these are
usually well-balanced individuals, they plan very reliably but
certainly wouldnt work through the night to get a job done.
Explorers and builders dont work well together. To be aware
of this fact in the day-to-day work setting can be very helpful:
It enables management to create a working environment in
which employees feel happy and can work their best. However, the norm is still very much that senior management

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creates a work environment that best fits their own personality type, the expert observes. But is it really possible to put
these findings into practice? According to Uwe Kinski, this
works only up to a point: Its relatively easy to recognize the
personality type of an employee. However, when it comes to
forming a team, there are many other factors that have to be
taken into account, such as know-how or, quite simply, time

However, taken as a whole, both Klaus Mller and Uwe Kinski

agree that no other program has ever left such a lasting
impression, nor had so much impact on both their working * David Rock:
and private lives. Kinski grins: It has its benefits and draw- Strategies for
Overcoming Disbacks. My wife doesnt want to hear another word about this traction, Regainbrain-stuff. As with all things in life, you need to find the right ing Focus and
Working Smarter
balance. 7
All Day Long,


Integrated, not parallel

How corporate learning is changing: One example is ThyssenKrupp Academys Impact Workouts
The changes taking place in corporate learning arent just visible in the neuroleadership program. Another example is ThyssenKrupp
Academys Impact Workouts learning platform: Rather than offering programs as parallel events to work something for which ever
fewer employees have time the learning process is integrated into the normal working day. Over the course of several months, the
Impact Workouts are incorporated into an existing business challenge. In this way, the employees learn how to apply relevant knowhow and important methodologies to real challenges. This affords the participants optimal learning conditions. Neuroscience has
shown us that, to learn something new, people have to feel an emotional attachment and this is the case if the know-how proves
to be highly relevant to their circumstances, explains ThyssenKrupp Academys Dr. Janin Schwartau. Whats more, both employees
and employer see the learning time as a worthwhile investment, given that it is used to solve an existing business problem and its
effectiveness can thus be measured. 7

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Around the world in 125 days: In 2011, car

manufacturer Daimler successfully sent its
fuel-cell car on a 30,000 km world tour across
four continents, to prove the time for fuel-cell
vehicles has come.

On the road with hydrogen

3 The demand for a greater proportion of
renewable energies within the overall energy mix has set companies and scientists
the task of developing technologies that
can harness Wind, Sun & Co so that they
can be used for commercial purposes. Existing power plants are still not in a position to compensate weather-related fluctuations in electricity production. Surplus
electricity produced by wind turbines is a
case in point: This could be used for the
electrolytic separation of water into oxygen and hydrogen. Based on demand,
energy stored in this manner can be
turned back into usable energy with the
help of hydrogen-powered fuel cells for
example, to provide heating and electricity
but, also, to power vehicles or submarines. An important element of the
fuel cell is the so-called bipolar plate,

which combines the individual cells to

form a so-called fuel cell stack, says Dr.
Stefan Puls of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe
AGs research and development department. And fuel cells with metal bipolar
plates are especially efficient in converting
hydrogen into electricity, enabling a
realistic space- and weight-saving design
for commercial use. Just how these
plates can be mass produced from rustand acid-resistant steel is something
that ThyssenKrupp Nirosta, together with
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, the
Fraunhofer Institute for Materials and
Beam Technology and the Fraunhofer
Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin
Films is looking into. In the automobile
industry in particular, hydrogen-powered
fuel-cell technology is considered one of
the most important next-generation tech-

nologies. In the field of electromobility,

fuel-cell vehicles are more likely to meet
individual transport needs than purely
battery-operated vehicles, explains Dr.
Bernd Schuhmacher, also with Thyssen
Krupp Steel Europe AGs research and development department. They can travel
much further up to 800 km. For this
reason, the industry is going full-steam
ahead in its efforts to manufacture fuelcell cars in large numbers. Parallel to this,
major industrial nations, such as the U.S.,
Japan and Germany, are preparing to
expand their hydrogen filling station networks. Should the technology establish
itself, carbon dioxide emissions generated
by traffic could eventually be reduced to
zero. 7

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New realms of experience

3 Who, What, When, Where, Why?
Children are constantly asking questions
about the world around them. Every answer leads to a new question. Curiosity
and the desire to discover their surroundings are the most important sources of
energy for children. So that this hunger to
find out more doesnt dry up, children
have to be offered new realms of experience from early on. And this is exactly
what the new ThyssenKrupp day-care
center that was inaugurated on August 1,
2012 wants to provide. Located within the
grounds of the ThyssenKrupp Quartier
in Essen, its aim is to provide a space for
little explorers, discoverers and inventors,
for curiosity and adventure, for fun and
games. Every child has a hundred languages, according to the Reggio Emilia
education approach, which is adopted by
the day-care center: When expressing
themselves, children draw on a broad
repertoire that extends far beyond the
spoken language. The Reggio Emilia
educational philosophy puts the natural
development of the individual child at the
center of a holistic, experience-based
learning approach. It aims to introduce
the child to natural sciences and technology, mathematics and languages, as
well as develop their intercultural and
social competence. At the very center of
the philosophy is the aim to strengthen
childrens creativity and technical
understanding, their ability to express
themselves linguistically, their social
competencies and ego strength.
Within the day-care center, generously-sized open areas ensure there is plenty
of room for running around and playing,
and for sport. And all around the outside
of the building, there is ample space to
run, climb, swing or dig. Taking different
approaches all the time, the aim is to get

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

the children to try their hand at new

things, and to use and sharpen their
senses. Particular attention is paid to
encouraging them to take an interest in
adventure and discovery; for example
in the day care centers very own laboratory, using magnifying glasses and
microscopes, magnets and periscopes,
gadgets for measuring wind and water
power and for converting the suns
energy. Then theres the engineering
area, where the children can help themselves to tools to fiddle around taking
gadgets apart and also have a large
variety of construction materials at hand
to make new ones. With the launch of the
day-care center, ThyssenKrupp has given
life to one of its core values: responsibility
for the education of future generations,
particularly given the present need
for highly qualified natural scientists,
engineers and technicians something
that will become even more acute in the

The day-care center offers year-round

childcare for children from four months
right through to school age and all just a
few steps from the workplace. This makes
it easier for employees and their families
to reconcile both family and work commitments; there are even a few places set
aside for children of non-employees. The
day-care center is intended as a space for
meeting within the ThyssenKrupp Quartier
for parents and children, interested
visitors and exchange trainees. The
project is managed by ThyssenKrupp
AGs Corporate Center for Human
Resources, while ThyssenKrupp Real
Estate managed the construction, and a
consortium comprising the architects
firms JSWD and Chaix & Morel designed
the building along with the whole Quartier.
The day-care center is operated by the
voluntary welfare association Deutsches
Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross). 7

Key players from around the world have joined
forces to develop new mobility solutions.

International networks
3 In times of globalization, research and
development are a vital safeguard for the
future of large companies. Global players
are only competitive when they manage
to put their global experience and expertise to effective use. However, who knows
what experts are developing locally in

challenge early on: Its research and

development centers (R&D) constitute a
close-knit, worldwide network of experts
who work together to research and develop solutions for the technical challenges
of today and the future. They maintain
close relations with local production sites

We have a vision of a global platform from which local

requirements can be derived.
Shanghai, Porto Alegre or Memphis?
Companies with international operations
need to have structures and platforms in
place that enable knowledge sharing,
realize synergies and avoid redundant
data. Only this way can they efficiently
distribute and process site-specific knowhow. ThyssenKrupp Elevator rose to this

and align themselves strongly to the

needs of the markets. In Europe, Asia,
North and South America, they create the
necessary preconditions for innovative
products and resource-efficient processes. All of the R&D sites have their own
facilities for field testing. Furthermore, the
centers all have access to the 150-meter

testing tower for elevators in South Korea.

From Memphis to Stuttgart to Shanghai,
the R&D centers are collaborating with
universities and technical institutes. As
such, ThyssenKrupp Elevator is actively
tackling local challenges, and its products
are setting global trends. Every country
has its own individual characteristics,
norms and market challenges. Thats why
our development teams around the world
are tackling different tasks, explains
Gerhard Thumm, Vice President Innovation Management Operating Unit CENE.
A typical elevator in southern Europe can
carry up to six people, while elevators in
North America are mostly designed for
much larger loads because of prevailing
standards, for example stipulating equal
rights for disabled persons. Energy
efficiency, handling characteristics and
the estimated lifecycle of the product are
all examples of parameters that vary from
country to country.

Balancing act between the markets

In the ideal world, new components such
as gearless mechanisms could take the
different regional norms into account right
from the beginning, so that these components could later be used across the
globe. However, given the hugely diverse
norms and laws in Europe, Asia and North
America, global solutions pose a key
challenge to research and development.
We do already have bilateral collaborative projects between global regions,
says Gerhard Thumm. This way, every
developmental step draws us closer. The
world of elevators is merging in our R&D
centers: This is because we have a vision
of a global platform, from which local
requirements can be derived. A shining
example of ThyssenKrupp Elevators international teamwork is the Shanghai World
Financial Center. This project sets new

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standards: with double-deck elevators

that can move 10 meters within a second
that is the equivalent of 36 kilometers
per hour.

The fastest double-decker

in the world
It couldnt have worked without close international collaboration: The R&D team
in Neuhausen, Germany, has overall
system responsibility, as well as responsibility for the development and production
of the electrical equipment, the machinery
and the power electronics. The gripping
device, a central safety device in all
elevators, was developed by colleagues in
Memphis, U.S. And a team in Brazil was
responsible for the newly designed roller
guides used here for the first time
ever which ensure the optimal performance of the elevator car. All the components were tried and tested in the testing
tower in South Korea, where the local
team worked closely with the development engineers. The results of this
collaborative project are impressive:
To this day, the elevators in Shanghai
are the fastest double-deck elevators in
the world. 7

Global challenges: developing components that

meet regional needs and can be used globally

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

Forming the future

3 Fewer and fewer young people, more and more older people:
The demographic changes in most of the highly developed
countries are also being felt by companies. In order to address
the challenges this is posing, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe started
its ProFuture program in 2006. One important aspect of this
is to reduce the average age of the workforce, which is steadily
getting older. By reducing employees contractual working hours,
500 new jobs have been created over the past few years and
1,000 trainees have been given a permanent job. Today,
ProFuture focuses on steps to ensure that employees performance and motivation remain strong, by introducing innovative
new health and safety measures and improvements to their
work-life balance, for example by offering flexible working hours
for young parents. It has also developed a standardized system
for knowledge transfer and method-based induction training
for new employees when older employees leave the company.
In September 2010, German consulting firm Apriori awarded
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe the Fokus 50+ Award for this
program thanks to its exemplary strategic mainstreaming and
integrative, interdisciplinary and sustainable approach to demographic management. The award proved that we had set the
course on this matter at the right point in time, says Dieter Kroll,
board member and Human Resources Director at ThyssenKrupp
Steel Europe AG. That is a wonderful success and an incentive
for us to carry on shaping ProFuture. 7


Totally focused: children busy

at work at ThyssenKrupps
holiday camp

Young discoverers
3 Is that right? and I cant do it! are
some of the most common phrases that
the ThyssenKrupp Holiday Camp team
hear from the children. Unfortunately,
many children just arent used to experimenting or fiddling with things, or putting
their own ideas into practice anymore,
explains Marion Tekolf, a graduate of
social pedagogy and biological technical
assistant, who is the brain behind the
camps. Even the youngest participants
expect exact instructions. Ideally, theyd
like the grown-ups to watch every step
of the way, to make sure theyre doing
it right or, better still, do it for them.
But this is something they wont find here.
Curiosity is encouraged and where
information and help is needed, it is

given but definitely no lectures on the

subject, no exact instructions and no
eagle-eyed supervision. Here, children
are expected to trust their own ideas and
develop their own practical skills.
As well as getting an introduction to
aspects of science and technology in the
form of fun activities, the two-week
summer camp 2012 was the seventh
year running for the camps in Duisburg
and Ratingen also helps ease childcare
problems during the longest school
holiday of the year. Targeting young
explorers from ages six to 12, it is open to
children of employees, their friends and
other children interested in how things
work. Every year, we have children who
have come back for more and, at the end

of the camp, there are always sad faces

among those who are too old to return the
next time, and who would do anything
even washing-up! to be able to come
back, says Tekolf. Themes in past years
have ranged from the World of Water
(HTwoO Agents and the Blue Gold
Mission) through exciting new technical
discoveries from around the world to
Amazing Creatures and their Worlds.
Spaceship Thykru on Course for Intergalactic Space Adventures was the main
theme in 2012. On their journey through
space on board spaceship Thykru,
the children explored various space
phenomena, among other things. Why
do stars shine? How do lenses work? And
what happens to people in space?

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The children experience real adventures

when they start to look into these kinds
of questions and begin to develop, test
and build their own inventions in the
workshop of stars, on the planetary
construction site or in the comet
kitchen. But unknowing parents have
nothing to fear: Trained team professors
are always at the sides of their budding
new scientists when they carry out their
dare-devil experiments. Marion Tekolf was
thrilled with the results: The new Mars
mobil that the children created is definitely
a prototype! 7

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It cant get more

natural than this:
cutlery on a PLA

The green alternative

3 Research on biodegradable plastics has been intense over the past
20 years. Plastic bags, coffee cups,
fast-food packaging, bottles and even
t-shirts that can be thrown away without a guilty conscience once they
arent needed any more all made
possible by the biodegradable plastic
poly lactic acid (PLA). All manner of
products can be made from PLA. The
catch: Production processes havent
yet been perfected. Theoretically,
we could start manufacturing plastics
using renewable raw materials immediately, says Dr. Joachim Schulze,
Head of Biotechnology at Thyssen
Krupps subsidiary Uhde. However,
currently this simply isnt a cost-effective option for all products. To
make the dream of pure bio-based
plastic production a reality as soon as
possible, Uhdes biotechnology team
in Leipzig, and a team of plastics experts from Uhde Inventa-Fischer in
Berlin, are working around the clock
to develop an economically viable
process for producing PLA from lactic

acid. An interdisciplinary team of biologists, biotechnologists, chemists,

materials processing engineers and
laboratory technicians has managed
to optimize the classic lactic acid
production process and taken out a
patent on a completely new preparation process with no waste products.
The use of the new production
process is an important step in
making the manufacture of biodegradable plastic PLA commercially
viable, says Schulze. The PLA
process (PLAneo) is currently being
trialed and tested on a commercial
scale by Uhde Inventa-Fischer in
a newly built pilot plant in Guben.
PLA production uses far less energy
than existing methods of producing
polymers from petrochemical raw
materials. The first industrial-scale
plant using PLAneo technology is
expected to go live by 2013. 7


Diving into a career

Secondary school (Hauptschule)
pupils, especially children from
immigrant families, have problems finding good trainee positions in Germany. ThyssenKrupp
Steel Europe AG, however, has
been actively targeting exactly
these young people for some
four years now, within the
framework of its own trainee
program: Its Sprungbrett
project (Spring-Board) aims to
indentify young, technically gifted and motivated people while
they are still at school, and then
to inspire them to try their hand
at an industrial-technical traineeship. The project works in the

following way: The relevant

teachers at all 16 secondary
schools in Duisburg have been
asked to make a note of any
pupils who shine out as being
particularly technically motivated. As soon as these pupils
reach 10th grade, are considered capable of further technical
training, and have been personally invited to attend an information day, they have the option to
submit a written application to
take part in the program. In all,
40 hand-picked pupils go
through a selection procedure
that comprises several stages
and introduces them to the company. Those who are also successful in the final test and interview are then offered one of the
coveted trainee positions.

In the next training year, a total

44 young people will complete
an apprenticeship with Thyssen
Krupp Steel Europe under the
auspices of the Sprungbrett project working as electronics engineers and industrial mechanics. And in the autumn, the next
young hopefuls will be selected.
Our experience with the project
has consistently been very
positive, stresses Volker Grigo,
head of technical training at
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe,
Duisburg. It has already enabled us to find a couple of very
promising trainees with great

perspectives_mission statement

We are ThyssenKrupp
Companies are organic beings
that undergo constant change.
Organic beings that must continuously reinvent their products
and services in order to remain
competitive and dynamic
businesses. For this reason, it is
essential that a set of common
values and an overarching code
of conduct bind together each
unit of a company engaged in
international business and act

as a compass for every single

individual throughout all
functions, divisions, regions and
With its new mission statement,
ThyssenKrupp has created this
guide, in a process that involved
more than 1,300 employees
around the world. It is a guide
that was developed and drafted
during many discussions with
members of company works

councils and executives as well

as during 25 workshops held in
such countries as the United
States, Brazil, Spain, China, India
and Germany. By employees
from an array of functions and
hierarchical levels.
A mission statement that creates
a broad vista for the ideas and
innovations of each individual.

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Our mission statement

We are ThyssenKrupp a technology company with far-reaching
expertise in materials.
Prowess, diversity, global reach and tradition form the basis of our work,
characteristics that have made us leaders in the markets where we do business.
We create value for our customers, employees and shareholders.
We develop solutions to the challenges of tomorrow in an alliance with our
We are customer-focused. We take new approaches and develop products and
services that create a sustainable infrastructure and promote the efficient use of
We hold ourselves to the highest standards.
We engage as entrepreneurs, with confidence, a passion to perform,
and courage aiming to be best in class. This is based on the dedication
and performance of every team member. Employee development is especially
important. Employee health and workplace safety have a top priority.
We share common values.
We serve the interests of the Group. Our interactions are based on transparency
and mutual respect. Integrity, credibility, reliability and consistency define
everything we do. Our actions are based on rock-solid values: dependability
and candor, credibility and integrity. To us, compliance is second-nature. We
assume social responsibility.
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You can also see Mars better from here: an unusually cloudy evening on the Chilean
Cerro Paranal, home to the European Southern Observatory

Where are the origins of enlightenment and modernity? What awe-inspiring
places invite you to linger to gain a deeper understanding and to reflect further? The book Mekkas der Moderne (Meccas of Modernity) takes its readers on a pilgrimage to places where the history of science was
written inspiring them to go out and discover the world themselves. In 76 travel stories and essays, famous
authors, scientists and journalists lead the way through the universe of our global knowledge society to the
places that mean the most to them. Not just the locations of cool-headed logic, but also places to experience
through the senses or even the emotions. They stretch from Freuds consulting room in Vienna to the British
Museum, from Nietzsches grave to the Cape Canaveral Spaceport, from the cradle of civilization in Africa
to the Pantheon in Moscow (Monument to the Eternal Glory of the Great People of the Soviet Land). We took
a closer look at some of the highlights of this spectacular journey of enlightenment.

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Reach for the stars

European Southern Observatory, Chile
The landscape looks likes images from the surface of Mars: ocher colors, gently rolling hills, scattered
rocks, no brush or blades of grass desert as far as the eye can see. [] Rising from the desolate
desert landscape is a symmetrically shaped mountain, Cerro Paranal. Four silver buildings crown its
summit plateau giant boxes that look like sculptures and sparkle like diamonds in the sun. It almost
looks like a fleet of UFOs has landed in the wilderness. This place actually does have a lot to do with
outer space. While the Atacama Desert in northern Chile is not a particularly hospitable refuge for life,
it is the best location in the world for astronomy. In this desert, the Cerro Paranal scrapes the sky at
a total of 2,635 meters above sea level. Nowhere else on Earth is the air this still, and the weather this
clear and dry. The Atacama is heaven on Earth for astronomers. [] The sky here is completely clear
more than 300 nights a year. Jrgen Stock discovered the uniqueness of this spot at the end of the
1950s. The pioneering astronomer from Hamburg spent years riding horses and mules to the most
remote summits and investigating
their visibility conditions. Thanks to
Stock, Chile currently hosts the largest
collection of astronomical equipment:
several U.S. facilities as well as the
European astronomical organization
ESO. 7

When astronomers dream of heaven,

it looks something like this.

Escaping into ice Antarctica

No time to get cold feet: deep drilling in the


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The first moment you step out into the Antarctic everything is so bright, so cold and so unforgettable
that the only thing your mind can do is try to process it all. Its a struggle at first. [] As glaciologist
Hubertus Fischer warned his team before their expedition: The confusing part is that your grasp of dimensions is completely distorted. [...] The polar explorers destination is located at the end of a path
marked by thin rods with black streamers: the Kohnen Station, an arctic research village on stilts. []
Geophysicists, glaciologists, drilling engineers, atmospheric chemists and geologists from Europe and
the United States are part of a deep ice-core drilling project called EPICA. The European project for ice
coring in Antarctica is the most ambitious and impressive logistical attempt to solve the mystery of
Earths recent history. The polar scientists want to reconstruct over 600,000 years of climate history, an
epic undertaking. They intend to collect information on temperatures, precipitation, changes in major
ocean currents and continental drift. The kilometer-thick ice is like an archive. Air from every period of
time is trapped in pockets in the ice like chronological layers in the rings of a tree. 7

They can just about live forever, but are not immutable: Thanks to the
Galpagos turtles, Darwin developed the Theory of Evolution.

Laboratory of evolution Galpagos

More than 100 years ago on the Galpagos Islands, Charles Darwin discovered the key to evolutionary theory while studying
turtles and finches. Geographic isolation allowed the species here to develop unique characteristics that cannot be found
anywhere else on Earth in order to adapt to the living conditions that differed from those of the mainland. [] Particularly the rather
inconspicuous Darwins finches play a major role in biology: The primary difference between the 13 species of Galpagos finches is
their beak shape, which reflects adaptations to various living conditions. Reflecting on the research he carried out on the island,
Darwin wrote: At last, gleams of light have come, and I am almost convinced (quite contrary to the opinion I started with), that
species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable. Darwins conception of the world collapsed. Like his contemporaries,
he, too, believed in the biblical creation story that species were immutable. [] With this discovery, he led a revolution in thought
that perhaps shook us more to the core than when Copernicus dethroned Earth from its place at the center of the universe. 7

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Sacred belief in the

Santa Fe Institute
New Mexico
How should an institute for the research of
complex systems look? Doesnt an institute
dedicated to examining everything from
financial markets to immune systems, from
evolution to social networks, from mathematics to neuroscience need to be big, really big?
In trying to envision such an institution, our
minds eye constructs a monumental temple of
knowledge; perhaps located in one of the
worlds metropolises, with millions spent on
laboratories, expensive equipment and highly
acclaimed institutes. Yet, anyone who visits the
Santa Fe Institute for the first time will find
nothing of the sort: It is small. Really small!
There is no army of scientists like at large
research centers, research is not done with
equipment, and there isnt even a single
laboratory. The Santa Fe Institute ascribes to
the belief that new ideas in science come from
individual minds, not organizations. []
Typical hierarchies do not seem to exist here:
Its even common for high-school students to
pursue their own projects at the institute.
Esteemed scientists [] are part of a research
family at the institute and are continuously discussing topics with the young researchers. 7

At the Santa Fe Institute (U.S.), even complexsystems research starts with an age-old cultural

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Shooting for the

stars in the Steppe
The Steppe is silent. A stillness
blankets the endless plains under a
moonlit sky an ocean of sand and
grass that dreamlessly sleeps. It is
three oclock in the morning. Wisps
of fog drift over the ground in Kazakhstan. Suddenly a loud crack of
thunder []. A painfully bright ball of
light cuts through the mist. Go, Proton, go! Frank McKenna yells. []
Proton is the name of the rocket
slowly making its way from pad 39
into the night sky between China
and Russia, fueled with more than
500 tons of highly explosive fuel.
McKenna is president of the company International Launch Services.
Satellite operators from 15 countries
book one-way tickets into orbit with
him. Baikonur, the oldest and largest
spaceport in the world, now plays a
central role in the satellite business.
The world is addicted to sending
equipment into orbit that helps
forecast crop yield, guide airplanes
to their destinations and transmit
telephone conversations, Internet
communication and TV talk shows.
Satellites are perhaps the latest infrastructure of modern society and the
least visible. 7

Carrying the weight of our modern era of communications: a Proton

rocket on the way to the launch pad at the Baikonur spaceport in

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

Far, far away in a Mathematicians

Paradise Oberwolfach
Oberwolfach a world primarily consisting of 44,000
monographs, 30 blackboards and a Steinway. Without a
doubt, it is the research center for mathematics. Every week,
always from Sunday evening through Saturday morning, 48
of the best mathematicians from a certain field meet to focus
solely on their own area of study, pose questions and discover new ideas. [] The direction a workshop develops usually
only becomes clear as it evolves. And so for the most part,
its: Come by tomorrow and tell us something about quasitriangular Hopf algebra! This means you need to be honest
when listing your areas of expertise Many mathematical
breakthroughs have been achieved or publically discussed
for the first time in Oberwolfach. But Oberwolfach is only
one kind of inspiration incubator. Articles are rarely written
here, no university and doctoral theses have been advised,
and there are no committee meetings or office hours. [] It
is a place for ideas, questions and creativity to flow. 7

Retreat for masterminds: the Mathematical Research Institution at

Oberwolfach in the Black Forest, Germany

What started as an Internet discussion eventually led to the creation of

a travel guide through our knowledge society: Mekkas der Moderne
(Meccas of Modernity), published by Hilmar Schmundt, Milo Vec,
Hildegard Westphal, Bhlau Publishing House, 2010.

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September



Not everybody ends up on quite the career path they had in mind: Up until a few years ago, David
Reinke was working as a forester, as a fitness trainer and as a sports car dealer. Today, the trained
mechatronics engineer works in ThyssenKrupp Steel Europes casting-roller plant in Duisburg and has
big plans for the future. He came across his dream job at ThyssenKrupps IdeasPark.

or six years, David Reinke was on the look-out for his

dream job. It all started after he finished secondary school in 1998:
To be quite honest, back then, when I got the results of my
exams, I was pretty clueless about what I wanted to do,
the 30-year old recalls. He enjoyed physics and technology, but
more as a hobby and not really as a potential career option. Not
knowing what else to do, he followed the advice of his careers advisor and applied to Bochums business college to do a business
traineeship. He managed one year before giving up. I just didnt enjoy
sitting at a desk all day every day. It wasnt for me. Shortly after that,
he began a forest management traineeship with Bochum City Council.
He enjoyed being out in the fresh air but then he had to have his hand
operated on and was told he wouldnt be allowed to use a power saw
anymore. Having always enjoyed sport, he finally decided to make his
hobby his job and started a sports and fitness management traineeship. However, having frequently worked overtime without being paid,
Reinke handed in his notice while still on probation.

It took a long time for

David Reinke to work
out which direction
he really wanted to go
in vocationally

making him all

the more committed now he has
found his place as
a mechatronics

After that, life became relatively unsettled: a four-month traineeship

with a sports car dealership in Aachen, a job in a video store in Bochum,
and in an Internet cafe in Essen. Then he carried out his civil service,
doing community work with Diakonie, the social welfare organization of
the Protestant Church in Germany and, last but not least, he worked in
an electrical store.
Everything I did in those six years was interesting and taught me something new, Reinke says. But I always had the feeling that I still hadnt
found what I was looking for in a job. That all changed very suddenly
when he went to the IdeasPark in Gelsenkirchen in September 2004.
I really didnt want to go at first, recalls Reinke, whose wife originally
brought it to his notice. Then he changed his mind, but only because he
wanted to get a couple of ideas for his experiments at home. I really

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

never thought Id find something new that I would like to do. Fascinated by the technical and chemical experiments on display at the IdeasPark, Reinke applied to ThyssenKrupp Steel to do a mechatronics engineering traineeship and finished the three and a half year course
ahead of time, as the best in his class and region. And not just that: He
was immediately given a job as electrical overseer with GWA, Thyssen
Krupp Steels casting-roller plant, where it manufactures thin sheet for
transformer stations and for the automobile industry.

Step by step to that dream job

Together with his shift colleagues, Reinke is responsible for overseeing
the running of the casting-roller plant the whole time it is operating.
Covering an area of roughly one square kilometer, the team regularly
needs to inspect and carry out repairs to electrical components and
defective cables, and replace components everything that is needed
to keep the facilities running smoothly. Reinke first took an interest in the
work at GWA while still completing his training. Together with our training supervisors, we went to all the facilities and this is the one I liked
most. At that time, there were no trainees at the plant, one of the most

Everything I did in those six years

was interesting and taught me
something new.
modern in Europe. Thanks to the commitment of his advisor, Reinke became the first trainee ever to be able to spend the last four weeks of his
training at GWA, and was subsequently given a job there. Was this his
dream job at last? Absolutely. No two days are the same, Reinke says
of his job. It embraces a huge spectrum of tasks from small repairs
through to highly specialized jobs. And this is exactly what makes it so
interesting. But Reinke isnt about to put his feet up and take things
easy. Far from it. At the moment, he is playing with the idea of swapping the casting-roller plant for the lecture theater, to do a mechatronics engineering degree at the University of Essen. At home, too, he is
busy: For years, he has been working away at his own project, looking
at how to obtain alternative energy from water. Reinke wont reveal
more. Id say I need another couple of years before the project is at a
level where it can be launched commercially. But then it could change
the energy market, he forecasts confidently. Looking back, Reinke
doesnt regret his erratic career path either. Every job, every experience
taught him something new and, without them, he wouldnt have gotten
to know many of his friends. All in all, says Reinke: It couldnt have
gone any better. 7

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Bffeln Chinesen wegen ihrer komplizierten Schrift besonders fleiig? Sind Europer Schngeister?
Oder sind gar bestimmte Kulturen klger als andere? Unterschiede im Bildungserfolg sind weder
angeboren noch abhngig von kulturellen Entwicklungen wie Schriftsystemen. Entscheidend ist vielmehr
die Rolle, die Bildung in der jeweiligen Gesellschaft spielt.

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Are the Chinese really diligent about cramming because of their languages
complicated system of characters? Are Europeans aesthetes? Or are particular cultures more intelligent than other ones? Differences in educational
achievement are neither hereditary nor the result of cultural developments
like systems of writing. Rather, the role that education plays in a particular
society is the critical factor.

hen teachers from Europe head off on a trip to China, a visit to a school there is
usually one of the stops on the tour. But the sudden encounter with the foreign
way of teaching can be somewhat traumatic: Even the youngest children are able
to master the Roman alphabet within just a few weeks and begin to use it like old
pros. As a learning aid, that is. After all, the real challenge cant begin until these letters are firmly planted in the childrens minds: learning the Chinese form of writing.
Thousands of characters each one unique, each one to be learned by heart. Still,

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In the jungle of education reform

Alternative educational concepts are everywhere. But just a few of them have succeeded in
gaining long-term, worldwide acceptance. Here are the most-well known ones:
Waldorf education
The education concept developed by the esotericist Rudolf Steiner
is based on postulates of anthroposophy: This spiritual philosophy places humans in the context of the transcendental. Just as
important is the lesson concerning the four realms of being:
the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body and the ego.
Each represents a seven-year development stage, and the
teaching of children must be adapted to each phase. In addition
to scientific subjects and vocational training, the curriculum includes unconventional topics like eurythmics. Steiners philosophy of education was applied for the first time at a school in
1919. Today, more than 1,000 Waldorf schools are in operation
around the world.
Maria Montessori developed her philosophy of education at the
beginning of the 20th century, which is based on the principle of

help me do it myself. It concentrates on the individuality of a

child and is designed to support one central goal: to bring the joy
of learning in line with a childs personal needs and talents. One
particular focal point is freedom: A child may and should decide
what he or she would like to do.
Schools should be free from oppressive religion and any sort of
compulsion and should give pupils the opportunity to discover the
world themselves these were the goals that the French educator
Clestin Freinet pursued in the 1920s. In his philosophy of
education, self-responsibility and team work with classmates play
a leading role. Even though the Freinet philosophy of education
was influenced by socialist thinking, Freinet rejected any type
politicization of the school. Today, the Freinet philosophy is practiced primarily in Romance countries and eastern Europe.

All children are

curious no matter
whether they are
enrolled in an elementary class at the
Japanese School in
Dsseldorf (left) or
a school in Florida
(other pictures on this
double page). But the
methods of teaching
and the goals of education vary around
the world frequently
due to living conditions.

3 thats not half of the problem. The children cant look at the characters
and know how they are pronounced. This is where the Western alphabet comes into play. Chinese pupils use it from the very start to note the
pronunciation of the Chinese characters.
This sounds like an enormous challenge. And it is. Do the Chinese make
up a larger and larger share of university graduates around the world for
this reason? Do eastern Asians represent an above-average number of
specialists and managers for this reason as well regardless of the
country where they raise their children? U.S. government statistics
show that about half of all people of Asian heritage living in the United

States hold at least a bachelors degree (and the largest number of this
group comes from eastern and southeastern Asia). But only 27 percent
of all U.S. citizens have obtained a similar educational level. The training used to learn Chinese characters may indeed help improve concentration, memorize information more quickly and become perseverant.
But you could also say that these barriers do not exactly simplify the
teaching of knowledge. Could the time consumed in learning the characters not be put to better use? A final, scientifically proven answer to
this question has yet to be found. But this is not the case with one other
issue: Particularly in eastern Asia, education is seen as the surest way

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to climb the professional and social ladder, as a life-insurance policy of

sorts. Even Confucius, the Chinese philosopher whose voice continues
to ring out today, underscored the meaning of education.
Actually, the answer to the questions about the driving forces behind the
different levels of academic achievement is not to be found in such language and cultural differences as characters and letters. Rather, the
critical factor is this: What is the actual purpose of education in a society? And just what is education anyway?

Knowledge must be helpful

The answers to these questions depend on many factors: factors like
the worth of the individual in comparison with the group and the significance of the individual in society. Such considerations lead to another
question as well: Should education mold the people living in a country
into responsible citizens or solidify the status quo of a single class? In
societies with strict hierarchies, education is a symbol of a persons
membership in the ruling class. The social environment that is, the
economic position of a country is also of critical importance: Countries
with high social risks and low individual security systems place more
value on the success-producing power of acquired knowledge. In
such places, education serves as a means of survival. People who can
trade their knowledge for money or food are the only ones who are
putting their education to good use. The functionality of knowledge is

also seen in the familys influence on education: Asian families frequently urge their children to learn a wide variety of occupations. This
will bolster the familys economic security in times of crisis.
Generally speaking, countries with lower standards of living frequently
tend to believe that individually acquired knowledge should contribute
to the good of the entire society education as the engine of progress.
This feeling is reflected in the fact that Asia has made exceptionally
rapid technical strides in recent years. Engineering has been systematically promoted, with the goal in the 1970s and 1980s of raising standards of living as quickly as possible. Not only China and India (information technology is the primary focus here), but also small countries
like Singapore have consciously focused the curriculums of their institutions of higher learning on this area. Here, the social benefits of education have long been the primary objective.

The humanities as a luxury

In developing and emerging countries, educational concepts like
Montessori, Waldorf and Freinet have few chances. After all, their
objective is primarily personal happiness and the development of the
personality. It is not as though people in Africa or Asia would have no
use for them. But you really cannot earn a living with them. In those
places where parents want to see their children gain security as fast as
possible that is, with a clear occupation and high success alternative educational concepts are viewed rather skeptically. Once the economic situation has improved, educational experiments will turn up in
pedagogic fringe areas. In the upbringing of infants or kindergarten.
That is, in those places where the economic impact will not be so
apparent if the new approach proves to be worthless.
The era of individual concepts will begin only after a broad middle class
has arisen: education for the purpose of personal growth. Educational 3

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wash, cook and do needlework, as is the case in many regions? Or

should education be modified to serve the needs of a new image of
women? Even fundamental issues like the language of instruction that
is, the choice between the local dialect and the language of the former
colonial power are passionately debated in Africa not to mention the
cultural adaptation of learning methods. At some point in the distant
future, when the worlds fundamental problems have been nearly
solved and attending school is a fact of life for nearly everyone, regional education concepts may perhaps play a role. For personal growth. 7

Learning with pictures from their own worlds: a boy attending school in Gjohaven,
a settlement of the Inuits in northern Canada

3 goals tend to shift toward personal happiness as fewer educational objectives are set by the state or are urged by families and as these objectives are increasingly shaped by personal interests. As a result, the
legions of European and North American humanists certainly did not
have their sights set on high income when they began their freshmen
years. Rather, they are using their education to achieve a personal, ideal
gain. Or the choice of a major is the result of a certain carelessness, a
luxury one must be able to afford: In Europe and North America, a specific professional benefit is no longer a top priority due to the generally
high standard of living.
But less prosperous countries still have good reasons for rethinking the
rigid structure of their traditional, function-focused education systems:
This approach is not particularly known for encouraging creativity. Any
country seeking to make the leap from a producing society to a creative
society must promote individual thinking. Regardless of the cultural
framework. Even in China, the media and government education experts are now promoting a less functional-based approach to teaching
in order to develop the creativity of pupils and students: Not much more
can be achieved in economic terms by simply reproducing available
knowledge. China now realizes that it needs innovative thinkers and is
increasingly focusing on individual education concepts.

Challenges beyond borders

For many countries of the world, such problems lie in the distant future.
In large parts of Africa, Latin America and southern Asia, the primary
concern is just getting children into school and teaching them the 3 Rs.
Frequently, the idea has to be really sold hard: Girls, members of social
fringe groups and the handicapped also have the right to receive an
education that will enable them to lead independent lives. This area in
particular prompts many countries to initially raise the fundamental
question of for what purpose? Is it really enough to teach girls to

In spite of difficult
classes are
almost always
held: a temporary
school in a Pakistani province hit
by severe flooding
(left) and a class
in a Nairobi slum,
where up to 100
pupils sit in one

Teaching the ABCs around the world

Reading, writing, arithmetic something that is part of the daily
lives of young people ages 6 to 15 in Germany is not for many
children in other countries. About 72 million children around the
world do not attend school. Fifty percent of these children live in
Africa and 25 percent in southern and western Asia, respectively.
One other point must be kept in mind as well: One school does
not equal another. Even within Europe, education systems differ

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Aid is frequently necessary: children attending a school of Favela Vila Canoa

in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) sponsored by the Rotary Club of Italy

In large parts of Africa,

Latin America and southern Asia,
the primary concern is just
getting children into school
and teaching them the 3 Rs.
greatly: In Luxembourg, compulsory education begins for children
at age 4 with the so-called playschool and extends to the age of
15. Children in Belgium, on the other hand, must go to school from
ages 6 to 18. With the exception of Germany, which requires children to be taught in schools, parents in all other European countries
may teach their children themselves or hire private teachers to provide instruction at home. This approach is widely used in the United
States, Canada and Australia. Depending on the method on the
basis of traditional school instruction or the childs interests this is

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known as homeschooling or unschooling. Homeschooling is

also allowed in Japan. But most children attend elementary school
for six years before going to junior high school for three years, just
as they do in China. In addition to such standard courses as mathematics and physical education, unusual subjects are included in the
curriculum as well: Children in war-torn Afghanistan take an introduction to land mines. Some German schools teach happiness,
and all elementary school pupils in Tatarstan (Russia) learn to play
chess. 7


As a result of globalization, we have witnessed the dawn of a new
age: that of networked intelligence. Behind the groundbreaking
innovations of our times, creative minds conduct creative
conversations that take place beyond traditional disciplines
and across borders.
The vast accumulation of
knowledge and the acceleration of
technical change since the 18th Century
have led to the development of a knowledge society in which knowledge is the
most important asset and where knowledge workers have become a companys
most important capital.
There are more scientists and researchers
today than in the entire history of the world.
The web of media and communications
systems is becoming ever more sophisticated and ever more effective. The contours of this age of networked intelligence are becoming more defined. And at
the center are the creative minds, the developers, the inventors who open the way
to new realms of possibility, researchers
who develop new technologies, and engineers who create new technical works of
art. New discoveries dont come from between the covers of a book; they come
from between two ears: from the heads of
creative knowledge workers. Only human
beings are creative, not machines at
least, for the moment.

What drives us forward? Curiosity

What drives us forward? The eternal
search for new experiences and continuous breaking of the new limits are among
the most basic characteristics of Homo

sapiens. The philosopher Peter

Sloterdijk talks of the holy fire of
dissatisfaction, the social scientist
Helga Nowotny of insatiable curiosity. Albert Einstein apparently said:
I have no special talents. I am only
passionately curious.
The positive value of curiosity is
a relatively recent phenomenon.
In most cultures, it was considered a vice, in the Middle
Ages it was a sin. These
days, curiosity is no longer seen as primarily a hunger to see, rather primarily a
hunger to know, explains the philosopher
Martin Seel. Its a longing for knowledge
that no level of insight could ever satisfy.
Researchers and engineers are inspired by
the desire to know and be able to do.
They are never happy with the way things
are; they want to overcome obstacles and
find solutions where others say not possible!.
But how do innovators, inventors, thinkers
actually get their bright new ideas? Creativity often comes across as something
quite mysterious. Everybody has experienced that flash of inspiration that magic
moment when the light goes on and all the
bits of the puzzle fit together. Eureka Ive
done it! But that moment of inspiration is
anything but an accident. Inventions and

discoveries usually come with a long history one based on broad knowledge and

Creative dialogue
How do new ideas become reality? Knowledge alone isnt enough: That knowledge
has to be organized, combined and most
importantly newly configured. Radically
new ideas are usually the result of pushing
the boundaries of a particular discipline
and working together as a team. Creativity
is as much about targeted searching as
about collecting ideas its about wandering around in the field of possibilities.
As such, innovation isnt just a technical
process, it is also a social process, as well
as a knowledge exchange beyond the
boundaries of ones own competencies.

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polytronics, electrochemistry, or
neuroprosthetics and this convergence of the technologies is
ongoing and triggers further
surges in innovation.

Open innovation a catalyst for new ideas

Where people from different disciplines

come together to solve problems and
where there is creative dialogue, the outcomes can be surprising.

The merging of the classical

These days, radically new innovations are
no longer the product of just one single science or technology; they arise from the
crumbling of the traditional divides between disciplines and their merging together, enabling new possibilities in the
design of matter on a nano scale.

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The three classic scientific disciplines

physics, chemistry and biology merge together at the nano level and combine with
information technology and cognitive science. For the first time ever, it is possible to
take the smallest units of matter, to work
with them, manipulate them and assemble
them differently, using molecular through
to quantum-effect science. Interdisciplinary collaboration is opening the doors to
completely new areas of application, such
as nanotechnology or modern biotechnology. The linking of the technologies is also
visible in new terms such as mechatronics,

As delightful as the myth is,

the idea of the scientific
genius who suddenly has an
epiphany while sat alone in his
quiet room is one we should have
done away with long ago. Most of
the time, it is teams or working
groups collaborating to find a solution. New discoveries dont appear out
of thin air even the ones that take us
most by surprise. In most cases, they are
the product of a race between many scientists, and the breakthrough often happens
simultaneously in several locations. Flexible innovation networks, higher education
establishments, research centers and
companies all work together closely they
are the models of the future.
Progress is made when people come together. The more intensive the exchange of
information, the greater the potential for
innovation. The more tightly-knit the network, the more effective the system. As
such, the global innovation race is more a
competition between leaders and organizations than anything else: a competition
to see who is the best and the fastest at
using the global know-how. 7


Education for all: It was one of 19th-century Europes most important social developments.
It also shaped ThyssenKrupps predecessor companies.

n Europe, the 19th century was a time of mass literacy. Reading

and writing were no longer skills of just the elite and middle classes, but also an increasing number of urban and rural tradespeople.
At the same time, the public education system was expanded, and
children of lower- and middle-class families were included by the
states educational bodies for the first time. Prussia had the first
European government to come close to the goal of eradicating illit-

eracy, with this trend beginning to pick up steam in about 1860, as historian Jrgen Osterhammel explains in his book Die Verwandlung der
Welt (The Transformation of the World). By 1910, Great Britain, the
Netherlands and Germany had achieved nearly full literacy. From the
perspective of the elite, this achievement was, on the one hand, desirable for paving the way to modernity and helping advance national integration. But the cultural emancipation of the masses also resulted

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in greater demands for participation in social and political life.

ThyssenKrupps predecessor companies were also shaped by these
developments. Several biographies (see the following pages) tell the
stories of men at the company who rose from humble backgrounds to
high positions. Such opportunities would not have been possible without the rapid industrialization and the steady development of a knowledgeable society in the 19th century as well as the receptiveness of

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companies to workers emancipation. Furthermore, German industry

also involved itself in matters of education initially focusing on the professional training of its own employees extending its support to civil
and religious educational societies in the German Empire. As various
examples will demonstrate, these efforts were greatly exceeded by the
predecessor companies of ThyssenKrupp who had taken early steps in

Photos: Historisches Archiv Krupp, ThyssenKrupp Konzernarchiv.

Knowledge is power Girls in the childrens reading room of the library in the
Friedrichshof workers housing development in Essen (1913). Friedrich Alfred
Krupps initiative to set up a library with several branches as well as an educational society and scholarship fund all demonstrate that at an early point support of
education had gone far beyond just fulfilling a functional business necessity for
Krupp AG and its shareholders.


Fostering general education

As the only other major company in Germany besides Bayer, Krupp made an effort
at the turn of the 20th century to contribute
to the intellectual and cultural development
of people. The company took the step of
founding an institution, the Krupp Educational Society doing so without consideration of the short-term economic impact of
the decision.
The aim of the Krupp Educational Society,
founded under the aegis of Friedrich Alfred
Krupp on July 19, 1899,
was to foster general education and cultural activities
while rigorously excluding all
political and religious matters. With its selection of
evening lectures and activities as well as assorted
courses in literature, stenography, chess, economics,
the sciences and photography, the Krupp Educational
Society reached out to laborers, skilled trade workers, service personnel and
Friedrich Alfred

Evening lectures and activities as well as chess and photography courses: Starting in 1899, employees
could take advantage of these opportunities at the Krupp Educational Society.

white-collar employees alike. Dr. Ralf

Stremmel, historian and head of the Krupp
Historical Archive, says that the broader
goal of the society was to act as a kind of
middle-class society for people of all
classes and a stabilizing factor of civil
society. Ultimately, Stremmel adds, the
Krupp Educational Society also sought to
indirectly mold workers according to the
cultural values and norms of the middle

class. The concept of the educational society lost importance with the end of World
War II in 1945: By the 1920s, access to
public education had already markedly expanded in the Ruhr region, so the relevance of the society gradually waned. In
Stremmels view, Krupps efforts to use society as a catalyst for overall social reform
were almost unheard of at that time. 7

Krupp, 1888

S U CC E S S S TO R I E S _ 1

On-the-job training
Wilhelm Engels (18411878) meticulous efforts to improve the technical processes in
the melting shop the central production unit of the Krupp cast-steel plant in Essen
were nothing less than remarkable. He left behind extensive operational logs, which now
serve as interesting sources of information about the history of technology. Among other
topics, the logs cover the work carried out to systematically improve steel production during the 19th century. And in carrying out his work, Engels did not even have a university
education to help him: He had attended a trade academy and then started working as a
technician at Fried. Krupp in 1864. Clearly fascinated with the work, Engels suggested and
implemented many improvements that helped him move all the way up to the position of
melting shop manager before he died of tuberculosis at age 37 a common fate in the 19th
century. 7
Wilhelm Engels

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The committee meeting log for the 1919 scholarship fund indicates that Arthur
Rabich (his employee log above) wanted to continue his education at the mechanical engineering school after having dropped out in 1915 due to the war. The locksmiths father was dismissed by the company in 1917 because of theft and had
cruelly abandoned his family. Nevertheless, the 23-year-old Rabich was awarded
200 marks for a summer semester in 1919.

Scholarships for the children of employees

In July 1890, Kaiser Wilhelm II visited the Krupp cast-steel plant in
Essen. Friedrich Alfred Krupp, who had a personal interest in the sciences and whose advisers included men with a great sense of culture
and education, used the occasion as an opportunity to create a scholarship that would give the sons of master-level employees and workers
better technical training (but generally not at an institute of higher education). To be eligible for the scholarship, potential candidates had to
have a father who had worked for the company as well as had to have
worked at Krupp for least four years themselves. In addition, as Krupp
outlined when he created the scholarship, candidates needed to exhibit exceptional diligence, conduct and skills.
This effort was not entirely altruistic, however: After all, the company
had a great need for highly trained employees. In one reflection of this,
it was expected that scholarship holders would reapply for a position at
Krupp after completing training at a mechanical engineering school, the
forerunner of todays technical university.

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The scholarship fund remained virtually unchanged through 1945 although historical circumstances are reflected in the logs of the scholarship committee meetings. For instance, after World War I, many scholarships were awarded to men who were forced to retrain due to war
injuries. Exceptions were also made to the general eligibility requirements in effect at the time: Leo Leiting received a scholarship although
his father had never worked at the company. But as he was an injured
veteran and had displayed bravery in battle he had received a
German Iron Cross First and Second Class he was awarded the grant
anyway. The total number of scholarships that were awarded is
unknown. But in 1938, shortly before the outbreak of World War II, the
company newspaper reported that the fund had awarded 3,450 scholarships to more than 1,000 students in its 48 years of existence. 7


S TO R I E S O F U P WA R D C L I M B S _ 2

From Taunus to
One of 13 children, Franz Dahl (18591950)
went to work at Burbacher Htte, an iron works
in Saarland, at age 19, following his graduation
from vocational school in his hometown of
Soden im Taunus. After starting with easy,
practical tasks, he climbed up the ranks to become head of the steel mill before moving to
Oberhausen in 1890 to gain experience in producing section rolls from blocks of soft steel
at the Gutehoffnung mill. In 1894, August
Thyssen appointed him head of the steel mill in
Bruckhausen, most likely at the suggestion of
Dahls former boss, Siegfried Blau. From that
day forward, Dahl worked at Thyssen until
1920, joining the mines board of directors in
1901. That same year, this small-town kid with
a big family from provincial Germany took his
first trip to America. Joined by Fritz Thyssen,
the company owners oldest son, he went to
learn about innovations in steel production. Numerous patents attest to
Dahls versatility. Later, he
also chaired the technology
committee of the German
steelworkers union and received an honorary doctorate in engineering from the
Berlin Institute of Technology in Charlottenburg. 7

Reflective pose for the photographer: an apprentice in a training

workshop at the August Thyssen
iron works in 1956

Franz Dahl

A hall for books

The value attributed to education at the end of the 19th century is already evident in the
name itself: Bcherhalle (hall of books) was the name Friedrich Alfred Krupp gave the
library established in 1899 at the northeast entrance of the steel casting factory. When
its doors opened, the library, which was intended for the entertainment and education
of the family members of workers at the steel casting factory, had 8,000 volumes on
its shelves; by 1902 the number had risen to 28,000. The library also had a separate
section for young adult literature, although efforts were made to ensure inappropriate
works did not reach the hands of young borrowers. Over the years, the main library
was joined by other branches in workers housing developments in Essen. 7

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Traditional work: Young women learn

sewing, embroidery and ironing.

Promoting women
In the 19th century, the question of whether or not women
should also enjoy access to education was by no means uncontroversial. After all, more education leads to more demand
for increased participation in positions of power this is how,
In the building pictured above, girls 14 years old or older could learn new skills: the
for example, women in Germany gained the right to vote at a
industrial school on Limbeck Avenue in Essen where the main Bcherhalle would later
national level in 1919. Alfred Krupp was somewhat progresbe located.
sive for his time: As early as 1875, he began supporting the
construction and operation of industrial schools for women. The goal was to, among other things, enhance the
earning capacity of women and girls dependent on paid labor by providing instruction in school on typical female
handiwork. The Fried. Kruppsche Industrieschule zu Essen (Ruhr) (Friedrich Krupps Industrial School in Essen)
was located at 18 Limbeck Ave. and primarily targeted the wives and daughters of company employees. Indeed,
the subject matter of their education was determined on the basis of a traditional female role: The lesson plan for
students 14 and up involved sewing by hand, sewing with a machine, embroidery, making clothing and ironing. It
would still be a few decades before the first women would be seen in the steel plant. 7

S TO R I E S O F U P WA R D C L I M B S _ 3

Talent crowned him king

He was really only expected to make it through elementary school. But because he had noticeable talent, the parents
of Franz Bartscherer (1877-1960) followed the schools recommendation to allow him to progress into the higher grades
until 1896, when he completed his Abitur examinations at the Knigliche Industrieschule in Nuremberg. After studying engineering at the Technical University in Munich, he began his first job at MAN in 1900. It was in this capacity that
he first came into contact with Thyssen while delivering a large gas engine to the companys main plant in DuisburgHamborn. At the age of 28, he was hired by August Thyssen to oversee machinery at the Bruckhausen plant. Bartscherer then made a name for himself within the company as head of the business administration office, a function he had
established despite the predominant opinion that a simple bookkeeping department would have been sufficient. When
Vereinigte Stahlwerke was created in 1926 in which Thyssen Group was melded together with other iron, steel and
mining companies Bartscherer stepped onto its board. After its subsequent decentralization, he became chairman of
Franz Bartscherer
the executive board at the newly founded August Thyssen-Htte AG in 1934 and was responsible for the huge German
plant complex until his retirement in 1943. Due to his exceptional knowledge of the iron and steel industry, he was also called Httenknig
(king of the plant) despite the fact that he had no training in iron and steel works. His son, Chief Engineer Hans Bartscherer, and his
grandson, the lawyer Dr. Franz Bartscherer, also spent their careers at Thyssen AG and ThyssenKrupp AG. 7

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Same activity, different era: the first lab for courses in typing at Thyssen-Htte,
used by administrative trainees in 1933 (right) and typing training at August
Thyssen-Htte AG in 1971 (above)

More demanding, more systematic,

more comprehensive

Former German President Walter

Scheel at the opening of the training
center in Duisburg-Hamborn in 1977

At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution,

workers at steel and strip mills most often learned
how to operate a blast furnace just by copying what
they saw others doing; proper training in the quickly
growing industry only gradually emerged in the Ruhr
region, which attracted migrant workers from the far
reaches of Germany as well as from other countries.
This development was the catalyst to systematic
training at Thyssen in 1903: At that time, a company school for further training was started in Duisburg-Hamborn, where it operated through 1945.
After World War II, public vocational schools assumed responsibility for teaching apprentices practical work parallel to their regular education. But the
importance of internal training actually rose in part
because jobs were becoming increasingly more
demanding as a result of the growing complexity of

technology. In this respect, it was only logical in

1964 that a training division be established under
the supervision of the labor director at the August
Thyssen mill. Its goals were to continue to expand
training as well as systemize it. In 1977, a preliminary milestone was reached: After years of planning,
Thyssen AG opened a newly constructed training
center in Duisburg-Hamborn. Former German President Walter Scheel made a special trip to the opening as the guest of honor. For the first phase of construction alone, the company invested 300 million
deutschmarks. Thirty years later, the training center
was still playing an important role at ThyssenKrupp
AG thereby fulfilling the goal set by Labor Director
Kurt Doese at its opening: to build a training center
that could be used for decades to come. 7

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Integration a question
of education
The integration of foreign employees has been a challenge that
Thyssen as a company has been addressing throughout its history.
After all, August Thyssen had begun to employ numerous non-Germanspeaking workers at his Gewerkschaft Deutscher Kaiser steel mill (which
later became August Thyssen-Htte) as early as WWI. These individuals were primarily from the eastern regions of what was then the German Reich, but southern Europe also played an important role in the
early years: In 1913, 17 percent of new hires at the Gewerkschaft
Deutscher Kaiser were Italian. A full 50 years or two world wars and
three political structures later, another shortage of skilled workers led
Thyssen to once again search for employees in other countries. The
percentage of foreign workers at August Thyssen-Htte rapidly
increased from only 3 percent in 1963/64 to 13.4 percent in 1974 the
year that the ban on recruiting foreign workers took effect in the Federal Republic of Germany.
It was clear to Thyssen early on that education was and is the decisive
factor in providing opportunities for foreign nationals and their children
to attend schools and have careers. In one reflection of this, the company offered targeted classes for young foreigners and organized onsite German classes especially for Turkish, Yugoslav and Spanish employees. The courses were, of course, also in the companys best
interest a fact that the Thyssen Niederrhein AG company newsletter
noted in 1973.

First steps in a foreign language: Thyssen was offering language courses to

interested foreign employees as early as 1973.

After all, one of the primary goals of the further education courses was
to encourage motivated employees to take on more challenging tasks in
areas where these skills were increasingly in demand. As evidenced by
the 1973 article, A tool for integration German classes for foreigners
at the plant, such issues ones that German society still wrestles with
almost 40 years later have long been focal points of discussion and
concrete action at companies like Thyssen. 7

S TO R I E S O F U P WA R D C L I M B S _ 4

100 years at the company

From farmers son from the Eifel region of Germany to director of hot metal the Peters family history encompasses three generations and, as of 2011, 100 years of working at the company. One of seven children, Jakob Peters left his parents farm in the Eifel in 1911 to try his
luck in the Ruhr region. The 16-year-old started as an untrained worker at Phoenix, which
would later merge into Vereinigte Stahlwerke along with Thyssen Group. He worked his way
through various positions to eventually become operations manager of the blast furnace at
August Thyssen-Htte AG in Duisburg. His son Karl-Heinz Peters, who started at August
Thyssen-Htte in 1953 three years before his fathers retirement, was ultimately in charge
of all blast-furnace operations for Thyssen Group and was partially responsible for the comTwo out of three
and his son,
panys expansion into having the largest facility in Germany. The third generation came on
Dr. Michael Peters
the scene in 1982: Dr. Michael Peters began working at Thyssen as an engineer for metalDr. Karl-Heinz Peters
lurgy and spent some of his working years in the United States and Japan. Michael Peters
oversaw the ThyssenKrupp Steel AG project to construct of blast furnace 8 in Duisburg, which went into operation in early 2008. Today,
the grandson of an Eifel farmers son is Director and Head of Hot Metal at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG. 7

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September




TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

Professor Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger

(52) is director of the Jacobs Center on
Lifelong Learning at the Jacobs University Bremen, where she also serves as
Vice President. In addition, she is Vice
President of the German Academy of
Sciences Leopoldina, a corresponding
member of the Heidelberg Academy of
Sciences and a fellow of the American
Psychological Association. In her
research work, Staudinger explores
such topics as the reserves and potential of life-long development, aging and
productivity, intergenerational relationships as well as the development of
insights, lifestyles and wisdom
throughout the span of life. During her
career, she has written a number of
reports for government commissions
focusing on aging and life-long development and represented Germany on
the European committee that revised
the U.N. International Action Plan on
Aging. The native of Nuremberg, Germany, studied psychology in Erlangen
and Massachusetts (United States).
She completed her doctoral and postdoctoral work at the Free University of

Psychology Professor Ursula M. Staudinger talks about the need for life-long learning, anachronistic
education and work structures as well as the importance of wisdom in our society.
Professor Staudinger, people live an average of 30 years longer
than they did 100 years ago. Are we becoming more intelligent
because we now have more time to learn?
That would be nice. Unfortunately, it is not the case. The traditional
three-stage model for life you learn as a young person, you work as
an adult and you take it easy as a retiree is still firmly anchored in

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

peoples heads. Regrettably, we have been unable to sensibly use the

extra time to a sufficient extent.
What would be the best way today to replace this sequential career
We must link these individual phases of life more tightly. Our current 3


3 education, training and work structures in Germany are anachronistic

and are totally unsuited for a society of people living longer. In the future, for instance, peoples working lives should increasingly include
phases that focus on professional development or their private lives.
Wouldnt this have a negative impact on productivity?
No. Such models are already working quite well in some countries, including Scandinavian countries and Switzerland. Here, people can
choose, to some extent, the percentage they want to work. We should

But when you look at how the game of business is played, these fears
are justified.
But this is only because there is no critical mass of companies and employers who are prepared to let their employees step back from the daily
routine and attend professional-development courses or gain new creativity and, thus, productivity by temporarily readjusting their priorities.
Confidence in the new model must grow in the world of work. But the
models outside Germany are working.
If the areas of work and learning are to be
more closely linked, shouldnt careers be
started at an earlier point?
The bachelors degree has been introduced
at German universities in an effort to shorten
the time that students spend in college. The
reduction of the time that students attend college-preparatory high schools in Germany to
eight years is another step in this direction. Compared with other countries around the world, Germanys nine-year program was a dinosaur
that had no place in todays world. Overall, these reductions make
sense because we have seen that the initial education people receive is
not enough to support them throughout their careers. Other qualifications must be added later.

It is recommended that teams consisting of young and

old colleagues be set up when products and processes are
being developed.
also not forget that our extra years will be generally healthy years. This
means that, in principle, we will be able to work longer. We are not
losing any time. But we must adapt our work structures to address this
This model has not yet taken hold in Germany.
There is a lot of skepticism here. Many people are afraid of interrupting
their careers because they think that they will lose influence and will be
unable to hold the same position.

This means that life-long learning is essential?

I think this term sounds too negative, almost like a life prison term. We

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

must realize that work and learning are two sides of the same coin.
Here, too, Sweden, Denmark and Finland are setting a good example.
Many people in Germany still think like this: I am either working or learning. But learning should continue right after the first degree has been
earned. Learning is a part of life.

much pressure to prove themselves and take a more relaxed approach

to things. When older people have problems with learning, age often
serves as a scapegoat. Frequently, though, the problem is that they are
out of practice. If there were enough challenges, it would look much

One aim is to encourage more rapid innovation. How can the creative and intellectual potential of employees be best encouraged?
It is recommended that teams consisting of young and old colleagues
be set up when products and processes are being developed. While the
young employees will contribute their newly gained knowledge from
universities or technical colleges, the older colleagues can draw from
the experience of knowing what does and does not work.

Are older people wiser?

It is a fallacy to believe that you automatically become wiser as you get
older. If we define wisdom as the greatest capacity to provide insights
into difficult, ambiguous questions of life, other components come into
play in addition to age. For instance, wise people can see things in a 3

Are older members of groups concerned about

working in such cross-generational teams?
When they work together with young people, no problems occur. Each person is a member of the group as
a result of his or her specialty, and each plays a clear,
important role as a result. But this may not be the
case when new knowledge is being acquired. In such
instances, some people prefer age-homogeneous
groups due to the different learning speed. It is important to determine the environment in which students
feel most at home. If the emotions are not in harmony,
the learning process will be negatively impacted.
It is said that older people are afraid of learning new
things. Is this clich true?
Research has indeed found that when we are old we are
less open and rather inflexible toward the new. But this
is not a law of nature. It can be changed. When you give
people the necessary skills to deal with the new, they
will also enjoy engaging with it. We demonstrated this
in a study that evaluated a model project of the German
Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and
Youth: The openness of volunteers who received training for their new work became much more positive and
not negative as it was among volunteers who did not receive this training. When you gain the necessary skills
to be successful in a new context, experiencing the
new becomes fun, and you want more of it. At times,
retirees became almost addicted to acquiring new
Do older people have learning strengths that young
people do not have?
This is closely linked to a persons individual background. Generally speaking, older people are much
more relaxed because they have already accomplished
much in their lives, things like starting careers, finding
a partner or establishing a family. They no longer feel

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September



We can only reach the preliminary

stages of wisdom. Perfect wisdom is nearly
impossible to obtain.

3 larger context of time. As a result, they are able to better analyze and
understand things. They are also capable of distancing themselves
from their own value systems and of applying the values of the affected individual in evaluating a situation.
But young people can also acquire such abilities.
Exactly. But you must have reached a certain stage of development. By
the time we are in our mid-20s, we have learned the basics with the
help of our families and our interactions with peers. Wisdom continues
to grow only if a series of other factors comes into play.
Does intelligence play a role?
The brain must be capable of storing, interpreting and interconnecting
experiences. Beyond this basic requirement, no additional intelligence
is required in order to become wiser. The opposite is true: Highly intelligent people are frequently more egocentric. They also lack social empathy and a system of values. Such things are elementary to wisdom.

Can wisdom, like knowledge, be learned?

We can only reach the preliminary stages of wisdom. Perfect wisdom is
nearly impossible to obtain. It is definitely helpful if you can talk with
trusted persons and expand your mental horizons before you discuss a
difficult problem. It is also helpful if you frequently try to put yourself in
the position of others and change your point of view.
Is wisdom important to developing innovations?
When you are talking about technical innovations, knowledge of a particular discipline and experience with market behavior are frequently
enough. But this has less to do with wisdom. When you are talking
about innovations in areas like leadership, wisdom plays a much more
critical role. Realistically, everyone should realize that business life
unfortunately involves pressures that stand in conflict with actions that
would be recommendable from wisdoms point of view. 7

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September


Five questions five solutions five prizes

If you dont ask, you wont find out: This motto is used by a childrens
program in Germany. And indeed, we wouldnt know anything if we hadnt ever begun to ask questions about ourselves and the world we live
in. And now we want you to tell us something: We are looking for inventions, famous people, and knowledge and innovation locations.
Those who find the right answers in this magazine might be lucky
enough to be among the winners of our puzzle competition. This is how
it works: There is just one answer to each question. Answer the questions in any order you like and write each solution word on the crossword puzzle you need to work out where.

Take the letters that are in the numbered squares and put them in the
right order and you will find the solution to the puzzle.
Send an email with the answer to:
or send us a postcard to:
Redaktion ThyssenKrupp Magazin
Postfach 20 01 63
60605 Frankfurt am Main
The deadline for entries is Nov. 15, 2012. All winners will be notified in
writing. The judges decision is final.
Have fun!



The history of invention is a history of
dispute: Who invented it? This is what
happened with the electric light bulb:
No sooner did Thomas Edison file a
patent application in the U.S. in 1879
than two other men also staked a
claim. The Brit Joseph Wilson Swan
had already invented such a light bulb
a year earlier and patented it in Great
Britain. And then, the watch-maker
Heinrich Gbel, a man of German
descent, also claimed to be the real
inventor of the light bulb. However,
these days only Edisons name
remains in our minds. Which other
tone-setting invention is credited to
his name?
He is supposed to have been very
attractive. Unfortunately, he lived at a
time when photography was still a
long way from being invented, so that
we are unable to judge for ourselves.
However, it is indisputable that this
famous Italian had outstanding intellectual abilities and was well ahead of
his time. To this day, engineers hark
back to his constructions and ideas.
Apropos art: This genius did, of
course, also work with a paint brush
and pencil. What was his forename?

Five winners of a 100 voucher

for will be drawn
from all contestants who sent in
the correct solution.

TK Magazine | 1 | 2012 | September

Solution from the page

forum_worth knowing
The person wanted for
Who was it: Thomas Edison

Sometimes the best stories come from
real life: Hedy Lamarr and George
Antheil invented a fail-safe radio
remote control for torpedos. However,
this technology was never used for
military purposes. Instead, it became
the basis of todays mobile phone system. Their education didnt indicate
engineering expertise Antheil was a
composer, and Hedy Lamarr also had
an artistic job. What was this job?
Deep in the Black Forest lies a
research center that is only really
known to mathematicians. Not only
have many mathematical breakthroughs been achieved here, or discussed here publicly for the first time,
but those who take part in events at
the center can also use one of the
worlds largest specialist libraries for
mathematics. Where exactly is this
oasis of calm for superbrains located?
Where splendid Baroque Ensembles
now bring joy to the hearts of locals
and tourists, there must once have
been a landscape characterized by
wetlands and marshlands. Or so the
name of this city, with its Sorbian
roots, suggests. And it goes without
saying that people in marshland areas
develop the specialist skills needed for
mastering life on unsolid ground.
However, the fact that, as a result of
this, the city became a hub for lightweight construction is the stuff of legends. Although it does of course make
perfect sense. What is the name of the



Environment is everything that surrounds

us and shapes our existence from
climate change, as one well-known
researcher relates in this magazine, to the
elements sun, wind and water in their
capacity as equally useful and unpredictable forces of nature, from demographic
change to the manifold stressors
influencing our social surroundings. A
steel mill where environmental protection
is high up on the agenda is just as much
an issue as the cultural interpreter who is
looking for the right tone in this globalized
world. The way we confront the environmental challenges of today reflects a
diversity of technical solutions like the
storage of greenhouse gases, energy
extraction from plants or the ways we protect ourselves against natural disasters.7

To have perspectives means to have a

future, to present perspectives means
finding goals for which the effort is
worthwhile, to provide new impulses, to
identify and develop future potential
with technical solutions for mankinds
most pressing challenges, precisely like
promoting an environment that is open
for new ideas, and in which each individual can reach his potential. From the
idea, to the innovation, to technology
assessment in this magazine tinkerers
as well as futurologists have a voice, it
deals with products that can revolutionize
our everyday life, as well as the shaping
of the living spaces of the future. The
astronaut, Thomas Reiter, reports how
a change in perspective can affect our
value system. 7

Architecture shapes our working environment and the world we live in. Almost
everything we do, we do in spaces that
have been created by man. Our eyes are
opened to this fact by a number of articles
in this magazine; by a tour with a strollogist, a trip to the city under the city and
a look at developments that will define
the cities of the future. The extent to
which architecture and urban planning
play together when bringing a city district
back to life can be seen in the detailed
articles about the ThyssenKrupp Quartier,
which was opened in Essen in 2010. The
exemplary long-term and technologically
innovative concepts that were implemented there provide an open working environment that invites dialogue. However, it
isnt just people who build: The entomologist Bert Hlldobler tells us what we can
learn from ants. 7

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in the service navigation area under Publications.

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Managing Directors: Volker Sach, Dr. Andr Hlsbmer
Project Management: Ludger Kersting
Editors: Anke Bryson (responsible), Alexander Schneider
Art Director: Wolfgang Hanauer
Authors: Ellen Bolduan, Anke Bryson, Jenni Glaser, Francoise Hauser, Christina
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