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Example Description V02

PS563-WATER Library Package

Application Example

Disclaimer........................................................................................................................... 2
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 3

Scope of the document ................................................................................................... 3


Overview of the Content ................................................................................................. 3


Compatibility ................................................................................................................... 3


Safety Instructions .......................................................................................................... 3

2. Configuration ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 HMI Software and CP635 Configuration............................................................................ 6
2.1.1 HMI Configuration, if used with PB600 software............................................................ 6
2.2 ACQ810 drive configuration .............................................................................................. 6

3. Quick start: Use Project directly in CP635 ( .............................. 8

4. Introduction to the Use of the Examples Pages .......................................................... 9
4.1 Off-line Configuration....................................................................................................... 10
4.2 On-line Configuration ....................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Recipe Configuration Management .............................................................................. 18
4.3.1 Copy recipe data from one to another HMI.................................................................. 18
4.4 Operation Page ................................................................................................................. 19
4.5 Monitoring Page ............................................................................................................... 19
4.6 Trends Pages .................................................................................................................... 21
4.7 Energy data Page ............................................................................................................. 21
4.8 Home Page ........................................................................................................................ 22
4.9 Alarm Handling Page........................................................................................................ 22
4.10 Overview of the Project Pages ...................................................................................... 23

5. Use HMI_ACQ_V19 via Panel Builder PB600 ....................................... 24


Create your own via Panel Builder ................................................ 24

6. Overview of the Principles used of the HMI and Panel Builder ...............................25
6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 25
6.2 Communication ................................................................................................................ 25
6.3 Protocols and Tags .......................................................................................................... 25
6.4 Schedulers ........................................................................................................................ 26
6.5 Java Scripts ...................................................................................................................... 26

7. REVISION HISTORY ..................................................................................................... 27

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015


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Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

1.1 Scope of the document
The Description is intended as introduction for configuring and using the CP600 family HMIs functionality to
directly interface to a complex drive, like the ACQ810 with its Intelligent Pump Control (IPC) functions.
This document gives a short introduction and how to start-up with the example project and the ACQ810.

1.2 Overview of the Content

The preparation of the ACQ drives is explained in chapter 2.2
The example project use is described for Panel Builder PB600 in chapter 5, and for downloading it directly as
an updatepackage to the CP635.
In the ready to run application program Ethernet communication (MODBUS TCP) is used to transfer and
receive data between CP600 and the ACQ810 drives. The principles used there will be explained in
chapter 6.

1.3 Compatibility
The example program explained in this document has been used with the below versions. It should also
work with other versions, nevertheless some small adaptations may be necessary, for future versions e.g. of
the ACQ firmware. As this is a not locked example project it can be always adapted using PB600.
o ACQ810 Drive (Firmware version UIFQ 2110H).
o CP635, PB600 V1.91.

1.4 Safety Instructions

The user must follow all applicable safety instructions and the guidelines mentioned in the user
documents of the ABB products used in the example program
o Read the complete safety instructions for the ACQ810drive before installation and commissioning
the drive. The complete safety instructions are given at the beginning of the ACQ810 users manual.
o Read all safety instructions of the Panel Builder PB600 documentation.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

2. Configuration
The example program for the Panel can also be started to be used without first preparing the ACQ drives, as
it also offers an off-line mode without any drive or communication. In this case please refer to chapter 3.
Quick start: Use Project directly in CP635 ( to start-up fast and directly download the
project into a CP635.
This chapter here describes how to configure the ACQ810 drive and HMI Panel for first joint use.
The instructions in this chapter are intended to be used after the mechanical and electrical installation has
been done, as e.g. explained in CP635 and ACQ810-quick installation guides. This document does not cover
the instructions related to mechanical and electrical installations for CP635 and the ACQ 810 drives
The following picture shows the typical setup to be used for the example project with 1 - 3 ACQ Drives
connected to pumps and instrumentation. Details of the further steps are explained in the following

On the ACQ810 drives a FENA-01 adapter needs to be mounted. Standard Ethernet communication cable
must connected to one CP635 port and the FENA-01 module on the ACQ810 drive.
The Modbus TCP wiring needs a simple standard Ethernet cable to communicate.
The ACQs should have D2D wiring.
The below picture show a more detailed overview of the main functions which do exist with the HMI the
Panel builder Software and the example project.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

The project can be either downloaded

o Directly into the HMI as an Updatepackage. Zip on an USB stick as explained in chapter 3.
o via Panel Build PB600 Software on a PC and Ethernet connection to the HMI
If a PC is connected also, then HMI-Client software on the PC can be used to show and operate the same
content as the HMI itself.
The Project running on the CP635 provides different screens as explained in Chapter 4 to configure operate
and monitor the pump station.
Normal Users (e.g. Operators) can only access the Operation and monitoring screens.
For accessing Configuration Screens another password (Administration) needs to be available.
Configurations can then be also permanently saved in the drives via the Store button.
Project settings can be simply copied to other CP635 via USB stick.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

2.1 HMI Software and CP635 Configuration

If the enclosed should be used directly to download the project to the CP635 HMI, no
configuration at all has to be prepared, except IP settings which is explained in chapter 3, -> directly continue

If the HMI example project file HMI_ACQ_V19 should be used and changed, the user must
have installed the Panel Builder (PB600) software from the latest available Automation Builder Suite (or as a
separate package).

2.1.1 HMI Configuration, if used with PB600 software


Touch the screen of the panel till the settings message pops up. This pop up has
option as shown in the picture on the right side.
Press the settings option.
This will open a new window. Go to the NETWORK settings and set IP address
and subnet mask as follows
o IP address e.g.
o Suited Subnet mask (which covers also the drives IP
o Press ok and close the window.

For further Use of the PB600 software to download a project see chapter xyz.

Follow the below steps to download HMI program from PB600 Software
o Connect HMI via Ethernet to your PC
(make sure you have an given your Ethernet card an IP in the HMIs subnet-mask range)
o Open the *.jpr project from the example folder in the Panel Builder Software
(or double click on it in the Explorer to start the Panel Builder)
o Open download to target from the menu.
o Select IP address as e.g. shown in to the address field (active icon)

If the CP635 HMI is connected and powered you can just select it.
o Downloading will start after pressing download button.
o (in case of firmware differences it will also update the CP635 HMI)
The Modbus TCP network is already set /created for the Drives and HMI in the example project:
You are ready to start!

2.2 ACQ810 drive configuration

The ACQ810 parameterization can be done either using the keypad mounted on the drive or the drives
studio tool. The drives studio tool can be downloaded from
In the following list the parameter are given to be set. This parameterization is required to establish the
MODBUS TCP communication between the CP635 and ACQ810.
(If actual motors are available then, motor related parameters must be configured as per actual

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

User can set drive parameters for the Modbus communication using drive studio (the configuration file
enclosed with the example can be used) or the keypad. ACQ810 drive parameter and values should be as
To configure the ACQ810 as a slave to the HMI in the Modbus TCP network:
o (FENA-01 fieldbus adaptors are assumed to be mounted on each of the drives)
o Set parameter 50.01 as ENABLE for communication via the fieldbus
o Set following parameters in group 51 for IP address and subnet mask:
o 51.01 = 1, Ethernet
o 51.02 = 0, selects the ABB profile
o 51.03 = 0, selects the communication baud rate automatically
o 51.04 = 0, selects the static IP address value
o 51.05 = 192, first part of IP address This has to be same for all the drives
o 51.06 = 168, second part of IP address. This has to be same for all the drives
o 51.07 = 0, third part of IP address. This has to be same for all the drives
o 51.08 = 03, last part of IP address. This is unique for each drive. See note below
o 51.09 = 24, subnet ID of the network. This has to be same for all the drives and the HMI
o 51.27 = REFRESH, to update all the communication settings
Or Download a configuration file (e.g. Drive Studio ACQ_Pump1.dsp) to the from the example package.


. The ACQ drives need to have

o the right IP addresses and subnet masks to be set ...currently for this example of
the HMI, they have to be "fixed" to (.4 and .5) for up to three pumps
o Corresponding subnet mask in all devices, covering these IP addresses and the
connected Panel with its more freely selectable IP address.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

3. Quick start: Use Project directly in CP635

This is the easiest way to start-up:

Copy the "" file to an USB stick

Unzip this file and rename folder as QtHMI
plug the stick into HMI :
power the HMI with 24V-, wait until it has fully started
Start the update:
o If the HMI is reset to factory defaults (or new):
select "Transfer from Disk" and maneuver to the and start it.

Put finger on the screen of this HMI for >2-3 seconds till the settings
message pops up.
- Select the Update option.
(select Auto select if asked for)
The HMI panel will extract the complete project
from the USB device into its flash memory.


(!! It takes some ~ 4 Minutes time .... be patient, watch the progress bar at the bottom)
Once the extraction is complete the Panel reboots itself automatically. The project is now running on
the panel.

It will start up with a password screen

Two passwords types have been created and are preset as follows
1. Administration
Login :
Password :
2. User
Login :
Password :
. (!! It takes some ~ 25 seconds for the first start-up.... be patient)

These are common passwords.

The User can change these login and password in HMI configuration page

The HMI / panel then also needs an IP address if it should be connected to ACQs or an PC via
- press screen somewhere for 3 seconds,
o select "system settings",
o select "Network" and enter with
o "specify an IP address,...e.g. with a suited
o Subnet Mask for both:
HMI and drives addresses e.g.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

4. Introduction to the Use of the Examples Pages

This example makes use of a set of possibilities with the CP600 series of HMI, to realize a very convenient
and comparably easily adaptable HMI for a set of complex drives.
To enable different use cases of the HMI the following main functions are realized and explained in the
following sub-chapters:
o Off-line configuration ( a user can already start configuring his ACQ drives in the office just with the
o On-line Configuration (direct configuration of ACQ drives connected)
o Setup / Recipe Management (managing settings and transfer between on-line and offline)
o Operation
o Monitoring
o Trending
o Calculations (Energy and efficiency calculations )
o Alarm Handling
Different User levels are supported as explained in chapter 3:
o Administration (System Integrator and
o Service personal) and Users (operators).
The Below Picture Shows how the different screen can help in the workflow
o from starting a new project with offline configuration just with a CP600 HMI on the office desk
o over commissioning (online configuration)
o For operation and monitoring phase.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description

AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

4.1 Off-line Configuration

Off-line configuration enables user to configure ACQ 810 drive parameters offline, means without physically
connecting ACQ810 drives with the HMI. This unique feature is important for configuring pump station in lab.
HMI CP 635 needs to be powered on with 24 VDC and with this minimum set up pump station can be easily
configured. This data will be then uploaded as offline recipes into the HMI.
Once HMI is connected with physical ACQ 810 drives on site, offline recipes can be downloaded in to the
ACQ 810 drives.


Each HMI screen has information button

. If pressed, it pops up information
window, which explains the screen functionality in brief.
It also contains steps to be followed for screen configuration and operation.

Buttons are used to navigate between different screens.


Off-line screens can be identified by checking back ground shade of the screen e.g.
background shade.

shade is used as

Offline configuration can be carried out using following steps

When HMI is powered ON, it will ask for login and password. User should login in as a user or admin. Once
done, Home screen will start as a default page. Offline configuration button needs to be pressed to start
offline configuration, but for this a user needs to login as an admin.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

This opens offline configuration page, now user can choose functionality for which he wants to do

e.g. Auto Change button takes user to the offline auto change page

Once parameterization is done, this data needs to be stored in recipe. Recipe button needs to be pressed for
next step.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

In recipe menu offline functionality e.g. offline Auto change, needs to be selected. Now upload button needs
to be pressed to store this offline data into the HMI.
Recipe data will be retained in HMI even if HMI has been powered off. User can configure all pump
functionalities and store offline data as recipe into the HMI in the same fashion.
Offline recipe data can be downloaded from HMI to drives when HMI is physically connected to the drives.
Steps for this procedure are as follows.
Go to the recipe screen and select offline functionality e.g. Offline Auto change in recipe menu. Press
download button to download offline data from HMI recipe to the offline data.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

Open offline screen of the functionality e.g. offline Auto change for which data has been downloaded from
HMI recipe. User needs to select pump number, where offline data should be stored. This can be done by
pressing Pump 1, 2 or 3 buttons. Selected pump will be shown in the selected pump status.
By pressing Save to pump button data will be transferred from offline data to Pump.

User can cross check this transfer data validity by going to the functionality configuration e.g. Auto change
configuration page.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

4.2 On-line Configuration

On-line configuration enables user to configure all ACQ 810drive parameters online, means physically
connecting ACQ810 drives with the HMI. This feature enables configuration of pump station at site.
Communication needs to be established between HMI CP 635 and ACQ 810 to configure pump station. This
data can be then uploaded as online recipes into the HMI.


Each HMI screen has information button

. If pressed, it pops up information
window, which explains the screen functionality in brief.
It also contains steps to be followed for screen configuration and operation.

Buttons are used to navigate between different screens.


On-line screens can be identified by checking back ground shade of the screen e.g.
background shade for online configuration screens.

shade is used as

Online configuration can be carried out using following steps

When HMI is powered ON, Home screen will start as a default page. Online configuration button needs to be
pressed to start online configuration

This opens online configuration page, User can click on the pump picture to enter into the particular pump
i.e. pump 1, 2, or 3 configuration pages.

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Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

Screen name will also show the selected pump. Two configuration pages are available.

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Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

Now user can choose functionality for which he wants to do parameterization. e.g. User pressed Auto
Change button, this will leads to auto change page

Once parameterization is done, this data needs to be stored in recipe. Recipe button needs to be pressed for
next step.
In recipe menu functionality e.g. Auto change, needs to be selected. Now upload button needs to be pressed
to store this online data into the HMI.

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

Recipe data will be retained in HMI even if HMI has been powered off. User can configure all pump
functionalities and store online data as recipe into the HMI.
If any changes have been made online and user wants to store them into the offline data and then to the
offline recipe, then Pump to Offline button should be pressed. This will transfer Auto change online data to
the offline auto change data. Now user can go the offline auto change page and transfer the data to Offline
auto change recipe as explained in earlier chapter 4.1

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

4.3 Recipe Configuration Management

Recipes are used to store data permanently in the HMI. This data can be recalled at any time from the recipe
to the HMI tags. Main advantage of the recipe is that user can configure a function with different
configuration values and store them as different recipe. Later any one of this recipe can downloaded as per
requirement. This helps to reduce the repetitive configuration time.

4.3.1 Copy recipe data from one to another HMI

C. Once the project is present in the panel 1 and the ACQ configuration is complete, dump all the
recipe values as explained in the following steps:
1. Perform all the configuration
2. Upload all the configuration data
in the recipes.
3. Connect the USB device to the
panel 1.
4. Go to the recipe screen.
5. Click on the Dump Recipe button
on the screen. All the recipes in
the project gets stored in the USB
device in the .csv format
6. Disconnect the USB from panel 1

Now this USB has the recipe data (csv format)

(and may also have as a project backup)
E. Once the project is present in the panel 2 (see step b), restore all the recipe values as explained in
the following steps:
1. Go to the recipe screen.
2. Click on the Restore Recipe button on the screen. All the dumped recipe values from panel
1 are now restored in the panel 2 using the USB device.
3. Remove the USB from the panel 2

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Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

4.4 Operation Page

User can press operation button available on the bottom of each screen. It will leads to the operation page.
Operation page enables user to check drives actual status e.g. Fault, Speed of the drive.

4.5 Monitoring Page

Each Pump Picture in the operation screen, if pressed, will lead to the corresponding monitoring pages.
Monitoring page enables user to have an insight of the drive functions. It show graphical representation of
the drive functionalities and user can monitor actual values of the function parameters e.g. PID set value and
PID actual value.

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Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

Press Next Page to go from this first to the second page Pump Monitoring 2

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AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

4.6 Trends Pages

Different Trends are available for flow and kw. It has flow verses kw trends e.g. instant, hourly and for 7
days. Individual trends are also available for Flow, kw, runtime. Each trend uses different color and its
instantaneous value is shown at right hand bottom corner.
User can select different trends using buttons.

4.7 Energy data Page

This page gives information of energy, flow and efficiency of all the 3 pumps.

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Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

4.8 Home Page

HMI will turn on Home page when powered on. This page has Parameter save and Level control Guide
options. Once ACQ 810 drives are parameterized, these parameters need to be saved permanently in the
drive. This is achieved by using parameter save button.
Level control guide is prepared to guide a user to configure the ACQ 810 drive. It pops up question at every
stage and depending on choice made by user, it opens function pages which needs to be configured

4.9 Alarm Handling Page

Alarms can be configured for the process using configuration.

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Introduction and Examples Description


AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

4.10 Overview of the Project Pages

Page Name


Offline configuration Functionality

This functionality enables user to parameterize ACQ810 drives in offline mode i.e. when
ACQ 810 drive is not connected to the HMI
Offline Configuration
Functionality can be selected for offline configuration
It enables PID parameterization
Auto Change
It enables Auto Change parameterization
Pump Sleep
It enables Pump Sleep parameterization
Level Control
It enables Level Control parameterization
MF Comm
It enables MF Communication parameterization
Flow Calc
It enables Flow Calc parameterization
Pump Cleaning
It enables Pump Cleaning parameterization
Pump Protection
It enables Pump Protection parameterization
Pump Logic
It enables Pump Logic parameterization
Online configuration Functionality
This functionality enables user to parameterize ACQ810 drives in online mode i.e. when
ACQ 810 drive is connected to the HMI
Pump 1, 2 or 3 selected by pressing pump picture to
parameterize the pump
Pump Configuration 1
User can select pump functionality for parameterization
Pump Configuration 1
User can select pump functionality for parameterization
It enables PID parameterization
Auto Change
It enables Auto Change parameterization
Pump Sleep
It enables Pump Sleep parameterization
Level Control
It enables Level Control parameterization
MF Comm
It enables MF Communication parameterization
Flow Calc
It enables Flow Calc parameterization
Pump Cleaning
It enables Pump Cleaning parameterization
Pump Protection
It enables Pump Protection parameterization
Pump Logic
It enables Pump Logic parameterization
Operation and Monitoring Functionality
This functionality enables user to check the status of all the ACQ 810 drive is connected
to the HMI
Status of Pump 1, 2, and 3 can be observed by using
this page.
Pump Monitoring 1
Monitoring of ACQ 810 drive internal functionalities
Pump Monitoring 2
Monitoring of ACQ 810 drive internal functionalities
Monitoring of the flow and kw different trends
Monitoring of Energy, Flow and efficiency of all the
Energy Data

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AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

5. Use HMI_ACQ_V19 via Panel Builder


Follow the below steps to download HMI program from PB600 Software
o Connect HMI via Ethernet to your PC
(make sure you have an given your Ethernet card an IP in the HMIs subnet-mask range)
o Open the *.jpr project from the example folder in the Panel Builder Software
(or double click on it in the Explorer to start the Panel Builder)
o Open download to target from the menu.
o select IP address as e.g. shown in to the address field (active icon)


If the CP635 HMI is connected and powered you can just select it.
Downloading can be started by pressing download button.
(in case of firmware differences it will also update the CP635 HMI)

The Modbus TCP network is already set /created for the Drives and HMI in the example project:
You are ready to start!

Make sure you have an given your Ethernet card an IP in the HMIs subnet-mask range

5.1 Create your own via Panel Builder

Creating an for downloading the actual project to one or several Panels needs following
A.) First create the from the panel builder into the USB device. This will store the
project into USB in the format which CP600 panel can extract into its flash memory. For this perform the
following step

Open panel builder software in which

the HMI project has been created.

Click on the download to target option

Select manage targets

Select Update Package


Copy to the desired USB memory

B.) Download this project from the USB device to one or several panels.
For this follow the steps as described in chapter 3.
If you want to transfer configuration data stored in the recipes of one panel to another one or make a backup
with dumping all the recipes: You can do this via an USB stick. Details are described in chapter 4.3.1
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AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

6. Overview of the Principles used of the HMI and Panel

6.1 Introduction
This project is just an example and some functionality can be added or removed by the user. This project is
made for screen size of CP 635 and for three ACQ 810 drives, which uses Modbus TCP/IP as
communication protocol. More drives would be also possible but the reaction time may go down due to
higher communication needs.
As this a an example there are some constraint for using this project e.g. fixed IP address for ACQ 810
drives for details please refer chapter 6.2.
This chapter also explains use of scheduler and java scripts for this project.

6.2 Communication
Modbus TCP I/P Communication is used between CP 600 and ACQ 810 drives. The IP address of the drives
are in this example as follows:
ACQ 810 drive 1 => (fixed by the way used in the example program)
ACQ 810 drive 2 => (fixed by the way used in the example program)
ACQ 810 drive 3 => (fixed by the way used in the example program)
The HMI address can be more freely adapted.
CP 600 => (can be adapted)
ACQ 810 drives IP address should be only in this order only, as these address are used internally for scripts.
These scripts are generally used for data transfer between HMI internal variables and drive parameters.
In HMI all drives IP address need to be defined in the protocols i.e. MODBUS TCP as a PLC network.

6.3 Protocols and Tags

Two protocols have been defined i.e. Modbus TCP port 1 and Variables port 2. All the tags have been
segregated using these two protocols.
Tags defined under Modbus TCP port 1 are HMI variables which reads drive parameters. Tags defined
under Variables port 2 are HMI variables which are used as internal variables. All the offline parameters are
internal variables, which are used to for offline recipe.

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AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

6.4 Schedulers
Some data needs to be retained by HMI e.g. Number of Pumps. This data needs to be downloaded into the
HMI on every power on off. This is achieved by using recipe and scheduler. This helps for initialization of
data for the pump station.
Another scheduler is used to calculate energy and flow data of the ACQ 810 drives.

6.5 Java Scripts

Java scripts have been used for mass data transfer and for some other actions. Mass data transfer is
required to transfer data between online data and offline data variables.

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AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

Rev. ind.

Page (P)
Chapt. (C)




First version



Second version

Simple Pumping - Water Library

Introduction and Examples Description



AC500 / Issue: 06.2015

ABB Automation Products GmbH
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68526 Ladenburg, Germany
Phone: +49 62 21 701 1444
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We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed
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